107 research outputs found

    Adatok a Dél-Nyírség és peremterületei flórájához

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    Dolgozatunkban a Dél-Nyírség és a Berettyó–Kálló köze egy florisztikai értelemben jellemzően alulreprezentált településének, Monostorpályinak a flórájához szolgáltatunk adatokat, más- részt közzéteszünk néhány érdekesebb florisztikai megfigyelést Debrecen környékéről. Összeállítá- sunkban 58 növényfajról szolgáltatunk adatokat. Az enumerációban felsorolt fajok között találunk a térségből korábban egyáltalán nem jelzett taxonokat (Lathyrus nissolia, Gagea villosa, Catabrosa aquati- ca, Potamogeton lucens, P. pusillus). Összesen 16 védett növényfaj újabb előfordulási adatait tesszük közzé, melyek általában jellemzőek a nyírségi természetes élőhelyekre, ugyanakkor véleményünk sze- rint összességében visszaszorulófélben vannak (pl. Hottonia palustris, Dianthus superbus, Cirsium rivu- lare, Lychnis coronaria). Adatot szolgáltatunk néhány országszerte ritka vagy ritkulóban lévő gyomfaj elterjedéséhez (Anthemis cotula, Myagrum perfoliatum, Agrostemma githago), emellett megerősítjük néhány kevéssé ismert növényfaj korábbról ismert előfordulását (Luzula pallidula, Carex hordeistichos); továbbá felhívjuk a figyelmet néhány idegenhonos faj terjedésére is (Broussonetia papyrifera, Phyllostachys sp.)

    Plant dispersal syndromes are unreliable, especially for predicting zoochory and long-distance dispersal

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    Plant dispersal syndromes are allocated based on diaspore morphology and used to predict the dominant mechanisms of dispersal. Many authors assume that only angiosperms with endozoochory, epizoochory or anemochory syndromes have a longdistance dispersal (LDD) mechanism. Too much faith is often placed in classical syndromes to explain historical dispersal events and to predict future ones. What is usually recorded as the ‘endozoochory syndrome’ is in reality a ‘frugivory syndrome’ and this has often diverted attention from endozoochory by non-frugivores (e.g. waterbirds and large herbivores) that disperse a broad range of angiosperms, for which they likely provide the maximum dispersal distances. Neither the endozoochory nor the epizoochory syndromes provide helpful predictions of which plants non-frugivores disperse, or by which mechanism. We combined data from previous studies to show that only 4% of European plant species dispersed by ungulate endozoochory belong to the corresponding syndrome, compared to 36% for ungulate epizoochory and 8% for endozoochory by migratory ducks. In contrast, the proportions of these species that are assigned to an ‘unassisted syndrome’ are 37, 31 and 28%, respectively. Since allocated syndromes do not adequately account for zoochory, empirical studies often fail to find the expected relationship between syndromes and LDD events such as those underlying the colonization of islands or latitudinal migration rates. We need full incorporation of existing zoochory data into dispersal databases, and more empirical research into the relationship between plant traits and the frequency and effectiveness of different dispersal mechanisms (paying attention to unexpected vectors). Acknowledging the broad role of non-frugivores in facilitating LDD is crucial to improve predictions of the consequences of global change, such as how plant distributions respond to climate change, and how alien plants spread. Networks of dispersal interactions between these vertebrates and plants are a vital but understudied part of the Web of Life

    Beyond Scatter-Hoarding and Frugivory: European Corvids as Overlooked Vectors for a Broad Range of Plants

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    It is well-known that some members of the crow family (Corvidae) are important for seed dispersal either via frugivory (e.g., when feeding on berries) or by scatter hoarding (e.g., of nuts). Dispersal via gut passage of seeds within a fleshy fruit can be considered “classical endozoochory.” However, corvids are rarely recognized as vectors of plants lacking a fleshy fruit, or a large nut (such as plants with a dry achene, capsule or caryopsis). Dispersal of such seeds via gut passage can be considered “non-classical endozoochory.” A century ago, Heintze (1917a,b); Heintze (1918) reported on extensive field studies of seed dispersal by 11 species of European Corvidae. His work is overlooked in contemporary reviews of corvid biology. We resurrect his work, which suggests that contemporary views about seed dispersal by corvids are too narrow. Heintze identified 157 plant taxa from 42 families which were dispersed by corvids by endozoochory, as well as another nine taxa only dispersed by synzoochory (which includes scatter-hoarding). Most (54%) of the plant species dispersed by endozoochory lack a fleshy fruit and have previously been assigned to other dispersal syndromes,mainly associated with wind (10%), self-dispersal (22%) or epizoochory (18%). Plants lacking a fleshy fruit were particularly well-represented from the Caryophyllaceae (12 species), Poaceae (14 species), and Polygonaceae (8 species). Of 27 taxa germinated by Heintze from seeds extracted from corvid pellets or feces (71% of those tested), 20 lack a fleshy fruit. Similarly, of 32 taxa he recorded as seedlings having germinated from pellets in the field, 11 lacked a fleshy fruit. However, Heintze’s quantitative data show that classical endozoochory is dominant in Magpies Pica pica and Hooded Crows Corvus cornix, for which 97% of seeds dispersed were fleshy-fruited. Corvids overlap with waterfowl as vectors of terrestrial plants dispersed by non-classical endozoochory, and 56 species are dispersed by both corvids and dabbling ducks according to the lists of Heintze and Soons et al. (2016). Finally, Heintze’s data show that corvids were already dispersing alien plants in Europe a century ago, such as the North American Dwarf Serviceberry Amelanchier spicataPeer reviewe

    Endozoochory of the same community of plants lacking fleshy fruits by storks and gulls

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    Aims: Research into the dispersal of plants lacking a fleshy fruit by avian endozoochory remains limited, particularly regarding the different roles of specific vectors in the same habitat. Methods: We compared plants dispersed by endozoochory between two migratory waterbirds differing in body size: the lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus, and the white stork Ciconia ciconia. We collected faeces and pellets from roosting flocks on dykes in rice fields in Doñana, SW Spain, and extracted intact seeds. Results: We recovered 424 intact seeds from excreta, representing 21 plant taxa, 11 of which germinated under laboratory conditions. Eight plant species are considered weeds, four of them as alien species, and only two have a fleshy fruit. Seed abundance and species richness per sample did not differ between storks and gulls. Toadrush (Juncus bufonius) was the dominant species, accounting for 49% of seeds recovered. PERMANOVA and mvabund analyses revealed no differences in the proportions of each plant species dispersed by the two vectors, and seasonal variation in abundance was absent. Overall, germinability was 19%, and declined with increasing delay between sample collection and processing. Transects along dykes identified 52 plant taxa, only 18 of which were recorded in excreta. Conclusions: Overlap in the communities of non-fleshy-fruited plants dispersed by two unrelated birds of different size suggests that waterbird plant dispersal networks are different from frugivore networks. Unlike for frugivores, decoupling between seed production and ingestion reduces seasonal variation in endozoochory rates. For Juncus bufonius and other plants, these avian vectors provide maximum dispersal distances several orders of magnitude greater than predicted from their dispersal syndromes. Endozoochory by migratory waterbirds has major implications for plant distributions in a rapidly changing world, and more research is required before we can predict which plants disperse regularly via this mechanism

    Seed mass, hardness, and phylogeny explain the potential for endozoochory by granivorous waterbirds

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    Field studies have shown that waterbirds, especially members of the Anatidae family, are major vectors of dispersal by endozoochory for a broad range of plants lacking a fleshy fruit, yet whose propagules can survive gut passage. Widely adopted dispersal syndromes ignore this dispersal mechanism, and we currently have little understanding of what traits determine the potential of angiosperms for endozoochory by waterbirds. Results from previous experimental studies have been inconsistent as to how seed traits affect seed survival and retention time in the gut and have failed to control for the influence of plant phylogeny. Using 13 angiosperm species from aquatic and terrestrial habitats representing nine families, we examined the effects of seed size, shape, and hardness on the proportion of seeds surviving gut passage through mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and their retention time within the gut. We compiled a molecular phylogeny for these species and controlled for the nonindependence of taxa due to common descent in our analyses. Intact seeds from all 13 species were egested, but seed survival was strongly determined by phylogeny and by partial effects of seed mass and hardness (wet load): species with seeds harder than expected from their size, and smaller than expected from their loading, had greater survival. Once phylogeny was controlled for, a positive partial effect of seed roundness on seed survival was also revealed. Species with seeds harder than expected from their size had a longer mean retention time, a result retained after controlling for phylogeny. Our study is the first to demonstrate that seed shape and phylogeny are important predictors of seed survival in the avian gut. Our results demonstrate that the importance of controlling simultaneously for multiple traits and relating single traits (e.g., seed size) alone to seed survival or retention time is not a reliable way to detect important patterns, especially when phylogenetic effects are ignoredPeer reviewe

    Functional Traits Drive Dispersal Interactions Between European Waterfowl and Seeds

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    Endozoochory by waterfowl is important for a broad range of angiosperms, most of which lack a fleshy fruit. This dispersal function contributes to the formation and maintenance of plant communities and may allow range shifts for plant species under global change. However, our current understanding of what seed or plant traits are important for this dispersal mechanism, and how they relate to variation in waterbird traits, is extremely limited. We addressed this question using a unique dataset identifying the plant species whose seeds are ingested by 31 different waterfowl species in Europe. We used RLQ and fourth-corner analyses to explore relationships between (1) bird morphological and foraging strategy traits, and (2) plant traits related to seed morphology, environmental preferences, and growth form. We then used Generalized Additive Models to identify relationships between plant/seed traits and the number of waterfowl species that disperse them. Although many waterfowl feed intentionally on seeds, available seed trait data provided little explanation for patterns compared to plant traits such as Ellenberg indicators of habitat preference and life form. Geese were associated with terrestrial plants, ingesting seeds as they graze on land. Diving ducks were associated with strictly aquatic plants, ingesting seeds as they feed at greater depths. Dabbling ducks ingest seeds from plants with high light and temperature requirements, especially shoreline and ruderal species growing in or around the dynamic and shallow microhabitats favored by these birds. Overall, the number of waterfowl vector species (up to 13 per plant species) increases for plants with greater soil moisture requirements and salinity tolerance, reflecting the inclination of most waterfowl species to feed in coastal wetlands. Our findings underline the importance of waterfowl dispersal for plants that are not strictly aquatic, as well as for plants associated with high salinities. Furthermore, our results reveal a soil moisture gradient that drives seed-bird interactions, in line with differences between waterfowl groups in their microhabitat preferences along the land-water continuum. This study provides an important advance in our understanding of the interactions that define plant dispersal in wetlands and their surroundings, and of what plants might be affected by ongoing changes in the distributions of waterfowl species

    Dispersal of aquatic invertebrates by lesser black‐backed gulls and white storks within and between inland habitats

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    Waterbirds can transport aquatic invertebrates internally, contributing to metapopulation dynamics between aquatic habitats in a terrestrial matrix. However, research into this dispersal process to date has focused on individual field sites or laboratory studies. We investigated the invertebrates dispersed by endozoochory by the lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus winter- ing in Andalusia, south-west Spain in 2016–2017, comparing seven sites interconnected by their movements, with different degrees of anthropogenization [three landfills, two saltpan complexes, a natural lake, and a large (370 km2) ricefield area]. In the ricefields, we also compared invertebrates dispersed by gulls with those dispersed by the larger white stork Ciconia ciconia. A total of 642 intact invertebrates and their propagules (mainly plumatellid bryozoans, cladocerans, and other branchiopods) were recorded in excreta (faeces and pellets) from gulls and storks. A greater diversity and abundance of invertebrates were recorded in ricefields, notably 43 individuals of the alien snail Physella acuta. One snail was still alive in a gull pellet 3 weeks after being stored in a fridge. This represents the first record of snail dispersal within waterbird pellets. Viability was also confirmed for the cladoceran Macrothrix rosea recorded in ricefields, and the alien brine shrimp Artemia franciscana recorded mainly in saltpans. In ricefields, gulls and pellets had significantly fewer propagules and fewer taxa per gram of excreta than storks and faeces, respectively. Through their high mobility, gulls and storks can disperse invertebrates between different natural and artificial habitats, and even to landfills. They can promote metapopulation dynamics for native bryozoans and branchiopods, but also the spread of invasive snails and brine shrimp