623 research outputs found

    Obama és az új világrend a gazdasági válság tükrében (Obama and the new world order in light of the economic crisis)

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    Napjainkban a nemzetközi kapcsolatok meghatározó jelensége a gazdasági világválság, amelynek kezelése kapcsán egyre gyakrabban merül fel a politikusok és az elemzők szóhasználatában az „új világrend” fogalma. ____ In treating the current global economic crisis, politicians and analysts increasingly refer to a "new world order". The paper examines this concept, its different meanings and historical evolution, as well as the role it plays in the rhetoric of the Obamaadministration

    A Platform Independent Access Control Metamodel for Web Services

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    Web services provide platform independent communication through an XML-based standard family. The major software vendors released their own SOA products implementing these standards. However, the configuration of the WS-* protocols differs from product to product. Matching these configurations between different products can be a very tedious task. Security protocols are among the most complicated protocols to configure, especially if access control is also required. Although the XACML standard aims to solve this task, its rules and policies described in XML are not very user friendly, and XACML has a very poor support in the major SOA products. Therefore, we have developed a platform independent metamodel for describing distributed systems of web services. From models described in this metamodel the platform specific configurations and program codes can be easily generated for the various SOA products, increasing the productivity of the development. This article introduces an access control extension to this metamodel

    Object-Cooperation in Real-Time: a Contract Based Protocol

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    In this paper we shall introduce a contract-based protocol for object oriented real-time systems, and a simulation environment for this protocol. We outline the problems of object orientation in real-time systems, and the possible solutions. Among the solutions we show the contract-based model, which should handle overloaded situations effectively, and the primary elements of the model. Later on we introduce the simulation environment designed to measure the characteristics of the model in simulated situations. We show the architecture and the inner working of it. We analyse the results it produced. Finally we look at the directions of further development as well

    Biomassza-alapú energiák innovációjának genomikai megközelítései

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    A genomika valódi eszköz a biomassza-alapú energiák innovatív kutatása területén, egyes részterületei (metagenomika, transzkriptomika) ténylegesen alkalmazhatók a biomassza-alapanyag optimalizálása során, illetve a biomassza-konverzió hatékonyságának javításában, ezáltal a megújuló energiatípusok előállítási költségeinek csökkentésében. ------------------------------------------------ Genomics is a useful tool in innovative research into biomass energy. Certain fields of genomics (metagenomics, transcriptomics) have a practical application in biomass optimisation and in improving the efficiency of biomass, and can thus help reduce the costs of renewable energy production.genomika, biomassza, kutatás, innováció, biomass energy, genomics, innovation, research, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    The challenges of sustainable development and globalization from a human right’s perspective

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    Nowadays globalization and sustainable development are interconnected economic factors having positive and negative effects on various aspects of human rights. Although the internationalization of human rights and the birth of their so-called third generation can be attributed to globalization, it has increased disparities regardless of anti-discrimination principles of human rights. There is a minimum level of economic development and resources essential for providing full-scale human rights coverage, for this reason both IMF and World Bank has on several occasions been charged with prescribing structural reform projects and shock therapy measures on state budgets, that significantly deteriorated the conditions in the population’s economic and social rights. The active participation in the global problem’s solution is also an important element of the UN Secretary General’s strategy which aims at turning the UN into an international organization that does not watch mass scale human rights abuses silently, is able and willing to act to promote development, security and human dignity in order to achieve global freedom. Not only the active role of the international organizations, but also the decision-making process closer to the levels accessible to people must also be reinforced to improve the human rights dimension of sustainable development

    A klímaváltozás emberi jogi aspektusai

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    Without abstractAbsztrakt nélkü

    Dr. Ádám Antal: Bölcseletek, vallások, jogi alapértékek

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    This review is particularly unusual - primarily in that it is extremely personal.Ez a recenzió különösen rendhagyó – elsősorban abban a tekintetben, hogy rendkívül személyes

    ENSZ-igazgatású mesterséges állam állíthatja meg a migrációt?

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    Providing a comparative analysis of international relations and security studies, the author outlines an utopistic model for solving the migration crisis.A nemzetközi kapcsolatok és a biztonsági tanulmányok összehasonlító elemzésével a szerző utópisztikus modellt vázol fel a migrációs válság megoldására

    A büntethetőség akadályai a gazdasági bűncselekmények körében az új Btk. szerint

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    The author provides an overivew of how criminal responsibility for economic crimes canbe excluded under the new Hungarian Criminal Code.A szerző átfogó képet nyújt arról, hogyan lehet kizárni a gazdasági bűncselekményekért való büntetőjogi felelősséget az új magyar büntető törvénykönyv alapján