3,238 research outputs found

    Mapping and Determination of Leptospirosis vulnuerable zone Based on Geographical Information System in Semarang City Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Pemetaan dan Penentuan Zona Kerawanan Leptospirosis di Kota Semarang

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    Leptospirosis is zoonotic disease, which is caused by Leptospira bacteria and transmitted to human by contact with contaminated animal urine and environment. Semarang City is endemic area of Leptospirosis and increased at least three years. There were 246 Leptospirosis case on October 2009. The aim of this research was to study the ability and usefulness of Geographcal Informatin System for mapping as distribution of Leptospirosis and determination of Leptospirosis vulnuerable zone. This research representing applied with analytic descriptive by using cross sectional design. Result of this research: GIS could be done to analyze physical environment risk factor of Leptospirosis, for examples : settlement, floods area, height, rainfall, soil texture, temperature and humidity. Leptospirosis case in Semarang City predominated by children group and men adolescent. Distribution of Leptospirosis concentrased in Tembalang Sub District and Gayamsari Sub District. Leptospirosis case increased at dry season during July and August. General vulnuerable Leptospirosis zone found in North and North-East territories of Semarang City. High vulnuerable zone large : 73 km2 (18,73 %), medium zone large 251 km2 (65,60 %) and low zone large 61 km2 (15,67 %). Keyword : Geographical Information System, vulnuerable, Leptospirosis, Semarang Cit


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    Net interest margin ditentukan oleh suku bunga melalui GAP (kesenjangan dana). Jadi tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji efek langsung suku bunga terhadap net interest margin dan efek tidak langsung suku bunga terhadap net interest margin melalui GAP. Sampel penelitian ini adalah bank umum konvensional yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2007-2019 dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Ada 10 bank umum konvensional yang dipilih sebagai sampel. Metode analisis menggunakan regresi data panel fixed effect dengan Path Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan suku bunga berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap net interest margin, GAP memediasi pengaruh suku bunga terhadap net interest margin. Penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan yang melibatkan variabel mediasi GAP untuk melihat pengaruh suku bunga terhadap net interest margin dalam lingkup Bank Umum Konvensional di Bursa Efek Indonesia, dan diharapkan dapat memberikan tambahan referensi secara akademis. Secara praktis, hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi manajemen bank umum konvensional


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    Bencana gempa bumi dan Tsunami yang melanda wilayah Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) dan Sumatera Utara pada tanggal 26 Desember 2004 merupakan Bencana Nasional yang terbesar setelah puluhan tahun terakhir. Kabupaten Aceh Jayamerupakan bagian wilayah NAD yang terkena Tsunami dengan kerusakan terparah. Tidak hanya mengakibatkan korban manusia, harta benda, infrastruktur yang ada semua rusak serta mengakibatkan perubahan ekologi lingkungan yang berdampak timbulnya penyakit tular vektor termasuk malaria. Jumlah kasus malaria meningkat dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya (Tahun 2004) dan puncak kasus terjadi pada bulan Pebruari 2005. Meningkatnya jumlah kasus malaria di Aceh Jaya merupakan salah satu dampak dari perubahan ekosistem diantaranya terbentuknya genangan air, sehingga pada saat musim hujan air menjadi payau dan merupakan tempat perkembangbiakan potensial bagi Anopheles. Survei vektor yang dilakukan Tim Assesment vector menemukan beberapa spesies Anopheles diantaranya An. sundaicus An.barbirostris, dan An. vagus. Keberadaan pengungsi, relawan dan anggota TNI yang datang dari berbagai daerah termasuk yang datang dari daerah endemis malaria menambah resiko terjadinya penularan malaria. Tugas pendampingan/Rapid Assesment malaria pasca bencana di Aceh Jaya dilakukan dalam rangka mengumpulkan data/informasi yang terkait dengan malaria serta memperbaiki/menata sistem surveilans malaria


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menemukan secara empiris faktor yang memengaruhi profitabilitas Perusahaan Pembiayaan di Indonesia selama periode 2015 - 2021 seperti Risiko Pembiayaan, Efisiensi Operasional, Pembiayaan, Permodalan dan Kurs dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi parsial (Parsial Least Square/PLS) dengan 84 periode bulanan sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian menemukan variabel risiko pembiayaan, efisiensi operasional dan kurs berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap profitabilitas. Variabel permodalan berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap profitabilitas. Variabel pembiayaan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap profitabilitas


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    One of the intensification of malaria control programs in South East Sulawesi is vector surveyllance in the form of entomological survey. The aimed of this survey was to provide data and information on malaria vector usefull for vector control activity. Vector Surveyllance activity had been done to know vector fluctuation data, vector behaviour, type of breeding places in order to know the peak of vector density. Peak of vector density is usefull for malaria awareness in different type of ecology. Survey had been done in October 2010 in Aneka Marga village, Rorowatu Utara sub district, Bombana District, South East Sulawesi Province. Survey had been done during 4 night serially, start from 18.00 pm to 06.00 am with 6 mosquito collector, 3 collectors catching mosquitoes out door, 3 collectors catching mousquitoes in door for 45 minutes. 15 minutes out doors catching the mosquitoes that rest in cage, while indoors catching the mosquitoes that rest on house wall. It was found that Anopheles subpictus was the dominant vector with Man Biting Rate(MBR) in door was 0,28/man/hours and MBR out door was 0,64/man/hours. Peak of An. subpictus bites at 23.00 pm, the breeding places of An. subpictus in fish bowl, around 1 km from settlement. The density of Anopheline larvae was 3 larva/deeper

    Konsep Fairness John Rawls, Kritik dan Relevansinya

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    Keadilan merupakan hal yang sangat fundamental dalam masyarakat majemuk. Pandangan Rawls mengenai keadilan yang dipahami sebagai Justice as Fairness mencoba menawarkan bagaimana kita menata masyarakat yang majemuk secara fair. Konsep fairness dipahami sebagai kemampuan untuk bersikap dan bertindak yang dapat diterima dan didukung secara timbal balik. Dalam pandangan Rawls, adanya penerimaan dan dukungan secara timbal balik dari para subjek yang bebas dan setara, tanpa intimidasi dan tekanan adalah tanda bahwa kesepakatan tersebut fair. Ia menyebut sikap semacam ini sebagai kewarasan publik (reasonableness). Untuk membangun masyarakat majemuk yang fair, kelompok-kelompok yang ada di dalam masyarakat harus mampu bertindak secara waras (reasonable). Dengan kapasitas ini mereka akan mampu menyepakati prinsip-prinsip keadilan yang akan menjadi basis kesatuan sosial (basis of social unity) mereka. Konsep mengenai fairness ini sangat penting untuk masyarakat majemuk seperti Indonesia. Jika kita gagal menghadirkan keadilan dalam masyarakat majemuk, maka kesatuan kita sebagai sebuah masyarakat akan berada dalam ancaman serius.Justice is very fundamental in a pluralistic society. Rawls's view of justice, which is understood as fairness, tries to offer how we organize a pluralistic society fairly. This view is crucial to be considered. The concept of fairness is understood as the ability to act that is acceptable and supported reciprocally. In Rawls's view, the existence of mutual acceptance and support from free and equal citizens without intimidation and pressure signifies that the agreement is fair. He called this kind of attitude reasonableness. In a just society, people must be able to act reasonably. With this capacity, they will agree on the principles of justice, which will be the basis of their social unity. The concept of fairness is essential for a pluralistic society like Indonesia. If we fail to bring justice in a pluralistic society, then our unity as a society will be under serious threat

    Meninjau Kembali Hubungan Agama dan Politik dalam Kerangka Demokrasi dan Keadilan

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    Abstract: Through this article, I try to revisit the relationship between religion and politics. There are three main ideas I propose here. First, about the nature and function of religion for human beings. Once, many scholars have predicted that religion would disappear from human life that was increasingly modernized and rationalized. But in fact, religion has not really disappeared. The prediction is wrong because it is not based on the nature of human beings who always have a desire for the Transcendent. Secondly, in the history of secularization in Europe that has been going on for several centuries, it did not completely nullify religion from public life. Religion is still present in forms that have been adjusted to democratic values. Some religious symbols are also still used. Third, I don’t argue that religion needs to be incorporated into politics. What I want to deliver here is that we need to see the relationship proportionately. Religious groups have the right to propose their religious views in the public sphere. But at the same time, they need to develop reasonable arguments. They should translate their religious values to be compatible with the values of democracy and justice in a pluralistic society


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    Malaria is still becoming public health problem in Tabalong District, South Kalimantan Province. Malaria case in Tabalong during 3 last years experiences improvement, and spread in four Sub District.The study aimed to explains the epidemiology of malaria in Santuun village, Muara Uya Sub District. Santuun village is most endemic area in Muara Uya Subdistrict, malaria control activity which have been done are passive case detection in Health Center / Hospital and entomological survey.Malaria distribution in Santuun village based on time related to rainfall, at high rainfall of malaria cases tend to increase. Most of malaria cases found at male group. Anopheles habit in Santuun is rainwater pond, sleazy pool, cracks, rice field. Anopheles which were found : An. aconitus, An. balabacensis, An. nigerimus, An. barbirostris, An. kochi, An. vagus, An.minimus
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