8 research outputs found

    The Age and Gender Presentation in the Formations of Gallstones

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    DergiPark: 379059tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to determine age and gender differences in gallstones. Methods: First of all, we searched the general knowledge about gallstones. Then, we retrospectively evaluated 330 patients who applied to the General Surgery Department of Trakya University with the diagnosis of gall bladder stone between 09.01.2015-03.30.2016. Results: Two hundred and eight (63%) patients were female and 122 (37%) were male. 106 (32.1%) patients were over 65 years old and the least risky group in forming gallstones was under 20 years of age. Conclusion: In Trakya University General Surgery Department, gall bladder stones are mostly seen in patients over 65 years of age and higher in women compaired to men

    Evaluating Orthorexia Tendency Among Trakya University Medical School Students

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    DergiPark: 378998tmsjAims: In this study, it is aimed to bring up Orthorexia nervosa tendency among Trakya University Medical Schoolstudents and determine the effect of smoking, alcohol use, drug use, chronic diseases, previous regimes, doing sports, possibility of individuals of cooking for themselves in their daily life and socio-demographic variables.Methods: This is a cross-sectional survey study that was applied to the 1278 students who are enrolled in TrakyaUniversity Medical School in 2014-2015 academic year. A questionnaire is prepared by the researcher including questions to determine orthorexia nervosa tendency, socio-demographic factors and Orto-11 scale. 705 students filled the questionnaire and only 676 could be used in the study. The mean age of the students was 20.92 years (min. 17 years max. 40 years). 62.1 % was female (420) and 37.9% was male (256). Results have been evaluated by using SPSS programme. In this evaluation, Kruskal Wallis and chi-square test were used.Results: Among the factors which were searched, it is seen that smoking, alcohol use and drug use decreased Orthorexia nervosa tendency while it is increased with possibility of cooking, male sex and doing sports. No significant difference were observed between other factors and Orthorexia nervosa.Conclusion: Even though there are not adequate studies in literature and it is not described in DSM-V, Orthorexianervosa might affect individual’s quality of life later in their lifetime. It is important to carry on more comprehensive studies on this topi

    Awareness of Symptoms and Signs in Spondyloarthritis Among Family Physicians in Edirne City Center

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    DergiPark: 584645tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the knowledge of signs and symptoms of spondyloarthritis among family physiciansworking in Family Health Centers in Edirne. Methods: In this study, a questionnaire consisting of 17 questions were applied tothe family physicians working in the Family Health Centers of Edirne Province. The data were analyzed using non-parametricSpearman Correlation test and Mann-Whitney U test on IBM SPSS version 20.0. Results: The total number of subjects in thestudy was 45. All subjects’ median age was 47 years (1st quartile, 42 years; 3rd quartile, 51 years). Five of the participants werefamily medicine specialist. The median duration of medical practice was 20 years (1st quartile, 13 years; 3rd quartile, 25.5 years).Four of the participants were trained in rheumatology. The median number of patients examined by the participants was 60 perday (1st quartile, 47.5; 3rd quartile, 70). Forty-one of the participants stated that they referred patients with back pain to thehospital for further examination. The median number of referral percentage was 15 (1st quartile, 5; 3rd quartile, 25). Conclusion:Spondyloarthritis is a disease that is diagnosed too late and reduces patients’ quality of life. In this study, it was investigated whichfactors could be related to spondyloarthritis awareness of family physicians in a limited area. The most important output of this isstudy is the relation between referrals to rheumatology and awareness of spondyloarthritis. These parameters are related to eachother and the physician. Keywords: Back pain, arthritis, family physician

    Residents' views about family medicine specialty education in Turkey

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    Background: Residents are one of the key stakeholders of specialty training. The Turkish Board of Family Medicine wanted to pursue a realistic and structured approach in the design of the specialty training programme. This approach required the development of a needs-based core curriculum built on evidence obtained from residents about their needs for specialty training and their needs in the current infrastructure. The aim of this study was to obtain evidence on residents' opinions and views about Family Medicine specialty training. Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The board prepared a questionnaire to investigate residents' views about some aspects of the education programme such as duration and content, to assess the residents' learning needs as well as their need for a training infrastructure. The questionnaire was distributed to the Family Medicine Departments (n = 27) and to the coordinators of Family Medicine residency programmes in state hospitals (n = 11) by e-mail and by personal contact. Results: A total of 191 questionnaires were returned. The female/male ratio was 58.6%/41.4%. Nine state hospitals and 10 university departments participated in the study. The response rate was 29%. Forty-five percent of the participants proposed over three years for the residency duration with either extensions of the standard rotation periods in pediatrics and internal medicine or reductions in general surgery. Residents expressed the need for extra rotations (dermatology 61.8%; otolaryngology 58.6%; radiology 52.4%). Fifty-nine percent of the residents deemed a rotation in a private primary care centre necessary, 62.8% in a state primary care centre with a proposed median duration of three months. Forty-seven percent of the participants advocated subspecialties for Family Medicine, especially geriatrics. The residents were open to new educational methods such as debates, training with models, workshops and e-learning. Participation in courses and congresses was considered necessary. The presence of a department office and the clinical competency of the educators were more favored by state residents. Conclusions: This study gave the Board the chance to determine the needs of the residents that had not been taken into consideration sufficiently before. The length and the content of the programme will be revised according to the needs of the residents

    The attitudes of loving and consolating of parents and/or caregivers of children in the 0-12 month group

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    Araştırmamızın amacı 0-12 ay grubunda ağlayan bebeklerin ebeveyn ve bakıcılarının yaklaşımlarını, ağlama ve uyumama durumunda nasıl tepki verdiklerini, bebekleri sevme, bebeklere sevgi gösterme biçimleri ve sarsılmış bebek sendromu ile ilgili bilgilerini belirlemektir. Çalışmamızda Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi pediatri (Genel Pediatri, Yenidoğan, Nefroloji, Hematoloji, Kardiyoloji, Endokrinoloji ve Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Poliklinikleri) ve pediatrik cerrahi poliklerine başvuran 0 – 12 ay grubunda bebeğe sahip ebeveynler ve/veya bakıcıları hedeflenmiştir. Araştırmaya söz konusu hastanenin ilgili polikliniklerine 01.12.2017 ve 28.02.2018 tarihleri arasında başvuran 0 – 12 ay grubunda bebeği olan toplam 400 ebeveyn ve/veya bakıcı katılmayı kabul etti. Veriler 44 adet sorudan oluşan, araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlana bir anket ile toplanmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan ebeveynlerin %59.5’i “bebek zaman zaman öylesine ağlar” diye belirtti; buna katıldığını belirten annelerin oranı %74.3, babaların oranı %1.2’si olarak bulundu. “Sarsmak bebeklere ne zarar verir?” sorusuna ebeveynlerin % 94.75’i “beynine ve başına zarar gelir” derken, %5.25’i “hiçbir şey yapmaz” diye yanıt verdi. Annelerin %36.6’sı, babaların %37’si bebek ağladığında kendilerini çaresiz, sinirli, kızgın ve öfkeli hissettiklerini ifade ettiler. Ebeveynlerin %64.5’i bebeklerini avutma yöntemi olarak kollarında, ayaklarında ve battaniyede sallama, sevme yöntemi olarak %59,25’i havaya hoplatma ve zıplatmayı kullandıklarını belirtti. Sarsılmış bebek sendromu kavramını ebeveynlerin büyük bir kısmı daha önce hiç duymadıklarını ifade ettiler (%76,5) . Çalışmamızdan elde edilen bulgular sonucu ailelerin, bakım veren kimselerin bebekleri sevme ve avutma tutum ve biçimleri sonucu onları sarsabildikleri ve sarsma ile, sarsılmış bebek sendromu ile ilgili yeterli bilgi sahibi olmadıkları görülmüş olup, burdan hareketle bebeğin doğumu ile birlikte ailelere bu konuda bilgi vermek, farkındalık kazandırmak, sarsmayı önleyebilmek ve gerektiğinde de ilk müdahaleyi yaparak gerekli kuruluşlara yönlendirmek konusunda aile hekimlerine büyük görev düştüğü tespit edilmiştir.The aim of our study is to determine the attitudes of parents and carers of crying babies in the 0-12 month group, how they react in case of crying and not sleeping, liking babies, expressing love for babies and shaken baby syndrome. In our study, parents and / or caregivers with babies who were admitted to the pediatric surgery polyclinics of pediatric (General Pediatrics, Newborn, Nephrology, Hematology, Cardiology, Endocrinology and Infectious Diseases Polyclinics) and Trakya University Medical Faculty Hospital were targeted. A total of 400 parents and / or caregivers with babies from 0 to 12 months who applied to the relevant outpatient clinics of the hospital between 01.12.2017 and 28.02.2018 agreed to participate in the study. Data were collected by a questionnaire prepared by the researchers. 59.5% of the parents who participated in the study stated that "the baby cries from time to time, with no reason"; the rate of mothers who agreed with this was 74.3% and the rate of fathers was 1.2%. The question "what harm does shaking the baby do?" was answered by %94.75 of the parents as "the head and the brain can be damaged" and by %5.25 of the parents as "it does nothing". %36.6 of the mothers and %37 of the fathers signified that when the baby cried they felt themselves desperate, angry, nervous and furious. 64.5% of the parents shake their babies in their arms, feet and blankets as a method of catching; 59.25% of the parents stated that they used air hopping and bouncing as a method of loving. The majority of parents said that they never heard before of the concept of shaken baby syndrome (%76.5). As a result of the findings obtained from our study, it was seen that the families, caregivers could shake the babies as a result of their love and retention behaviors and forms, and they did not have enough information about shaken baby syndrome and gave information about this issue to the families with the birth of the baby. It has been determined that family physicians have an important role in preventing the shaking, and when necessary, by making the first intervention and directing them to the necessary organizations