2,854 research outputs found

    Counterexamples regarding Symmetric Tensors and Divided Powers

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    We investigate the similarities and differences between the module of symmetric tensors TS^n_A(M) and the module of divided powers \Gamma^n_A(M). There is a canonical map \Gamma^n_A(M) \to TS^n_A(M) which is an isomorphism in many important cases. We give examples showing that this map need neither be surjective nor injective in general. These examples also show that the functor TS_A^n does not in general commute with base change.Comment: 22 pages. Updates: Added new section 7, added remarks regarding extension to general characteristic p>0. To appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr

    AME - Asteroseismology Made Easy. Estimating stellar properties by use of scaled models

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    We present a new method to obtain stellar properties for stars exhibiting solar-like oscillations in an easy, fast, and transparent way. The method, called Asteroseismology Made Easy (AME), can determine stellar masses, mean-densities, radii, and surface gravities, as well as estimate ages. In this writing we present AME as a visual and powerful tool which could be useful; in particular in the light of the large number of exoplanets being found. AME consists of a set of figures from which the stellar parameters are deduced. These figures are made from a grid of stellar evolutionary models that cover masses ranging from 0.7 Msun to 1.6 Msun in steps of 0.1 Msun and metallicities in the interval -0.3 dex <= [Fe/H] <= +0.3 dex in increments of 0.1 dex. The stellar evolutionary models are computed using the Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA) code with simple input physics. We have compared the results from AME with results for three groups of stars; stars with radii determined from interferometry (and measured parallaxes), stars with radii determined from measurements of their parallaxes (and calculated angular diameters), and stars with results based on the modelling of their individual oscillation frequencies. We find that a comparison of the radii from interferometry to those from AME yield a weighted mean of the fractional differences of just 2%. This is also the level of deviation that we find when we compare the parallax-based radii to the radii determined from AME. The comparison between independently determined stellar parameters and those found using AME show that our method can provide reliable stellar masses, radii, and ages, with median uncertainties in the order of 4%, 2%, and 25% respectively.Comment: 18 pages, 25 figures. To be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Pharyngeal surgery and epidemiology in sleep apnea

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    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) occurs frequently among adults and children. The first-line treatments in adults are continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or mandibular retaining devices (MRDs), but the long-term efficacy is only around 60%. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) has been criticized for lack of efficacy and a high degree of complications. In children the first-line treatment is adenotonsillectomy. This thesis evaluates two major aspects of OSAS: firstly, UPPP in adult OSAS patients with failing CPAP and MRD treatment regarding efficacy, safety, satisfaction and side effects in Papers I and II. Secondly, the relationship between sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in children and adolescents, defined as first hospital diagnoses of OSAS, tonsillar and adenotonsillar hypertrophy (ATH), and parental diagnoses of OSAS, occupation and family socioeconomic status (SES) in Papers III and IV. In paper I, we measured changes in numbers of oxygen desaturations 4% (ODI4) with home based sleep apnea registrations and daytime sleepiness with validated questionnaires (Epworth sleepiness scale, ESS), as well as complication and satisfaction rate, before and 1 year after UPPP in 158 patients. There was a significant decrease in the ODI4 from median 23 (range 6-100) to 8 (range 0-60). The criteria of success (50% reduction and ODI<20), was 64% and UPPP reduced the nightly respiratory disturbances to a mean of 60 %. The ESS value decreased significantly from median 12 (range 0-21) to 6 (0-22). Four of 158 patients (2.5%) had serious postoperative complications, 88% of the patients were satisfied and there was no mortality. In Paper II, a pilot study without previous power calculation, 47 of the patients in Paper I answered a questionnaire before and one year after UPPP, as well as 15 non-snoring controls. The median score of the patients was unchanged from 5 (range 0–17) to 5 (0–19), compared to 1 (0–3) for controls. In Paper III we estimated the standardized incidence ratio (SIR) of hospitalization, 1997–2007, for OSAS and SDB caused by ATH in children (aged 0–18 years) with a parent affected by OSAS and compared this risk with that of children with OSAS and SDB without a parent affected by OSAS. We used the MigMed2 database which includes the Swedish Hospital Discharge Register. After accounting for SES, age, and geographic region, the SIRs of OSAS in boys and girls with a parent affected by OSAS were 3.09 (95% CI 1.83–4.90) and 4.46 (95% CI 2.68–6.98), respectively. The SIRs of ATH in boys and girls with a parent affected by OSAS were 1.82 (95% CI 1.54–2.14) and 1.56 (95% CI 1.30–1.87), respectively. In Paper IV we analyzed the odds ratio (OR) in individuals aged 0–18 years, 1997–2007, for first hospital diagnoses of OSAS and ATH by family SES and parental occupation. The MigMed2 database was linked to the Swedish census. There were a total of 34 933 children with a first hospital diagnosis of OSAS and ATH. The ORs were increased in individuals with low family SES, defined as family income and maternal education. Increased ORs were found among 14 maternal and 13 paternal occupational groups. Decreased ORs were found for 10 paternal occupational groups. In paper III and IV there was no data available for individual risk factors and confounders such as BMI or passive smoking. In summary, UPPP reduced the nightly respiratory disturbances to a mean of 60%, halved the daytime sleepiness, did not change the median scores of pharyngeal disturbances, and may be a safe alternative in selected OSAS patients. Swedish children with a parent affected by OSAS had a significantly higher risk of hospitalization for OSAS and SDB defined as ATH. Children with a low family SES and in some occupational groups were associated with an increased OR for hospitalization for OSAS and SDB

    Employer Brand Opens up for a Gender Process Model

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    Regardless of a long tradition of legislation, policymaking and practical achievements, the issues ofgender equality and of the segregated labor market still remain a matter of concern in Sweden. Thispaper describes a collaborative process between a research project and an engineering enterprise.It describes the point of departure, based on the concept of employer brand, of a long-term changeprocess and the different phases and activities during an intensive period 2009. The collaborationaimed to develop innovative methods, and to apply them in order to achieve increased genderawareness, and thereby to be able to retain and attract the best labor for tomorrow. Differentapproaches and methods as analogies, anecdotes, and pictures were used to nourish the process.Findings showed that the interactive process contributed to increased awareness. During the processthe enterprise became more conscious of the potential of being a gender equal employe

    Poet Signature

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    Four Poems

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    ARTUR LUNDKVIST OF Solna, Sweden is the author of many books, including Agadir (translated into English by William Jay Smith and Leif Sjoberg, 1979). He has had a major influence on contemporary Swedish literature through both his own writings and his translations

    Diagnosis, treatment, and effects of the crisis in Greece : a “Special Case” or a “Test Case”?

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    Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att undersöka specialpedagogers/speciallÀrares uppfattningar om sin yrkesroll, elever de möter och det specialpedagogiska verksamhetsomrÄdet i grundskolan. Syftet Àr Àven att studera vad begreppet en skola för alla innebÀr för specialpedagogerna/speciallÀrarna. VÄr metod Àr kvalitativa intervjuer med sju verksamma speciallÀrare/specialpedagoger. VÄrt resultat belyser vi utifrÄn en litteraturöversikt och tre perspektiv inom det specialpedagogiska omrÄdet. Det som har framkommit i vÄr studie genom resultatet och analysen Àr att speciallÀrarna/specialpedagogerna har en mÄngsidig yrkesroll och att de ser en tydlig skillnad mellan deras yrkesroll och en sÄ kallad vanlig lÀrarroll. Den vanligaste arbetsformen informanterna har Àr undervisning i liten grupp, men det förekommer ocksÄ andra arbetssÀtt, exempelvis handledning och testarbete. Oavsett vilken utbildning vÄra informanter har, finns det ingen klar skillnad mellan deras arbetsuppgifter. Eleverna vÄra informanter möter har endera nÄgon form av diagnos eller har skolsvÄrigheter av en eller flera anledningar. Elevernas syn pÄ att de fÄr sÀrskilt stöd Àr enligt informanterna bÄde positiv och negativ. Specialpedagogerna/speciallÀrarna anser att dagens skola inte Àr en skola för alla, med ett undantag. De uttrycker att en skola för alla innebÀr en skola dÀr alla elever trivs och fÄr ta del av skolans resurser, samt har en miljö som passar alla barn. Anledningen till att dagens skola inte Àr en skola för alla Àr att skolan inte tar vara pÄ elevernas förmÄgor och att lÀrarna inte hinner se och hjÀlpa alla barn. Detta beror pÄ att skolans resurser inte Àr tillrÀckliga. I den slutliga diskussionsdelen har vi kommit fram till att de tre specialpedagogiska perspektiven förekommer i dagens skola. Vi har ocksÄ bildat oss en egen uppfattning om vad en skola för alla innebÀr
