36 research outputs found

    Sifat Mekanis pada Kompon Karet Alam Variasi Campuran Serbuk Ban Bekas untuk Aplikasi Bantalan Mesin

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    Rubber is a good material used for engine mounting because it has good elastic and damping properties. To obtain good mechanical and damping properties, fillers can be added such as carbon black, nylon powder and silica. In this study used used tire crumb as filler material. With the method of adding used tire powder 0 phr, 6 phr, 12 phr, 18 phr sequentially on natural rubber compound A, B, C, and D. Rubber compounds made in this process are tested to determine the mechanical properties and Dumping vibrations. Tests carried out namely, strength and elongation at break, hardness, tearing strength, flex crack resistance and dumping vibration ( ability to reduce acceleration of vibration propagation ). The test results show a decrease in the strength of 21.7 N / mm², 20.9 N / mm², 20.3N / mm², 20.5 N / mm², and also at the elongation at break test with an average of 430%, 415%, 423%, 425%. Sequentially on A, B, C and D vulcanizates. Trends of hardness test chart to increase  61 Shore A, 63 Shore A, 64 Shore A and 65 Shore A, while the tear strength also shows an increase and decrease with an average yield of 12.5 N / mm², 12.6 N / mm², 11.3 N / mm², 13.3 N / mm² on  A, B, C and D vulcanizates

    Studi Pengujian SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) Komposit Bermatrik Ebonit Dengan Kandungan Sulfur 40 Phr Yang Diperkuat Serat Rami Dan Bambu Dengan Kandungan Masing-Masing 30 Phr

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    Plastic is a common material that is often used to manufacture the product in an industry, especially the automotive industry. However, plastic has the disadvantage that the difficulty of the decomposition of waste that take a long time. It needs a better substitute material of plastic that is composite. Composite is a better solution because the constituent materials used can use natural materials, ranging from fibers and matrix. This is what makes the composite an environmentally friendly material that is biodegradable and does not cause the problems of waste. And the method of testing done on this composite is SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), in which the purpose of the test is to look at the microstructure of the composite. From the observation of micro structure capable of showing bonding characteristics of the constituent fibers that reinforce composites. For composites used in this study using ebonite matrix with fiber in the form of Rami and Bamboo. SEM test results show that the fiber bonding glue with ebonite Rami more than the bond of Bamboo fiber is seen to be apart of ebonite. Keywords : Composite, Natural Fibers, SE

    Study Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis Bahan Polipropilena Pada Produk Penutup Spion Sepeda Motor Merk A Dan Merk B

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    In this thesis, to investigate the physical and mechanical properties of polymer materials in products cover rearview merc A and merc B. This study is divided into several stages. The first phase specimen procurement and manufacture of test specimens. Tests conducted in accordance with ASTM standards. Tensile strength test to ASTM D 638, hardness testing to ASTM D 2240 and the impact test with standard ASTM D 256. To determine the physical properties of the two products is done by testing SEM and EDS. The second stage of data processing, data analysis and discussion of research results. From the results of the research we concluded that the products cover rearview merc B has a tensile strength and higher hardness than products cover rearview merc A while for the impact rearview cover merc A higher than the rearview cover merc B value tensile strength rearview merc B amounted to 23,846 N/mm2, while the value of tensile strength rearview merc A amounted to 18,276 N/mm2 and strain value rearview merc B 13,333%. To view mirror merc A strain value of 14,667%. The test results impact on the mirror merc A of 36,450 J/mm2, while the hardness value of 64,50 Shore Hardness D. For the impact test results rearview merc B values obtained 34,349 J/mm2 and a hardness value of 66,60 Shore Hardness D. From the SEM images and EDS as well as from observations showed that the rearview merc B discount densities nicer than the rearview merc A. Keywords: polymer, physical properties, mechanical properties, rearview

    Pengembangan Komposit Berbahan Ebonit Dengan Kandungan Sulfur 30 PHR Yang Diperkuat Serat Rami Untuk Komponen Otomotif

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    Purpose of the research was to know tensile strength, izod impact and hardness of ebonit-based material with varied jute fiber weights of 0 Phr, 30 Phr and 50 Phr and to know results of composite surface by using SEM (Scanning Electron microscopy) photograph. Material of the composite was ebonit strengthened with jute fiber that had been immersed in 5% NaOH for 2 hours. Then, process of rubber mix started. Natural rubber mixed with chemical substances and jute fiber by using a two-roll mill machine and the rubber was vulcanized by using mold press machine at 150oC. Test of the composite used standard ASTMD D-638-02 for tensile strength, ASTM D-256-00 for izod impact test and SNI 0778:2009 for hardness test. Results of the testing obtained the highest tensile strength of 32.84 N/mm2 for ebonit composite strengthened with 30 Phr jute fiber. Highest yield strength of 73% was found in ebonit composite with jute fibers of 50 Phr. Hardness test and izod impact test found highest values of 97.70 shore scale for hardness and 31.33 j/mm2 for izod impact in the ebonite composite with fiber jute of 30 Phr. Based on observation of SEM photographs, it can be concluded that each ebonite composite strengthened with jute fiber indicated air bubbles on surface of the composite that had been caused by very poor interfacial adhesion between the fiber and matrix

    Pengaruh Waktu Kecepatan Pendinginan pada Besi Cor Inokulasi Whisker Terhadap Struktur Mikro dan Sifat Mekanis

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    Besi cor merupakan paduan Besi-Karbon dengan kandungan C diatas 2% (pada umumnya sampai dengan 4%). Unsur besi cor paling dominan adalah karbon (C) dan silika (Si). Besi cor pada umumnya mangandung unsur silika antara 1 sampai 3 %. Dengan kandungan ini, silika mampu meningkatkan kekuatan besi cor melalui fase cair. Untuk pengecoran besi cor ini dengan merekayasa penambahan whisker. Pada pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan penambahan whisker saat proses penuangan besi cor. Pada temperatur 910 oC strukturnya adalah Austentite, ledeburite, Cementite sedangkan pada temperatur 710 oC struktur Austenit secara pendinginan normal mengalami perubahan struktur menajdi pearlite. Untuk merubah jumlah pearlite yang terbentuk pada saat pendinginan besi cor maka pendinginan dilakukan dengan metode pendinginan menggunakan media. Metode pendinginan yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan media oli, udara, paslin. Proses perlakuan pendinginan besi cor dilakukan dengan cara besi cor dituang ke ledel kemudian dituang kedalam cetakan lalu didiamkan sampai ketitik jenuh (dari besi cor bewarna merah mengangah kewarna merah layu) lalu dibongkar dan dimasukkan kedalam oli, paslin dan didiamkan pada udara bebas (suhuruangan). Uji yang dilakukan adalah pengujian komposisi kimia, pengujian strukturmikro, serta pengujian kekersan. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui kandungan unsur-unsur komposit besi cor whisker dengan kadar Fe (94,18%), C (3,33%),Si (1,34%).Hasil uji struktur mikro dapat diketahui dengan melihat hasil foto metalografi pada pendinginan terbentuk ledeburit dan cementite. Padapendinginan udara ledeburite ke cementitnya prosentasenya lebih kecil, di pendinginan menggunakan paslin akan terbentuk cementite yang lebih banyak dibandingkan pada udara dan untuk oli cementite lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan udara maupun paslin serta kandungan ledeburit semakin sedikit dikarenakan pada waktu pendinginan cepat ledeburite yang ada sebagian besar akan berubah menjadi cementite untuk perlite pada pendinginan oli bergerombol besar tidak teratur sedangkan di pendinginan paslin perlite merata sedangkan di pendinginan udara perlite akan membentuk susunan yang rapi. Dari hasil pengujian kekerasan Brinnell diperoleh rata-rata kekerasan pada pendinginan oli 508,27 HBN, udara 455,34 HBN dan paslin 480,72 HBN

    Studi Sifat Mekanis Las Brazing dengan Penyambungan Lap Joint Pada Material Aluminium, Kuningan dan Tembaga

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    This research was conducted to know the mechanical properties of aluminum, brass and copper material by using brazing welding by using lap joint method. In this research the method used for this testing process is chemical composition test, micro photo test, and tensile test. The basic material used is aluminum plate, brass, and copper which is then welded brazing by joint lap joint method. Based on the research that has been done, the authors have obtained the test results. In the composition test made aluminum material contains some of the highest composition of Aluminum (Al) 97.41%, for brass material contains some composition that is copper (Cu) 64.2%, Zinc (Zn) 34.8%, while copper containing copper composition (Cu) 98.3%. At the tensile test conducted the higest strenght of brass with a value of 281,335 Mpa, The results of micro-photos obtained on Aluminium, Brass and Copper meterials have not changed the microstructure because the etching process has not been perfect, resulting in a micro photo test process that does not look at the micostructure

    Pengembangan Komposit Dari Karet Ebonit Dengan Penguat Serat Bambu Untuk Komponen Otomotif Penutup Spion Sepeda Motor

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    This study aims to determine the maximum tensile strength of bamboo fiber with NaOH treatment and to determine the tensile strength, izod impact, violence against variation of composite fiber weight fraction and know the type of fault with observation macro photo of tensile and Izod impact testing. The manufacture of composite materials used are bamboo fiber as reinforcement and ebonite as a matrix. Soaking process using NaOH 5% variation soaking for 0, 2, 4, and 6 hours. By using the standard test ASTM 3379-75 Furthermore, the process of mixing natural rubber with chemicals using the machine two roll mill and then vulcanized by using a mold press. Testing composite using ASTM D638-02 for tensile test, ASTM D256-00 for Izod impact test, ISO 0778-09 for hardness test and macro photo. The results obtained fiber tensile strength of the highest average in the variation 5% NaOH soaking for 2 hours at 203,667 MPa. The voltage on the composite ebonite highest average with 40 phr of bamboo fibers in the fracture at 6,217 MPa, at the highest strain in the composite average ebonite bamboo fiber 20 phr at 50,6%, for the highest modulus of elasticity of the average fracture ebonite bamboo fiber composite 40 phr amounted at 40,657 Mpa, the highest price of the average izod impact on bamboo fiber composite ebonite 40 phr at 1,492J / mm² and the highest hardness to the composite average ebonite bamboo fiber 20 phr shore A scale at 92,66. Based on the analysis results in the fracture Izod impact test and tensile test the type of fault that occurred was the fault of clay

    Pengaruh Variasi Fraksi Volume Serat Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Epoksi Berpenguat Serat Serabut Kelapa Dengan Perlakuan Alkali (Naoh)

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    Abstrak The use of environmentally friendly materials and have economic value is getting the attention of countries in the world today. One of them is the use of natural fibers namely coconut fiber fibers. Coconut fiber fibers are very potential to be used as reinforcement of new materials in composite materials. This research used a random coconut fiber fiber with 5% alkali (NaOH) treatment for 2 hours with a ratio of epoxy and hardener 60:40 as the matrix. The volume fraction of composite fibers is 10%, 20%, 30% and composites are made using press molds. Specimens and procedures of tensile testing with standard ASTM D638 and macro photos to see the results of fractures after tensile testing The results of the study show the tensile strength the most optimal at a 20% volume fraction is 26.77 MPa strain 8.38 modulus of elasticity 319.45. In the results of macro photographs, the tensile structure of the composite specimen fractures occurred pull out fiber

    Studi Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis Serat Bambu Tunggal dengan Perlakuan Alkali NaOH Selama 2 Jam

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    This research was conducted to determine the physical and mechanical properties of a single bamboo fiber with alkali treatment for two hours with a concentration of 0%, 2,5%, 5%, and 7,5%. In this research the material used was bamboo apus (Gigantochloa apus). The method used for the testing process is a tensile test with ASTM D3379-75 standart and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) test. Based on the research that has been done, the author has obtained good and sufficient test results to obtain optimal value from a single bamboo fiber. In the tensile test the highest tensile strength was found at 5% NaOH concentration tensile stress 714.975 Mpa, strain 2.67% and elastic modulus 268,183 Mpa while the lowest strength on bamboo fiber without alkali treatment, with tensile stress 366,057 Mpa, 2% strain and elastic modulus 183,028 Mpa. In the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) test there was a significant change in the shape of the surface of bamboo fiber without alkali treatment and alkali treatment. The shape of the surface of bamboo fiber without alkali treatment is still covered by layers such as lignin and hemicellilose, whereas in the alkali treatment the layers of lignin and hihelellulose experience peeling, the more the percentage of alkaline NaOH the cleaner the bamboo fiber layer

    Pengaruh Temperatur Terhadap Koefisien Grip Ban Tanpa Batikan Pada Lintasan Semen Saat Kondisi Basah dan Kering

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    This study aims to determine the effect of temperature on coefficient of tire grip on the cement track. This study uses artificial compound and compound the market as a comparison. The composition of the artificial compound consists of a mixture of raw rubber with chemicals that have not been vulcanized. Rubber used is natural rubber RSS and synthetic rubber SBR, while the chemicals used are plasticizers, fillers (fillers), anti-oxidants, accelerators, and other chemicals. In the artificial compound rubber mixing with chemicals is done by using a two-roll mixing with temperature of ± 550C. The mixing process begins mix of natural and synthetic rubber so that it blends and soft, then mix the chemicals to converge ± 30 minutes. The next process of vulcanization by using a mold-pressed part to a temperature of 1600C for 15 minutes. Based on the results of tests performed, the amount of temperature that is used greatly affect the grip coefficient of the tire. Tests on artificial compound with dry conditions resulted grip coefficient of 0,658 temperature 20oC, 0,633 temperature 30oC, 0,631 temperature 40oC, wet conditions resulted in 0,430 temperature 20oC, 0,455 temperature 30oC, 0,455 temperature 40oC. While in the market compound dry conditions produce a grip coefficient of 0,698 temperature 20oC, 0,688 temperature 30oC, 0,649 temperature 40oC and wet conditions resulted in 0,433 temperature 20oC, 0,460 temperature 30oC, 0,457 temperature 40oC. In testing the artificial compound shore A value of 68.333 and compounding market value of 60