95 research outputs found

    Trajtimi i Tregtisë në Shërbime sipas Marrëveshjes së Tregtisë së Lirë Kosovë-Turqi

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    Qeveria e Kosovës ka nënshkruar një marrëveshje të tregtisë së lirë të mallrave me Turqinë, në Shtator të vitit 2013. Megjithatë, negociatat për nënshkrimin e një marrëveshjeje të tregtisë së lirë në shërbime janë ende në vazhdim e sipër. Kjo është hera e parë që kur Kosova u bë e pavarur në vitin 2008, se Qeveria e Kosovës ka qenë e angazhuar në negociatat tregtare. Marrëveshja e CEFTA-s është marrëveshja e vetme e deritanishme në Kosovë, e cila është negociuar nga UNMIK-u. Mungesa e përvojës në negociatat tregtare krijon sfida për qeverinë, gjatë negocimeve me Turqinë për çështje komplekse, siç është liberalizimi i tregtisë në shërbime. Sfidë tjetër prezentë është krijuar nga negociatat paralele me partnerët e CEFTA-s (për liberalizimin e shërbimeve) dhe Bashkimit Evropian (për krijimin e tregtisë së lirë në mallra). Qëllimi i këtij studimi është t’u ofrojë informacione negociatorëve mbi tregtinë e lirë të shërbimeve me Turqinë, për të formuluar qëndrimin e duhur për negociatat e ardhshme. Punimi fokusohet në aspektet ligjore të masave liberalizuese në mes të Kosovës dhe Turqis

    H/L Ratio as a Measurement of Immune Function in Terrapene ornata Species

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    White blood cells are a key part of the immune system, and changes in white cell count can reveal the overall state of health and the immune systems functional ability of a species. White blood such as heterophils and lymphocytes are essential for being able to fight off infections. Analyzing different cell ratios has been commonly done before as a way to observe immune function in bird species as well as other species. Understanding that there are different functions between the different white blood cells provides an extra interesting perspective to what could be happening in the immune system function of the species studied. In this experiment, the ratio of heterophils and lymphocytes (H/L) from summer-active turtles, and turtles in hibernation were observed, recorded, and analyzed. It was predicted that during hibernation, the white blood cell counts will be low because they are not exposed to potential pathogens. However, hibernation may lead to an increase in cell counts because the lower metabolic rates may result in an increase in cell numbers. If immune function is increased overall, the H/L ratio should remain unchanged and only cell numbers will vary. Although, if heterophil counts increase independent of lymphocyte counts, this would indicate an ongoing immune challenge amongst the Terrapene ornata species, the results showed exactly that. During the summer months, T. ornata showed higher numbers of lymphocytes whereas in the winter months there was a higher number of heterophils. There was a significant difference in the H/L ratio between the summer active and hibernating T. ornata species

    Menaxhmenti i politikes fiskale ne ekonomite e hapura

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    Politika Fiskale ne kushtet e ekonomise se hapur

    Celebrity diplomats - strategic communication resources and mediators between the power, victims and the global public.

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    Public diplomacy activities and initiatives are adapting to new ways of strategic communication as the society and technology continues to evolve, the need of the organizations to spread information globally has made the public activities adapt to the new ways of communicating. The thesis is a critical discourse analysis of celebrity diplomats and how they are used to spread awareness about issues on global scale. Three case studies are analysed in depth. These are as follows; Angelina Jolie –I belong campaign, David Beckham – End violence against children campaign, and the Wonder Woman campaign. Transmedia engagement and mediatization helps to understand how the celebrities are used in different platforms sharing the same messages, and what strategic communication resources the celebrities need to have to be able to advocate globally.The globalization and digital technique development offers strategic communication and management of communication opportunities and challenges. The landscape of communication has changed with new technologies and new actors coming into the political arena. These factors generate in the public sphere to have bigger influence on politics than before through social media channels - such as Instagram, Facebook, blogs, youtube etc. The challenges for organizations is to reach out to the global public in a coherent way, to reach the organizational goals and purpose. Celebrity diplomats are a way to reach to the global public, and are increasingly more involved in international affairs. Public diplomacy activities and initiatives are adapting to new ways of strategic communication as the society and technology continues to evolve. The need of the organizations to spread information globally has made the public activities adapt to the new ways of communicating. The theories of strategic communication, mediatization and transmedia engagement are the basis for the research. The concept makes the changing complexity of the communication needs understandable, and gives insight in how the celebrity diplomats are used, and what resources they need to have to get through to the global public, by using different platforms when spreading messages. Three case studies are analyzed in depth, these are as follows; Angelina Jolie –I belong campaign, David Beckham – End violence against children campaign, and the Wonder Woman campaign. The thesis is a critical discourse analysis of celebrity diplomats and how they are used to spread awareness about issues on global scale

    Globalization of Banking Business and Risk Management

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    Risk management is a vital component of internal control and refers to the process of identifying and analyzing risks in achieving the organization\u27s objectives and in defining a suitable risk mitigation response. This means: ✓Identification of the risk ✓Risk Assessment and Classification ✓ Assessing the organization\u27s appetite for risk ✓ Prepare a Risk Response Also, risk management should be reviewed and reported in order to monitor whether a risk profile is changing or not, to obtain guarantees that risk management is effective and to identify further action that is needed. Typical problems related to risk management that are encountered are: ➢ Senior managers are not aware of the responsibility they have for implementing it and / or do not seem to want to implement it. ➢ Mid-level managers are afraid to apply risk management as they may not want to accept the risks / weaknesses in their current work arrangements.v ➢ Where risk is managed, it is often implemented at the end of the internal control process, rather than at the beginning.v As risk management refers to the process of identifying and analyzing risks to the achievement of objectives, this management requires financial institutions to set their business objectives and then carry out a risk analysis to see if these objectives are possible realized. Risk management can be seen as a bridge between the control environment and the control of activities, since it is precisely on the basis of the risk analysis that internal controls need to be set up. If the risk analysis is done after the internal controls have been set up, then it is unlikely that these controls will be the appropriate ones to cope with the risks

    Ndikimi i informacionit asimetrik në tregjet financiare

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    Asymmetric information is a relevant concept for studying and understanding financial markets. In this paper we discus the effect of asymmetric information on the borrower–lender relationship. The presence of asymmetric information in financial markets leads to adverse selection, moral hazard, and monitoring costs. Adverse selection occurs when a lender is not capable of distinguishing between projects with different credit risk when allocating credit. Or, given the two projects with equal expected returns, the lender will prefer the safest one and the borrower the riskiest. Adverse selection occurs always at the phase of decision making process on credit allocation, that is, before the lender disburses the loan. It is understood that borrowers that undertake risky activities find it convenient to hide the true nature of a project, thereby exploiting the lender’s lack of information. When credit is allocated, there is another risk known as moral hazard. Moral hazard occurs when borrower apply the funds to different uses than those agreed upon with the lender, who is one more time hindered by his lack of information and control over the borrower. As it is understood, moral hazard takes place after having conceded the capital. Finally, monitoring costs are tied to a hidden action by borrower, who takes advantage of his better information do declare lower than actual earnings

    Working capital management and profitability of manufacturing companies in Kosovo

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    This article aims to demonstrate the profitability of the manufacturing companies in Kosovo impacted by the managing practices in the working capital. We use multiple regression analyses to estimate the effect of working capital indicators on profit. The Pearson correlation is used to calculate whether the variables are positively or negatively correlated and to what extent. The sample includes thirty-six manufacturing companies for the period 2012-2013. The data show that the increase in cash conversion cycle (CCC) and extension in the receivables term positively influenced operating profit and net return on assets. On the contrary, the increase in payables days had a negative effect on the operating profit and the net return on assets. The rise in inventory days led to increased profit. Therefore, the companies\u27 competitiveness is maintained mainly by extending trade credit terms to their customers and keeping the cash engaged longer in operating activities

    The performance of commercial banks and the determinants of profitability: Evidence from Kosovo

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    Financial intermediaries perform indirect financing, and in this context, commercial banks are very important participants. They carry out the bulk of indirect financing transactions. On the other hand, the implementation mechanism of monetary policy is closely linked to the functioning of the banking system. Kosovo’s Commercial Banks performance is satisfactory compared with regional. In this paper we provide some of the performance indicators. The rates of return of commercial banks are greatly and directly affected by the net interest margin, provisions for loan losses, revenues and expenses by the non-interest, taxes and the equity multiplier. In this context, liquid assets do not appear to be of high impact in determining and variability the rate of return, high liquidity with low returns. Also, we address the impact of the global financial crisis “2008-20012” in the commercial banks performance in Kosovo, mainly through the impact of the decline in the asset use ratio. We think that was a positive approach that banks have followed the course of returns fall by the reduction in interest-expenditures, while the costs of provisions for loan losses to total average assets marked constant level throughout the period, despite the increasing ratio of nonperforming loans. Drawing on these findings it is recommended that banks even further engage in reducing operational costs; diversify income sources in order not to rely exclusively on the interests of loans, and to strengthen credit risk management in order to minimize the credit risk


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    Nuk do të mund të imagjinohej një botë pa biznes, për më tepër nuk do të mund të imagjinohej një botë pa \u27kontrata\u27. Një bashkim i këtyre të dyjave, ka bërë që bota të zhvillojë aktivitetin e saj biznesor rreth një dokumenti të marrëveshjes, i cili do të obligonte palët që t\u27i zotoheshin premtimeve të tyre, e të cilat në një kohë ishin bërë vetëm gojarisht. E drejta kontraktuese është themel mbi të cilin janë ndërtuar si super strukturuar shumë segmente, përkatësisht lëmi të tjera të së drejtës biznesore. Kontrata Biznesore, sot, në epokën e globalizmit është shtylla kryesore e ngritjes, ndërtimit, rritjes dhe zhivllimit të një biznesi. Pothuajse çdo akitivitet biznesor sot zhvillohet me kontrata dhe kjo gjë është një nga siguresat më të mëdha që kanë dy palë të përfshira në biznes. Literatura e shqyrtuar në këtë punim-hulumtim është kryesisht e huaja, duke pasur parasysh se ekzistojnë jo-shumë materiale në gjuhën shqipe. Duke filluar që nga termi \u27E Drejtë\u27 pastaj \u27Kontratë\u27 e deri tek \u27E drejta biznesore\u27, e gjithë literatura është shqyrtuar në atë mënyrë që sa më shumë të qartësojë termin \u27Kontratë Biznesore\u27 dhe llojet e saj. E gjithë ideja e \u27Kontratës Biznesore\u27 qëndron në faktin që një marrëveshje në mes të dy personave, kompanive apo bizneseve, të bëhet ligjërisht e obligueshme, ngase përndryshe biznesi do të ishte një kaos i vërtetë, një arenë potenciale për përplasje të mëdha. Përmes kësaj kontrate, gjithçka është më e lehtë, por natyrisht që sikurse çdo aspekt tjetër, edhe \u27Kontrata Biznesore\u27 ka mundësi përmirësimi të vazhdueshëm. Megjithëse ka literatura edhe në shqip për \u27Kontratën Biznesore\u27 ndoshta ky punim diplome i realizuar përmes një hulumtimi, do të jetë një shtysë që studentët e ardhshëm të bëjnë hulumtim akoma më të detajuar rreth kësaj teme. Me shpresën që kjo temë do t\u27i plotësojë kërkesat dhe pritshmëritë e atyre të cilët do të kenë rastin t\u27a lexojnë dhe që të përmbushë edhe pritshmëritë e stafit akademik

    The Financial Lobby and Impact of Other Stakeholders in the EU: A good model for emancipation of the financial system in Kosovo

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    Lobbying is a phenomenon which is already present in all political systems and it is not surprising if you consider the issue of lobbying within the formal structures of governance of financial markets and financial industry in the EU and Kosovo. However, the complex and inscrutable institutional structures in EU inevitably result in an inevitable quality of lobbying, which give more influence to the stakeholders that have the resources to organize and develop systematic lobbying activities. This paper describes how lobbying of influential institutions groups in EU, involved in decision making about financial services and markets, occurs through official channels, such as public consultations, and through informal means, such as close meetings between lobbyists and decision makers or officials within EU institutions. In this context we intend to rationalize such a behavior pattern in the regulation of the financial system in Kosovo. Kosovo has some fundamental problems in the field of regulation of the financial system and financial industry in conformity with the rules of functioning of the market economies. Instead of formal and official conversation between interest groups about the regulation of financial system, frequently are used corrupt models of influence which later are classified as criminal, and often classified as organized crime activities. From this point of view lobbying should be considered as a reasonable option within the formal structures of governance of financial markets and financial industry in Kosovo