102,288 research outputs found

    Different Substrate Preferences Help Closely Related Bacteria To Coexist in the Gut

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I receive financial support from the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The Demand for Enhanced Annuities

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    In enhanced annuities, the annuity payment depends on one's state of health at some contracted date while in "standard annuities", it does not. The focus of this paper is on an annuity market where "standard" and enhanced annuities areoffered simultaneously. When all insured know equally well on their future health status either enhanced annuities drive standard annuities out of the market or vice versa. Both annuity types can exist simultaneously when the insured know varying exactly on their risk type. In the case of the existence of such an "interior" solution, its is derived that this solution must be unique in the case of risk averse insured and that it Pareto-dominates the corner solution. Finally, it is shown that in all cases where at least part of the insured buy enhanced annuities social welfare is reduced

    Ambivalent elites and conservative modernizers : studying sideways in transnational contexts ; paper for the conference 'Alltag der Globalisierung. Perspektiven einer transnationalen Anthropologie', January 16-18, 2003, Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main

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    Spacially dispersed transnational professional communities can be perceived of as cultural formations living in a global frame of reference, transgressing existing political and cultural boundaries. In their capacity as members of local technical and knowledgebased elites, they take part in circulating and connecting cultural meanings that are both locally produced, and continuously re-working non- local flows. I argue that those elites can be described as actors at cultural interfaces, taking part in shaping and mediating social change. The aim is twofold: one, to point to mutually opposed tendencies, and ambivalences in the framework of a „culture of change“, and two, to look into the question how such situations and groups can be methodologically approached

    Long-term fate of sewage-sludge derived cadmium in arable soils

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    The focus of this work was to improve knowledge of the long-term fate of cadmium supplied to arable soils by sewage sludge. Emphasis was placed on measured and modelled changes in the solubility and mobility of cadmium, resulting from long-term turnover of both sludge-derived and inherent organic matter of the soil. Measurements were conducted in a long-term sludge supplied field experiment, situated at Ultuna (60°N, 17°E), started in 1956. Furthermore, batch studies on soil samples and modelling exercises in WHAM were performed in order to study the speciation of cadmium in the soil-solution system. A comprehensive model -the SLAM model- was developed to increase the understanding of the influence of soil and sludge adsorption characteristics on cadmium solubility and bioavailability, and the migration rate of cadmium in soil profiles. The long-term sludge supplies had increased the solubility of cadmium, measured in crop cadmium concentration, as an effect of enhanced acidification and increased Cd concentration in the soil. A low Cd migration was measured, attributed to non-equilibrium Cd concentration in percolating water, a high cadmium sorption capacity in the subsoil and root driven Cd circulation in the soil profile. No increased Cd sorption capacity was measured in the sludge supplied soil, despite the almost doubled soil organic matter content. This might be partly attributed to the higher iron oxide and hydroxide concentration measured in the sludge, forming more stable complexes with soil humic compounds compared to cadmium complexes with soil humic compounds. A Monte-Carlo analysis of the SLAM model suggested that the major parameters affecting leaching and crop uptake of cadmium were the cadmium loading and the partitioning coefficient for sludge-derived inorganic material and parameters controlling the effect of pH on sorption. Long-term scenario simulations in SLAM identified critical factors influencing plant cadmium uptake: the cadmium concentration in the sludge, the adsorption capacity of the sludge in relation to the adsorption capacity of native soil and the proportion of the sludge adsorption capacity contributed by the inorganic fraction

    Social Navigation in a Location-Based Information System

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    Much of contextaware application research has dealt with the technical aspects of context capturing and how to interpret the context of a user. Little effort has been spent on the experience and usage of these systems. This thesis will present the general aspects of social awareness and present an example on how these concepts can be implemented into a location-based information system to help users navigate a potential information overload. This thesis also states that giving the users an experience of not being alone in the system increases the pleasure of using such a system. However this implies a decrease in privacy. To demonstrate these ideas I will describe a locationbased information system, GeoNotes, built by a group of researchers at SICS, the Swedish Institute of Computer Science. I will state a set of interaction requirements for how to extend the GeoNotes system with functionality for social awareness. Furthermore I will set up functional requirements for those interaction requirements to after implementation be able to conclude which interaction requirements I have been able to implement for. I will also give suggestions on how to position users in a WLAN. The deliverable from this project is a locationbased information system with functionality for social awareness. However, it was not within this project to test the system on true users. Therefore the statement that this functionality can help users to navigate a potential information overload is still just a hypothesis. To retrieve the position of a user in a W-LAN a packet is sent to all base stations in the network. In the first returning packet the mac address of contacting base station is extracted. Each base station is therefore a unique position. Triangulation was discarded due to its sensitivity to noise and weather circumstances, although a system that uses triangulation would have offered a much higher granularity

    Exploring the Affective Loop

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    Research in psychology and neurology shows that both body and mind are involved when experiencing emotions (Damasio 1994, Davidson et al. 2003). People are also very physical when they try to communicate their emotions. Somewhere in between beings consciously and unconsciously aware of it ourselves, we produce both verbal and physical signs to make other people understand how we feel. Simultaneously, this production of signs involves us in a stronger personal experience of the emotions we express. Emotions are also communicated in the digital world, but there is little focus on users' personal as well as physical experience of emotions in the available digital media. In order to explore whether and how we can expand existing media, we have designed, implemented and evaluated /eMoto/, a mobile service for sending affective messages to others. With eMoto, we explicitly aim to address both cognitive and physical experiences of human emotions. Through combining affective gestures for input with affective expressions that make use of colors, shapes and animations for the background of messages, the interaction "pulls" the user into an /affective loop/. In this thesis we define what we mean by affective loop and present a user-centered design approach expressed through four design principles inspired by previous work within Human Computer Interaction (HCI) but adjusted to our purposes; /embodiment/ (Dourish 2001) as a means to address how people communicate emotions in real life, /flow/ (Csikszentmihalyi 1990) to reach a state of involvement that goes further than the current context, /ambiguity/ of the designed expressions (Gaver et al. 2003) to allow for open-ended interpretation by the end-users instead of simplistic, one-emotion one-expression pairs and /natural but designed expressions/ to address people's natural couplings between cognitively and physically experienced emotions. We also present results from an end-user study of eMoto that indicates that subjects got both physically and emotionally involved in the interaction and that the designed "openness" and ambiguity of the expressions, was appreciated and understood by our subjects. Through the user study, we identified four potential design problems that have to be tackled in order to achieve an affective loop effect; the extent to which users' /feel in control/ of the interaction, /harmony and coherence/ between cognitive and physical expressions/,/ /timing/ of expressions and feedback in a communicational setting, and effects of users' /personality/ on their emotional expressions and experiences of the interaction

    Freedom, Reason and History: The Hegelian heritage in Gadamer and Habermas.

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    Freedom, Reason and History: The Hegelian heritage in Gadamer and Habermas. This essay aims at an elaboration of the theme of freedom by taking into account Gadamer"s and Habermas"s appropriation of Hegel. I will approach this theme by dividing it into three main topics: 1) The question of historical reconstruction of the idea(s) of freedom, 2) The question of justification of the idea of freedom, 3) The question of application (of the idea of freedom). The question of historical reconstruction will deal with the Gadamerian appropriation of Hegel"s idea of freedom in his concept of tradition. This will be confronted with Habermas"s twofold critique against Gadamer. Habermas claims that "tradition" could not be understood in a critical, that means, freedom-oriented way. He also claims that even a critical tradition would be one of many traditions, which leads to relativism. The question of justification will deal with Habermas"s and Gadamer"s approach to Hegel"s conception of freedom through recognition. The Habermasian approach to the Hegelian theme is a non-contextualised one, thereby aiming at a non-relative foundation for critical thinking. The third topic relates to the Gadamerian and also Habermasian question of how to apply a certain (non-contextual) freedom-based concept of recognition to different contexts. These last two topics relates to a Habermasian question of how to critically examine the freedom-potentials of a given context by using "freedom through recognition" as an ideal type, or standard
