28 research outputs found

    Empowerment Perceptions of Employees in Hotel Enterprises

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    The concept of empowerment, which is applicable for any social group that the person belongs to, is an essential phenomenon for continuity and success of the organization. The main purpose of this study is to determine the empowerment perceptions of employees in hotel industry. The research was conducted in four and five star hotels that operate in the city of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, and 170 employees were reached at those hotels. Empowerment perceptions of the employees were measured using the scales “Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II, CWEQ-II”and “Psychological Empowerment Scale, PES”. As a result of factor analysis made on the scales, it was observed that structural empowerment and psychological empowerment perceptions were grouped into three sub- dimensions. And in comparisons based on demographic factors; it was ob served that perceptions of empowerment have clearly differentiated according to level of education, level of income, hotel class, tourism education position, employee positio

    Unpleasant Souvenir: Imported Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Türkiye

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    Objective: Each year, approximately 125 million people visit malaria-endemic countries. This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics of imported Plasmodium falciparum malaria infections in Türkiye. Methods: The study included patients diagnosed with P. falciparum malaria between 1996 and 2022. A retrospective evaluation was conducted on whole blood samples and/or blood smears, as well as detailed medical histories, clinical manifestations, and laboratory findings. A total of 131 imported cases of P. falciparum were included in the study. Results: Among the patients, 121 were male. Of these, 101 had traveled to Africa, while 30 had visited Asia. Among the patients, 109 were returned travelers, and 22 were refugees/migrants. Early trophozoites were observed in all patients, while gametocytes were detected in 30 patients. Cerebral malaria developed in 15 patients, resulting in the death of two individuals. Additionally, 10 patients received preventive chemoprophylaxis. Conclusion: Turkey is situated on migration routes that connect two continents to Europe, where more than 95% of the global malaria burden exists. The importation of malaria through returned travelers poses a risk of malaria reintroduction in our country, given the presence of suitable vectors, climate conditions, and environmental factors. Importantly, 30 patients (22.9%) exhibited gametocyte forms of P. falciparum, which have the potential to infect Anopheles species, thus establishing a basis for local malaria transmission

    Empowerment Perceptions of Employees in Hotel Enterprises

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    The concept of empowerment, which is applicable for any social group that the person belongs to, is an essential phenomenon for continuity and success of the organization. The main purpose of this study is to determine the empowerment perceptions of employees in hotel industry. The research was conducted in four and five star hotels that operate in the city of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, and 170 employees were reached at those hotels. Empowerment perceptions of the employees were measured using the scales “Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II, CWEQ-II” and “Psychological Empowerment Scale, PES”. As a result of factor analysis made on the scales, it was observed that structural empowerment and psychological empowerment perceptions were grouped into three sub-dimensions. And in comparisons based on demographic factors; it was ob served that perceptions of empowerment have clearly differentiated according to level of education, level of income, hotel class, tourism education position, employee position

    PROFESYONEL RESTORAN YÖNETİMİ İlkeler Uygulamalar ve Örnek Olaylar

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    Kitabın, ikinci baskısının ülke turizmimize, ilgili alanda çalışmalar yapan meslektaşlarımıza, sektör temsilcilerimize ve elbette öğrencilerimize arzu edilen katkıları sağlamasını diliyoruz. Gösterilen teveccüh için de ayrıca teşekkür ediyoruz. Bu noktada belirtmek isteriz ki eserin ikinci baskısı çok önemli bir yenileme sürecinden geçmiş ve günün koşullarına uygun olarak güncellenmiştir. Bazı bölümler ilgili bölüm yazarı veya yazarları tarafından gözden geçirilirken diğer bölümlere yeni akademisyen arkadaşlarımız katkıları sağlanmıştır.&nbsp;Küresel rekabetin sınırları zorladığı 21. yüzyılda, ayakta kalabilmek ve kâr elde etmeyi sürdürmek birçok işletme için olanaksız hale gelerek açılışlarının ilk yıllarında iflasa kadar uzanan olumsuz sonuçlarla yüz yüze kalabilmektedirler. Restoran işletmeleri, sunulan ürünlerin çeşitliliği, hızla değişen moda ve alış-kanlıkların baskısı, zincir işletmelerin yaygınlaşması ve çoğalan işletme türü ve sayısı gibi etkenlerden dolayı rekabetin en yoğun yaşandığı sektörlerden birisi durumundadır. Bu çalışma ile modern restoran yönetimi içerisinde önemli bulunan ve üzerinde durulması gereken konular bir rehber niteliğinde hazır-lanmış ve sunulmuştur. Sadece akademik literatüre katkı değil, aynı zamanda sektör yöneticilerine de yol gösterici olabilmesi amaçlanan bu eser, toplam 15 ayrı üniversiteden 25 akademisyen ve bir sektör temsilcisinin çabalarıyla 17 bölüm olarak güncellenmiştir.</div


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    The aim of this study is to determine morphometric measurements difference of radial head (RH) types. 49 dry radial bones were included in the study. After determining the types of radius, morphometric measurements were made with digital calliper. The parameters were determined as the length of radius, height of the radius, transverse diameter of RH, anterior-posterior diameter of RH, radial tuberosity transverse diameter and height, length and transverse diameter of ulnar notch. As the result of RH classification, it has been determined that; 20 bones had irregular, 15 bones had oval and 14 bones had round type. In order to on all group average; radius length of RH, the height of RH, transverse diameter of RH, anteroposterior diameter of RH were calculated as 207.99±21.97 mm, 9.45±1.68 mm, 19.94±3.15 mm, 20.20±3.09 mm respectively. In order to on all group aver-age; transverse diameter of radial tuberosity, height of radial tuberosity, the height of ulnar notch, transverse diameter of ulnar notch were 12.07±1.3 mm, 25.36±2.78 mm, 13.86±1.56 mm, 5.27±0.8 mm respectively. Ac-cording to the results of One Way Anova analysis, no statistically significant difference was found between RH types (p>0.05). No statistically significant difference was found between RH types in all parameters.Bu çalışmanın amacı radius başı (RB) tiplerinin morfometrik ölçüm farklılıklarını belirlemektir. Çalışmaya 49 kuru radius kemiği dahil edildi. Radius tipleri belirlendikten sonra dijital kumpas ile morfometrik ölçümler ya-pıldı. Parametreler; radius uzunluğu, radius yüksekliği, RB’nın enine çapı, RB’nın ön-arka çapı, tuberositas radii’nin enine çapı ve yüksekliği, incisura ulnaris’in uzunluğu ve enine çapı olarak belirlendi. RB sınıflandırma-sında sonuç olarak; 20 kemiğin düzensiz, 15 kemiğin oval ve 14 kemiğin yuvarlak tipte olduğu belirlendi. Tüm grup ortalamaları; RB uzunluğu, RB yüksekliği, RB transvers çapı, RB ön-arka çapı için sırasıyla 207,99± 21,97 mm, 9,45±1,68 mm, 19,94±3,15 mm, 20,20±3,09 mm. olarak hesaplandı. Tüm grup ortalamaları; tuberositas radii enine çapı ve tuberositas radii yüksekliği, incisura ulnaris’in yüksekliği, incisura ulnaris’in enine çapı için sırasıyla 12,07±1,3 mm, 25,36±2,78 mm, 13,86±1,56 mm, 5,27±0,8 mm olarak hesaplandı. One Way Anova analizi sonuçlarına göre, RB tipleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı (p>0,05). Tüm parametrelerde RB tipleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı (p>0,05)

    Pneumococcal Vaccine as One of the Immunization Coverage Targets for Adulthood Vaccines: A Consensus Report of the Study Group for Adult Immunization of the Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

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    Pneumococcal diseases, including pneumonia with or without bacteremia, remain an important cause of morbidity and mortality in adults, especially among the elderly and those with certain medical conditions, including immunocompromising conditions all over the world. Two pneumococcal vaccines are currently licensed for adults in Turkey, 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23). PPSV23 has been available for many years for use in adults. A 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) included in the Expanded Programme on Immunization for use in infants and children in 2008, and thereafter PCV13 replaced PCV7 in 2011. Recently, the Ministry of Health of Turkey accepted risk groups for vaccine-preventable diseases, and implemented their immunization schedules in accordance with the decisions of Immunization Advisory Committee, including adult pneumococcal vaccination greatly compatible with those of updated U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations such as PCV13 for selected high-risk adults and for all adults >= 65 years of age. Furthermore, surveillance of invasive pneumococcal disease has already been included as part of the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Invasive Bacterial Diseases announced that would be started soon in Turkey. In this consensus report prepared by Study Group for Adult Immunization of the Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, relevant literature and international recommendations were reviewed, and recommendations agreed are presented. Examples of some selected recommendations are as follows: [1] All individuals aged >= 65 years should receive PCV13 followed by PPSV23, as well as adults of any age with the high-risk conditions (ie, patients with an immunocompromising condition, functional or anatomic asplenia, a cerebrospinal fluid leak, and a cochlear implant). [2] Pneumococcal vaccination is also recommended for adults = 1 year after PCV13 for most immunocompetent adults, it should be administered >= 8 weeks later for high-risk patients. [5] In patients who have already received PPSV23, >= 1 year should elapse before they are given PCV13. [6] For immunocompromised and asplenic patients, a booster dose of PPSV23 is recommended >= 5 years after the first dose. [7] A booster dose of PCV13 is not recommended for any age group. [8] Both vaccines may be administered concurrently with influenza vaccine, but at a separate site. [9] Use of PCV13 in adults may not always provide expected benefit because of the trend for vaccine strains to disappear from the population following childhood immunization with same vaccine. Therefore, surveillance for adult pneumococcal diseases is highly important to understand local epidemiology including serotype distribution and antibiotic resistance rates