15 research outputs found

    Effects of Fixed and Removable Functional Appliances on Skeletal and Dentoalveolar Structures

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    Aim:To compare the skeletal and dentoalveolar changes after Herbst and Twin-block treatment in Class II division 1 patients.Subjects and Methods:Cephalomet-ric radiographs of 20 patients treated with Herbst and Twin-block appliance and 10 untreated subjects are used. Totally 29 maxillary, mandibular, maxillomandibu-lar and dentoalveolar measurements were achieved. Paired sample t-test was used to determine intra-group differences and one way analysis was used to determine inter-group differences.Results:After Herbst appliance therapy, an increase in mandibular corpus length and mandibular incisor protrusion and decrease in ANB, overjet and overbite were observed. In Twin-block group, significant increases were observed in all mandibular measurements except nasion perpendicular to pogonion. A point moved anteriorly and effective middle face length increased. Increases were observed in effective mandibular length and in all measurements that show mandibular sagittal (Go-Gn) and vertical (Co-Go, S-Go) dimension. Only maxillary nasal plane to upper first molar length that shows maxillary molar eruption increased in dental measurements. Comparison of groups showed that both appliances decreased ANB angle and overjet. In Herbst group, significant differences were observed in effective middle face dimension and distance of Nasion perpendicular to A point, compared with the Control group. No significant difference was observed in other mandibular and dentoalveoler measurements between the groups.Conclusions:Twin-block appliance showed more skeletal changes and the Herbst appliance showed skeletal and dental changes in our study. The appliances exhibited similar effects compared with the Control group

    The influence of Genetic Factors on Development of Malocclusions

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    The relative influence of genes and environmental factors in the aetiology of malocclusion has been a matter for discussion throughout many years in the orthodontic literature. The aetiology of malocclusion is mostly multifactoriel and heredity is being stressed as an aetiologic factor in recent years. More precise information will be gained on the aetiology of malocclusion and its treatibility, if we can differentiate the effect of genes and environment on the dentofacial deformity in a particular individual. if the problem is genetic, orthodontists will be restricted about what they can do or what they can change. The purpose of this review is to explain to what degree and how the den-tofacial structures will be influenced by genetic and environmental factors

    Dudak Damak Yarıklı Bir Çocuğun Hikayesi

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    Bu projeye inandığı ve destek verdiği için, kendisiyle tanışmaktan büyük gurur ve onur duyduğum Prof. Dr. Figen Özgür'e, Bu projenin gerçekleşmesinde büyük katkısı ve emeği olan Doç. Dr. Maviş Kayıkçı'ya, Proje ile ilgili katkı, görüş, fikir ve önerilerini paylaştıkları için; Doç. Dr. Müge Aksu'ya, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Bengisu Akarsu'ya, Uzman Psikolog Meltem Çiğdem Kirazlı'ya, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Dudak ve Damak Yarıkları Konsey Üyeleri'ne, Hikayemin kahramanına ilham kaynağı olduğu için sevgili Erdem Kılıç'a Ve her zaman yanımda oldukları için sevgili annem Nebahat Sakin ve sevgili babam Yaşar Sakin'e, Sonsuz teşekkürler

    Dudak ve Damak Yarıklı Bir Arkadaşım Var

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    Bu projeye inandığı ve destek verdiği için, kendisiyle tanışmaktan büyük gurur ve onur duyduğum Prof. Dr. Figen Özgür'e, Bu projenin gerçekleşmesinde büyük katkısı ve emeği olan Doç. Dr. Maviş Kayıkçı'ya, Proje ile ilgili katkı, görüş, fikir ve önerilerini paylaştıkları için; Doç. Dr. Müge Aksu'ya, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Bengisu Akarsu'ya, Uzman Psikolog Meltem Çiğdem Kirazlı'ya, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Dudak ve Damak Yarıkları Konsey Üyeleri'ne, Hikayemin kahramanına ilham kaynağı olduğu için sevgili Erdem Kılıç'a Ve her zaman yanımda oldukları için sevgili annem Nebahat Sakin ve sevgili babam Yaşar Sakin'e, Sonsuz teşekkürler