344 research outputs found

    Az adenovírus hexonfehérje antigénszerkezete és funkcionális szerepe az endocitotikus transzportban

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    Kimutattuk, hogy a bafilomycin A1 csak mérsékelten gátolja az endosoma-lis proton pumpát, a termoszenzitív CHO sejtek esetében a csökkentett epsilon-COP szint ugyancsak részleges gátló hatást mutatott. A kapszid 1500 polipeptidje szimmetrikus elhelyezkedésben, külön-külön szimmetrikus há-lózatot képez a lapok, élek külső-, belső oldalán és belsejében, az ikoza-hedrális szimmetriának megfelelően, általános szimmetriamotívumot jelentve a saját hálózatukban. A hexontrimerek felszíne háromszoros forgási és hármas tükröződési szimmetriát mutat, megtalálható az eltolási-, a forgási-, a horizontális-, a vertikális- a csúsztatott tükröződési szimmetria és ezek kombinációi, továbbá az antiszimmetria is. A lapoknak és csúcsoknak a kapszid másik oldalán elhelyezkedő antiszimmetrikus párja is van. Minden lapnak három antirotációs helyzetben levő legközelebbi szomszédja van. A kapszidnak három forgási szimmet-riatengelye van, melyekhez kétféle összeállítású lapcsoport tartozik. Az egyes tengelyekhez tartozó felszíni pontok összesen 62 forgási pólust jelent, Az 5-fogású szimmetriatengelyekre merőlegesen futó geodétikus szalagpalástok mentén ejtett metszésvonallal szabályos dekagonális keresztmetszet jön létre. A kapszidnak három különböző típusú forgási szimmet-riatengelye van. Az 5-, 3- és 2-fogású tengelyek két-két felszíni pontja összesen 62 forgási pólust jelent. Minden tengelyhez kétféle összeállítású lapcsoport tartozik. | Each of the more than 1500 polypeptide are in symmetrical location and forms a separately symmetrical network in the capsid distributed according to their functions in the inner and outer side and inside of the facets and edges, but always in compliance with the icosahedral symmetry. Each different polypeptide also means a general symmetry motif in the capsid in its own symmetry network. The surface of the hexon trimer shows three-fold rotational and three-fold reflexional symmetrie and in the arrangement of the hexons in the facets the translational, rotational, horizontal and vertical reflexional symmetry and the combination of these, as well as the glide reflexion and the antisymmetry can be found. In the capsid perpendicularly to the 6 five-fold rotation axes a geodetic (equatorial) ribbon like motif (superfieces) is demonstrated. The icosahedral adenovirus capsid has three rotational axes of different types. The six five-fold, ten three-fold and the fifteen two-fold axes have two superficial points each, altogether 62. In all the three cases, there are two kinds of possible arrangements of the facets.Perpendicular to the five-fold symmetry axes with the line of intersection drawn horizontally in the middle along the 6 geodetic ribbon like motifs a regular decagonal intersection forms and the capsid can be cut into two equal parts

    Arab Public Debate on the “Deal of the Century” in the “Versailles” Framework

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    The Trump administration has reportedly planned to publish its self-drafted Middle East peace initiative some time during the year 2019, exactly 100 years after the Treaty of Versailles (1919) was signed. Although previous and subsequent agreements, declarations and treaties, such as the Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), the Balfour Declaration (1917), the Treaty of Sèvres (1920) and the Treaty of Lausanne (1923) had much more to do with the fate of the Middle East than the Treaty of Versailles itself, the coincidence of the announcement of the “deal of the century” with the anniversary of “Versailles” provides great significance to the latter in current Arab public debate. While the above mentioned events and decisions did not meaningfully hinder the long-term Israeli–Palestinian peace process, the “deal of the century” might have harmful effects for it. Arab leaders as well as opinionmakers of all kinds agree on the existence of a strong parallel between the aims and design of the Versailles-related treaties and those of the “deal of the century.” They agree that both of them deny the right of self-determination to Arab nations and that they are both designed to foreshadow decades of bloody conflicts between the nations of the Middle East. The “deal of the century” might also sanctify the “acquisition of land by force” which has clear implications for state-to-state relations. In my analysis, I will provide a snapshot of the Arab public debate on the “deal of the century” and how it is related to the anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles and related agreements

    Szakmai képzés – elhelyezkedés

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    Jelen fejezetben vizsgáljuk a hazai felsőfokú ifjúságsegítő szakképesítés alakulását, továbblépési irányait; ezen túlmenően megnézzük, hogy a megszerzett szakképesítéssel milyen lehetőségek adódnak az elhelyezkedésre, azaz miként alakulnak a szakmai képzettséggel betölthető munkakörök. Az ifjúságsegítő képzésekből kikerülő hallgatók munkájukat az egyre fontosabb területnek számító családon és iskolán túli harmadlagos szocializációs közegben végzik, célcsoportjukat egy nehezen definiálható, magukért már igen, másokért még felelősséget nem vállaló, kb. 10-30 éves korosztály jelenti. Az ifjúságsegítők, illetve ilyen szaktudással is rendelkező, más szakirányú végzettséggel rendelkező – szakemberek kulcsszerepet játszhatnak abban, hogy a fiatalok már a munkába lépés előtt elsajátíthassák az önálló életvitelhez, a munkavállaláshoz és a munkahelyen maradáshoz szükséges készségeket (Az ifjúságsegítő képzés interprofesszionális fejlesztése, 2012)

    A tunéziai biztonsági és védelmi szektor reformjának eredményei és nehézségei az „arab tavasz” után = The Results and Difficulties of the Reforms of the Tunisian Security and Defence Sectors After the Arab Spring

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    Elemzésemben a tunéziai biztonsági és védelmi szektor elmúlt évekbeli fejleményeit és az előttük álló kihívásokat mutatom be röviden. A tunéziai belbiztonsági szervezetek erőszakos fellépése hozzájárult a „jázminos forradalom” kirobbanásához, a védelmi erők higgadtsága és a forradalmárok mellé állása pedig a békés politikai átmenethez vezetett. Az új politikai rezsim ezért megjutalmazta a korábbi rendszerek által marginalizált védelmi szektort, amely ma már a belbiztonsági szervekkel vetekszik az anyagi erőforrások, az autonómia és a képességek terén. A biztonsági szektor azonban megőrizte a hagyományosan átláthatatlan és esetenként korrupt működését. A kettő együtt viszont hatékonyan lépett fel a terrorizmus ellen és a határvédelem terén. Ugyanakkor a koronavírus-járvány miatt tovább romló társadalmi-gazdasági helyzet következtében egyre fokozódó utcai erőszak növelni fogja a két szektorra helyeződő nyomást. = In my analysis, I briefly present the developments in the Tunisian security and defence sectors in the recent years and the challenges they face. The violent actions of the Tunisian national security organizations contributed to the outbreak of the “Jasmine Revolution”, while the restraint of the defence forces and their support of the revolutionaries led to a peaceful political transition. The new political regime has therefore rewarded the defence sector marginalised by the previous regimes, which now rivals internal security agencies in terms of material resources, autonomy and capabilities. However, the security sector has remained traditionally opaque and sometimes corrupt. Together, the two sectors have acted effectively against terrorism and at border protection. At the same time, increasing street violence due to the worsening socioeconomic situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic will increase the pressure put on the security and defence sectors

    Light piping driven photosynthesis in the soil: low-light adapted active photosynthetic apparatus in the under-soil hypocotyl segments of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

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    Photosynthetic activity was identified in the under-soil hypocotyl part of 14-day-old soil-grown bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Magnum) cultivated in pots under natural light-dark cycles. Electron microscopic, proteomic and fluorescence kinetic and imaging methods were used to study the photosynthetic apparatus and its activity. Under-soil shoots at 0-2 cm soil depth featured chloroplasts with low grana and starch grains and with pigment-protein compositions similar to those of the above-soil green shoot parts. However, the relative amounts of photosystem II (PSII) supercomplexes were higher; in addition a PIP-type aquaporin protein was identified in the under-soil thylakoids. Chlorophyll-a fluorescence induction measurements showed that the above- and under-soil hypocotyl segments had similar photochemical yields at low (10-55 µmol photons m-2 s-1) light intensities. However, at higher photon flux densities the electron transport rate decreased in the under-soil shoot parts due to inactivation of the PSII reaction centers. These properties show the development of a low-light adapted photosynthetic apparatus driven by light piping of the above-soil shoot. The results of this paper demonstrate that the classic model assigning source and sink functions to above- and under-soil tissues is to be refined, and a low-light adapted photosynthetic apparatus in under-soil bean hypocotyls is capable of contributing to its own carbon supply

    High performance residue analysis: determination of antibacterial agents in foods using liquid chromatography screening and confirmation methods

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    In Hungary, food toxicology monitoring and control analyses, their course and the process of preparation of the monitoring plan for the given year are prescribed and determined by FVM decree 10/2002. (I. 23.). The efficiency of monitoring analyses is increased if the focus is placed primarily on screening methods, and independent confirmation methods are used to test objectionable samples. This allows for the distinguishing between negative samples and those containing drug residues using a simpler, faster and cheaper screening type method, and also for higher certainty in the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of positive samples. The objective of this paper is to present an analytical concept developed for antibacterial agents, including a multicomponent screening method and independent confirmation measurements for type B1 authorized agents. The screening method allows for the simultaneous identification and semiquantitative evaluation of 54 components with drug residue limit values and griseofulvin in animal tissues (muscle, liver and kidney), milk, eggs and honey, using a liquid chromatography triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry method. Target components detected by the screening method are identified using liquid chromatography confirmation tests and evaluated by optical or tandem mass spectrometric detection. Up until the submission date of this paper, nearly 1,800 samples had been analyzed by the screening method. Some type of drug residue was detected in 24 monitoring samples. The contaminations could also be detected during the confirmation tests. The analytical strategy thus developed has been proven to be effective in multiple international proficiency testing programs

    Antioxidative defence mechanism contributes to desiccation tolerance in Haberlea rhodopensis population naturally exposed to high irradiation

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    Drought induced stress is one of the most important among the environmental challenges. Haberlea rhodopensis, a chlorophyll-retaining resurrection plant, can survive desiccation to air-dry stage in its usual low irradiance habitat (“shade” plants). Nevertheless, in the past years, some populations living under high irradiance (“sun” plants) have been also discovered with the same ability to survive dehydration. In order to clarify the adaptation mechanisms to a high irradiation habitat, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity determined by activity staining on polyacrylamide gels and malondialdehyde (MDA) content of sun and shade plants collected from high and low irradiance environment, respectively, were studied. Desiccation induced a significantly higher induction in SOD activity and thus a smaller increase in the MDA content in sun compared to shade plants. The MDA content and SOD activity was restored in both sun and shade plants after six-day rehydration. Nevertheless, the SOD activity remained higher in rehydrated sun leaves compared to the well-hydrated initial stage. The early enhancement of SOD activity in dehydrating sun plants contributes to the higher stress tolerance of these populations