39,549 research outputs found

    Invariant hypersurfaces for derivations in positive characteristic

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    Let AA be an integral kk-algebra of finite type over an algebraically closed field kk of characteristic p>0p>0. Given a collection D{\cal{D}} of kk-derivations on AA, that we interpret as algebraic vector fields on X=Spec(A)X=Spec(A), we study the group spanned by the hypersurfaces V(f)V(f) of XX invariant for D{\cal{D}} modulo the rational first integrals of D{\cal{D}}. We prove that this group is always a finite Z/p\mathbb{Z}/p-vector space, and we give an estimate for its dimension. This is to be related to the results of Jouanolou and others on the number of hypersurfaces invariant for a foliation of codimension 1. As an application, given a kk-algebra BB between ApA^p and AA, we show that the kernel of the pull-back morphism Pic(B)Pic(A)Pic(B)\rightarrow Pic(A) is a finite Z/p\mathbb{Z}/p-vector space. In particular, if AA is a UFD, then the Picard group of BB is finite.Comment: 16 page

    A Pontryagin Maximum Principle in Wasserstein Spaces for Constrained Optimal Control Problems

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    In this paper, we prove a Pontryagin Maximum Principle for constrained optimal control problems in the Wasserstein space of probability measures. The dynamics, is described by a transport equation with non-local velocities and is subject to end-point and running state constraints. Building on our previous work, we combine the classical method of needle-variations from geometric control theory and the metric differential structure of the Wasserstein spaces to obtain a maximum principle stated in the so-called Gamkrelidze form.Comment: 35 page

    Cohomology of regular differential forms for affine curves

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    Let CC be a complex affine reduced curve, and denote by H1(C)H^1(C) its first truncated cohomology group, i.e. the quotient of all regular differential 1-forms by exact 1-forms. First we introduce a nonnegative invariant μ(C,x)\mu'(C,x) that measures the complexity of the singularity of CC at the point xx. Then, if H1(C)H_1(C) denotes the first singular homology group of CC with complex coefficients, we establish the following formula: dimH1(C)=dimH1(C)+xCμ(C,x) dim H^1(C)=dim H_1(C) + \sum_{x\in C} \mu'(C,x) Second we consider a family of curves given by the fibres of a dominant morphism f:XCf:X\to \mathbb{C}, where XX is an irreducible complex affine surface. We analyze the behaviour of the function ydimH1(f1(y))y\mapsto dim H^1(f^{-1}(y)). More precisely, we show that it is constant on a Zariski open set, and that it is lower semi-continuous in general.Comment: 16 page