892 research outputs found

    Adiabatic geometric phases in hydrogenlike atoms

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    We examine the effect of spin-orbit coupling on geometric phases in hydrogenlike atoms exposed to a slowly varying magnetic field. The marginal geometric phases associated with the orbital angular momentum and the intrinsic spin fulfill a sum rule that explicitly relates them to the corresponding geometric phase of the whole system. The marginal geometric phases in the Zeeman and Paschen-Back limit are analyzed. We point out the existence of nodal points in the marginal phases that may be detected by topological means.Comment: Clarifying material added, one figure removed, journal reference adde

    The Coherent Crooks Equality

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    This chapter reviews an information theoretic approach to deriving quantum fluctuation theorems. When a thermal system is driven from equilibrium, random quantities of work are required or produced: the Crooks equality is a classical fluctuation theorem that quantifies the probabilities of these work fluctuations. The framework summarised here generalises the Crooks equality to the quantum regime by modeling not only the driven system but also the control system and energy supply that enables the system to be driven. As is reasonably common within the information theoretic approach but high unusual for fluctuation theorems, this framework explicitly accounts for the energy conservation using only time independent Hamiltonians. We focus on explicating a key result derived by Johan {\AA}berg: a Crooks-like equality for when the energy supply is allowed to exist in a superposition of energy eigenstates states.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; Chapter for the book "Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime - Recent Progress and Outlook", eds. F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders and G. Adess

    Correlation studies of fission fragment neutron multiplicities

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    We calculate neutron multiplicities from fission fragments with specified mass numbers for events having a specified total fragment kinetic energy. The shape evolution from the initial compound nucleus to the scission configurations is obtained with the Metropolis walk method on the five-dimensional potential-energy landscape, calculated with the macroscopic-microscopic method for the three-quadratic-surface shape family. Shape-dependent microscopic level densities are used to guide the random walk, to partition the intrinsic excitation energy between the two proto-fragments at scission, and to determine the spectrum of the neutrons evaporated from the fragments. The contributions to the total excitation energy of the resulting fragments from statistical excitation and shape distortion at scission is studied. Good agreement is obtained with available experimental data on neutron multiplicities in correlation with fission fragments from 235^{235}U(nth_{\rm th},f). At higher neutron energies a superlong fission mode appears which affects the dependence of the observables on the total fragment kinetic energy.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Noncyclic geometric changes of quantum states

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    Non-Abelian quantum holonomies, i.e., unitary state changes solely induced by geometric properties of a quantum system, have been much under focus in the physics community as generalizations of the Abelian Berry phase. Apart from being a general phenomenon displayed in various subfields of quantum physics, the use of holonomies has lately been suggested as a robust technique to obtain quantum gates; the building blocks of quantum computers. Non-Abelian holonomies are usually associated with cyclic changes of quantum systems, but here we consider a generalization to noncyclic evolutions. We argue that this open-path holonomy can be used to construct quantum gates. We also show that a structure of partially defined holonomies emerges from the open-path holonomy. This structure has no counterpart in the Abelian setting. We illustrate the general ideas using an example that may be accessible to tests in various physical systems.Comment: Extended version, new title, journal reference adde

    Exact Coupling Coefficient Distribution in the Doorway Mechanism

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    In many--body and other systems, the physics situation often allows one to interpret certain, distinct states by means of a simple picture. In this interpretation, the distinct states are not eigenstates of the full Hamiltonian. Hence, there is an interaction which makes the distinct states act as doorways into background states which are modeled statistically. The crucial quantities are the overlaps between the eigenstates of the full Hamiltonian and the doorway states, that is, the coupling coefficients occuring in the expansion of true eigenstates in the simple model basis. Recently, the distribution of the maximum coupling coefficients was introduced as a new, highly sensitive statistical observable. In the particularly important regime of weak interactions, this distribution is very well approximated by the fidelity distribution, defined as the distribution of the overlap between the doorway states with interaction and without interaction. Using a random matrix model, we calculate the latter distribution exactly for regular and chaotic background states in the cases of preserved and fully broken time--reversal invariance. We also perform numerical simulations and find excellent agreement with our analytical results.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Propagation of transient electromagnetic waves in time-varying media - Direct and inverse scattering problems

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    Wave propagation of transient electromagnetic waves in time-varying media is considered. The medium, which is assumed to be inhomogeneous and dispersive, lacks invariance under time translations. The spatial variation of the medium is assumed to be in the depth coordinate, i.e., it is stratified. The constitutive relations of the medium is a time integral of a generalized susceptibility kernel and the field. The generalized susceptibility kernel depends on one spatial and two time coordinates. The concept of wave splitting is introduced. The direct and inverse scattering problems are solved by the use of an imbedding or a Green functions approach. The direct and the inverse scattering problems are solved for a homogeneous semi-infinite medium. Explicit algorithms are developed. In this inverse scattering problem, a function depending on two time coordinates is reconstructed. Several numerical computations illustrate the performance of the algorithms
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