4,902 research outputs found

    Microstructural optimization of unalloyed ductile cast irons with a ferritic matrix used in the manufacture of wind turbine rotors

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    The aim of this work was the microstructural optimization of cast irons with nodular graphite for the manufacture of wind turbine hubs, paying preferential attention to the geometry and distribution of graphite spheroids to ensure the required mechanical properties for this application. The target was pursued based upon microstructure-properties correlation, in an environment of great competitiveness and exigency marked by current international standards. The methodology followed consisted of the generation of knowledge from tailor-made industrial castings, followed by the analysis of their microstructures, in order to extract valuable conclusions for the production process through the use of statistical analysis. The approach method employed was a Fractional Design of Experiments (DOE) with 7 factors, 16 experiments and resolution IV. The samples from each experiment were cubes of identical geometry, and designed to match a surface-to-volume module equal to 4 cm (1.57 in) found as the highest values in real hubs of 3 MW power wind turbines. It is concluded that the use of nodulizers with traces of lanthanum favour the reduction of the volume fraction of pearlite, although La has proved not to promote the spherical shape of primary graphite. The negative effect of pre-inoculants containing SiC on the spheroidal morphology of graphite has also been verified, and also that low-Mn bearing scrap favours graphite formation and the reduction of the volume fraction of pearlite, in spite of being a carbide forming element. The whitening effect of Mn was minimized with low carbon equivalent melts

    International trade competitiveness of andalusian agrifood activities 2006-2014

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    En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, mirar al exterior se convierte en una salida para una economía que encuentra su mercado interior mermado por la crisis económica. Andalucía no ha sido una excepción y ha puesto su mirada en los mercados exteriores ante el colapso del interior durante el periodo de crisis. Dado que el sector agroalimentario andaluz es uno de los más destacados de su economía, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal conocer el comportamiento de las exportaciones agroalimentarias andaluzas en relación con la UE-28 para el periodo 2006-2014. Para ello hemos tratado de descubrir el comportamiento de los sectores exportadores agroalimentarios intra y extra-UE (capítulos arancelarios 1 al 24), en función de su especialización exportadora y de su carácter competitivo o dinámico según la técnica shift–share; comprobando su relación con la cuota de mercado. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo hemos aplicado la técnica del análisis de los desplazamientos o análisis shift–share, y hallado la especialización y las cuotas de mercado. Sabiendo que toda agregación disminuye el conocimiento y el detalle, hemos desagregado cuatro capítulos arancelarios hasta los cuatro dígitos, lo que nos ha permitido un conocimiento más detallado de cada uno de dichos sectores, comprobando, que, al desagregar, nos encontramos con subsectores cuyo comportamiento individual puede presentar diferencias más o menos importantes respecto al sector agregado. En definitiva, un análisis de las exportaciones agroalimentarias andaluzas como el realizado nos permite mejorar el conocimiento del sector y, en consecuencia, poder detectar las fortalezas y debilidades del mismo.In an increasingly globalized world, looking out becomes a way out for an economy that its domestic market has been eroded by the economic crisis. Andalusia hasn’t been an exception and set its sights on foreign markets due to the collapse of its interior one during the crisis.Since the Andalusian agro-food sector is one of the highlights of its economy, this article's aim is "To know the behavior of Andalusian agro-food exports in relation to the EU-28 for 2006-2014 period". To do that we've tried to find out the behavior of EU and non-EU agrifood export sectors (tariff chapters 1 to 24), depending on their export specialization and its competitive and dynamic character using the “shift–share” technique; checking their relationship with the market share. To achieve that goal we applied the analysis of displacement technique or shift–share analysis, and found the expertise and market shares. Knowing that any aggregation reduces the knowledge and the detail, we have unbundled four tariff chapters to four digits, which has allowed us a detailed knowledge of each of those sectors, verifying that, by breaking down, there are subsectors whose Individual behavior may have differences, more or less significant, in the aggregate sector. In short, an analysis of the Andalusian agro-food exports like the one done allows us to improve the knowledge about the sector and thus to be able to detect that the strengths and weaknesses

    Grafting in Horticultural Crop Species: Effective Pest and Disease Management Technique with Potential in Michoacan, Mexico

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    The grafting technique is an effective alternative in crop management, specifically for the management of pests and soil pathogens; therefore, it has been recognized in all agricultural areas, which makes the a horticultural production technique more respectful with the environment. In general, this technique has been widely used in fruit growing; however, it has also been of great importance in the production of vegetables worldwide. In vegetables, the same principles applied to the grafting of fruit trees are followed, as well as specific requirements, such as controlled climatic conditions and greater care. In Michoacan, Mexico, by the phytosanitary condition in cucurbits, Solanaceae, and Caricaceae, the use of rootstocks with specific resistance characteristics offers an option for the recovery of soils, without repercussion in the environment. Although in Mexico this technique has been little exploited, in Michoacan, it is innovative in crops of Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, and Caricaceae. The use of grafted plants helps to improve the conditions of the crop, but also, if this technique is included in a program of integrated management of pests and diseases, it ensures the success of the production

    Right and participation of the people with mental ill

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    El artículo aborda las experiencias de participación y asociacionismo de las personas con problemas de salud mental desde el año 2005.La vulnerabilidad de los derechos humanos y de la dignidad de las personas con Diversidad funcional por problemas de salud mental, ha sido una constante a lo largo de la historia. La situación en el siglo XXI ha cambiado sensiblemente. El movimiento asociativo de personas afectadas por enfermedad mental ya es un hecho en nuestro país

    Recovery of wheat heritage for traditional food: genetic variation for high molecular weight glutenin subunits in neglected/underutilized wheat

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    Club wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. compactum (Host) Mackey), macha wheat (T. aestivum L. ssp. macha (Dekapr. & A.M. Menabde) Mackey) and Indian dwarf wheat (T. aestivum L. ssp. sphaerococcum (Percival) Mackey) are three neglected or underutilized subspecies of hexaploid wheat. These materials were and are used to elaborate modern and traditional products, and they could be useful in the revival of traditional foods. Gluten proteins are the main grain components defining end-use quality. The high molecular weight glutenin subunit compositions of 55 accessions of club wheat, 29 accessions of macha wheat, and 26 accessions of Indian dwarf wheat were analyzed using SDS-PAGE. Three alleles for the Glu-A1 locus, 15 for Glu-B1 (four not previously described), and four for Glu-D1 were detected. Their polymorphisms could be a source of genes for quality improvement in common wheat, which would permit both their recovery as new crops and development of modern cultivars with similar quality characteristics but better agronomic traits