588 research outputs found

    Spin ice thin films: Large-N theory and Monte Carlo simulations

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    We explore the physics of highly frustrated magnets in confined geometries, focusing on the Coulomb phase of pyrochlore spin ices. As a specific example, we investigate thin films of nearest-neighbor spin ice, using a combination of analytic large-N techniques and Monte Carlo simulations. In the simplest film geometry, with surfaces perpendicular to the [001] crystallographic direction, we observe pinch points in the spin-spin correlations characteristic of a two-dimensional Coulomb phase. We then consider the consequences of crystal symmetry breaking on the surfaces of the film through the inclusion of orphan bonds. We find that when these bonds are ferromagnetic, the Coulomb phase is destroyed by the presence of fluctuating surface magnetic charges, leading to a classical Z_2 spin liquid. Building on this understanding, we discuss other film geometries with surfaces perpendicular to the [110] or the [111] direction. We generically predict the appearance of surface magnetic charges and discuss their implications for the physics of such films, including the possibility of an unusual Z_3 classical spin liquid. Finally, we comment on open questions and promising avenues for future research.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. Minor improvements, typos correcte

    Nonequilibrium static growing length scales in supercooled liquids on approaching the glass transition

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    The small wavenumber kk behavior of the structure factor S(k)S(k) of overcompressed amorphous hard-sphere configurations was previously studied for a wide range of densities up to the maximally random jammed state, which can be viewed as a prototypical glassy state [A. Hopkins, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Phys. Rev. E, 86, 021505 (2012)]. It was found that a precursor to the glassy jammed state was evident long before the jamming density was reached as measured by a growing nonequilibrium length scale extracted from the volume integral of the direct correlation function c(r)c(r), which becomes long-ranged as the critical jammed state is reached. The present study extends that work by investigating via computer simulations two different atomic models: the single-component Z2 Dzugutov potential in three dimensions and the binary-mixture Kob-Andersen potential in two dimensions. Consistent with the aforementioned hard-sphere study, we demonstrate that for both models a signature of the glass transition is apparent well before the transition temperature is reached as measured by the length scale determined from from the volume integral of the direct correlation function in the single-component case and a generalized direct correlation function in the binary-mixture case. The latter quantity is obtained from a generalized Orstein-Zernike integral equation for a certain decoration of the atomic point configuration. We also show that these growing length scales, which are a consequence of the long-range nature of the direct correlation functions, are intrinsically nonequilibrium in nature as determined by an index XX that is a measure of deviation from thermal equilibrium. It is also demonstrated that this nonequilibrium index, which increases upon supercooling, is correlated with a characteristic relaxation time scale.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figure

    Light-induced chaotic rotations in nematic liquid crystals

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    Various nonlinear rotation regimes are observed in an optically excited nematic liquid-crystal film under boundary conditions for the light and material that are invariant by rotation. The excitation light is circularly polarized, the intensity profile is circularly symmetric, and the beam diameter at the sample location is a few times smaller than the cell thickness. A transition to chaos via quasiperiodicity is identified when the light intensity is taken as the control parameter. Transverse nonlocal effects are suggested to be the cause of the observed dynamics, and a simple model consisting of a collection of coupled rotators is developed to provide a qualitative explanation

    Discovery of the brightest T dwarf in the northern hemisphere

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    We report the discovery of a bright (H=12.77) brown dwarf designated SIMP J013656.5+093347. The discovery was made as part of a near-infrared proper motion survey, SIMP (Sondage Infrarouge de Mouvement Propre), which uses proper motion and near-infrared/optical photometry to identify brown dwarf candidates. A low resolution (lambda/dlambda~40) spectrum of this brown dwarf covering the 0.88-2.35 microns wavelength interval is presented. Analysis of the spectrum indicates a spectral type of T2.5+/-0.5. A photometric distance of 6.4+/-0.3 pc is estimated assuming it is a single object. Current observations rule out a binary of mass ratio ~1 and separation >5 AU. SIMP 0136 is the brightest T dwarf in the northern hemisphere and is surpassed only by Eps Indi Bab over the whole sky. It is thus an excellent candidate for detailed studies and should become a benchmark object for the early-T spectral class.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, To be published in November 1, 2006 issue of ApJL. Following IAU recommendation, the survey acronym (IBIS) was changed to SIM

    Shape dependence of two-cylinder Renyi entropies for free bosons on a lattice

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    Universal scaling terms occurring in Renyi entanglement entropies have the potential to bring new understanding to quantum critical points in free and interacting systems. Quantitative comparisons between analytical continuum theories and numerical calculations on lattice models play a crucial role in advancing such studies. In this paper, we exactly calculate the universal two-cylinder shape dependence of entanglement entropies for free bosons on finite-size square lattices, and compare to approximate functions derived in the continuum using several different ansatzes. Although none of these ansatzes are exact in the thermodynamic limit, we find that numerical fits are in good agreement with continuum functions derived using the AdS/CFT correspondence, an extensive mutual information model, and a quantum Lifshitz model. We use fits of our lattice data to these functions to calculate universal scalars defined in the thin-cylinder limit, and compare to values previously obtained for the free boson field theory in the continuum.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Kerr coefficients of plasma resonances in Josephson junction chains

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    We present an experimental and theoretical analysis of the self- and cross-Kerr effect of extended plasma resonances in Josephson junction chains. We calculate the Kerr coefficients by deriving and diagonalizing the Hamiltonian of a linear circuit model for the chain and then adding the Josephson non-linearity as a perturbation. The calculated Kerr-coefficients are compared with the measurement data of a chain of 200 junctions. The Kerr effect manifests itself as a frequency shift that depends linearly on the number of photons in a resonant mode. By changing the input power on a low signal level, we are able to measure this shift. The photon number is calibrated using the self-Kerr shift calculated from the sample parameters. We then compare the measured cross-Kerr shift with the theoretical prediction, using the calibrated photon number.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Recoil velocity at 2PN order for spinning black hole binaries

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    We compute the flux of linear momentum carried by gravitational waves emitted from spinning binary black holes at 2PN order for generic orbits. In particular we provide explicit expressions of three new types of terms, namely next-to-leading order spin-orbit terms at 1.5 PN order, spin-orbit tail terms at 2PN order, and spin-spin terms at 2PN order. Restricting ourselves to quasi-circular orbits, we integrate the linear momentum flux over time to obtain the recoil velocity as function of orbital frequency. We find that in the so-called superkick configuration the higher-order spin corrections can increase the recoil velocity up to about a factor 3 with respect to the leading-order PN prediction. Furthermore, we provide expressions valid for generic orbits, and accurate at 2PN order, for the energy and angular momentum carried by gravitational waves emitted from spinning binary black holes. Specializing to quasi-circular orbits we compute the spin-spin terms at 2PN order in the expression for the evolution of the orbital frequency and found agreement with Mik\'oczi, Vas\'uth and Gergely. We also verified that in the limit of extreme mass ratio our expressions for the energy and angular momentum fluxes match the ones of Tagoshi, Shibata, Tanaka and Sasaki obtained in the context of black hole perturbation theory.Comment: 28 pages (PRD format), 1 figure, reference added, version published in PRD, except that the PRD version contains a sign error: the sign of the RHS of Eqs.(4.26) and (4.27) is wrong; it has been corrected in this replacemen

    Optically induced dynamics in nematic liquid crystals : the role of finite beam size

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    We report on the influence of a finite beam size on the molecular reorientation dynamics when a nematic liquid crystal film is excited by a laser beam. We present experimental evidence of a new class of nonlinear dynamics when the excitation is a Gaussian shaped, circularly polarized laser beam at normal incidence. Various nonlinear regimes, periodic, quasiperiodic, intermittent, and possibly chaotic, are observed. A physical interpretation based on walk-off effects is proposed and its implications on current research in the field are discusse