39 research outputs found

    Prioritize Health Care in the Context of the Pandemic

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    This work examines citizens’ attitudes towards Personal Priority Criteria according to their responses to questions that are part of questionnaires such as Priority Related Groups, Priorities Related to The General Population, and Priority in General, i.e., it shows that health condition severity, patient utility, and cost-effectiveness significantly influence people’s attitudes toward using personal criteria in setting those priorities. In thiswork such attitudes are highlighted by relating Social and Collective Intelligence (SCI), Logic Programming (LP) and The Laws of Thermodynamics (LoT) to a computer system where SCI aligns one with the methods and methodologies of problem solving; LP explains how theory improves practice, and LoT expresses the process of systems development in terms of increased/decreased of entropy

    Evaluation of physico-chemical properties of Portland cements and MTA

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hydrogenionic potential and electrical conductivity of Portland cements and MTA, as well as the amount of arsenic and calcium released from these materials. In Teflon molds, samples of each material were agitated and added to plastic flasks containing distilled water for 3, 24, 72 and 168 h. The results were analyzed with a Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test for global comparisons and a Dunn-Tukey test for pairwise comparisons. The results revealed no significant differences in the pH of the materials (p &gt; 0.05). The electrical conductivity of the cements were not statistically different (p &gt; 0.05). White non-structural cement and MTA BIO released the largest amount of calcium ions into solution (p < 0.05), while arsenic release was insignificant in all of the materials (p &gt; 0.05). The results indicated that the physico-chemical properties of Portland cements and MTA were similar. Furthermore, all materials produced an alkaline environment and can be considered safe for clinical use because arsenic was not released. The electrical conductivity and the amount of calcium ions released into solution increased over time

    Effects of Brown and Green Propolis on Bond Strength of Fiberglass Posts to Root Canal Dentin

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of brown and green propolis on bond strength of the fiberglass posts to root canal dentin, and to compare it with conventional endodontic irrigants. Methods and Materials: Sixty bovine teeth were selected, decoronated and randomly distributed into six groups (n=10), according to the irrigation solution: 0.9% saline solution (Control); 2% chlorhexidine (CHX); 5% malic acid (MA); 0.5% ethanolic extract of brown propolis (BP); 0.25% ethanolic extract of green propolis (GP); 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). After root canal treatment, fiber posts were cemented into prepared root canals with a self-adhesive resin cement. The roots were cross-sectioned to obtain two discs from each third and submitted to the micro push-out test. Failure patterns were evaluated under optical microscopy. The influence of irrigants agents was analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Games-Howell’s test (α=0.05). Failure modes were analyzed using Fischer’s exact test (α=0.05). Results: There were statistically significant differences among the groups (P&lt;0.05). The control, NaOCl and BP groups showed the highest bond strength with no statistically significant difference between them (P&gt;0.05). Adhesive failure type was the predominant in all groups. Conclusion: Based on this in vitro study, the use of 0.5% brown propolis did not influence the bond strength of fiberglass posts to root canal dentin, while the use of 0.25% green propolis did affect it negatively

    Tratamento endodôntico de anomalia dental de formação

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    PURPOSE: Dental fusion is defined as the union of two dental germs at some stage of their development. The aim of this article is to report the endodontic treatment of two clinical cases of dental fusion. CASE DESCRIPTION: In the first case, the patient was referred by an orthodontist for endodontic treatment of tooth 12, which was fused to 13. Surgical separation and later replacement of the involved elements in the dental arch was indicated. In the second case, the patient sought dental attendance due to spontaneous pain. In the radiographic exam, gemination in tooth 11 and fusion of 21 with a supernumerary tooth was observed. The fused teeth were endodontically treated, and patients were referred to other dental specialties to reestablish esthetics and function. CONCLUSION: The dentist must be able to diagnose, differentiate and treat these dental anomalies adequately, with the goal of maintaining patients' oral health.OBJETO: Fusão dental é definida como sendo a união de dois germes dentais em algum momento do estágio de desenvolvimento. O objetivo desse artigo foi descrever o tratamento endodôntico de dois casos de fusão dental. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: No primeiro caso clínico, o paciente foi orientado pelo ortodontista a realizar tratamento endodôntico do dente 12, o qual estava fusionado ao dente 13. Foi realizada a separação cirúrgica dos elementos dentais e posterior reposicionamento no arco dental. No segundo caso clínico, o paciente procurou atendimento relatando dor espontânea na região anterior superior. Por meio do exame radiográfico, foi observado geminação do dente 11 e fusão do dente 21 com dente extranumerário. Em ambos os casos os dentes fusionados foram tratados endodônticamente e os pacientes encaminhados para restabelecimento da estética e função. CONCLUSÃO: O cirurgião dentista deve ter habilidade de diagnosticar, diferenciar e tratar adequadamente as anomalias dentárias, objetivando a manutenção da saúde oral dos pacientes


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    Este texto tem a intenção de apresentar o Núcleo de Arte e Tecnologia – NatFap – que é constituí­do por um grupo de professores/pesquisadores/artistas que de alguma forma se utilizam das tecnologias em seus trabalhos de pesquisa e criação artí­stica. Em comum, os membros do coletivo, vinculado à Universidade Estadual do Paraná (Unespar) - campus de Curitiba II/Faculdade de Artes do Paraná, têm a reflexão sobre a Cibercultura, e/ou o pensamento sobre como se dá a produção artí­stica no ambiente universitário. Enquanto lí­der do NatFap, solicitei que cada membro do grupo refletisse ou destacasse uma questão tecnoestética em seu trabalho e escrevesse um pequeno texto que, de forma aleatória, reuni na composição final do presente ensaio.Palavras-chave: Arte. Tecnologia. Pesquisa. Criação. NatFap


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    Este texto tem a intenção de apresentar o Núcleo de Arte e Tecnologia – NatFap – que é constituído por um grupo de professores/pesquisadores/artistas que de alguma forma se utilizam das tecnologias em seus trabalhos de pesquisa e criação artística. Em comum, os membros do coletivo, vinculado à Universidade Estadual do Paraná (Unespar) - campus de Curitiba II/Faculdade de Artes do Paraná, têm a reflexão sobre a Cibercultura, e/ou o pensamento sobre como se dá a produção artística no ambiente universitário. Enquanto líder do NatFap, solicitei que cada membro do grupo refletisse ou destacasse uma questão tecnoestética em seu trabalho e escrevesse um pequeno texto que, de forma aleatória, reuni na composição final do presente ensaio.Palavras-chave: Arte. Tecnologia. Pesquisa. Criação. NatFap

    Prevalence of Hyposalivation in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in a Brazilian Subpopulation

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    Background. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory, multisystem, and autoimmune disease. Objective. The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of hyposalivation in SLE patients and evaluate factors associated. Methods. This is a cross-sectional study developed at the Cuiaba University General Hospital (UNIC-HGU), Mato Grosso, Brazil. The study population consisted of female SLE patients treated at this hospital from 06/2010 to 12/2012. Unstimulated salivary flow rates (SFRs) were measured. Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed in all cases using a significance level P<0.05. Results. The results showed that 79% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus suffered from hyposalivation and that the disease activity and age in years were the factors that resulted in statistically significant differences. Conclusion. The activity of the disease, age >27 years, and the drugs used were factors associated with hyposalivation, resulting in a statistically significant decrease in saliva production