1,557 research outputs found

    The effect of school´s ethnic composition on Mathematics results of students with immigrant origin in primary school

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    Scientific interest in the impact of the school composition effect on student performance has been reflected in the literature for several decades (since Coleman, 1966) and has recently intensified. In Portugal, sociological research in this field has been scarce, in particular research based on extensive methodologies. Taking 1st Cycle students and their Mathematics results as reference, the present study sought to contribute to this field. The objective was to identify the main effect and the moderating effect of school composition (socioeconomic and ethnic) on students' results, controlling the effect of individual and school variables, whose effects on school outcomes are already known, such as socioeconomic status (SES), gender, school trajectory, and school size. We particularly sought to understand whether school composition affects the students’ results, and whether the effects vary with students’ national origins. The research was supported by an extensive database containing information on 23,143 students at 522 public schools in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. A multilevel analysis was developed, considering student and school levels. The dependent variable was the Mathematics results of fourth-grade students in the 2015 National Attainment Test. We concluded that the effect of school’s social composition is more important to student performance than that of school’s ethnic composition and also that the students from PALOPs (Portuguese-speaking African Countries) benefit more than any others when they attend schools with a higher average SES.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Understanding the impact of school´s ethnic composition on Mathematics results of students with immigrant origin in primary school

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    Scientific interest concerning the impact of school’s compositional effect on student performance has intensified throughout the current century, as the subject has been vastly explored by researchers in various national contexts (Agirdag, Van Houtte & Van Avermaet, 2012; Jensen & Rasmussen, 2011; Van der Slik, Driessen & De Bot, 2006; Schnepf, 2007; Goldsmith, 2003, Lleras, 2008). These effects have usually been studied taking student outcomes as measured by standardised tests on different school subjects and levels of education. In Portugal we conducted a research using an extensive database (16 269 students and 417 schools) with the results of fourth grade students on Portuguese Language national standardised tests in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (2009-10). We intent to reveal what are the main factors behind students results in public schools giving special attention to the effect of ethnicity, considered both at the student level (its national origin) and at the school level (the schools ethnic composition). A multilevel analysis was developed involving both individual level variables and school level variables to answer the following research questions: Does the schools’ ethnic composition effect on Portuguese Language scores stand when students’ gender, social and ethnic origins are taken into account? Does this effect stand when the schools’ social composition is taken into account? How does the schools’ ethnic composition moderate the relation between having/not having an immigrant background and students’ Portuguese Language scores, when the socio-economic status (SES) of both students and schools is controlled?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relationship between kindergarten children’s vocal performance and recognition of songs with and without words

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    The ability to recognize songs has been of interest to researchers over the past decades (Racette & Peretz, 2007; Samson & Zatorre, 1991; Serafine, Davidson, Crowder, & Repp, 1986). Evidence on song perception has shown that melody and words are processed with different degrees of integration and separation (Nakada & Abe, 2009; Saito et al., 2012; Sammler et al., 2010). However, there are few studies investigating song recognition among children (Feierabend, Saunders, Holahan, & Getnick, 1998; Morrongiello & Roes, 1990; Rodrigues & Rodrigues, 2010). Furthermore, how songs are taught both with words and without words, i.e., with a neutral syllable, and how words influence perception of melody and words have not been addressed in depth. Also, results from studies regarding the influence of teaching both types of songs on children’s vocal performances were inconclusive and, in some cases, contradictory. For example, some researchers found that children sing better with words (Levinowitz, 1989; Phillips, 1989). In contrast, other investigations did not support these findings and showed no statistical differences between approaches (Jacobi-Karna, 1996; Lange, 2000; Smale, 1988). Within this context, it is unclear if vocal performance of songs with words and without words is related to the way children perceive melody and words.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Redes agrometeorológicas: histórico e estudos de casos em agrometeorologia.

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    RESUMO: Este trabalho objetiva identificar as origens de ações em rede na meteorologia, relatada a partir do século XIX, considerando os aspectos tecnológicos e institucionais que contribuíram para viabilizar sua formação. O artigo contempla também a análise de duas experiências envolvendo redes no campo da Meteorologia Agrícola que visam contribuir para a redução de riscos agrícolas associados às condições do tempo e clima em território brasileiro. Os casos analisados foram: a implementação do Zoneamento Agrícola de Riscos Climáticos e o desenvolvimento do sistema Agritempo

    Cuantificacion del crecimiento urbano de la ciudad de Linares, mediante teledeteccion para el periodo 1960 - 2006

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    94 p.El propósito de esta investigación consistió en analizar el proceso de expansión urbana de la ciudad de Linares, mediante Teledetección, en un período de 46 años, delimitando de esta forma el área de crecimiento. Se utilizaron en esta investigación distintos sensores remotos para diferentes períodos de tiempo, es decir, Mosaico (1960), Imagen de Satélite (1985) y Fotografías Aéreas (1978,1999 y 2006) de manera de realizar un análisis visual de las características de cada uno de ellos e interpretar de esta forma las 7 categorías que fueron definidas, en especial la referente a la expansión urbana. De cada uno de estos sensores se extrajo información que fue traspasada a una cobertura especial con las calles de la ciudad, para generar los usos de las categorías en los 5 períodos estudiados. Se generó además una cobertura con las clases de uso del suelo presente en Linares con el objetivo de superponer cada período con el uso de suelos y así saber sobre qué clase se esta expandiendo la ciudad. Los resultados indicaron que la categoría Urbano, desde el año 1960 creció 485,32 há, es decir más del 100% en un período de 46 años. Las categorías Urbano2 e Industria también aumentaron su superficie, mientras que Matorral y Bosques disminuyeron levemente. La categoría que más disminuyó fue Agrícola, en 451,79 há y que al superponerla con las clases de uso del suelo, es sobre la clase IIIr y IVr e indicando que gran parte de esta pérdida de suelos agrícolas fue debido a la expansión de la ciudad de Linares sobre el sector sur y nor-poniente. Los efectos ambientales, sociales y económicos deben ser considerados en el momento de realizar una buena planificación en el uso de los suelos para fines de urbanización, mientras que el empleo de sensores remotos demuestran ser una buena herramienta en este tipo de estudios./ ABSTRACT: The purpose of this investigation consisted of analyzing the process of urban expansion of the city of Linares, by means of Teledetección, in a period of 46 years, delimiting of this form the growth area. They were used in this investigation different sensors remote for different periods from time, that is to say, Mosaic (1960), Image of Satellite (1985) and Aerial photographies (1978, 1999 and 2006) of way to make a visual analysis of the characteristics of each one of them and to interpret of this form the 7 categories that were defined, in special the referring one to the urban expansion. Of each one of these sensors information was extracted that was transferred to a special cover with the streets of the city, to generate the uses of the categories in the 5 studied periods. A cover with the use classes of the present ground was generated in Linares, with the objective to superpose every period with the ground use and thus to know on what class this expanding the city. The results indicated that the Urban category, from year 1960 grew 485,32 há, that is to say, more of the 100% in a period of 46 years. The categories Urbano2 and Industria also increased their surface, while Scrublands and Forests diminished slightly. The category that diminished more was Agricultural, in 451,79 há and that when superposing it with the classes of use of the ground, is on the class IIIr and IVr and indicating that great part of this loss of agricultural grounds was due to the expansion of the city of Linares on the South sector and the nor-west. The environmental, social and economic effects must be considered at the moment for making a good planning in the use of grounds for urbanization aims, while the use of remote sensors demonstrates to be a good tool in this type of studies

    Policies for widening participation and success factors in Portuguese higher education

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    Portugal’s body of higher education students has progressively expanded, and opportunities for graduate certification at this level have multiplied. This paper advances factors that may provide a differentiated explanation of successful paths in higher education. It gives a first-hand account of the recent dynamics of participation in higher education in Portugal within the Bologna Process and uses institutional statistics to compare some of its most relevant characteristics with the European framework as a whole. Secondly, we used an extensive survey of Portuguese higher education students to identify factors potentially involved in successful paths and conducted a multiple logistic binary regression. The resulting model therefore included not only social and educational characteristics and backgrounds but also previous school trajectories, attendance of educational institutions and everyday practices. It identified key factors for success in academic careers by reference to a specific policy context and attendance of higher education. Our definition of these factors (dimensions of analysis) was based on the proposals of Tinto (2006; 1997) and Pinto (2002), using the variables available in that survey. Our results point to the relevance of institutional and educational dimensions as differentiated contexts of significance in different academic paths.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio