63 research outputs found

    Introductory Chapter: Urticaria

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    The Effect of Curcumin on the Prevention of Myringosclerosis in Rats

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    Objective:The aim of this study was to investigate the preventative effect of oral curcumin (CMN) on myringosclerosis (MS) in an experimental rat model.Methods:The study included 21 female Wistar albino rats randomly separated into three groups. Group 1 was given no treatment (control group). In Group 2 and Group 3, the tympanic membrane (TM) was perforated using a sterile ear pick. The rats in Group 3 were administered oral CMN 200 mg/kg/day. All rats were sacrificed after 16 days. Otomicroscopic and histopathologic examinations were performed on the tympanic membranes.Results:Histopathologic examinations revealed that there were statistically significant differences between Group 2 and Group 3 in terms of MS degrees (p<0.001) and mean thicknesses of TMs (p<0.001), but there were no differences between Group 1 and Group 3. In respect of MS detected by otomicroscopy, a statistically significant difference was determined between Groups 1 and 2 (p<0.001) and between Groups 2 and 3 (p<0.01), but there was no significant difference between Group 1 and Group 3 (p=0.575).Conclusion:Orally administered CMN can prevent myringosclerosis formation in experimentally induced myringotomies

    Assessment the effect of diabetes education on self-care behaviors and glycemic control in the Turkey Nursing Diabetes Education Evaluating Project (TURNUDEP): a multi-center study

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    Background: Diabetes education in Turkey is provided by diabetes nurse educators in almost all healthcare organizations. However, the education is not standardized in terms of learning content, duration, and methods. This multi-center study was performed to assess the self-care behaviors and glycemic control following education provided to the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by diabetes nurse educators. Methods: This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study and included 1535 patients admitted to 28 public hospitals for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The education was assessed by using a Patient Identification Form and Self-care Scale. Results: The proportion of individuals who received diabetes education within the last year was 78.5%, with 46.7% of them having received it once. Of the patients, 84.8% reported that they received diabetes education individually. It was found that the proportion of individuals who received education about oral antidiabetics (78.5%) and glucose testing at home (78.5%) was higher than the proportion of individuals who received education about exercise (58.8%) and foot care (61.6%). The status of diabetes education, education intervals, and the correlation of the education method with self-care and glycemic control was evaluated. Self-care and glycemic control levels were better among the patients who received diabetes education thrice or more and in patients who received education both individually and in a group (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Approximately three-quarters of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus received education by diabetes nurse educators in Turkey. Diabetes education is positively correlated with self-care and glycemic control levels among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Efforts for generalization and standardized education for all diabetes patients are necessary. © 2022, The Author(s)

    The effects of Covid-19 on physical medicine and rehabilitation in Turkey in the first month of pandemic

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    Objectives: The outbreak of novel coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) has affected Turkey very seriously, as well as all around the world. Many urgent and radical measures were taken due to the high contagious risk and mortality rate of the outbreak. It is noteworthy that isolation recommendations and the provision of health services for pandemic have a negative impact on Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) services. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of COVID-19 on the PMR services and physiatrists immediately after the first month of pandemic in Turkey. Patients and methods: An online survey consisting of 45 items was sent to the members of the Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The main goal of the survey was to evaluate the changes in the provided service of PMR and conditions of physiatrists one month after the first reported COVID-19 case in Turkey. Results: A total of 606 PMR specialists and residents responded to the survey. The mean number of the patients visited the outpatient clinics was 148.2 +/- 128.5 per week before the pandemic, it significantly decreased to 23.4 +/- 33.1 per week after the first month of the reported first COVID-19 case. Similarly, the mean number of the patients of inpatient service significantly decreased from 21.7 +/- 39.3 per week to 2.5 +/- 10.0 per week after the first month of the pandemic. Most of the residents (69%) reported that their training was seriously affected due to pandemic. From the economic aspect, 69.2% of the participants who were working at private hospitals reported a decrease in their monthly salary, and 21% of them were sent to an unpaid vacation. A total of 21.9% of private-practice institutions paused their services. During the first month, 46.9% of the participants were assigned to the different services such as COVID-19 inpatient service, emergency or COVID-19 outpatient clinics. According to the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Health guideline and algorithm, 15.7% of the physicians were in the category of healthcare workers with suspected COVID-19. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic affected seriously both the services and the PMR physicians as early as the first month. This effect is expected to become worse, when the duration of pandemic prolongs. Proper arrangements and measures should be planned to ameliorate the negative effects of the pandemic on the patients and PMR physicians

    Diyabetlilerde kendi kendine enjeksiyon ve test yapma korkusu formunun Türkçe’ye adaptasyonu ve psikometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi

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    ÖZETDiyabetlilerde Kendi Kendine Enjeksiyon ve Test Yapma Korkusu Formunun Türkçe’ye Adaptasyonu ve Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesiAraştırma ‘Diyabetlilerde Kendi Kendine Enjeksiyon ve Test Yapma Korkusu Sorgulama Formu (Diabetes Fear of Self Injecting and Self-testing Questionnaire-D-FISQ)’nun Türkçe’ye adaptasyonunun yapılması ve psikometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi amacıyla 350 diyabetlide (135 tip 1, 215 tip 2) yapıldı. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında çeviri-geri çeviri yöntemi kullanılarak D-FISQ Türkçe’ye uyarlandı, takiben güvenirlik ve geçerlik çalışması yapıldı. İç tutarlılıkta, Cronbach alfa değerleri D-FISQ total için 0.96, kendi kendine enjeksiyon korkusu (KKEK) için 0.93 ve kendi kendine test yapma korkusu (KKTK) için 0.95 idi. KKEK ve KKTK alt boyutundaki ifadelerin madde toplam puan korelasyon katsayıları sırasıyla 0.75 ile 0.85, 0.72 ile 0.86 arasındadır. Sınıf içi korelasyon, D-FISQ total, KKEK, KKTK için sırasıyla 0.96, 0.93, 0.95 dir. Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizinde (DFA) tek faktörlü model ile kıyaslandığında, iki faktörlü modelin daha iyi uyum indeks sonuçlarına sahip olduğu, buna karşın her iki modelin de öngörülen uyum indeksi kriterlerini karşılamadığı görüldü. D-FISQ yer alan her bir ifadenin faktör yükü 0.40’ın üzerinde idi, yine D-FISQ’daki ifadeler ilgili oldukları boyut altında toplandı, iki alt boyut arasında pozitif yönde güçlü ilişki vardı (r= 0.76). DFA’yı takiben yapılan D-FISQ’nun yapısı açıklayıcı factör analizi ile yeniden incelendi. Varimax rotasyon tekniği ile yapılan incelemede öz değeri >1 olan ve total varyansın %73.1’ine karşılık gelen iki faktör bulundu. D-FISQ farklı düzeylerdeki anksiyeteye sahip hastaları ayırd edebildi. Sonuç olarak D-FISQ’nun Türk diyabet hastalarında kullanılabilecek güvenilir ve geçerli bir araç olduğu kanısına varıldı. Anahtar Kelimeler: Diyabet, insülin enjeksiyon korkusu, test yapma korkusu, D-FISQ ABSTRACTAdaptation of the Diabetes Fear of Injecting and Self-Testing Questionnaire (D-FISQ) into Turkish and Evaluation of Psychometric Features in Diabetic PatientsThis study was performed among 350 diabetic patients (135 of type 1 and 215 of type 2) with the aim of adapting the Diabetes Fear of Injecting and Self-Testing Questionnaire (D-FISQ) into Turkish language and evaluating its psychometric features. At the first stage of the study D-FISQ was adapted into Turkish by using forward and backward translation technique and then reliability and validity was studied. For internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.96 for total D-FISQ, was 0.93 for fear of self-injecting (FSI) and was 0.95 for fear of self-testing (FST). Item total correlation coefficiencies were changed between 0.75 and 0.85 for FSI, and were changed between 0.72 and 0.86 for FST. Interclass correlations for D-FISQ, FSI and FST were 0.96, 0.93 and 0.95, respectively. Two-factor model had better fit index compared to one-factor model in confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), although both model didn’t have satisfactory goodness of fit criterion. Factor loadings for items in both dimensions exceeded 0.40. All items gathered under the relevant factor. Strong positive correlation were found between both subscales (r= 0.76). Following CFA, we re-tested D-FISQ’s structure by exploratory factor analysis. Varimax rotation yielded two factors with eigenvalues >1, explaining %73.1 of the variance. D-FISQ discriminated patients who have different level of anxiety. In conclusion, D-FISQ had satisfactory psychometric properties. It can be used to measure fear of injection and self-testing in Turkish diabetic patients.Key words: Diabetes, fear of insulin injecting, fear of self test, D-FIS