244 research outputs found

    Constraints on extragalactic transmitters via Breakthrough Listen

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    The Breakthrough Listen Initiative has embarked on a comprehensive SETI survey of nearby stars in the Milky Way that is vastly superior to previous efforts as measured by a wide range of different metrics. SETI surveys traditionally ignore the fact that they are sensitive to many background objects, in addition to the foreground target star. In order to better appreciate and exploit the presence of extragalactic objects in the field of view, the Aladin sky atlas and NED were employed to make a rudimentary census of extragalactic objects that were serendipitously observed with the 100-m Greenbank telescope observing at 1.1-1.9 GHz. For 469 target fields (assuming a FWHM radial field-of-view of 4.2 arcminutes), NED identified a grand total of 143024 extragalactic objects, including various astrophysical exotica e.g. AGN of various types, radio galaxies, interacting galaxies, and one confirmed gravitational lens system. Several nearby galaxies, galaxy groups and galaxy clusters are identified, permitting the parameter space probed by SETI surveys to be significantly extended. Constraints are placed on the luminosity function of potential extraterrestrial transmitters assuming it follows a simple power law and limits on the prevalence of very powerful extraterrestrial transmitters associated with these vast stellar systems are also determined. It is demonstrated that the recent Breakthrough Listen Initiative, and indeed many previous SETI radio surveys, place stronger limits on the prevalence of extraterrestrial intelligence in the distant Universe than is often fully appreciated.Comment: 9 Pages, 5 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Background Contamination of the Project Hephaistos Dyson Spheres Candidates

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    Project Hephaistos recently identified seven M-dwarfs as possible Dyson Spheres (DS) candidates. We have cross-matched three of these candidates (A, B and G) with radio sources detected in various all-sky surveys. The radio sources are offset from the Gaia stellar positions by ∼4.9, ∼0.4 and ∼5.″0 for candidates A, B, and G respectively. We propose that Dust obscured galaxies (DOGs) lying close to the line-of-sight of these M-dwarf stars significantly contribute to the measured WISE mid-IR flux densities in the WISE W3 and W4 wave bands. These three stars have therefore been misidentified as DS candidates. We also note that with an areal sky density of 9 × 10−6 per square arcsecond, Hot DOGs can probably account for the contamination of all 7 DS candidates drawn from an original sample of 5 million stars

    Extending the Breakthrough Listen nearby star survey to other stellar objects in the field

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    We extend the source sample recently observed by the Breakthrough Listen Initiative by including additional stars (with parallaxes measured by Gaia) that also reside within the FWHM of the GBT and Parkes radio telescope target fields. These stars have estimated distances as listed in the extensions of the Gaia DR2 catalogue. Enlarging the sample from 1327 to 288315 stellar objects permits us to achieve substantially better Continuous Waveform Transmitter Rate Figures of Merit (CWTFM) than any previous analysis, and allows us to place the tightest limits yet on the prevalence of nearby high-duty-cycle extraterrestrial transmitters. The results suggest 0.06600.0003+0.0004\lesssim 0.0660^{+0.0004}_{-0.0003}% of stellar systems within 50 pc host such transmitters (assuming an EIRP 1013 \gtrsim 10^{13} W) and 0.0390.008+0.004\lesssim 0.039^{+0.004}_{-0.008}% within 200 pc (assuming an EIRP 2.5×1014\gtrsim 2.5 \times 10^{14} W). We further extend our analysis to much greater distances, though we caution that the detection of narrow-band signals beyond a few hundred pc may be affected by interstellar scintillation. The extended sample also permits us to place new constraints on the prevalence of extraterrestrial transmitters by stellar type and spectral class. Our results suggest targeted analyses of SETI radio data can benefit from taking into account the fact that in addition to the target at the field centre, many other cosmic objects reside within the primary beam response of a parabolic radio telescope. These include foreground and background galactic stars, but also extragalactic systems. With distances measured by Gaia, these additional sources can be used to place improved limits on the prevalence of extraterrestrial transmitters, and extend the analysis to a wide range of cosmic objects.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Accepted by MNRA

    A Millisecond Interferometric Search for Fast Radio Bursts with the Very Large Array

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    We report on the first millisecond timescale radio interferometric search for the new class of transient known as fast radio bursts (FRBs). We used the Very Large Array (VLA) for a 166-hour, millisecond imaging campaign to detect and precisely localize an FRB. We observed at 1.4 GHz and produced visibilities with 5 ms time resolution over 256 MHz of bandwidth. Dedispersed images were searched for transients with dispersion measures from 0 to 3000 pc/cm3. No transients were detected in observations of high Galactic latitude fields taken from September 2013 though October 2014. Observations of a known pulsar show that images typically had a thermal-noise limited sensitivity of 120 mJy/beam (8 sigma; Stokes I) in 5 ms and could detect and localize transients over a wide field of view. Our nondetection limits the FRB rate to less than 7e4/sky/day (95% confidence) above a fluence limit of 1.2 Jy-ms. Assuming a Euclidean flux distribution, the VLA rate limit is inconsistent with the published rate of Thornton et al. We recalculate previously published rates with a homogeneous consideration of the effects of primary beam attenuation, dispersion, pulse width, and sky brightness. This revises the FRB rate downward and shows that the VLA observations had a roughly 60% chance of detecting a typical FRB and that a 95% confidence constraint would require roughly 500 hours of similar VLA observing. Our survey also limits the repetition rate of an FRB to 2 times less than any known repeating millisecond radio transient.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 13 pages, 9 figure

    Rehospitalizacje w niewydolności serca z upośledzoną funkcją lewej komory — strategie zapobiegania

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       Niewydolność serca (HF) w krajach rozwiniętych dotyczy ponad 10% populacji powyżej 70. roku życia, stanowiąc tym samym ważny problem za­równo zdrowotny, społeczny, jak i ekonomiczny. Szacuje się, że obecnie w Polsce na HF cier­pi 600 000–700 000 osób. Mimo postępu, jaki się dokonał w ostatnich 30 latach w zakresie farmakoterapii niewydolności serca z istotnie upośledzoną funkcją skurczową lewej komo­ry (HFrEF) (wdrożenie inhibitorów konwertazy angiotensyny [ACEI], blokerów receptora an­giotensyny II [ARB], antagonistów receptora mineralokortykoidowgo [MRA] oraz iwabrady­ny) rokowanie pacjentów z tej grupy pozostaje niekorzystne. Jednym z głównych czynników istotnie zwiększających współczynnik śmier­telności w tej grupie chorych jest wysoki odse­tek ponownych hospitalizacji (w ciągu roku dla ostrej HF — 43,9%; dla przewlekłej HF — 31,9%). Tym samym HF stanowi również wiodącą przy­czynę rehospitalizacji pacjentów powyżej 65. roku życia. W sytuacji nadmiernego obciążenia oddziałów kardiologicznych i niedostatecznego finansowania hospitalizacji pacjentów z HF ist­nieje bardzo duże niebezpieczeństwo skracania okresu pobytu w szpitalu poniżej bezpieczne­go minimum. Przy czym powszechny i wczesny dostęp do kardiologa wciąż stanowi problem dla wielu pacjentów z HF. W efekcie wczesne rehospitalizacje są w wielu przypadkach wyni­kiem nieoptymalnego wyrównania w trakcie ho­spitalizacji, utrudnionego wczesnego dostępu do specjalisty po wypisaniu ze szpitala, a także braku sprecyzowanego planu dalszej opieki ambulatoryjnej zarówno w zakresie terminu naj­bliższej wizyty, jak i eskalacji farmakoterapii. Świadomość problemów codziennej opieki nad pacjentem z HFrEF oraz czynników ryzyka reho­spitalizacji i gorszego rokowania może stanowić nieocenioną pomoc w wyłonieniu z szerokiej grupy chorych z HFrEF tych, którzy wymagają wzmożonej czujności i częstszych kontroli w po­radni specjalistycznej

    Non-abelian Harmonic Oscillators and Chiral Theories

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    We show that a large class of physical theories which has been under intensive investigation recently, share the same geometric features in their Hamiltonian formulation. These dynamical systems range from harmonic oscillations to WZW-like models and to the KdV dynamics on DiffoS1Diff_oS^1. To the same class belong also the Hamiltonian systems on groups of maps. The common feature of these models are the 'chiral' equations of motion allowing for so-called chiral decomposition of the phase space.Comment: 1