853 research outputs found

    Kalauz a kommunikáció- és a képelmélet világában

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    Horányi Özséb Jel, jelentés, információ, kép című könyvében megjelenik a szerző munkásságát végigkísérő interdiszciplináris tudományszemlélet, mely a felvetett témák és a köztük lévő kapcsolatrendszerek segítségével sokszínű gondolatmenetet tartogat az olvasó számára. Horányi a szemiotika tudományközi voltát hangsúlyozza: azt vallja, hogy egyetlen vizsgálati mód sem alkalmas arra, hogy a szemiotikai jelenségeket a maguk teljes mélységében tárja fel. Meg kell őrizni a nyitottságot minden más tudományterület felé, ahogy a szerző is felhasználja többek közt a nyelvészet, a szociológia és a matematikai logika eredményeit is

    Combined effect of berry size and postveraison water deficit on grape phenolic maturity and berry texture characteristics (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Portugieser)

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    The effect of berry size and moderate water deficit on skin phenolic maturity and berry texture behaviour was studied on Portugieser variety (Vitis vinifera L.) under green house conditions. In all berry weight categories (I: 2,01 g) water deficit resulted in reduced sugar concentration due to decreased photosynthetic activity. Interestingly, lower phenolic concentration for unit skin mass was measured in the drought stressed treatment compared to the control, irrespective of berry size. However, the concentration of the phenolic components for one berry was lower in the well watered treatment. This phenomenon was due to the increased skin/flesh ratio of the water stressed vines. Berry skin hardness was probably in connection with its phenolic concentration for unit skin weight. Changes in several berry texture parameters were accompanied by changes in berry size. Berry hardness and skin elasticity increased with berry size in both treatments. On the other hand, skin break force, skin break energy, skin thickness showed increase/decrease only in the case of the stressed vines. This result suggests that texture properties of the water-stressed berries depend on berry size to a greater extent compared to the berries of the non-stressed vines. This phenomenon may be explained by the faster ripening of the smaller and of the water stressed berries

    Juvenile cases of skeletal tuberculosis from the Terry Anatomical Collection (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA)

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    In order to better define the variability of skeletal expression of tuberculosis, we studied 1728 skeletons from the Terry Anatomical Collection, Smitsonian Institution, dating from the first half of the 20th century. Among the numerous cases we studied there were three juvenile individuals who died from TB that are of particular interest. The spine of the first case exhibits lesions related to a multifocal cystic spondylitis, associated with rib lesions probably caused by a pneumo-pleural infection. The second skeleton has frontal and parietal endocranial lesions that can be attributed to TB meningitis. The associated multifocal vertebral and costal abnormalities apparent in this case may represent an early stage in the development of skeletal TB lesions. The skull vault of the third skeleton is perforated by lytic lesions compatible with a diagnosis of cranial tuberculosis. These lesions are associated with bone forming endocranial lesions that suggest TB meningitis. The postcranial skeleton shows mainly osteolytic lesions. These case-studies give an insight to different manifestations of skeletal TB and provide stronger basis for identifying this infection in archaeological human remains. The three juvenile skeletons from the Terry Anatomical Collection provide evidence that lesions like endocranial symptoms, vertebral hypervascularization, rib periostitis, diffuse periostitis of long bones and especially their association do have diagnostical value in the identification of tuberculosis