4 research outputs found

    Kolase Sebagai Integrator Muatan Pelajaran Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas IV Di SD Negeri Plosorejo 1 Kecamatan Gondang Kabupaten Sragen

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    The objectives of the research are to find out (1) the implementation of thematic learning, (2) difficulties or obstacles that teachers encounter when applying thematic strategies and lessons, (3) creation of collage artwork on direct thematic learning, (4) art collage learning function in learning thematic. This research uses qualitative research method with research design that is case study. Data collection techniques in this study using 3 techniques of interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis technique used is an interactive analysis model that allows researchers to perform data analysis when researchers are in the field or after returning from the field. From the result of this research, it can be concluded that (1) the implementation of thematic learning has not been done ideally because of the difference of perception between the principal and the teacher and the teacher's ability which is not maximal in terms of the delivery of the material, (2) the obstacles in the field lies in the delivery (3) making collages on thematic learning can train learners to become more responsible in completing tasks, fine motor training of learners, can creativity, explore and expression to pour learners' ideas through two-dimensional artwork that is collage, (4) the function of collage art in thematic learning has an important value that is to help learners in understanding the material and train the students to become artistic souls who have a flexible attitude and not rigid in living life

    Pengelolaan Kegiatan Tahfidz Pagi Sebagai Upaya Menanamkan Kecerdasan Spiritual Pada Kelas Bawah Di MI Muhammadiyah PK Kartasura

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    This research aims to (1) describe the management of the morning tahfidz activity as an effort to internalize spiritual intelligence in lower grade students, (2) to describe the inhibitor factors of morning tahfidz activity to develop student’s spiritual intelligence, (3) to describe the solution of barriers to the management of morning tahfidz activity to inculcate student's spiritual intelligence. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The data collection technique are observation, interview and documentation techniques. The validity of the data using technique triangulation and source triangulation. Based on the data analysis, can be concluded that (1) the management of the morning tahfidz activity can internalize the spiritual intelligence of the students in the lower grade, (2) the inhibitor of morning tahfidz activity are the children arises less enthusiasm and the teacher sometimes lacks of tahfidz skill, (3) the teachers did some various way in morning tahfidz activity such as doing activities outside the classroom, and using many interesting media

    Analisis Kemampuan Membaca Flashcard Bagi Siswa Permulaan Menggunakan Media Flashcard Bagi Siswa Berkesulitan Membaca Kelas 2 Progam Khusus SD Muhammadiyah Baturan

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    This study aims to analyze the implementation of learning and the ability to begin reading in grade 2 students special elementary school programs. This research is a qualitative research conducted by giving text or readings to students in the form of meaningful and meaningless vocabulary, capital letters, lowercase letters and flashcard media. Then students are asked to read the text or reading that has been given. The subjects in this study were the teachers and students of Class 2 of the Special Program at SD Muhammadiyah Baturan. Data were collected by observation, self-evaluation, interview, ability test and documentation. requires a detailed and clear description which consists of the following stages: Self Evaluation, Observation, Ability Test, Interview and Documentation. In the validity of the data using triangulation with data checking sources through interviews with informants, namely class 2 special program teachers and 4 students and guardians of students from both students. After conducting interviews with teachers, the researchers then confirmed through interviews with students. This research, can provide an understanding of teachers and students about the importance of improving early reading skills and be an illustration for the government to make a good policy to improve education in Indon

    Analisis Kemampuan Membaca Kritis Siswa Kelas Iv Dan V Di Sd Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Kottabarat Dan Sd Negeri Tegalsari Surakarta

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    AN ANALYSIS OF THE CRITICAL READING SKILLS OF CLASS IV AND V AT MUHAMMADIYAH ELEMENTARY SPECIAL PROGRAM WESTERN MINISTRY AND TEGALSARI SURAKARTA Rino Dwi Irawan, A510150248, Teacher’s Education, Faculty Of Arts And Faculty Of Education University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, August 2019 The research aims to assess the evaluation of the learning and ability of the basic high schools of high school students. This study is a kualitative research, so that it requires detail the detail and clear that consist of the following stages: the evaluation, observation, test of ability, and documentation. The subject at this study is a class of IV and V SD, the first class of kottabarat, and the primary Program of the Tegalsari Surakarta. Research results suggest that I reading the reading and students to read the critical reading is still not yet to complete, it can provide a understanding of teacher and students about importance to improve the critical reading of the critical reading as well as the government of government to create a good policies that there are in Indonesia