198 research outputs found

    Basic materials in the low carbon society transition

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    For the production of basic materials a deep decarbonization fundamentally requires the development of new process technologies. However, the climate policies currently adopted in G8 countries mainly reward incremental improvements and preserve industrial structures rather than induce innovation and preparations for a low-carbon transition. The current policy approach is motivated by fear of carbon leakage and loss of competitiveness but will not be very effective in the longer term as carbon costs increase. There are several reasons why maintaining production capacity of basic materials in developed economies is a necessary strategy. These include technology development, keeping integrated value chains intact, protecting employment, and taking a responsibility from a consumption perspective. We argue that G8 countries should take the initiative to get a global policy response that shifts the current focus beyond short-term problems to a long-term innovation focus for developing zero-carbon process technologies

    Decarbonising industry in Sweden

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    This report analyses the technical opportunities for a complete decarbonisation of the basic material industry in Sweden by 2050. From this assessment, the report discusses policy implications for the industry sector given the overall framework set by the ongoing international climate negotiations. Relying on current production systems and applying “end-of-pipe” solutions will be insufficient to reduce emissions below the estimates produced by most climate economic modeling. Decarbonising the industrial sectors while maintaining production volumes requires a major effort to develop, introduce and invest in novel process designs that currently are not available on the market. For achieving this, our analysis points to the need for complementing the current main climate policy approach of pricing the emissions via the EU ETS with a stronger policy for technical change. The support needs to include funding for RD&D but also for market development support in a broad sense. So far, this approach has worked well in the renewable energy sector through the use of various support schemes. The report outlines a technology strategy for industry that identifies a set of broad technological platforms and infrastructure needs such as electrowinning, black liquor gasification, biomass based bulk chemicals, magnesium based cement, application of industrial CCS e.t.c., that all are in need of targeted support. A road map for creating a common vision between government, industry and civil society is a crucial first step. The overall purpose of a roadmap may be to establish priorities on RD&D, coordinate various actors, create networks and institutions for knowledge sharing, and map possible future technology and policy pathways

    Paris compatible steel capacity : Contraction and replacement for zero emissions

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    How to decarbonise energy-intensive processing industries? : Survey and conceptualisation of their specific innovation systems

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    Energy-intensive processing industries (EPIs) such as iron and steel, aluminum, chemicals, cement, glass, and paper and pulp are responsible for a large share of global greenhouse gas emissions. To meet 2050 emission targets, a transition to low carbon, often radical innovations is required, but this process is going slow. Insights from sociotechnical and innovation systems perspectives are therefore needed to facilitate and steer this transition process. The transitions literature has so far however, neglected EPIs.This paper characterises the sociotechnical and innovation systems of EPIs in terms of stylized facts, identifying similarities and differences between the individual industries. These stylized facts are recognized through aniterative process that builds on the authors’ expertise on EPIs and a review of available literature and documentation. Building on the limited body of available literature, it subsequently explores how these stylized facts may influence low carbon transition processes and identifies literature gaps from which a first agenda to further transitions research on EPIs is sketched. Insights obtained through such research would not only benefit policy recommendations, but may also lead to theoretical enrichment, as the unique EPI characteristics are likelyto result in for example new transition dynamics or lock-in mechanisms. The paper is concluded with some implications for policy

    Industrins utveckling mot netto-nollutslÀpp 2050

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    Sverige har en vision om ”netto-noll” utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser till 2050 och Ă€r pĂ„ god vĂ€g att nĂ„ utsatta delmĂ„l för utslĂ€ppsreduktioner till 2020. KlimatfrĂ„gan Ă€r dock lĂ„ngsiktig och det under klimatkonventionen antagna 2-gradersmĂ„let innebĂ€r utslĂ€ppsĂ„taganden som strĂ€cker sig till Ă„r 2050 och bortom. En lĂ„ngsiktigt effektiv klimatpolitik ska dĂ€rför utvĂ€rderas bĂ„de efter vilka lĂ„ngsiktiga utvecklingsmöjligheter den skapar likvĂ€l som efter de utslĂ€ppsreduktioner som nĂ„s till lĂ€gsta kostnad pĂ„ kort sikt. Detta betyder ett ökat fokus pĂ„ styrning och Ă„tgĂ€rder som inte ger direkta utslĂ€ppsreduktioner idag men som pĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt skapar förutsĂ€ttningar i form av infrastruktur, kunskap, teknikutveckling och grönt entreprenörskap. PĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt mĂ„ste klimatpolitiken Ă€ven fortsĂ€tta med bredare ekonomiska ansatser som grön skattevĂ€xling för att styra mot klimatsmartart konsumtion. För tillverkningsindustrin bör staten skapa bra generella förutsĂ€ttningar för innovation och industriell utveckling för att underlĂ€tta tillverkningsindustrins omstĂ€llning till nya ”gröna” marknadskrav. För basindustrin behöver dock staten ta ett sĂ€rskilt ansvar och ha en sammanhĂ€ngande innovationspolitik som mer riktat styr mot att utveckla nya tekniska lösningar för att klara lĂ„ngsiktiga klimatmĂ„l. Forskning och utveckling Ă€r redan idag en viktig del av svensk klimatpolitik men det saknas en sammanhĂ„llen svensk strategi för basindustrin. För att utveckla de rĂ€tta institutionella förutsĂ€ttningarna föreslĂ„r vi tvĂ„ uppdrag som bör utvecklas och sedan permanentas inom myndigheterna. I. Ett uppdrag att utveckla kapaciteten att analysera och utvĂ€rdera strukturomvandlingen mot grönare sektorer i ekonomin II. Ett uppdrag att utveckla branschvisa fĂ€rdplaner för industrin BĂ€gge uppdrag syftar till att stĂ€rka myndigheternas förmĂ„ga att effektivt implementera en lĂ„ngsiktig klimatpolitik med ett fokus pĂ„ industri- och teknikutvecklin

    HĂ„llbara drivmedel - finns de?

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    VÄrt syfte med denna rapport Àr att diskutera drivmedel frÄn ett brett perspektiv ur hÄllbarhetssynpunkt. Biodrivmedel och el analyseras och jÀmförs med fossila drivmedel. VÄr mÄlsÀttning Àr att försöka peka ut under vilka förutsÀttningar som drivmedel kan anses försvarbara ur hÄllbarhetssynpunkt och vilka system som vi bör utveckla respektive vilka system som vi bör undvika. En övergripande slutsats i studien Àr att man inte kan faststÀlla hur hÄllbara biodrivmedel blir i framtiden utan att samtidigt beakta skala och tillvÀxttakt. Dagens biodrivmedel i Sverige Àr hÄllbara utifrÄn den aktuella produktionsvolymen och gynnar utvecklingen av nya drivmedelssystem, men man bör stÀlla hÄrda krav pÄ energi- och klimateffektivitet i hela brÀnslekedjan (frÄn odling till tank) vid ökade produktionsvolymer. Det Àr av hög prioritet att utveckla brÀnslesnÄla bilar och hÀr kommer elhybridteknologin och elbilar att bli allt viktigare. En lÄngsiktig strategi för biodrivmedel bör innehÄlla satsningar pÄ teknologi bÄde för termisk förgasning och biologiska omvandlingsmetoder för lignocellulosa eftersom detta Àr kompletterande lika mycket som konkurrerande teknologier samt ger större flexibilitet och mindre risk för konflikter. Biogas frÄn restprodukter har stora miljöfördelar och kan expandera med liten risk för konflikter. Certifiering (rÀtt utformat) Àr ett viktigt och nödvÀndigt verktyg pÄ vÀgen mot mer hÄllbara drivmedel och vid ökade produktionsvolymer, men dessa system ska inte överskattas dÄ de aldrig kan innefatta alla hÄllbarhetskriterier. Socio-ekonomiska aspekter som arbetsförhÄllanden, lokal landsbygdsutveckling osv samt effekter av ökad markkonkurrens mÄste i första hand lösas med generella ÄtgÀrder som nationell lagstiftning, fördelningspolitik, program och planer som i sin tur bör stödjas av internationella avtal och utvecklingssamarbete pÄ olika nivÄer. Oavsett utvecklingen i Sverige eller EU sÄ kommer biodrivmedelsproduktionen globalt att öka, framför allt i utvecklingslÀnderna. Det Àr dÀrför viktigt att ta vara pÄ den möjlighet vi har idag att medverka i utvecklingen och införandet av hÄllbarhetskriterier. Förnybara drivmedel kan, med rÀtt utformning och styrmedel för lÀmplig tillvÀxttakt och produktionsvolym, leda till en positiv och hÄllbar utveckling i bÄde industri- och utvecklingslÀnder

    A European industrial development policy for prosperity and zero emissions

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    The objective of this paper is to outline and discuss the key elements of an EU industrial development policy consistent with the Paris Agreement. We also assess the current EU Industrial Strategy proposal against these elements. The “well below 2 °C” target sets a clear limit for future global greenhouse gas emissions and thus strict boundaries for the development of future material demand, industrial processes and the sourcing of feedstock; industry must evolve to zero emissions or pay for expensive negative emissions elsewhere. An industrial policy for transformation to net-zero emissions must include attention to directed technological and economic structural change, the demand for emissions intensive products and services, energy and material efficiency, circular economy, electrification and other net-zero fuel switching, and carbon capture and use or storage (CCUS). It may also entail geographical relocation of key basic materials industries to regions endowed with renewable energy. In this paper we review recent trends in green industrial policy. We find that it has generally focused on promoting new green technologies (e.g., PVs, batteries, fuel cells and biorefineries) rather than on decarbonizing the emissions intensive basic materials industries, or strategies for handling the phase-out or repurposing of sunset industries (e.g., replacing fossil fuel feedstocks for chemicals). Based on knowledge about industry and potential mitigation options, and insights from economics, governance and innovation studies, we propose a framework for the purpose of developing and evaluating industrial policy for net-zero emissions. This framework recognizes the need for: directionality; innovation; creating lead markets for green materials and reshaping existing markets; building capacity for governance and change; coherence with the international climate policy regime; and finally the need for a just transition. We find the announced EU Industrial Strategy to be strong on most elements, but weak on transition governance approaches, the need for capacity building, and creating lead markets

    Aggregated impact of allowance allocation and power dispatching on emission reduction

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    Climate change has become one of the most important issues for the sustainable development of social well-being. China has made great efforts in reducing CO2 emissions and promoting clean energy. Pilot Emission Trading Systems (ETSs) have been launched in two provinces and five cities in China, and a national level ETS will be implemented in the third quarter of 2017, with preparations for China’s national ETS now well under way. In the meantime, a new round of China’s electric power system reform has entered the implementation stage. Policy variables from both electricity and emission markets will impose potential risks on the operation of generation companies (GenCos). Under this situation, by selecting key variables in each domain, this paper analyzes the combined effects of different allowance allocation methods and power dispatching models on power system emission. Key parameters are set based on a provincial power system in China, and the case studies are conducted based on dynamic simulation platform for macro-energy systems (DSMES) software developed by the authors. The selected power dispatching models include planned dispatch, energy saving power generation dispatch and economic dispatch. The selected initial allowance allocation methods in the emission market include the grandfathering method based on historical emissions and the benchmarking method based on actual output. Based on the simulation results and discussions, several policy implications are highlighted to help to design an effective emission market in China
