783 research outputs found

    Analysis of Stratosphere-troposphere exchange processes associated to the Northern Subtropical Jet Stream

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    Informe técnico que recoge la contribución del INM y el INTA al proyecto TRACAS (Transport of Chemical species Across the Subtropical tropopause) (ENV4-CT97-0546).An intensive campaign of 41 ozonesoundings was conducted from February 1st to April 23rd 1999 at Tenerife (28ºN, 16ºW). The Subtropical Jet Stream (STJ) is located close to the Canary Islands in this period. A case analysis (March 25th and 26th) is presented to describe in detail the STE processes associated to the STJ, using both, meteorological analysis and information provided by the ozone soundings. Ozone sonde statistical analysis assess the significant role played by the STJ in the intrusions of subtropical upper tropospheric air masses into the midlatitude lower stratosphere

    El seminario permanente como escenario de aprendizaje institucional

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    This paper originates from the results of research carried out within the framework of the Master of Science in Education currently offered by the University of Amazonia. The research was to evaluate the performance of teachers in Public Accounting Program to propose alternative solutions needed to strengthen the practice of teaching within it. The alternative that arises is the design and implementation of the Permanent Seminar of Research and University Teaching - SPIDU as stage and space for discussion and academic debate for the development of collegiate work of teachers.As a result of its implementation was possible to strengthen the processes of research, teaching and outreach program allowing teachers to make pedagogical practices in a permanent object of study, improve links with public and private sectors in the region, reconfigure the evaluation of learning and actively participate in self-assessment processes for accreditation of quality and curriculum reform.El presente artículo se origina de los resultados de la investigación desarrollada en el marco de la Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación que ofrece la Universidad de la Amazonia. La investigación consistió en evaluar el desempeño de los profesores del Programa de Contaduría Pública de dicha universidad para proponer alternativas de solución que permitieran fortalecer el ejercicio de la docencia al interior del mismo. La alternativa que se plantea es el diseño e implementación del Seminario Permanente de Investigación y Docencia Universitaria – SPIDU como escenario y espacio de discusión y de debate académico para el desarrollo del trabajo colegiado de los profesores.Como resultado de su implementación se logró fortalecer los procesos de investigación, de docencia y proyección social del Programa permitiéndole a los profesores convertir las practicas pedagógicas en objeto permanente de estudio, mejorar la vinculación con el sector público y privado de la región, reconfigurar la evaluación de los aprendizajes y participar activamente en los procesos de autoevaluación para fines de acreditación de calidad y en la reforma curricular

    Prevalence of HPV and EBV infection and their relationship with the p53 and PCNA expression in oral carcinoma patients

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    Introduction: Infection caused by potentially oncogenic viruses, such as HPV and EBV, favors the role of certain oncoproteins that can induce dysplasias and malignant lesions. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of HPV and EBV and their relation with the expression of p53 and PCNA in patients with oral carcinoma. Methodology: Twenty-seven oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) were evaluated; DNA extraction was conducted using the QIAamp DNA mini kit; viral detection was obtained using the INNO-LiPA kit for HPV, and nested PCR was used for EBV. The evaluation of molecular markers was performed through immunohistochemical staining. Results: The mean age of the patients was 60.55±13.94 years, and 52% of these were female. Of the patients, 59% were tobacco users and 63% were alcohol consumers. HPV was detected in 70% of the patients with the predominance of genotype 16 (60%). As for EBV infection, it was observed in 59% of cases. p53 and PCNA immunopositivity corresponded to 44% and 59%, respectively. The tongue was the anatomical location with highest positivity for both viruses as well as for the expression of molecular markers. The 48% of the cases presented infection by both viruses.&nbsp

    Electric field and solvent model for Electrochemical SERS: excited-state and enhancement tuning

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    Being SERS a promising technique due to it potentially combining the well-known characterization prowess of Raman with the high sensitivity arising from nanoparticle-associated enhancement, 1 understanding the mechanisms due to which SERS differs from Normal Raman is key to accomplish effective applications of this technique. Following the consensus about the theoretical background that stablishes the enhancement mechanisms in SERS, 2 and focusing on electrode potential as a variable in Electrochemical (EC) SERS, for our work we have studied Pyridine (Py) SERS spectra modelling an EC-SERS nanostructured surface through an Ag 6 cluster in different orientations, with an electric field parallel to the Ag 6 -Py axis reproducing electrode potential, as depicted in Figure 1. The objective of such model is to simulate Pyridine SERS spectra and rationalizing these results based on well-established properties, accounting for symmetry considerations, coupling terms and the influence of the solvent on the system to carry out a straightforward understanding of SERS enhancement mechanisms. Our results are able to effectively reproduce the main relative intensities of Pyridine SERS spectra, shedding light on the influence of the aforementioned properties on the calculated lineshapes and intensities.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Comparison of ground based global radiation measurements from AEMET radiation network with SIS (Surface Incoming Shortwave Radiation) from Climate Monitoring-SAF

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    Ponencia presentada en: 2010 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference celebrada del 20-24 de septiembre de 2010 en Córdoba.A comparison of monthly mean values for 2006 of daily global radiation from 31 radiometric stations, which form part of the AEMET (Spanish State Meteorological Agency) Radiation Network, with SIS (Surface Incoming Shortwave Radiation) from Climate Monitoring-Satellite Application Facility (CMSAF) has been performed. The shortwave solar radiation is the flux reaching a horizontal unit earth surface in the 0.2 – 4µm wavelength band expressed in W/m2 . SIS product is computed using SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager) and AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) data. The surface irradiance SIS is calculated from the incoming solar flux at the top of the atmosphere E0, and the atmospheric transmittance T which is estimated with a radiative transfer model in relationship to the Top Of the atmosphere Albedo (TOA) for different atmospheric and surface states. The results show very similar data and sometimes near-coincident measurements between both sources of information with discrepancies around ±5%. In this study, a good agreement between monthly SIS data and monthly global radiation from ground based stations is showed for most of the year 2006. The study reveals very encouraging results for the use of SIS data to elaborate a solar radiation Atlas for Iberian Peninsula region

    Moure's amb dificultat al gimnàs: consideracions entorn d'un problema educatiu i de salut

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    Els problemes evolutius de coordinació motriu en les edats escolars continuen sent una dificultat subjacent del context espanyol. El seu impacte en les dimensions física, social i emocional dels escolars ha estat destacada pels investigadors i la necessitat de prendre’n consciència i del seu efecte esdevé molt necessària. En aquest article s’analitza en què consisteix aquesta dificultat, les seves possibles causes, i els seus efectes, per destacar la necessitat d’una intervenció primerenca a fi de posar remei a les conseqüències, i especialment en la condició física dels escolars que la pateixen, atesa la seva tendència al sedentarisme i a un estil de vida poc actiu. En definitiva, s’hi vol destacar que els problemes evolutius de coordinació motriu no són estrictament un problema educatiu, sinó que s’han convertit en un problema de salut que per resoldre’l implica a tothom

    Moverse con dificultad en el gimnasio: consideraciones en torno a un problema educativo y de salud

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    Los problemas evolutivos de coordinación motriz en las edades escolares siguen siendo una dificultad oculta en el contexto español. Su impacto en las dimensiones física, social y emocional de los escolares ha sido destacado por los investigadores, y la necesidad de tomar conciencia de su presencia y de su efecto se hace muy necesaria. En este artículo se analiza en qué consiste esta dificultad, sus posibles causas y sus efectos, para destacar la necesidad de una intervención temprana para remediar sus onsecuencias, y en especial en la condición física de los escolares que la padecen, dada su tendencia hacia el sedentarismo y un estilo de vida poco activo. En definitiva, se destaca que los problemas evolutivos de coordinación motriz no son estrictamente un problema educativo, sino que se han convertido en un problema de salud que implica a todos en su solución

    Carta Pastoral que el Excmo. é Ilmo. Sr. Dr. D. Juan Muñóz Herrera obispo de Ávila dirige á sus fieles con motivo de su despedida de dicha diócesis por traslación á la de Málaga

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201