612 research outputs found

    Trust as a booster

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    According to Yamagishi (2011) trust can be viewed as a “booster rocket” that provides the necessary push for the take-off from the secure ground of committed relations. The aim of this paper is to formalize this idea. I look at a situation where networks of personalized exchange relationships provide assurance against untrustworthy behavior but reduce the opportunity to profit from trade in larger markets. With the help of a simple game theoretic model I show that mutual trust relations can emerge in anonymous markets, even when there is a clear danger of opportunism and the possibility of repeated interaction is ruled out

    Collection of developmental history in the evaluation of schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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    Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous disorder that is characterized by varying levels of hallucinations, delusions, negative symptoms, and disorganized features. The presence and severity of neurodevelopmental precursors and premorbid psychopathology also vary among individuals. To fully understand individual patients and to sort out phenotypic heterogeneity for genetic research studies, instruments designed to collect developmental history relevant to schizophrenia may be helpful.The goal was to describe a pair of self-report and parent-report instruments developed for the purpose of collecting the developmental history of patients with known or suspected schizophrenia spectrum disorders.Two developmental history instruments were designed for use in studies of brain morphology and cognition in schizophrenia probands and their unaffected siblings. The instruments focus mainly on motor abnormalities and other features that have been described as schizophrenia precursors.The Motor Skills History Form is a brief self-report form that asks about patients' childhood and adolescent motor abilities as well as their current motor functioning. The Developmental & Motor History Form is a more detailed parent-rated form that covers aspects of patients' early (infant/preschool) development; their childhood and adolescent motor abilities; any childhood behaviors that may be related to later psychosis risk; and their history of any neurological, emotional, or cognitive disorders diagnosed during childhood or adolescence. The instruments can be used either for interviews or as self-administered questionnaires. The parent-rated form has been used for research and for the clinical assessment of children and adolescents with complex neurodevelopmental presentations with or without strong evidence of schizophrenia risk.The collection of developmental history information is important when evaluating individuals with schizophrenia and related disorders. The Motor Skills History Form and the Developmental & Motor History Form can be used to collect this information for clinical evaluation or research purposes

    Terrorism and its Impact on Small Insurers

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    Hvorfor slutter kvinner i ordenstjenesten i politiet?

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    Undersøkelsen ser på årsaker til at kvinner forlater ordenstjenesten, og om det er forskjell mellom kvinner og menn. Med bakgrunn i en kvalitativ forundersøkelse, samt teori og tidligere forskning, ble det utviklet et kvantitativt måleinstrument. Dette bestod av bakgrunnsspørsmål, og spørsmål om årsaker og problematiske faktorer. Utvalget var polititjenestemenn/kvinner som hadde sluttet, i tillegg til de som fortsatt jobbet på orden. Undersøkelsen bestod av to ulike spørreskjemaer hvor de som hadde sluttet på orden ble spurt om årsaker til at de sluttet, og de som jobbet på orden ble spurt om problematiske områder i arbeidshverdagen. Utvalget var 400 polititjenestemenn/kvinner fra tre politidistrikt i Norge som er ulike i forhold til størrelse og geografisk beliggenhet. Svarprosenten var på 58 %. Resultatene viser at turnus kombinert med omsorg for barn er den viktigste årsaken til at kvinner forlater ordenstjenesten. Videre viser resultatene en signifikant forskjell mellom kvinner og menn. Kvinner mener at kombinasjonen turnus og omsorg for barn er en langt viktigere årsak til at de sluttet enn menn, og bekrefter derfor teoriene om at kvinner i større grad enn menn velger familie fremfor jobb. Resultatene viser imidlertid at det ikke er turnus generelt som utpeker seg som den viktigste årsaken, men deler av turnusen. Dag- og kveldsvakter synes i vår undersøkelse som en mindre viktig årsak til at kvinner slutter, mens særlig nattvakter peker seg ut som en viktig årsak. Våre resultater viser at ønske om videreutvikling også kan være en medvirkende årsak til at kvinner forlater ordenstjenesten. Dette synes ikke å handle om manglende muligheter på orden, men at de mulighetene som finnes på orden ikke er de kvinnene er ute etter. Resultatene viser imidlertid at de som jobber på orden stort sett er motiverte, og trives i ordenstjenesten

    Special Issue on the Topic of Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Special Issue on the Topic of Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Special Issue on the Topic of Autism Spectrum Disorde

    Exploration of ADHD Subtype Definitions and Co-Occurring Psychopathology in a Missouri Population-Based Large Sibship Sample

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    Background: There is some debate regarding the utility of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) subtypes as currently defined. Differences in co-occurring psychopathology among subtypes would support the validity of subtype definitions.Objective: To explore how ADHD subtype relates to co-occurring psychopathology in a large population-based sample of children and adolescents (n=5744).Method: Parents completed the Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD-symptoms and Normal behavior (SWAN) questionnaire, the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS). Methods including discriminant analysis, principal components analysis, and fractional polynomial regression were used to examine the relationship between ADHD diagnostic subtypes and co-occurring psychopathology.Results: Children with different ADHD subtypes show differences on several CBCL subscales. A combination of CBCL subscales and SRS score had good ability to discriminate ADHD subtypes. Conversely, for the same overall number of ADHD symptoms, individuals who present with both inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms exhibit higher severity of co-occurring psychopathology on a summary measure derived from principal components analysis of the CBCL subscales and SRS. This includes some subjects who fail to meet the DSM-IV-TR ADHD symptom criterion due to having less than 6 inattentive and less than six hyperactive-impulsive symptoms, yet have ADHD symptom severity similar to those with the inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive subtype.Conclusions: Several convergent lines of analysis provide support for the continued use of ADHD subtypes (or current presentation symptom profiles), as evidenced by differences in co-existing psychopathlogy. We also found that current diagnostic criteria may fail to identify a potentially impaired group of individuals who have low-to-moderate levels of both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Under the upcoming DSM-5, it will be important for clinicians to consider the option of giving an ADHD “not elsewhere classified” diagnosis to such children

    Innovation processes in stigmatized industry vs. non - stigmatized

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    The gambling industry is one of the oldest professions in our history, and from the start until now, the industry has changed. The industry has gone from being a land – based activity to an online based activity in recent years. Due to tremendous technological innovations, the number of problem gamblers has increased– resulting in the gambling industry being considered a stigmatized industry. This thesis aims to shed more light on how stigmatized businesses innovate their services and tries to fill some of the gaps in the existing literature. Furthermore, this thesis compares the gambling industry to the Video – on – Demand (VoD) industry, as they are both online service providers, offering fast entertainment, anywhere – anytime. The thesis is a comparative case study and gathered qualitative data through interviews with five case companies, where one is licensed and four are unlicensed in Norway. Further, the theoretical framework chosen for this thesis is the new service development process cycle, since this model can be applied easily to both industries – to compare their innovation processes and how stigmatization is possibly affecting them. The VoD industry was chosen because innovation of services in that industry is very similar to that of the gambling industry, as they have both been highly impacted by technological advances. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and the results were subsequently evaluated to discover both similarities and differences which were further compared to the VoD industry. The data gathered shows characteristics of the innovation processes and to what extent the gambling industry is affected by stigmatization. The industry is highly concerned with responsible gambling, and preventing further gambling harm with high-risk services and products it is offering. Moreover, the findings show that in each development stage of a new service or feature, the industry is implementing responsible gambling. The results in the thesis also show that differences exist in the innovation processes due to stigmatization. This includes the different stages and activities in the development process that further also impact the “enablers”, which are important in the development processes. Furthermore, the concept of core - stigma is impacting recruitment in the industry, and also organizational context i.e. the implementation of laws and regulation in different countries concerning how and where the gambling companies can operate. The VoD industry does not have any of these restrictions, and are neither concerned with having to be responsible in it’s way of innovatin

    Innovation processes in a stigmatized industry vs. non – stigmatized industry

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    The gambling industry is one of the oldest professions in our history, and from the start until now, the industry has changed. The industry has gone from being a land – based activity to an online based activity in recent years. Due to tremendous technological innovations, the number of problem gamblers has increased– resulting in the gambling industry being considered a stigmatized industry. This thesis aims to shed more light on how stigmatized businesses innovate their services and tries to fill some of the gaps in the existing literature. Furthermore, this thesis compares the gambling industry to the Video – on – Demand (VoD) industry, as they are both online service providers, offering fast entertainment, anywhere – anytime. The thesis is a comparative case study and gathered qualitative data through interviews with five case companies, where one is licensed and four are unlicensed in Norway. Further, the theoretical framework chosen for this thesis is the new service development process cycle, since this model can be applied easily to both industries – to compare their innovation processes and how stigmatization is possibly affecting them. The VoD industry was chosen because innovation of services in that industry is very similar to that of the gambling industry, as they have both been highly impacted by technological advances. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and the results were subsequently evaluated to discover both similarities and differences which were further compared to the VoD industry. The data gathered shows characteristics of the innovation processes and to what extent the gambling industry is affected by stigmatization. The industry is highly concerned with responsible gambling, and preventing further gambling harm with high-risk services and products it is offering. Moreover, the findings show that in each development stage of a new service or feature, the industry is implementing responsible gambling. The results in the thesis also show that differences exist in the innovation processes due to stigmatization. This includes the different stages and activities in the development process that further also impact the “enablers”, which are important in the development processes. Furthermore, the concept of core - stigma is impacting recruitment in the industry, and also organizational context i.e. the implementation of laws and regulation in different countries concerning how and where the gambling companies can operate. The VoD industry does not have any of these restrictions, and are neither concerned with having to be responsible in it’s way of innovating

    Familial influences on the full range of variability in attention and activity levels during adolescence: A longitudinal twin study

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    AbstractTo investigate familial influences on the full range of variability in attention and activity across adolescence, we collected maternal ratings of 339 twin pairs at ages 12, 14, and 16, and estimated the transmitted and new familial influences on attention and activity as measured by the Strengths and Weaknesses of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Normal Behavior Scale. Familial influences were substantial for both traits across adolescence: genetic influences accounted for 54%–73% (attention) and 31%–73% (activity) of the total variance, and shared environmental influences accounted for 0%–22% of the attention variance and 13%–57% of the activity variance. The longitudinal stability of individual differences in attention and activity was largely accounted for by familial influences transmitted from previous ages. Innovations over adolescence were also partially attributable to familial influences. Studying the full range of variability in attention and activity may facilitate our understanding of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder's etiology and intervention.</jats:p
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