13 research outputs found

    A comparative study of the standart surgical technique versus mini-ıncision in the treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Amaç: Median sinirin el bileği düzeyindeki tuzak nöropatisi olan karpal tünel sendromunun (KTS) sağaltımında farklı cerrahi teknikler bildirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada KTS olgularında 2 farklı cerrahi teknik kullanılarak uygulanan sağaltımın sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Yöntem: ılk guruptaki 11 olgunun 12 eline standart teknik ile cerrahi dekompresyon uygulanmış, ikinci guruptaki 10 olgunun 12 elinde ise mini insizyon yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Postoperatif izlem süresi, komplikasyon sıklığı, klinik ve elektronörofizyolojik bulgular yönünden değerlendirildiğinde iki gurup arasında X ve Fisher'in exact testleri ile istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar bize KTS cerrahisinde kullanılan standart ve mini insizyon tekniklerinin birbirlerine üstünlüklerinin olmadığını düşündürmüştür.Aim: Various surgical treatment alternatives exist for carpal tunnel syndrome which is the the entrapment of the median nerve at the wrist level. In this study two different surgical techniques were comparatively evaluated in terms oftime needed forpostoperative follow-up, complications, clinical and electrodiagnostic improvement. Method: Surgical decompression utilising the standard technique was used in 12 hands of the 11 patients in the first group and the mini-incision technique was employed in 12 hands of the 10 patients in the second group. Results: No statistical difference in any one of the above mentioned parameters was found with the X2 and Fisher's exacttests. Conclusion: Thus, we conclude that neither of the two techniques utilised for carpal tunnel syndrome surgery can be considered superior to the other

    Urban Expansion Trends, Prediction and Its Impact on Agricultural Lands in Erbil Using GIS and Remote Sensing

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    The surrounding agricultural lands in the city have been decreasing daily due to the expansion of urbanisation above it and the increase in the urbanisation rate in the study area, as the population growth exerted increasing pressures on the city. Furthermore, the increase in population increases the demand for land for housing and other human services, which will impact agricultural lands. In addition, the lack of proper planning in the city contributes to expanding urbanisation at the expense of agricultural land. This study aims to study the urban expansion in the direction of agricultural lands in Erbil from the year 2000 until 2020, reveal the reasons for the urban expansion in the city and put an end to the trespassers on the lands and it has negative impact on the lack of agricultural areas and the encroachment of urbanisation on it. Landsat TM 5 and Landsat 8 OLI will be used to identify and develop urban growth and its impacts on agriculture and some Remote sensing Data and GIS from 2000 to 2020 with 10 years difference to find the changes in these years and also provide a predicted map for Erbil governorate. The study recommended the necessity of preparing a strategic plan for the use of agricultural lands that regulates the urban development process of the population centres and achieves the appropriate and sustainable use of agricultural lands and their preservation. Encouraging the investment of lands and cultivation of crops to meet the population's need for vegetables and other crops. The findings of this study will help decision-makers develop future urbanisation policies, and it is worthwhile to investigate them further. The prediction model will demonstrate whether built-up areas will continue to grow or not and whether the average agricultural areas will continue to shrink based on regression analysis. Planning effective urban environmental management can benefit from this type of forecast of the LULC picture in the future

    Degradation of the Harran Plain Soils due to Irrigation

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    In the research, hydraulic conductivity, structural properties, salinization and clay mineralogy of widely distributed 4 soil in the Harran Plain were investigated following irrigation. At the study, structure stability index values were 30.37-70.67 %, aggregation index values between 0.03-0.28 mm and hydraulic conductivity values were changing from 0.07 to 1.51 cm/h. ESP values were determined between 1.03-45.10 %. Smectite is the dominant clay mineral in the soils of the Harran Plain followed by palygorskite and kaolinite respectively. Results revealed that a slight decrease was observed in structure stability and aggregation indexes after irrigation, however decrease in hydraulic conductivity was significant. Morever, soil salinity were significantly increased in soils, and there were no change in clay mineral contents

    Probability mapping of saline and sodic soils in the Harran plain using a non-linear kriging technique

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    In the Harran Plain, southeastern Turkey, soil salinisation causes land degradation threatening the sustainability of agricultural production. According to a recent survey, approximately 18000 ha area has been affected by soil salinity and sodicity at various levels. Determining the distribution of saline and sodic soils in the study area is the first step for effective management of these soils. Over 200 soil samples have been randomly selected across the plain and analyzed for selected soil salinity and sodicity variables in soil salinity laboratory. Indicator kriging (IK), a non-linear interpolation technique, was used to map the probability levels of occurrence of saline and sodic soils across the plain. The results of IK showed the probability distributions of risky areas under different types of soil salinity classes; nonsaline, saline, saline – sodic and sodic

    Soil and agricultural potential of mined land in southern border line of Turkey

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    1956 yılında güvenlik amacıyla Türkiye-Suriye sınırında Hatay, Kilis, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Mardin ve Şırnak il sınırlarında yaklaşık eni 50-400 m arasındaki alan mayınlanmıştır. Uzun zamandır kullanılamayan bu araziler uluslararası sözleşmelere göre mayından temizlenecektir. Kalkınma Bakanlığı mayın temizlik öncesi bu alanların toprak ve tarım potansiyellerini belirleyerek, alanın özelliklerine göre yönetim planlamaları oluşturmuştur. Uzunluğu, genişliği ve toprak potansiyeli bilinmeyen 6 ilin mayınlı alanlarının haritalanması ve potansiyellerinin ortaya çıkarılması için uzaktan algılama ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi (CBS) veri analizi ve arazi kontrol bilgileri kullanılarak mayınlı alanların toprak ve tarım potansiyelleri belirlenmiştir. Toplam 23347 hektar olduğu belirlenen Hatay, Kilis, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Mardin ve Şırnak illerinin toplam alan içerisindeki arazilerin % 75’lik bölümünün işlenebilir (I, II, III, ve IV. sınıf araziler-17517 ha) ve tarım potansiyeli yüksek arazi olduğu saptanmıştır. Geriye kalan VI ve VII. sınıf arazilerin toplam alanı 5147 ha ve toplam alana oranı % 22 iken, VIII. sınıf araziler 661 ha ile toplam arazilerin % 2.8’lik bölümüne karşılık geldiği gözlenmiştir. Toplam arazilerin % 0.57’lik bölümünde tuzluluk, % 5.7’lik bölümünde drenaj ve % 14.47’lik bölümünde ise taşlılık/kayalılık sorununun bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda toprak potansiyeli belirlenen mayınlı araziler, başta güvenlik durumu dikkate alınarak ve arkeolojik varlık ile endemik bitki yayılım alanlarını korumak şartıyla farklı tarımsal uygulamalar için planlanmıştır.Throughout the borders of Hatay, Kilis, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Mardin and Şırnak cities have been mined because of security reasons, the area in range to 50-400 m width that is located between Turkey and Syria. The mines in these areas which will not be used for long time periods and will be cleaned according to international agreements. Ministry of Development determined soil and agricultural potentials of these areas and made management plans based on the features of the area. GIS and remote sensing techniques were used in order to reveal and map the length and width and soil potentials of 6 cities having mined lands along the border which were not known previously. Total mined area, which were in the cities of Hatay, Kilis, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Mardin and Şırnak, was determined 23347 ha in addition, 75 % were defined as cultivable and classified as I, II, III and IVth soil class with high agricultural potential. The other remaining areas in VI and VIIth soil class was 661 ha and constituted of 22 % of the total areas and VIIIth class areas were 661 ha and covered an total area of 2.8 %. Salinity, drainage affected areas and high amount of stones/rocks were determined in 0.57 %, 5.7 % and 14.47 % of total area, respectively. As a result of this study, the plans for the mined areas whose agricultural potentials were determined and have been suggested taking the issues such as security, archeological features, the distribution of endemic crops into consideration

    Is Drought Caused by Fate? Analysis of Farmers’ Perception and Its Influencing Factors in the Irrigation Areas of GAP-Şanlıurfa, Turkey

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    This research aims to determine the belief-based drought perceptions and attitudes of farmers in Şanlıurfa, which is in a semi-arid climate regime, and the factors affecting them. The surveys were conducted through face-to-face interviews with farmers selected by a simple random sampling method in 2020. Analyses were performed with ordinal logit regression in STATA. According to the results, while the effects of settlement location, land size, age, and the size of the household were statistically significant to farmers seeing drought, which is the dependent variable, as caused by fate, the effects of income, experience, and education level were insignificant. For the probability of predicting drought for each independent variable in the sequence analysis, the highest probabilities were found among farmers in the Harran Plain, with 21–30 years of experience, from a household of one to four people, with the land area between 5.1 and 10.0 hectares, aged 61 and above, who were primary school graduates, and who had an annual income of less than 25,000 TL ($3561). The subject of drought should be given more place in religious education in the entire research area by prioritizing these groups. It would also be beneficial to organize workshops for the farmers by agricultural consultants, where Islamic scholars would be present to support science and knowledge in terms of faith. This study is the first in this context in Turkey and provides useful data to policymakers for drought-mitigation policies

    Are You Happy to Be a Farmer? Understanding Indicators Related to Agricultural Production and Influencing Factors: GAP-Şanlıurfa, Turkey

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    Recently, agricultural production areas and farmer numbers have been decreasing in Turkey, which has started to cause concern. This study aimed to analyze the satisfaction levels of farmers in different irrigation areas in the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP)-Şanlıurfa region, based on indicators related to agricultural production and influencing factors. The data were obtained through face-to-face surveys with farmers in 2020 and analyzed by logistic regression in STATA. According to the results, 43.3% of the farmers are happy to be farmers in the current situation, and 35.6% want their children to continue farming activities. It was determined that the area of irrigation, education level, income, and farming experience were statistically significant at different rates in terms of the happiness of the farmers. On the other hand, livestock, number of households, and land size were not statistically significant. While 27.5% of the participants were fully satisfied with the given public support, 15.7% were satisfied with the market selling prices of their products, and 43.5% stated that effective organizations are needed to live well. To ensure agricultural sustainability in the research area, there is a need for more agricultural support, effective extension services, and the development of rural tourism with the participation of the public and private sectors. This study was the first of its kind to be conducted in Turkey