7 research outputs found

    Diskolorasi eksternal pada gigi atlet renang remaja

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    Pendahuluan.Atlet renang menghabiskan waktu selama berjam-jam dalam sehari untuk berlatih di kolam renang. Ternyata keadaan ini mempengaruhi kondisi gigi-geligi para atlet karena  air kolam mengandung  banyak bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk memelihara kualitas  air. Chlorine merupakan salah satu bahan kimia yang kuantitasnya dominan dalam kolam. Tujuan. Untuk mengetahui penatalaksanaan yang dapat dilakukan  pada gigi geligi  yang mengalami  diskolorisasi eksternal  dan hipersensitif pada atlet renang. Kasus.  Seorang atlet renang laki-laki berusia 11 tahun datang ke Rumah sakit Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta dengan keluhan gigi-geligi depan atas berwarna kuning dan merasa ngilu bila sedang minum air dingin. Orang tua pasien menginginkan perawatan gigi untuk mengurangi keluhan tersebut dan memperbaiki estetik pada gigi  anterior. Didapatkan kebersihan mulut kategori sedang, terdapat diskolorisasi eksternal pada 4 gigi anterior atas dan  hipersensitif pada gigi anterior bawah. Penatalaksanaan kasus. Dilakukan pembersihan debris, plak dan kalkulus pada gigi geliginya. Pewarnaan pada gigi geligi dapat hilang dengan melakukan pemolesan dengan pumish. Untuk mengatasi rasa ngilu karena hipersensitif dilakukan aplikasi bahan yang mengandung CPP-ACP. Hasil. Perawatan gigi atlet renang dapat dilakukan secara berkala dengan menjaga kebersihat gigi dan mulut  dan melakukan perlindungan gigi geligi untuk mengurangi hipersensitif  gigi karena bahan kimia air kolam. Simpulan. Penatalaksanaan  diskolorisasi eksternal pada gigi-geligi atlet renang dapat dilakukan dengan polishing dengan pumis dan untuk melindungi gigi geligi yang hipersensitif diaplikasikan bahan CPP-ACP

    Perbedaan Tingkat Kejadian Karies Pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin Di Kelas 1-4 SDLB Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY

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    Background.Oral health in children with special needs, usually need more treatment than those in normal. This is going to get worse if their parents have lack of knowledge and attention. Commonly in our society children with special needs is still considered as a second class civil. This circumstance could inhibit their growth, development and potency. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to know the difference of caries index level between boys and girls in grades 1-4 SDLB using caries index def - t and DMF - T. Methods.This study has been done to 22 student of 1-4 grades of Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY. Subjects consisted of 12 boys and 10 girls. The method was observational with cross sectional design. When the subjects were examined, the caries index( def-t and DMF-T) has recorded with odontogram sheet. The the severity of caries between boys and girls was compared. Result. The score of def-t in boys 1-4 grades are 4,33 and the girls 3,2. The score ofDMF-T in boys 3 and the girls 3,2. Conclusion. The result of this research was found that the caries index between boys and girls SDLB 1-4 graders at Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY was not different significantl

    Perbedaan Tingkat Kejadian Karies pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin di Kelas 1-4 SDLB Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY

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    Background.Oral health in children with special needs, usually need more treatment than those in normal. This is going to get worse if their parents have lack of knowledge and attention. Commonly in our society children with special needs is still considered as a second class civil. This circumstance could inhibit their growth, development and potency. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to know the difference of caries index level between boys and girls in grades 1-4 SDLB using caries index def - t and DMF - T. Methods.This study has been done to 22 student of 1-4 grades of Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY. Subjects consisted of 12 boys and 10 girls. The method was observational with cross sectional design. When the subjects were examined, the caries index( def-t and DMF-T) has recorded with odontogram sheet. The the severity of caries between boys and girls was compared. Result. The score of def-t in boys 1-4 grades are 4,33 and the girls 3,2. The score ofDMF-T in boys 3 and the girls 3,2. Conclusion. The result of this research was found that the caries index between boys and girls SDLB 1-4 graders at Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY was not different significantl

    Peravvatan Rongga Mulut Pasien Dengan Kelainan Jantung Bawaan Ventrikular Septal Defek

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    ABSTRAK Perawatan gigi dan mulut pasien dengan penyakit jantung bawaan membutuhkan kewaspadaan dan ketelitian mengingat resiko terjadinya bakteriemia dan endokarditis infektif. Tujuan dan penulisan ini adalah menjelaskan penatalaksanaan perawatan gigi dan mulut dad pasien penderita jantung bawaan dengan defek septum ventrikel, Dilaporkan kasus seorang anak perempuan berusla tahun yang dirawat di RS Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta khususnya kelainan ventrikel septum clefek dan endokarditis infektif yang dilakukan perawatan gigi dan mulut sebelurn dilakukan operas\u27 penutupan VSD untuk mengeradikasi fokal infeksi. perawatan gigi dan mulut yang tciah dilakukan meliputi ekstraksii gigi gangren, scaling dan penambalan telah dilakukan dengan kerjasama antara dokter gigi anak, dokter jantung anak dan dokter bedah jantung. Protilaksis antibiolika untuk pasien dengan kelainan jantung, dalam hal ini VSD sangal dibutuhkan untuk mencegah terjadinya bakteriemi Kata kkMCi: Kelainan jantung bawaan, Ventrikular septal Defek, Endocardilis. Baderierni

    The association between betel quid use and oral potentially malignant and malignant disorders in Southeast Asian and Pacific regions: a systematic review and meta-analysis with GRADE evidence profile

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    BackgroundBetel quid (BQ) chewing is a prevalent habit in the Asian and Pacific regions. It is deeply intertwined within cultural customs, and has been reported to result in oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) and malignant disorders (MDs).ObjectiveWe aim to present a summative and broad overview of the burden that BQ chewing has imposed on the residents of the Southeast Asian, Pacific, and Australasian regions, allowing us to quantify the level of impact it is currently causing on the risk of people developing oral cancer.MethodsThis scoping review and meta-analysis screened databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar for publications that investigated the association between BQ and OPMDs and MDs. The search strategy involved MeSH headings relating to BQ, OPMDs, and MDs, and a search for results during the period between January 2010 and June 2023 within the set geographical boundaries of the Southeast Asian and Pacific regions. This systematic review was reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). R software was used to screen outliers. The included studies were further analysed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system.ResultsNine articles (n = 19,312 participants) presented odds ratio outcomes from 11 regionally different study groups. We indicated a strong correlation between BQ chewing and the increased risk of OMPDs and MDs. The risk was quantified through meta-analyses with an odds ratio (OR) of 8.18 (5.27–12.72) and an increased OR of 9.93 (7.36–13.39) when the outlier was removed. BQ chewing was further identified within various Australian communities and discovered to be produced locally in North Queensland.DiscussionA meta-analysis of two outcomes revealed substantial heterogeneity and minor evidence of publication bias, thus the association effect was included with and without these articles. The overall GRADE quality of evidence ranged from moderate to very high and highlighted five studies with a high level of imprecision.ConclusionThe lingering high prevalence of BQ in the Southeast Asia and Pacific regions, as well as its rising acceptance among non-ethnic Australians, is alarming and requires prompt and rigorous intervention to prevent the risk of oral cancer.Systematic Review RegistrationPROSPERO (CRD42023429694)