296 research outputs found

    Scorpions of Gaziantep Province, Turkey (Arachnida: Scorpiones)

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    This study includes the results of the field studies in Gaziantep Province, which is located in the south-southeastern Anatolia, Turkey. In 1998–2005, 112 scorpion specimens were collected in this area. They belong to five species of the family Buthidae (Androctonus crassicauda, Compsobuthus matthiesseni, Leiurus quinquestriatus, Mesobuthus eupeus nordmanni), and one species of Scorpionidae (Scorpio maurus fuscus). Information about these species is provided; ecological notes are included

    An investigation of ensemble learning methods in classification problems and an application on non-small-cell lung cancer data

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    This study aims to classify NSCLC death status and consists of patient records of 24 variables created by the open-source dataset of the cancer data site. Besides, basic classifiers such as SMO (Sequential Minimal Optimization), K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbor), random forest, and XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting), which are machine learning methods, and their performances, and voting, bagging, boosting, and stacking methods from ensemble learning methods were used. Performance evaluation of models was compared in terms of accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, precision, and Roc curve. The basic classifier performances of random forest, SMO, K-NN, and XGBoost classifiers, their performances in the bagging ensemble learning method, and their performances in the boosting ensemble learning method are evaluated. In addition, Model 1 (random forest + SMO), Model 2 (XGBoost + K-NN), Model 3 (random forest + K-NN), Model 4 (XGBoost+SMO), Model 5 (SMO+K-NN + random forest), Model 6 (SMO+K-NN+XGBoost) and Model 7 (SMO+K-NN + random forest + XGBoost) the performances of in different metrics were expressed. The boosting ensemble learning method, which provides the maximum classification performance with XGBoost, achieved a 0.982 accuracy value, 0.971 sensitivity value, 0.989 precision value, 0.989 specificity value, and 0.998 ROC curve. It is recommended to use ensemble learning methods for classification problems in patients with a high prevalence of cancer to achieve successful results

    Shape of burrows built by \u3cem\u3eScorpio maurus\u3c/em\u3e L., 1758 (Scorpiones: Scorpionidae) from Turkey, with description of capture methods

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    Shapes of burrows built by Scorpio maurus in southern and south-eastern Turkey were investigated. S. maurus were observed to build burrows with average 20 cm depth and 30 cm length. The burrows were concentrated in agricultural fields, farms, near gardens, and in areas with 5–10% slope. 116 specimens were captured, 77.5% from underground burrows, and 22.5% from their burrows under stones. A new method was tried in order to drive Scorpio maurus, an obligate digger type of scorpions, out of their burrows. Water was poured into a burrow, and the scorpion, which came out near the entrance of the burrow, was captured by placing a shovelful of soil 10 cm behind the entrance. Habitats of Scorpio maurus were observed, and shapes of underground burrows and burrows built under stones were documented

    Use of a local anesthetic and opioid combination in spinal anesthesia in short urologic surgeries

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    Background: To investigate how low-dose levobupivacaine affects both surgical comfort and hemodynamics in patients undergoing short urologic procedures using spinal anesthesia.Methods: Our study was conducted prospectively and double-blind. The study group comprised 40 patients aged 18-65 years from the ASA I-III risk group who had undergone short urological interventions, randomly split into two groups. Informed consent and ethics committee approval were received. Using a media approach and placed in the lateral decubitus position, the patients were given spinal anesthesia using 22 G catheter. Group L was given 1.5ml of levobupivacaine (7.5mg) at 0.5% concentration +0.5ml of saline. Group LF was given 1.2ml levobupivacaine (6mg) at 0.5% concentration +25μg fentanyl (0.5ml) +0.3ml saline. Patient data including peripheral oxygen saturation; systolic, diastolic, mean arterial pressure; time to first postoperative need for analgesics, and spinal block characteristics were recorded at 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120 and 360minutes after spinal anesthesia.Results: No significant differences were observed in the demographic and hemodynamic data between groups. Motor blocks were seen to wear off more in Group LF than in Group L at 120minutes. Group LF required first postoperative analgesics later than Group L; this difference was not significant.Conclusions: Sufficient anesthesia was achieved in both groups via spinal block using local anesthetic or local anesthetic plus opioid for relatively short urological procedures. The latter group recovered faster

    Orta öğretim okullarında öğretmen performans yönetimi (Kocaeli ili örneği)

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu araştırmanın amacı orta öğretim okullarında öğretmen performans yönetimine ilişkin yönetici ve öğretmen görüşleri ile bu görüşlerin branş, kıdem, cinsiyet ve okul türü değişkenlerine göre ve her okul türünde branş, cinsiyet ve kıdem değişkenlerine göre nasıl farklılaştığı belirlemektir. Araştırmada karşılaştırma türünden tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini Kocaeli İzmit merkezindeki orta öğretim okulları tabakalı örneklem medotu kullanılarak meslek lisesi ve mesleki olmayan lise olmak üzere iki tabakaya ayrılmıştır. evrende bulunan 1336 öğretmenden 353’ü örneklem olarak belirlenmiştir. Okul türlerindeki öğretmen sayıları toplam öğretmen sayısına oranlanarak tabakalardaki örneklem sayıları, okullardaki öğretmen sayıları okul türündeki öğretmen sayısına oranlanarak okullarda örneklem sayıları belirlenmiştir. Buna göre meslek liselerinde 185, mesleki olmayan liseler 168 öğretmen örneklem olarak belirlenmiştir. İki okul türünde de yönetici sayıları 100’den az olduğu için örneklem alınmamış tüm okul yöneticilerine “Öğretmen / yönetici Performans Yönetimi Ölçeği” uygulanmıştır. Orta öğretim okullarında “öğretmen performans yönetimi” ne ilişkin yönetici ve öğretmen görüşleri alt süreçlere göre bağımsız örneklemler için t-testi ve tek faktörlü varyans analizi (Anova) yapılarak verilerin analizi yapılmıştır Araştırmanın bulgularına göre öğretmenler ”öğretmen performans yönetim süreçlerinden “performans değerlendirme sonuçlarını kullanma” sürecinin orta öğretim okullarında uygulanmasına katılırken diğer süreçlerin uygulanmasına tamamen katılmaktadır. Yöneticiler ise öğretmen performans yönetim süreçlerinin tamamına tamamen katılmaktadırlar. Yönetici ve öğretmenlerin görüşlerinde cinsiyet, branş ve okul türüne göre anlamlı bir fark yokken kıdemlerine göre bazı süreçlerde anlamlı farklar tespit edilmiştir. Meslek liselerinde çalışan kadın-erkek, meslek dersi ve kültür dersi öğretmenleri ve kadın-erkek yöneticilerin “öğretmen performans yönetim süreçlerine” ilişkin görüşleri arasında manidar bir fark olmadığı, kıdem grupları arasında ise bazı süreçlerde manidar bir farkın olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Mesleki olmayan liselerde öğretmenlerin görüşleri cinsiyet ve branş ve kıdem değişkenine göre anlamlı bir fark göstermezken yöneticilerin görüşleri cinsiyet değişkenine göre anlamlı bir fark göstermiştir.This paper presents the opinions of managers and teachers on the subject of performance management of teachers in secondary schools; and how these opinions change depending on the shift of the department, degree, gender and the type of school also the shift occured depending on the department, degree and gender differences in every different type of school. The research method is an examine based on comparison. The pilot region of the research is the city centre of Kocaeli İzmit. The secondary schools in there are divided into two groups as the ones that give vocational education and the others by using the method of category sampling. 353 teachers out of 1336 in the pilot region are selected as the sampling. The number of teachers in each different type of schools is proportioned to the total teacher number in order to define the sampling numbers in the categories. The number of teachers in all schools is proportioned to the number of teachers in different type of schools in order to define the sampling numbers in the schools. As a consequence in vocational schools 185 teacher, in the other schools 168 teachers are selected as sampling. In both cetegories the number of managers are less than 100, so there are no sampling that is selected among the managers. All the managers are tested by "Teacher / Manager Performance Measure". The data are analysed in SPSS statistic programme according to the sub process of "the teacher performance management." The opinions of managers and teachers on the "performance management of teachers" in the secondary schools are analysed on account of "teacher performance management processes" by using t-test on independent samplings and single factor variation analysis (Anova). The data of the research show that teachers attend just the application process of " " "using the results of performance assessment", that is one of the processes of "teacher performance management", on the other hand they attend the application of other processes completely. While the managers attend the all applications of every processes. In the opinions of managers and teachers are not observed any disagreement depending on the variation of gender, department and type of school whereas depending on the variation of degree some significant disagreements are observed in in he case of some processes. In the opinions of teachers and managers of high schools that give vocational education, careless of gender or course type are not observed any disagreement on the "teacher performance management processes". Whereas the opinions of people in different degrees reveal an obvious disagreement. On the other hand in the other high schools, that do not centered on vocational education, the opinions of teachers do not vary depending on the gender, degree, department differences; while the opinions of managers vary depending on gender difference

    Investigation of the Cognitive Structures of Prospective Preschool Teachers on the Concepts of Circle, Disk and Annulus with the Word Association Test*

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    This study aimed to investigate the cognitive structures of prospective preschool teachers and to identify their misconceptions about the concepts of circle, disk and annulus. In the study, the Word Association Test was used as the data collection instrument. The study was conducted in the fall semester of the 2014-2015 academic year with the participation of 120 prospective preschool teachers. The prospective teachers were presented with three basic geometrical concepts frequently used in preschool education and were requested to write down the words each key concept evoked in order of significance within 30 seconds. Their replies were matched with the key concepts and converted into a frequency table and concept maps that represent the cognitive structures of the prospective preschool teachers were constructed based on this frequency table. The cutoff point method was used in the construction of the concept maps. The cutoff point is designated as a value three-five lower than the number of answers for each key concept and is determined by reducing this value by designated intervals until all key concepts are revealed. The first part is constructed by recording the key concepts and the answers above the cutoff point. In the concept map generated through this method, all the parts were constructed by determining all the answers given by the prospective teachers for the key concepts. Data analysis showed that the prospective preschool teachers associated the geometrical concepts of circle, disk and annulus mostly with examples from daily life, had misconceptions about the key concepts and had difficulty in differentiating between these concepts. Keywords: misconception, word association test, circle, disk, annulu

    Veri güdümlü yöntemler ile uydu yağış verileri kullanılarak aylık akarsu debisi tahmini.

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    Predictability of stream flow has been the focus of many studies involving water resources management and hydroelectric energy production. Many hydrologic models have been developed to predict future and current streamflow at various time lags and locations. However, these physically-based models require reanalyzed future data sets (particularly precipitation forcing data) to predict future streamflow. Alternatively, data driven models can also provide predictions without the need of future projections by relying on the strong seasonality and autocorrelation that exist in the streamflow data. In this study, a data driven approach has been taken to predict monthly streamflow data sets utilizing precipitation data sets and using various linear and non-linear methods. Streamflow predictions of Coruh Basin have been performed using both the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) and the ground-based station precipitation (MGM) data sets between years 2000 – 2011. Predictions are validated using independent streamflow measurements acquired from General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI). A Simple Linear Regression Model (SLR), a Multiple Linear Regression Model (MLR), an Artificial Neural Network Model (MLP), and two Copula Models (Normal Copula and Frank Copula) are constructed and their predictions are cross-compared with the climatology- and persistence-based predictions. To further investigate the source of the predictive skills of these methods, separate predictions are made using the standardized anomaly components of data sets [after climatology (long year monthly mean) components are removed and standardized by dividing by the standard deviation of the data] and complete data sets (normal/non-standardized data sets retaining both anomaly and climatology components). Results show the best predictions are obtained from the climatology-based predictions of the stations for the complete data sets while persistence-based predictions are also strong. Predictions using standardized anomaly data sets are improved when long-term climatology values added. These climatology added predictions show above 0.90 correlations, showing heavy majority of the predictive skill and the relation between the precipitation and the streamflow data sets are due to the strong seasonality impacting both variables.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Examination of Agression of University Students by the Level of Playing Sports

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    The aim of this research is to examine aggression of university students by the level of playing sports.  215 students constituted the sample of this study. Personal information form and “Aggression Scale” were used as a data collection tool. Mann-Whitney U Test and Anova Test were performed for difference between groups and Cronbach’s Alfa (,898) was performed in order to measure reliability of data concerning scale (p<0.05).As a conclusion; it was determined that sport is effective on the aggression level of university students. It was stated that the average aggression level of people who play sports is lower than people who don’t play sports. As there is no difference between ways of playing sports, there is a difference between departments. Males have higher aggression level than females. It is possible to say that sport has aggression reducing effect besides health and entertainment benefits in the direction of these findings


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    Tüm dünyayı etkileyen küreselleşme, mobilya alanında faaliyet gösteren işletmeleri de değişime zorlamıştır. Bugün işletmeler de geçerli olan, mevcut insan kaynağının işletme çatısı altında ortak değerler etrafında nasıl toplanacağı, birbirinden farklı kişiliklere sahip bu yöneticilerin işletme verimliliğine hangi yollarla ve nasıl katkıda bulunacağı üzerinedir. Grup üyeleriyle pozitif ilişki içinde olan, takım çalışanlarını motive eden hizmetkar liderlik anlayışı; işletmedeki herkese ilgi duyan, kutlama, hediye alma, yakınlık atmosferi oluşturan, kişisel problemleri çözen, koçluk yapma ve girişimcilik davranışları sergileyen bir tarzdır. Bu çalışmayla, Ege bölgesindeki mobilya işletme yöneticilerinin hizmetkar liderlik anlayışının girişimcilik eğilimlerine etkisinin ne durumda olduğu açıklanmış olup aralarında anlamlı pozitif yönlü bir ilişki olduğu ve girişimcilik eğiliminin daha çok çıraklık eğitimi ve mobilya mesleki eğitimi alan bireylerde daha fazla görüldüğü çıkmıştır. Cinsiyet ve yaşın hizmetkar liderlik ile girişimciliği etkilemediği fakat hizmet süresinin bahsi geçen liderlik anlayışını etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

    Growth performance and some morphological traits of Honamli goat kids until weaning age in extensive condition

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    The aim of this study was to determine growth performance until weaning age of Honamli goat kids reared in extensive conditions in Turkey. Study was carried out with 75 Honamli kids (44 female, 31 male), kept at the Research and Training Farm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University in Burdur, Turkey. Birth weight of male kids was higher than that female kids and also birth weight of single kids was higher than that twin kids. Live weight in the 120th day of male, female, single and twin kids were 24.4 kg, 22.0 kg, 26.9 kg and 21.2 kg, respectively. Withers height, body length, chest circumference and nose length on the 120th day were detected as 61.6 cm, 58.4 cm, 59.2 cm and 18.4 cm, respectively in female Honamli kids. Same measurements were 63.9 cm, 61.7 cm, 62.7 cm and 20.0 cm for males Honamli kids