128 research outputs found

    Gas Leakages Measurement Method on Hermetic Reciprocating Compressor

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    Military tourism in Erzurum city and its surroundingErzurum kenti ve yakın çevresinde askeri turizm

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    As a result of diversification of tourism, new concepts such as military tourism, war tourism and sorrow tourism have appeared in recent years. People started to be curious about the wars that occurred with various reasons and their battlefields in any area during the course of history and accordingly their demand to visit those places initiated the war tourism activity. In this context, academic studies have been made on areas such as Gallipoli and Troy National parks in terms of military tourism and within this scope there are potential areas to be evaluated in Erzurum too. In this study, the aim is to introduce, preserve, present the tourism potential of battlefields used in independence war and especially 1877-1878 Ottoman Russian War (93 war) and related castles, bastions, arsenals, monuments, museum, historical gates and martyrs’ cemetery and evaluate them in terms of tourism. In this direction, after related literature search was made evaluations were made in light of the data as a result of terrain observations and interviews. As a result of these findings, it was determined that majority of destinations having military tourism value in Erzurum and surroundings were destroyed, that transportation options are problematic, that their recognition are very low and that they are not evaluated in terms of tourism. For this reason, studies should be conducted in order to take aforementioned historical source values under protection as soon as possible and they should be redounded to tourism. ÖzetTurizmin çeşitlendirilmesiyle birlikte son yıllarda savaş alanları, savaş turizmi, askeri turizm ve hüzün turizmi gibi yeni bir turizm kavramı ortaya çıkmıştır. Herhangi bir sahada tarih boyunca çeşitli nedenlerle meydana gelen savaşlar ve bunların gerçekleştiği yerler günümüzde ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde turistik açıdan merak edilen veya ziyaret edilmek istenen yerlerden biri haline gelmesi savaş turizmi hareketliliğini başlatmıştır. Bu kapsamda ülkemizde Gelibolu ve Troya tarihi milli parkları gibi alanların savaş alanları turizmi açısından değerlendirilmesine yönelik akademik çalışmalar yapılmış olup, bu çerçevede Erzurum şehrinde de değerlendirebilecek potansiyel alanlar bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Kurtuluş Savaşı ve özellikle de 1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı (93 harbi) süresince savaşın gerçekleştiği alanlar ile bu sahada bulunan kale, tabyalar, cephanelikler, anıtlar, müze, tarihi kapılar ve şehitliklerin askeri turizmi potansiyelinin ortaya konulması, tanıtılması, korunması ve turizm açısından değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda ilgili literatür taraması yapıldıktan sonra arazi gözlemleri sonucunda elde edilen veriler ışığında değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Bulgular neticesinde Erzurum şehri ve yakın çevresindeki askeri turizmi değeri taşıyan destinasyonların pek çoğunun tahrip edildiği, ulaşım imkanlarının sorunlu olduğu, tanınırlıkların çok az olduğu ve turizm açısından değerlendirilmediği saptanmıştır. Bu nedenle söz konusu tarihsel kaynak değerlerinin bir an önce koruma altına alınıp, turizme kazandırılması yönünde çalışmalar yapılmalıdır

    A Child with Acute Appendicitis Secondary to Blunt Abdominal Trauma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    We present a child with abdominal pain and vomiting after blunt abdominal trauma (BAT). He had tenderness, guarding and rebound on the bilateral lower quadrant of the abdomen. He had no abrasion on the abdominal skin surface. He had marked leukocytosis and increased C-reactive protein level. Contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography revealed inflamed appendicitis. He was operated by pediatric surgeons and, an perforated appendix was illustrated on pathological examination. BAT and acute appendicitis (AA) are independently very frequent issues. In pediatric emergency departments, BAT and AA are very frequent issues, however, coexistence of these two condition in the same patient is rare. This case report and review of the literature showed that occurrence of AA after BAT should be considered by emergency physicians

    Point-of-Care Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Tool for Nutcracker Syndrome in Pediatric Emergency Department

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    Abdominal pain is one of the most common causes of admission to pediatric emergency department. Point-of care ultrasonography combined with appropriate history and physical examination provides rapid and accurate management of abdominal pain in emergency setting. Here, we report a 15-year-old girl with abdominal pain who was diagnosed with Nutcracker syndrome by the guidance of point-of-care ultrasound findings

    Does Providing Clinical Care for Trauma Patients have a Positive Effect on Physicians’ Perspective on Child Passenger Safety?

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    Introduction: Motor vehicle crashes are the most common cause of the mortality in the pediatric population. Preventive strategies are the best approach to reduce mortality and morbidity due to motor vehicle crashes. Since parents mostly refer to them for guidance, doctors should have a high level of knowledge and awareness to increase the usage of car safety seats. We thought that providing care for trauma patients could have a positive effect on the physicians’ awareness and knowledge level. Based on this, we aimed to assess the awareness and knowledge of pediatricians and emergency physicians and trauma doctors. Methods: An electronic survey consisting of 23 questions was prepared. Demographic features, awareness and knowledge level of the physicians were assessed on three sections. Five suggestions in the guideline of the American Academy of Pediatrics were used to assess physicians’ knowledge level. The respondents were grouped as those providing clinical care for trauma patients and those do not. Results: The questionnaires were sent to 641 physicians and 323 who completed the questionnaire were included in the study. One hundred and fourteen (35.3%) of the respondents were providing clinical care for trauma patients. One hundred ninety (59.2%) respondents had children. Majority of the physicians had a satisfactory level of knowledge about car safety seat (CSS). The number of respondents reported having adequate self-awareness was found statistically significantly higher in the groups of doctors who have children and provide clinical care for trauma patients (p0.05). Interestingly, the knowledge level in physicians who had children was statistically significantly lower than in those with no children (p<0.01). Conclusion: Our survey revealed that physicians who provide clinical care for trauma patients think they have a high level of knowledge about CSS. Unfortunately, their knowledge level was low as other physicians in the study group

    A Child with Maxillofacial Injury by Three Pronged Spear Gun

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    Bu raporda, nadir görülen, mortalite ve morbidite ile sonuçlanabilecek zıpkına bağlı maksillofasiyal bir yaralanma olgusu sunulmaktadır. Bu tip hastalarda nasıl müdahale edilmesi gerektiğini bilmek büyük önem taşımaktadır. Olgu, yüzünden zıpkın ile vurulma nedeni ile çocuk acil servisine başvurdu. İlk bakıda bilinci açık, oryantasyonu tam, solunum ve dolaşım bulguları stabildi. Üç mızraklı zıpkın, yüzün sol malar bölgesine saplanmıştı. Zıpkını hastanın yüzünden çıkarmak için gerekli müdahale yapılmadan önce beyin tomografisi ile değerlendirildi ve herhangi bir nörovasküler penetrasyon olmadığı belirendi. Operasyon sırasında hastanın entübasyonu sağlayabilmek için öncelikle zıpkının bağlantı noktası hidrolik kesici ile kesildi ve zıpkının alt parçası acil serviste kontrollü bir şekilde çıkarıldı. Kalan parçalar genel anestezi altında ameliyathane şartlarında çıkarıldı. Hasta 3 gün sonra herhangi bir sekel kalmadan taburcu edildi. Zıpkın oldukça tehlikeli ve çocuklarda tarafından kolayca ulaşılabilen bir ekipmandır. Bu tür vakaların yönetimi farklı zıpkın türlerine göre değişiklik göstermektedir. Bu vaka, acil serviste zıpkına bağlı bir yaralanmaya nasıl müdahale edilmesi gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır.This report illustrates a rare maxillofacial injury by spear gun that can cause mortality and morbidity. It’s important toknow how to intervene such a patient. He was conscious and oriented when he administered to the emergency department (ED), his respiration and circulation was stable. Three pronged spear was stuck into left malar region. Computed tomography was performed before manipulation of spear gun and no neurovascular penetration was determined. The external part of the spear gun was cut out by a hydraulic cutter to facilitate patient’s intubation. The lower fragment of the harpoon was removed in ED. The rest of the spear was removed in operation room under general anesthesia. The patient healed with no deficit and discharged three days after operation. Spear guns are very dangerous equipment that children can easily access. Management of cases can be different according to the different kind of spear guns. This case demonstrates management to the spear gun injuries in ED.</p