2,955 research outputs found

    Inclusion of Diffraction Effects in the Gutzwiller Trace Formula

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    The Gutzwiller trace formula is extended to include diffraction effects. The new trace formula involves periodic rays which have non-geometrical segments as a result of diffraction on the surfaces and edges of the scatter.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, 1 ps figur

    Application of the diffraction trace formula to the three disk scattering system

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    The diffraction trace formula ({\em Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 73}, 2304 (1994)) and spectral determinant are tested on the open three disk scattering system. The system contains a generic and exponentially growing number of diffraction periodic orbits. In spite of this it is shown that even the scattering resonances with large imaginary part can be reproduced semiclassicaly. The non-trivial interplay of the diffraction periodic orbits with the usual geometrical orbits produces the fine structure of the complicated spectrum of scattering resonances, which are beyond the resolution of the conventional periodic orbit theory.Comment: Latex article + 3 ps figure

    Dental utilisation by young adults before and after subsidisation reform in Finland

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    Dental care was never fully integrated into the welfare state in Finland, but in 1986 it was decided to improve access to both publicly and privately provided dental care by reducing the price paid by patients. Since this would have been rather expensive to do for the whole population, it was decided to introduce it gradually, starting with the young adult population (those under 21 already had free publicly provided dental care). The so-called “Subsidisation Reform” (SR) was based on the assumption that the seeking of care would increase, as would the amount of care actually provided, and this increase would be spread across both the public and the private sectors. This study investigates the short-term effects of this reform. The seeking of care did increase, but the amount of care actually provided decreased and the changes were not evenly spread between the two sectors. The reasons for these changes are explored, and some of the inherent difficulties in evaluating health care reforms are set out, since they are likely to be of wider significance than this particular reform in Finland.reform, dental care

    Is there a gender difference in the ability to deal with failures? Evidence from professional golf tournaments

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    Recent experimental evidence suggests that women in general are more discouraged than men by failures which potentially can explain why women, on average, are less likely than men to reach top positions in firms. This paper provides the first quasi-experimental evidence from the field on this issue using data from all-female and all-male professional golf tournaments to see if this result can be replicated among competitive men and women. These top-performing men and women are active in an environment with multiple rounds of competition and the institutional set-up of the tournaments makes it possible to causally estimate the effect of the result in one tournament on the performance in the next. The results show that both male and female golfers respond negatively to a failure and that their responses are virtually identical. This finding gives support to the hypothesis that women's difficulties in reaching top positions in firms are caused by external rather than internal barriers, but does of course not rule that other internal barriers may be present for women

    Replik till Lisa Furberg: ‘Feminism, perfektionism och surrogatmoderskap’

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    Lisa Furberg har argumenterat för att altruistiskt surrogatmödraskap kan anses moraliskt problematiskt utifrÄn en perfektionistisk teori om det goda livet. I följande svar riktar jag ett antal invÀndningar mot Furbergs resonemang

    Oorganiserade kollektiv kan handla

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    Jag argumenterar för att oorganiserade kollektiv, sĂ„som kollektivet av alla mĂ€nniskor, kan handla moraliskt rĂ€tt och fel. Storskaliga problem likt den globala uppvĂ€rmningen Ă€r till exempel resultatet av en sĂ„dan kollektiv handling, nĂ€mligen hela mĂ€nsklighetens utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser. Denna kollektiva handling Ă€r dessutom moraliskt fel, pĂ„ grund av dess dĂ„liga konsekvenser. Jag bemöter ocksĂ„ en invĂ€ndning mot denna uppfattning om kollektivt handlande, enligt vilken det Ă€r intuitivt orimligt att oorganiserade kollektiv sĂ„som ”hela mĂ€nskligheten” kan handla

    Coherentism and the Sensation Objection

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    Coherentist theories of justification face the Sensation objection, according to which some experiences, such as that of a headache, independently justify us in holding certain beliefs regardless of whether they cohere with the rest of our beliefs. Since coherentism holds that our beliefs are justified only on the basis of coherence with the rest of our beliefs, coherentism is, or so it has been argued, false. But the Sensation objection fails. First of all, there is no independent justification going on in these cases. And second, a variant of BonJour's theory of introspection can make sense of these cases within a pure coherentist position

    Varför TÀnnsjö bör bli vegetarian

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    Jag argumenterar för att Torbjörn TÀnnsjö borde anse det fel att Àta kött. DÀrför borde han bli vegetarian. Anledningen till detta Àr en artikel, "Why we ought to accept the repugnant conclusion", som TÀnnsjö publicerade 2002 i tidskriften Utilitas

    Hedonistic Act Utilitarianism: Action Guidance and Moral intuitions

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    According to hedonistic act utilitarianism, an act is morally right if and only if, and because, it produces at least as much pleasure minus pain as any alternative act available to the agent. This dissertation gives a partial defense of utilitarianism against two types of objections: action guidance objections and intuitive objections. In Chapter 1, the main themes of the dissertation are introduced. The chapter also examines questions of how to understand utilitarianism, including (a) how to best formulate the moral explanatory claim of the theory, (b) how to best interpret the phrase "pleasure minus pain," and (c) how the theory is related to act consequentialism. The first part (Chapters 2 and 3) deals with action guidance objections to utilitarianism. Chapter 2 defines two kinds of action guidance: doxastic and evidential guidance. It is argued that utilitarianism is evidentially but not doxastically guiding for us. Chapter 3 evaluates various action guidance objections to utilitarianism. These are the objections that utilitarianism, because it is not doxastically guiding, is a bad moral theory, fails to be a moral theory, is an uninteresting and unimportant moral theory, and is a false moral theory. The second part (Chapters 4, 5 and 6) deals with intuitive objections to utilitarianism. Chapter 4 presents three intuitive objections: Experience Machine, Transplant, and Utility Monster. Three defenses of utilitarianism are subsequently evaluated. Chapter 5 and 6 introduces two alternative defenses of utilitarianism against intuitive objections, both of which concern the role that imagination plays in thought experimentation. In Chapter 5, it is argued that we sometimes unknowingly carry out the wrong thought experiment when we direct intuitive objections against utilitarianism. In many such cases, we elicit moral intuitions that we believe give us reason to reject utilitarianism, but that in fact do not. In Chapter 6, it is argued that using the right kind of sensory imagination when we perform thought experiments will positively affect the epistemic trustworthiness of our moral intuitions. Moreover, it is suggested that doing so renders utilitarianism more plausible. In Chapter 7, the contents of the dissertation are summarized
