15 research outputs found

    Le maintien de la stabilitĂ© gĂ©nomique du plastide : un petit gĂ©nome d’une grande importance

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    Chez les plantes, le gĂ©nome plastidique est continuellement exposĂ© Ă  divers stress mutagĂšnes, tels l’oxydation des bases et le blocage des fourches de rĂ©plication. Étonnamment, malgrĂ© ces menaces, le gĂ©nome du plastide est reconnu pour ĂȘtre trĂšs stable, sa stabilitĂ© dĂ©passant mĂȘme celle du gĂ©nome nuclĂ©aire. NĂ©anmoins, les mĂ©canismes de rĂ©paration de l’ADN et du maintien de la stabilitĂ© du gĂ©nome plastidique sont encore peu connus. Afin de mieux comprendre ces processus, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une approche, basĂ©e sur l’emploi de la ciprofloxacine, qui nous permet d’induire des bris d’ADN double-brins (DSBs) spĂ©cifiquement dans le gĂ©nome des organelles. En criblant, Ă  l’aide de ce composĂ©, une collection de mutants d’Arabidopsis thaliana dĂ©ficients pour des protĂ©ines du nuclĂ©oĂŻde du plastide, nous avons identifiĂ© 16 gĂšnes vraisemblablement impliquĂ©s dans le maintien de la stabilitĂ© gĂ©nomique de cette organelle. Parmi ces gĂšnes, ceux de la famille Whirly jouent un rĂŽle primordial dans la protection du gĂ©nome plastidique face aux rĂ©arrangements dĂ©pendants de sĂ©quences de microhomologie. Deux autres familles de gĂšnes codant pour des protĂ©ines plastidiques, soit celle des polymĂ©rases de types-I et celle des recombinases, semblent davantage impliquĂ©es dans les mĂ©canismes conservateurs de rĂ©paration des DSBs. Les relations Ă©pistatiques entre ces gĂšnes et ceux des Whirly ont permis de dĂ©finir les bases molĂ©culaires des mĂ©canismes de la rĂ©paration dĂ©pendante de microhomologies (MHMR) dans le plastide. Nous proposons Ă©galement que ce type de mĂ©canismes servirait en quelque sorte de roue de secours pour les mĂ©canismes conservateurs de rĂ©paration. Finalement, un criblage non-biaisĂ©, utilisant une collection de plus de 50,000 lignĂ©es mutantes d’Arabidopsis, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©. Ce criblage a permis d’établir un lien entre la stabilitĂ© gĂ©nomique et le mĂ©tabolisme des espĂšces rĂ©actives oxygĂ©nĂ©es (ROS). En effet, la plupart des gĂšnes identifiĂ©s lors de ce criblage sont impliquĂ©s dans la photosynthĂšse et la dĂ©toxification des ROS. Globalement, notre Ă©tude a permis d’élargir notre comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes du maintien de la stabilitĂ© gĂ©nomique dans le plastide et de mieux comprendre l’importance de ces processus.The plant plastidial genome is constantly threatened by many mutagenic stresses, such as base oxidation and replication fork stalling. Despite these threats, the plastid genome has long been known to be more stable than the nuclear genome, suggesting that alterations of its structure would have dramatic consequences on plant fitness. At the moment, little is known about the genes and the pathways allowing such conservation of the organelle genome sequences. To gain insight into these mechanisms, we developed an assay which uses ciprofloxacin, a gyrase inhibitor, to generate DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) exclusively in plant organelles. By screening mutants deficient for proteins composing the plastid nucleoid on ciprofloxacin, we were able to identify 16 candidate genes, most likely involved in the repair of DSBs in plastid. Among these genes, those of the Whirly family of single-stranded DNA binding proteins are shown to be key factors in protecting the genome from error-prone microhomology mediated repair (MHMR). Two other family of proteins, the plastid type-I polymerases and the plastid recombinases, seem to be involved in the conservative repair pathways. The evaluation of the epistatic relationship between those two genes and the Whirly genes led us to define the molecular basis of MHMR and to propose that they might act as a backup system for conservative repair pathways. Finally, a non-biased screen, using 50,000 different insertion lines, allowed the identification of numerous genes that were already associated with ROS homeostasis, suggesting a link between DNA repair and ROS imbalance. Globally, our study shed light on the mechanisms that allow the maintenance of plastid genome, while explaining the importance of such conservation of the plastid genome

    A conserved lysine residue of plant Whirly proteins is necessary for higher order protein assembly and protection against DNA damage

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    All organisms have evolved specialized DNA repair mechanisms in order to protect their genome against detrimental lesions such as DNA double-strand breaks. In plant organelles, these damages are repaired either through recombination or through a microhomology-mediated break-induced replication pathway. Whirly proteins are modulators of this second pathway in both chloroplasts and mitochondria. In this precise pathway, tetrameric Whirly proteins are believed to bind single-stranded DNA and prevent spurious annealing of resected DNA molecules with other regions in the genome. In this study, we add a new layer of complexity to this model by showing through atomic force microscopy that tetramers of the potato Whirly protein WHY2 further assemble into hexamers of tetramers, or 24-mers, upon binding long DNA molecules. This process depends on tetramer–tetramer interactions mediated by K67, a highly conserved residue among plant Whirly proteins. Mutation of this residue abolishes the formation of 24-mers without affecting the protein structure or the binding to short DNA molecules. Importantly, we show that an Arabidopsis Whirly protein mutated for this lysine is unable to rescue the sensitivity of a Whirly-less mutant plant to a DNA double-strand break inducing agent

    Zone : monomanie et monolithe

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    Time- and cost-efficient identification of T-DNA insertion sites through targeted genomic sequencing.

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    Forward genetic screens enable the unbiased identification of genes involved in biological processes. In Arabidopsis, several mutant collections are publicly available, which greatly facilitates such practice. Most of these collections were generated by agrotransformation of a T-DNA at random sites in the plant genome. However, precise mapping of T-DNA insertion sites in mutants isolated from such screens is a laborious and time-consuming task. Here we report a simple, low-cost and time efficient approach to precisely map T-DNA insertions simultaneously in many different mutants. By combining sequence capture, next-generation sequencing and 2D-PCR pooling, we developed a new method that allowed the rapid localization of T-DNA insertion sites in 55 out of 64 mutant plants isolated in a screen for gyrase inhibition hypersensitivity

    Schematic Illustration of the Insertion Sites in the Three Novobiocin-Sensitive Mutant Lines.

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    <p>The small black arrows represent the orientation of the CaMV 35S enhancers within the T-DNA (rectangle). For Insertion 3, a different part of the plasmid still containing the enhancer region has been inserted.</p

    Overview of Targeted Genomic Sequencing.

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    <p>Blue rectangles represent genomic DNA, and red rectangles correspond to T-DNA insertions. The grey squares represent the 454 specific primers added in order to bind the sequencing beads (purple circles). The green circles correspond to biotin bound to a red T-DNA specific primer and hybridized to T-DNA. Hybridized sequences are then enriched by capture on streptavidin beads (orange circles).</p

    Forward Genetic Screen to Identify Genes Involved in the Maintenance of Organelle Genome Topology.

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    <p>Schematic representation of the different steps of the forward genetic screen. Plants with white first true leaves represent the mutants sensitive to ciprofloxacin (CIP) or novobiocin (NOVO).</p

    Coverage of the pSKI015 Vector Obtained by Sequencing.

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    <p>Features of the pSKI015 are summarized below the coverage graph. The blue rectangles represent the T-DNA cassette with the right (RB) and left (LB) borders in green. The position of the 35 S enhancers are indicated by blue open end arrows. The red lines represent the annealing regions of the three biotinylated primers for each border. The position where the repeated reads align is indicated by the double red arrowhead line on the coverage graph.</p

    Association of an Insertion Event to a Specific Line by 2D-PCR Pooling.

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    <p>A. Workflow of the 2D-PCR pooling B. An example of the pooling design for 16 plants. Each plant genomic DNA is pooled in a unique set combination. The plants encompass by the colored rectangle associate to the pool of the same color. C. Data analysis to identify the positive line. All bands on a given gel correspond to the same amplification product in different pools.</p