37 research outputs found

    Yogyakarta Disaster Adaptation And Education Centre

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    Indonesia is among the countries most vulnerable to disasters compared to other countries in the world. This is because of the geographical location that is in the area of fire rings. One of the areas with high potential for vulnerability to disasters is D.I.Yogyakarta Province, where there are 12 potential natural and social disasters that threaten. Under Indonesian government policies, local and provincial officials are required to be at the forefront of disaster management. On the basis of the "Yogyakarta Disaster Adaptation and Education Center" was built as an effort in developing the ability of the community in facing the threat of danger from the disaster that occurred so that the number of casualties can be reduced. In the framework of disaster adaptation the area is also equipped with facilities that can accommodate disaster victims or refugees due to the disaster that occurred in DIY. In order to realize a good and efficient design result, an appropriate baseline analysis is conducted based on data from the Provincial BPBD of DIY on areas with the highest intensity of disaster occurrence. The first step of this analysis is to determine the exact location as the site for further design development. Then, the selected sites include accessibility analysis, vegetation, climate, tailored to the needs of regional functions that apply the concept of Behavioral Architecture

    Pusat Rehabilitasi Pasca Stroke di Semarang dengan Pendekatan Healing Environment

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    Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Center is a rehabilitation center that handles patients with post- stroke as well an educational tool for visitors to be able to know how to prevent stroke appear. In addition, there are the facilities to support all the activities in it. Patients and visitors can also feel the comfort of a healing garden is there to support rehabilitation activity in it. Semarang is a metropolitan city with a fairly high level of activity that sometimes makes inhabitants become negligent in maintaining their health so sometimes stroke haunt people. At least health facilities that provide facilities for post-stroke patient's recovery into consideration to design the Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Center in Semarang. Although it has a fairly high level of activity, Semarang still has a relative has beautiful environment with low pollution levels that support the existence of post-stroke rehabilitation center. The design concept of arrangement post-stroke rehabilitation center both interior and exterior should be able to provide comfort for patients and visitors, and do not disturb the environment in the surrounding areas. Thus, the existence of post-stroke rehabilitation center can survive and develop so as to provide benefits for society in general

    Apartemen Mahasiswa UNS di Jebres dengan Tolok Ukur GBCI

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    UNS Students apartment in Jebres with GBCI indicator(parameter) is a leasing house for UNS students who are studying there by emphasizing the concept of building based on Greenship. UNS students apartment is designed with a variety of facilities aimed to provide convenience for students such as bookstores, discussion areas, fitness center (gym) and so on. UNS Students' apartment is adjusted by the activities of the students which are relatively busy within schedule. Jebres is one of the sub-districts in the city of Surakarta. Jebres itself is sub-district that has relatively dense population. One of the potential that Jebres has is the center of ducation. As one of the potential educational centers, it needs convenient residetial place that can support the needs of students' variety of things with ease. UNS Student Apartment's Concept is not only prioritizing on the comfort students but also participating in protecting the environment. With that said, UNS Student Apartment in Jebres with GBCI indicator (parameter) as a step of the building in participating in main

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Sekolah Pendidikan Islam Terpadu Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Sekolah adalah tempat didikan bagi anak anak. tujuan dari sekolah adalah mengajar tentang mengajarkan anak untuk menjadi anak yang mampu memajukan bangsa. Pendidikan Islam Terpadu pendidikan yang berusaha membentuk kepribadian Islam secara komprehensif, dengan sistem pendidikan yang menyeimbangkan pendidikan akhlakiyah fikriyah, dan jasadiyah. Sekolah Pendidikan Islam Terpadu adalah sebuah bangunan fasilitas publik yang berperan dalam proses pendidikan dan pengajaran melalui model pendidikan yang memadukan kurikulum standar sekolah negeri dengan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam untuk jenjang sekolah (kelompok bermain dan TK), sampai sekolah dasar dan lanjutan (SD, SLTP, SLTA) yang dikelola oleh pihak yang sama. Sekolah Pendidikan Islam Terpadu di Kabupaten Sukoharjo merupakan suatu tempat yang berperan dalam proses pendidikan dan pengajaran melalui model pendidikan yang memadukan kurikulum standar sekolah negeri dengan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam, dari jenjang dan satuan pendidikan mulai tingkat pra-sekolah (kelompok bermain dan TK), sampai tahap pendidikan sekolah dasar dan lanjutan (SD, SLTP, SLTA) yang dikelola oleh pihak yang sama. Pendidikan Agama Islam di dalam lingkungan sekolah mulai dirasakan sangat penting dan butuh mendapat perhatian khusus dari semua pihak yang berkaitan di dalamnya. Pelajaran Agama Islam di sekolah-sekolah negeri dirasa sangat kurang , dengan zaman yang semakin berkembang dengan godaan yang kian membesar untuk anak-anak Indonesia jika mereka tidak membentengi diri dengan aqidah dan akhlaq yang benar. Perlu strategi yang tepat dalam membangun pendidikan Islam yang sebenarnya. Melihat permasalahan yang ada maka dalam tulisan ini kami mencoba untuk membahas masalah konsep pendidikan Islam terpadu yang akhirakhir ini sedang tumbuh dan berkembang dan mungkin menjadi harapan baru untuk kebangkitan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

    Rumah Vertikal Ekologis di Surakarta dengan Fasilitas Pemberdayaan Ekonomi, Sosial dan Budaya Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah

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    Seeing the condition of Surakarta in creasingly crowded, this has resulted in the price of land is increasingly scarce and expensive, this has resulted in Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) are not able to access the existing housing. Therefore, to solve need a vertical housing design in the form of rental flats are able to empower its residents, resulting in improved physical, economic, social and cultural residents. In order to realize development must pay attention with nature through Ecological Design approach. Looking at the various regulations and the idea of empowerment of economic, social and cultural MBR acquired site located at Ahmad Yani street. Site included in BWK III earmarked for settlements, trade and services. Land with area 8798.9 m2 close to Nusukan Market, Tertonadi Station and Rain Station. Flats standing on land is planned to accommodate 300 families MBR society. Users flats is quite MBR with many kinds of income backgrounds, so the function flats here is as a supporting the occupants. Community built to process waste and farming as an additional source of their income. Provides a garden as a catalyst of economic development. Flats are also given as a Koprasi to marketing of products produced by the community. To reduce planned expenditure on energyefficient buildings, low operational costs, and the building should be able to support itself. Guyub culture responds by providing a space of interaction. Flats are also given a mosque as control the behavior, character formation, as problem solving his community and as a melting pot of people around the residents of flats

    Pusat Pagelaran Seni di Kota Ngawi

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    Ngawi City is one of the areas that still keep the activities and efforts to preserve art activities, which will continue to grow. because it is always held annual activities as a form of art conservation activities as well as a means of tourism to attract domestic and international tourists. so it takes place to adapt and support the arts activities, considering the activities that are always implemented, but the City of Ngawi itself has not had a special building of art. With the building of this special arts building, artists will be more readily available at the training ground and have a place to perform. Keywords: Art activities center, preserve, art, Ngawi City

    Relokasi SMK Kesehatan Dewantara di Cikarang Utara Kabupaten Bekasi(Penekanan Pada Arsitektur Kontemporer)

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    Health sector is currently experiencing a crisis will be health workers or medical personnel, especially in the field of pharmaceuticals. According to WHO in 2006 stated that Indonesia is included in one of 57 countries experiencing a crisis will the Human Resources (HR) in the field of health. For the sake of this crisis demand was built health schools to educate and underpin the health education of candidates of human resources. Vocational High School (SMK) Health Dewantara present as a building that serves as a container for prospective medical personnel, the assistant pharmacist in gaining knowledge. Vocational Health Dewantara was built using the regulation of Permendiknas Regulation No. 24 of 2007, but from the facilities that have been available there are still many facilities that have not met the standard. Relocating the building is intended for all facilities to be accommodated within a scope of the school so it is expected that with adequate facilities in the school as well as the application of certain styles can attract the attention of prospective parents and prospective pesrta students

    Pusat Pagelaran Seni di Kota Ngawi

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    Ngawi City is one of the areas that still keep the activities and efforts to preserve art activities, which will continue to grow. because it is always held annual activities as a form of art conservation activities as well as a means of tourism to attract domestic and international tourists. so it takes place to adapt and support the arts activities, considering the activities that are always implemented, but the City of Ngawi itself has not had a special building of art. With the building of this special arts building, artists will be more readily available at the training ground and have a place to perform. Keywords: Art activities center, preserve, art, Ngawi City

    Penataan Streetscape Penggal Jalan Lawu Di Karanganyar Sebagai Kawasan Shopping Street Yang Rekreatif

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    Berbelanja ataupun membeli barang-barang kebutuhan sehari-hari merupakan bagian dari kegiatan sehari-hari masyarakat, kebutuhan tersebut dapat diperoleh dari warung, toko, dan pasar tradisional ataupun pusat perbelanjaan yang ada. Sejalan dengan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta perkembangan jumlah penduduk maka timbul permasalahan baru di masyarakat, yang mana masyarakat menginginkan adanya suatu pusat perbelanjaan yang mampu menampung dan melayani penyediaan akan kebutahan-kebutuhan tersebut. Perilaku masyarakat yang semakin maju dan berkembang ini menimbulkan keinginan masyarakat akan suatu fasilitas tempat perbelanjaan yang lengkap, baik, aman dan nyaman. Hal ini yang mendorong perlunya penataan kembali penggal jalan Lawu di Karanganyar agar tercipta sebuah sistem yang baik untuk meningkatkan kualitas jalan Lawu di Karanganyar, yang nantinya akan dirancang sebagai kawasan shopping street. Dimana kegiatan pada kawasan perbelanjaan tidak hanya sekedar untuk berbelanja, akan tetapi juga bisa untuk rekreasi, dan mencari hiburan

    Convention Center Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    The quality of Human Resources (HR) largely rests one of them in the education sector and the development of the human person, especially to form akhlakulkarimah and morals. Islamic education becomes a vital necessity for the youth of Islam today. More and more young Muslims who do not know the nature of Islam itself as a living system. It happened because of the dichotomy between science of religion (Islamic) and science (Scientific) in the body of the Muslim education system itself. SurakaUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta is one of the best private universities in Indonesia with berbgai prestasi.Secara institutions Surakarta Muhammadiyah University gained the confidence to open new Double Degree program at Charles Darwin University, Australia for the Department of Management and Derby University, England. 2014 University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta opened Joint Degree with Kyungdon University, Korea to Study Program in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology, Economics and Management. By National Taiwan University of Science & Technology (NTUST) and National Taipei University of Technology (ntut) Taiwan's Civil Engineering Program (S1 and S2), Architectural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (S1 and S2), as well as the Management and Economics Accounting (S1 and S2). Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta opened 3 new Twinning Program, namely Psychology - ECD, Law - Civics, and Geography Education - Geography, and 2 vocational program, namely the 3-D animation and Islamic Banking. (Guidelines for Academic Year 2014/2015). The continued development of a university, it is necessary to support facilities to accommodate the various activities at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Supporting facilities that did not exist at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta one multi-purpose building. Currently the graduation ceremony at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta still use sports hall / GOR as the container of the graduation ceremony. If the terms of the function of the sports hall is a building that functioned as a container of activities associated with sports such as volleyball, basketball, martial arts, etc., so that the need for support facilities to accommodate the graduation ceremony at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. During the graduation ceremony of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta still disrupt lectures, especially on campus II, so it is often closed