243 research outputs found

    The analysis and evaluation of the relation between road transportation and climate change

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    The target of this article is to analyse and evaluate the relation between road transportation and climate change, through the long time series of average CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and global average temperature of Earth. This article is built on data from the age % of which has information before the human impact on Earth. It can be clearly seen from the research that the human impact on air quality has different tendency than it had before. The trend of time-series was nearly independent from time: it was constant. It can be identified from the data that the increase of temperature was usually faster than the decrease in decreasing periods. There is a strong correlation between the average CO2 concentration in air and the average temperature of the Earth. The CO2 emitted into the environment increases the global temperature of the Earth. A huge part of the CO2 emitted by mankind into the atmosphere comes from transportation, mainly from the sector of road transportation

    Environmental impact of biofuel blends - theoretical estimation

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    It is a well known fact that climate change is one of the most urging problems nowadays. There is evidence that most of the observed global warming is attributable to human activities. Among the many human activities transportation plays a considerable role in contributing to CO2 emissions. In the future transportation is projected to grow further on and since other energy consuming sectors are unable to compensate for transportation related emissions, therefore the transportation sector has to contribute to emissions abatement. Using environment friendly energy resources is the only way to reduce environmental load without restricting mobility. One way to decrease CO2 emissions of the transportation sector is the application of biofuels. The aim of this paper is the theoretical estimation of the environmental impact of ethanol─gasoline and diesel oil─ethanol─biodiesel blends respectively

    Estimation method for emission of road transport

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    The sustainable development is a development, where the pace of technical development, the satiation of increasing supply and the raw materials and resources of Earth are poised so that the rate of living and opportunities of the next generations must not to be worse. Transportation cannot be replaced because it is part of the production chain. Societies are horizontally and vertically differential. The manpower, the stock, the semi finished and finished products must be transported. One of the most emphasized goals of the transport policy of the European Union is sustainable mobility. For this reason transportation systems must be developed and standardized, the effectiveness of transportation service must be increased, while the environmental pollution must be decreased or prevented. There are no harmonized guidelines for project assessment and transport costing at EU level yet. A critical issue when comparing appraisal practices across countries is to make sure the same definitions are being used. Theoretically, all benefits and costs should be accounted for in the cost-benefit analysis. In practice though, many effects are left out

    "Levelled or Tilted Playing Field?"

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    A Közgazdasági Szemle 2013. januári számában két nagyon tanulságos közlemény jelent meg. Akkor is számot tarthatnak a szakma kiemelt figyelmére, ha az egyik (Csaba [2013]) közel áll az esszé műfajához, a másik (Győrffy [2013]) pedig a Tudományos tájékoztató rovatban jelent meg. Tehát egyik sem úgy tudományos cikk, ahogy a fogalom értelmezése a természettudományos közlési normák társadalomtudományi terjedésével Magyarországon is egyre inkább uralkodóvá válik

    A brexit közbenső állapota

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    Volt egyszer egy kvantumelméleti gondolatkísérlet, amely a „sem élő, sem holt” jellegű átmeneti állapotok megjelenítéséhez, a filozófiai érdeklődésűek számára pedig a bennük való metafizikai elmélyedéshez adott szemléletes eszközt. Ezt a gondolatkísérletet ma Erwin Schrödinger macskamodelljeként ismerjük. Ez a tanulmány a brexit elemzéséhez próbál kiindulni a macskamodellből. A brexit folyamata megkezdődött ugyan a 2016. júniusi brit népszavazással, jogi értelemben azonban valójában még nem is létezik. 2016 őszén ugyan várható, hogy a brit kormány 2017-ben elindítja majd a kiválás folyamatát, korántsem biztos azonban, hogy ezt a folyamatot belátható időn belül le is lehet zárni. Többek között azért, mert nem látható olyan kereskedelempolitikai modell, amely mindkét felet kielégítené. Például nem látszik kivitelezhetőnek, hogy az Egyesült Királyság az egységes európai piac keretei között maradna, az EU viszont elérné a munkaerőpiac nyitottságának megtartását. A két fél kompromisszumos stratégiája könnyen a halogatás lehet: folyamatosan hangsúlyozhatnák, hogy a brexit megkezdődött, miközben fenntartják az integráció 2016 előtti állapotát. Így pedig évekig fennmaradhatna a 2016-ban egyelőre megfigyelhető átmeneti macskaszituáció. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: F13, F15

    Károsanyag kibocsátás a közúti közlekedésben

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    Global climate change and road transport sector

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    Greenhouse gas emission of Hungarian transport sector

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    Mobility is important for welfare. Therefore, the community must be able to provide its citizens and the commercial sector with a safe, efficient and reliable transport system. This system must be accessible to everyone under the same conditions, and must contribute towards countryward employment and growth. The transportation sector, led by the automobile, has been cited constantly as a major contributor through human intervention to climate change. In future, greenhouse gas emission and global warming will be key issues for society. Short of banning car use, the challenge remains one of understanding better what mix of actions might contribute in non-marginal ways to reducing the growth of greenhouse gas emissions and the absolute amount of carbon dioxid produced by automobiles. This paper evaluates instruments aimed at a number of policy objectives linked to efficiency, sustainability and equity, focusing on social surplus gains in addition to cost effectiveness; but in particular the ability to reduce car bon dioxid. Since one of the biggest challenges the community faces is to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this presupposes a transport-efficient society

    Sustainability of energy management of transport sector in Hungary

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    The high ratio of road transportation in CO2 emission caused by humanity made the research of relation between the road transportation and climate change reasonable. There is a justifiable demand by the society to moderate the environmental impacts caused by road transportation. Our aim is in this article to monetarise the impact caused by the road transport sector in Hungary. First we analysed the fuel consumption in Hungary then tried to estimate the carbon dioxide emission from these time series. According to the recent finalised EC founded research projects we tried to monetarise the impact of the transport sector on the climate. This is the monetarised value which has been paid by the society and not by the sector