40 research outputs found

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Sekolah Pendidikan Islam Terpadu Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Sekolah adalah tempat didikan bagi anak anak. tujuan dari sekolah adalah mengajar tentang mengajarkan anak untuk menjadi anak yang mampu memajukan bangsa. Pendidikan Islam Terpadu pendidikan yang berusaha membentuk kepribadian Islam secara komprehensif, dengan sistem pendidikan yang menyeimbangkan pendidikan akhlakiyah fikriyah, dan jasadiyah. Sekolah Pendidikan Islam Terpadu adalah sebuah bangunan fasilitas publik yang berperan dalam proses pendidikan dan pengajaran melalui model pendidikan yang memadukan kurikulum standar sekolah negeri dengan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam untuk jenjang sekolah (kelompok bermain dan TK), sampai sekolah dasar dan lanjutan (SD, SLTP, SLTA) yang dikelola oleh pihak yang sama. Sekolah Pendidikan Islam Terpadu di Kabupaten Sukoharjo merupakan suatu tempat yang berperan dalam proses pendidikan dan pengajaran melalui model pendidikan yang memadukan kurikulum standar sekolah negeri dengan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam, dari jenjang dan satuan pendidikan mulai tingkat pra-sekolah (kelompok bermain dan TK), sampai tahap pendidikan sekolah dasar dan lanjutan (SD, SLTP, SLTA) yang dikelola oleh pihak yang sama. Pendidikan Agama Islam di dalam lingkungan sekolah mulai dirasakan sangat penting dan butuh mendapat perhatian khusus dari semua pihak yang berkaitan di dalamnya. Pelajaran Agama Islam di sekolah-sekolah negeri dirasa sangat kurang , dengan zaman yang semakin berkembang dengan godaan yang kian membesar untuk anak-anak Indonesia jika mereka tidak membentengi diri dengan aqidah dan akhlaq yang benar. Perlu strategi yang tepat dalam membangun pendidikan Islam yang sebenarnya. Melihat permasalahan yang ada maka dalam tulisan ini kami mencoba untuk membahas masalah konsep pendidikan Islam terpadu yang akhirakhir ini sedang tumbuh dan berkembang dan mungkin menjadi harapan baru untuk kebangkitan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Pesanggrahan Di Kawasan Waduk Cengklik Boyolali

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    Pesanggrahan merupakan suatu fasilitas akomodasi yang terletak di daerah wisata. Sasaran pengunjung pesanggrahan adalah wisatawan yang bertujuan untuk berlibur, bersenang-senang, mengisi waktu luang, dan melupakan rutinitas kerja sehari-hari yang membosankan. Pesanggrahan tersebut nantinya akan di bangun di kawasan Waduk Cengklik. Waduk Cengklik merupakan salah satu waduk di Indonesia yang berada di Desa Ngargorejo dan dan Desa Sobokerto Kecamatan Ngemplak Boyolali. Konsep pembangunan Pesanggrahan di kawasan Waduk Cengklik ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan potensi dari Waduk Cengklik tersebut. Penciptaan peanggrahan di Waduk Cengklik memiliki tiga tujuan utama. Pertama, menciptakan konsep pesanggrahan dan kegiatan penunjang yang berupa rekreasi yang sesuai dengan tututan kebutuhan pengunjung dan rekreasi yang sesuai dengan karakteristik Waduk Cengklik. Kedua, menciptakan lingkungan fisik Waduk Cengklik yang terorganisir secara rapi, harmonis, nyaman, dan aman. Ketiga, memanfaatkan potensi keindahan alam, kekhasan tradisional dan penggalian sejarah. Oleh karena itu, penciptaan konsep pembangunan pesanggrahan di kawasan Waduk Cengklik ini sehingga mampu meningkatkan potensi dari Waduk Cengklik tersebut. Hasil dari penulisan ini dapat digunakan sebagai informasi data untuk memberdayakan potensi Waduk Cengklik sebagai sebuah pesanggrahan yang ramah lingkungan. Peningkatan kualitas wisata Waduk ini juga akan menambah pendapatan asli daerah ( Boyolali ) Sehingga semakin mendukung aktivitas industri pariwisata serta memberikan ciri khas tersendiri yang dapat menjadi nilai tambah bagi sektor pariwisata untuk mengundang para wisatawan

    Penataan Streetscape Penggal Jalan Lawu Di Karanganyar Sebagai Kawasan Shopping Street Yang Rekreatif

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    Berbelanja ataupun membeli barang-barang kebutuhan sehari-hari merupakan bagian dari kegiatan sehari-hari masyarakat, kebutuhan tersebut dapat diperoleh dari warung, toko, dan pasar tradisional ataupun pusat perbelanjaan yang ada. Sejalan dengan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta perkembangan jumlah penduduk maka timbul permasalahan baru di masyarakat, yang mana masyarakat menginginkan adanya suatu pusat perbelanjaan yang mampu menampung dan melayani penyediaan akan kebutahan-kebutuhan tersebut. Perilaku masyarakat yang semakin maju dan berkembang ini menimbulkan keinginan masyarakat akan suatu fasilitas tempat perbelanjaan yang lengkap, baik, aman dan nyaman. Hal ini yang mendorong perlunya penataan kembali penggal jalan Lawu di Karanganyar agar tercipta sebuah sistem yang baik untuk meningkatkan kualitas jalan Lawu di Karanganyar, yang nantinya akan dirancang sebagai kawasan shopping street. Dimana kegiatan pada kawasan perbelanjaan tidak hanya sekedar untuk berbelanja, akan tetapi juga bisa untuk rekreasi, dan mencari hiburan

    Pengembangan Bandara Internasional Radin Inten II Lampung Dengan Pendekatan Green Architecture

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    Air transportation is a part of transportation sector that has shown very rapid development. The progress in the aviation sector has changed the image and pattern of economic development, people mobility, and Indonesian development. To overcome this, a plan is needed to increase its capacity to be able to serve flight activities with a sustainable plan. Airport development planning is required a large capacity to be able to carry out air traffic activities and to respond a rapid increase of the number of passengers in a long time, common obstacles faced are development funds and limited space for development areas. With these limitations the quality of service to passengers must continue to be improved. To anticipate an increase of passengers, aircraft and cargo is necessary to plan the a development of airports and commercial facilities. That things contained in the Radin Inten II International Airport development program are: (1) Building airport train station infrastructure, (2) Increasing the capacity of the passenger terminal, (4) improving circulation and (5) making this airport suitable for hosting Hajj embarkations . The points above are then realized with an emphasis on the concept of green architecture

    Perancangan Solo Pet Center Sebagai Sarana Edukasi dan Rekreasi Keluarga

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    Pet Center is a place that provides all sorts associated with pets ranging from equipment and needs of the animal, the animal care and animal health. Some facilities available in Pet center is usually a pet shop, pet hotels, pet grooming and pet clinics, but in Solo themselves some of these facilities are not located in one place. Based on these problems, the authors will design a vessel that can accommodate all the activities of the animals contained in one place that consists of pet shop, pet hotels, pet grooming, pet clinic, pet training activities, animal competitions and several other supporting facilities. In addition, also in the city of Solo was still a little for tourism-related esukasi about animals, then the Pet Center is to increase tourism related about animals (pets). In line with new ideas and hopefully in time writer Solo Pet Center can be useful and beneficial for the animals, animal lovers as well as those common in the city of Sol

    Pengembangan Kawasan Juwiring Klaten Sebagai Desa Wisata Kerajinan Payung Lukis

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    Juwiring is one of subdistrict in Klaten regency which have a characteristic of The Umberella Painting Craft. Start from 1950 The Painting Umbrella Craft in Juwiring gained glorius era at 1970 until 1980. Unfortunately, when monetary crisis occured, most of craftsmen out of bussiness or move in other profession, make the existence of the painting umbrella craft became extinct from the review above, the researcher interest to developing of the region painting umbrella craft to be a tourist village. The purpose of this development is to preserve the umbrella painting craft and also to facilitate the tourist to find this handicraft. In this tourist village,the tourist can learn to make painting umbrella craft or to see the product of painting umbrella. Another development is to improve the human resource or the future generation of the craftsmen painting umbrella, so that the crafts can stand out and become art and curtural heritage. The method that the researcher used is literature study, interview, observation, and data analyze using descriptive method. Based on the shape analyzing and architecture toward the location and also the understanding about architecture ecology approach, so that can be conlude that some of criteria which will use in the concept transformation process is to improve the result. Keywords: Tourist village, Juwiring, The Painting Umbrella Craft

    Desa Wisata Gula Merah Sambiroto, Kunduran, Blora

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    Tourism villages are rife in Indonesia. Java Province is included in the distribution of most tourist villages to reach 857 villages. Blora Regency has 16 districts one of which is Kunduran District. Kunduran District is the most extensive area of paddy fields so that most people work as farmers. One of the villages in Kunduran District is Sambiroto Village. The potential of each village has its own peculiarities, including in Sambiroto Village. The potential of Sambiroto Village as a producer of brown sugar from sugar cane traditionally processed has its own appeal to be developed. A tourism village that continues and educates will certainly not be separated from the criteria of a tourism village. The criteria of a tourism village cannot be separated from "4A", namely attraction, accessibility, amenities and ancillary service. The review of the data obtained requires that it can support the concept that will be used in planning a tourist village in Sambiroto Village. The concept of a tourist village in Sambiroto Village is to divide into zones in order to facilitate tourists visiting. Developing a tourism village from the beginning requires ripening in conceptualizing the goal of a sustainable tourism village. The discussion methods used are literature studies, comparative studies and field surveys or observational studies. The results of the analysis and concepts obtained in the form of design proposals in the form of tracking areas, parking, restaurants, homestays, workshops and showrooms. The design proposal is a concept of tropical architecture approach by considering the results of comparative studies from other tourist villages

    SURAKARTA Comic Art Center

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    The comic book is a book of fiction and non-fiction in presentation with images accompanied by text. Comic books have many kinds, in terms of form in terms of content to the story presented. Comic books can be enjoyed by the community from an early age until adulthood. The main function of the comic is as a means of entertainment and leisure time fillers. In addition to these two functions the comics, comics can be a means of studying the equivalent of kindergarten to Graduate. The general public more quickly comprehend the book presenting the image of a book on the present text. Indonesia is the second country to become the world's largest comic book connoisseur after the country Japan. In addition in the form of books, comic books have a variety of end products. The product can be a comic book other works such as movies, cartoons, action figures, merchendise. The United State and Japan are the countries that made the comic book as a culture. Comic books can give you a great influence to the society in a country. Indonesia is one of the countries that have a history of the development of the comic books. In the period 1970 – 1990 was a golden period of development, UN comic book Indonesia. Comic book titled "Gundala Putra Petir, Godam, Pandji Tengkorak" is an original comic book Indonesia. Comic progress along with advanced technology. The development of comic books can be seen in terms of story and in terms of image quality. Surakarta is one city that has a history of comic books. 88.7% community Surakarta liked comic books. Comic book connoisseur in Surakarta is not in balance with the existing facilities. Listed there are 6 facilities that sell comic books and 2 facilities that rent out comic books. 70.6% of community facilities that are not aware of Surakarta provides comic books. Community city of Surakarta has the famous cartoonists, namely Chris Lie and Numbo Afif. They are the comic origin of Surakarta to become national comics up to international

    Akademi Futsal Solo Internasional dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Hi-Tech

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    In the development of futsal in the city of Solo is very rapid, this is marked by the many achievements achieved by teams from Solo City. The achievements of futsal teams from the city of Solo were not followed by the construction of adequate facilities and infrastructure. Like a futsal field that has international standards. therefore a building that accommodates all futsal activities in Solo City with the Hi-Tech Architecture concept is designed. The location chosen for the construction of the Solo International Futsal Academy is on Jl. Pakel. Banjarsari District, Surakarta. With a site of ± 50,000 m². according to the regulations, the site is very suitable for educational and sports buildings. Therefore it is very suitable for sports and education activities for Solo International Futsal Academy. inside the Solo International Futsal Academy there is an international stadium and an international standard training field. in addition there are also other supporting buildings in the form of, educational buildings, dormitory buildings, and management building

    Pusat Pengembangan Industri Olahan Kedelai Di Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Even though it is the staple food for most of the population in this country, most of the soybeans that are the raw material for tempeh and tofu come from imports, with a total of more than 90% of soybeans coming from imports. the total annual demand for soybeans needed by the people of Indonesia reaches 2.9 million tons (in 2022), while local soybean production only reaches 300 thousand tons. With so many imported soybeans from abroad, and the absence of regulations from the government to impose import tariffs, this has caused domestic soybean prices to fall and this has made farmers reluctant to plant soybeans. Grobogan Regency is the main contributor of soybean commodity for Central Java province, which is more than 50% for Central Java province. Central Java nationally supplies 21% of the national soybean production and more than 20% of it comes from Grobogan. So that Grobogan Regency can be said to be a food barn in Central Java. Therefore, soybean farmers in Grobogan Regency need to be supported. With the existence of a development center for the soybean processing industry, it is hoped that it will be able to increase the absorption of local soybean commodities from farmers, thereby increasing the selling value of soybeans. Furthermore, the existence of a soybean processing industry development center is able to provide encouragement to the community to create soybean self-sufficiency. like what happened in 1992