Analisis Kemampuan Membaca Kritis Siswa Kelas Iv Dan V Di Sd Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Kottabarat Dan Sd Negeri Tegalsari Surakarta


AN ANALYSIS OF THE CRITICAL READING SKILLS OF CLASS IV AND V AT MUHAMMADIYAH ELEMENTARY SPECIAL PROGRAM WESTERN MINISTRY AND TEGALSARI SURAKARTA Rino Dwi Irawan, A510150248, Teacher’s Education, Faculty Of Arts And Faculty Of Education University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, August 2019 The research aims to assess the evaluation of the learning and ability of the basic high schools of high school students. This study is a kualitative research, so that it requires detail the detail and clear that consist of the following stages: the evaluation, observation, test of ability, and documentation. The subject at this study is a class of IV and V SD, the first class of kottabarat, and the primary Program of the Tegalsari Surakarta. Research results suggest that I reading the reading and students to read the critical reading is still not yet to complete, it can provide a understanding of teacher and students about importance to improve the critical reading of the critical reading as well as the government of government to create a good policies that there are in Indonesia

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