17 research outputs found

    Ecocosmología y chamanismo en el Amazonas: variaciones sobre un tema

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    On the basis of an analysis of makuna ethnography, the essay provides a critical revision of Reichel-Dolmatoff’s celebrated model of Tukanoan ecological cosmology. This reinterpretation of the Tukanoan model, in turn, suggests an alternative reading of Jivaroan ethnography. In particular, the essay addresses the comparative analysis of Jivaroan and Tukanoan varieties of animism –one predatory, the other reciprocal– as proposed by Descola (1992). The essay is a contribution to the study of the pervasive themes of predation, reciprocity and regeneration in Amazonian social cosmologies.Con base en el análisis de la etnografía makuna, este artículo provee una revisión crítica del celebrado modelo de la cosmología ecológica tucano de Reichel-Dolmatoff. Esta interpretación del modelo tucano sugiere a su vez una lectura alternativa de la etnografía de los jívaros. En particular, el artículo propone el análisis comparativo de las variedades de animismo jívaro y tucano –uno predatorio, el otro recíproco– como lo propone Descola (1992). El artículo constituye una contribución al estudio de las cosmologías sociales amazónicas y de temas como el de la predación, la reciprocidad y la regeneración relacionados con ella

    ECOCOSMOLOGÍA Y CHAMANISMO EN EL AMAZONAS: variaciones sobre un tema

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    CON BASE EN EL ANÁLISIS DE LA ETNOGRAFÍA MAKUNA, ESTE ARTÍCULO PROVEE UNA revisión crítica del celebrado modelo de la cosmología ecológica tucano de Reichel-Dolmatoff. Esta interpretación del modelo tucano sugiere a su vez una lectura alternativa de la etnografía de los jívaros. En particular, el artículo propone el análisis comparativo de las variedades de animismo jívaro y tucano -uno predatorio, el otro recíproco- como lo propone Descola (1992). El artículo constituye una contribución al estudio de las cosmologías sociales amazónicas y de temas como el de la predación, la reciprocidad y la regeneración relacionados con ella

    Pastoral man in the garden of Eden : the Maasai of the Ngorongoro conservation area, Tanzania

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    The Ngorongoro Highlands and the serengeti Plains in nothern Tanzania are renowed for their abundant wildlife and scenic beauty. Ngorongoro is also the home of some 15,000 semi-nomadic Maasai pastorialists. Together with their herds of domestic stock they have for generations coexisted peacefully with the wildlife in the area. This book is an account of the pastoral community in Ngorongoro. Against the backdrop of national development policies and the history of wildlife conservation in the area, the book describes resource utilization and living conditions among the Ngorongoro Maasai.Contents: 1. Introduction -- 2. The Tanzanian Maasai and the state -- 3. The history of wildlife conservation in Ngorongoro -- 4. Pastoral resource use in Ngorongoro  and its environmental impact -- 5. Living conditions among the Ngorongoro Maasai -- 6. Conflicting views on development and conservation in Ngorongoro -- 7. Towards and integrated approach to development and conservation </p

    O dois e seu múltiplo: reflexões sobre o perspectivismo em uma cosmologia tupi

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    A partir da caça de porco do mato, este artigo é um ensaio etnográfico sobre uma noção indígena de ponto de vista, aplicada ao campo das relações entre o humano e o animal, na cosmologia de um povo Tupi, os Juruna. Além de revelar a complexidade particular dessas relações, a noção de ponto de vista permite mostrar como a noção de duplo é irredutível à noção de alma, como "natureza" e "sobrenatureza" são efeitos de perspectivas, e como, finalmente, a caça se insere em uma estrutura espaço-temporal bilinear múltipla, evocadora dos "labirintos" que os Juruna desenham na pele.<br>This article takes the wild boar hunt as the basis for an ethnographic essay on an indigenous notion of point of view, applied to the field of relations between humans and animals in the cosmology of a Tupi people, the Juruna. In addition to revealing the particular complexity of these relations, the concept of point of view shows how the notion of double is irreducible to that of soul, like "nature"and "supernature"are effects of perspectives, and finally how the hunt is included in a multiple bilinear spatial/temporal structure, evoking the "labyrinths" that the Juruna paint on their skin