53 research outputs found

    Peranan Badan Penasehatan Pembinaan Dan Pelestarian Perkawinan (BP4) Dalam Penyelesaian Perselisihan Dalam Perkawinan (Studi Di Kantor BP4 Kecamatan Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen)

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    Tujuan penelitian yang akan dicapai adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Ingin mengetahui bagaimana peran petugas BP4 dalam penyelesaian perselisihan dalam perkawinan di Kecamatan Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen. Dan 2. Untuk mengetahui problem dan hambatan petugas BP4 dalam menjalankan tugasnya di Kecamatan Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen. Bentuk penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah hukum normatif yang ditunjang dengan data dari reperensi. Sedangkan subjek penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah petugas BP4 di Kantor BP4 Kecamatan Gemolong dank lien yang mengalami permasalahan dalam perkawinannya. Dalam pengumpulan data, metode yang dipergunakan teknik wawancara dan teknik observasi serta dokumentasi. Untuk menguji validitas data dipergunakan teknik triangulasi data, triangulasi teori, dan informan review. Analisis data ditempuh dengan reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Gambaran Kasus-kasus Pernikahan Perselisihan pernikahan di Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Gemolong, dalam penelitian ini adalah, dari lima kasus sengketa pernikahan perselisihan pernikahan, disebabkan karena masing-masing pihak tidak memahami tentang peran dan tugas serta kewajibannya sehingga kurang ada komunikasi. Dari lima kasus yang ada, empat kasus dapat diselesaikan dengan jalan mediasi dan musyawarah dari masing-masing pihak dengan mediator, sedangkan satu kasus diselesaikan melalui Pengadilan Agama (kasus yang terselesaikan ada 80 %) 2. Peran BP 4 Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Gemolong Dalam Penyelesaian Perselisihan pernikahan adalah, pertama, BP 4 bertindak sebagai mediator dalam penyelesaian konflik antara calon mempelai dengan walinya.Kedua, BP 4 berperan sebagai Pegawai Pencatat Nikah 3. Hambatan yang dialami petugas BP 4 dalam menjalankan tugas dan perannya antara lain: a. Adanya kecenderungan petugas BP4 untuk menunggu kasus perceraian datang ke kantor BP4 di Kecamatan Gemolong dan tidak proaktif untuk mencari keluarga siapa yang mengalami permasalahan. b. Masyarakat sekarang cenderung memiliki gaya hidup yang instan dalam segala permasalahan kehidupan. c. Factor lain adalah terbitnya UU No. 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan pasal 25 yang menyatakan Permohanan pembatalan perkawinan diajukan kepada Pengadilan dalam daerah hukum dimana perkawinan dilangsungkan (pengadilan Negeri). d. Para petgas BP 4 cenderung bersifat pasif yang artinya akan membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan perkawinan bagi mereka yang datang padanya sehingga petugas hanya menunggu datangnya bola bukan menjemput bola

    Tinjauan Yuridis Pembatalan Perkawinan Dengan Alasan Poligami Tanpa Izin (STUDI PUTUSAN NOMOR 0132/Pdt.G/2011/PA.Yk)

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    This study aims to to know consideration the judge in charge of cutting off and check the matter an annulment of a marriage by reason of polygamy without permission based on the award number 0132/Pdt.G/2011/PA.Yk, due to law after marriage be revoked and also to the government and the community in improving observance of laws in order to maintain the unity of household. The methodology that was used methods of descriptive. normative with the approach. The type and of the source of data consisting of primary data in the form of interviews and secondary in the form of the literature study. Based on the results of research that in consideration of the existence of, judge based polygamy without permission the religious court In which there is no approval from the first wife of the identity of, and counterfeits, so that the violation of the provisions of Article 24 of the law of marriage and Article 71 letter a compilation of mohammedan law. Due to law after marriage annulled based on the decision of number 0132/Pdt.G/2011/PA.Yk is marriage void and law and marriage is considered there had never been any, but not retroactive of children was born, husband or for wife by good faith, except for the benefit of your other with if the cancellation of the third person as long as they have the rights of with good faith before the decision about the cancellation have a law fixed. While the efforts by the government and the community in improving the unity of households through the agency of the government and the preservation of counselor marriage (BP4) as the only the advisory board of marriage and prevention divorce

    Pembatalan Perkawinan Karena Pemalsuan Identitas Dalam Kasus Poligami (Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Agama Surakarta)

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    This study aims to determine the cause of identity falsification in polygamous marriage, the basis of Judge Consideration in examining and breaking the request for cancellation of marriage due to identity falsification in file Case Decision Number 0599 / Pdt.G / 2011 / PA.Ska, and how to prevent and reduce falsification of identity in polygamy. The result of this research is the falsification of identity in polygamous marriage can start from infidelity, causing the desire to do polygamy secretly triggering dentitas falsification to carry out polygamous marriage. Judge's consideration in examining and deciding the petition for cancellation of marriage in the Decision Letter Number 0599 / Pdt.G / 2011 / PA.Ska based on the examination of the petition of the petitioner, the respondent's answer and testimony of the witnesses. Efforts to prevent identity fraud are done by preventing marriage, improving the performance of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), as well as the establishment of Marital Advisory, Guidance and Conservation Agency (BP4)

    Tinjauan Yuridis Perma No. 1 Tahun 2016 dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Jumlah Penyelesaian Sengketa Secara Damai di Pengadilan Agama Surakarta

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    Normatively mediation stated under the Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 year 2016 on mediation procedures in article 1 verse 1 is defined as a way of dispute settlement through negotiation process to obtain agreement of the parties with the help of mediator. The implementation of Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 year 2008 on previous mediation procedures in court was not yet optimal in meeting the need for more efficient mediation implementation and was able to improve the sucess of mediation in court. Not yet effective and not yet optimal the previous Perma among them which is minimal and not yet cerified, judge positioning themselves not far from the function of the judge itself, so thats why the rate of mediation in the Religion Courts is still far from expected that less than 10% of the cases of civil cases received in religious courts can be resolved through mediation. After the arrival of Perma No. 1 year 2016 on mediation procedures is a regulation on new mediation procedures in the court which contains provisions on new provisions in the implementation of the mediation that the provisions concerning the judges certified mediators as a neutral party in assisting the parties in conducting negotiation process in dispute settlement. The purpose of this study is to explain the implications of the Perma No. 1 year 2016 in the mediation process in the Religious Courts of Surakarta with the previous regulation and also explain what the Perma No. 1 year 2016 can increase the number of decisions of peace in the case in the Religious Court of Surakarta. In this study, used the juridical empirical legal approach that is the approach taken to solve problems with primary data research in the field in the Religious Courts of Surakarta

    Piagam Madinah Dan Demokrasi Di Indonesia (Studi Tentang Kontribusi Piagam Madinah Terhadap Konsep Demokrasi Dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945)

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    Fakta keragaman Indonesia dari sisi agama, etnis, suku dan budaya tidak bisa kita bantah dan merupakan kekayaan bangsa. Indonesia diikat dengan semangat kebangsaan tanpa membedakan agama, etnis, suku dan budaya dalam melakukan hubungan relasi dan interaksi sosial. Telah disepakati bersama pula kalau pemerintahan Indonesia menganut sistem demokrasi. Namun, fakta multikutural, multiagama dan multietnis diatas bisa menjadi potensi friksi, Kasalahan semacam ini akan menyebabkan terganggunya semangat kebangsaan dan cita-cita demokrasi. Dalam penelitian kali ini penulis ingin meneliti tentang sejauhmana konsep konstitusi Islam yang yang terdapat dalam Piagam Madinah dapat memberikan sumbangsih konseptual terhadap konsep demokrasi di Indenesia yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Maka peneliti mencoba membongkar isi dari Piagam Madinah yang merupakan Konstitusi yang telah dibuat oleh Nabi Muhammad dan masyarakat madinah dengan membandingkannya dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 untuk membuktukan kesesuaiannya dengan prinsip-prinsip demokrasi sekaligus berusaha memberikan sumbangsih Piagam Madinah terhadap konsep demokrasi di Indonesia yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah; a). Untuk mengetahui apakah Piagam Madinah yang dibuat Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan penduduk kota Madinah memiliki relevansi dengan substansi demokrasi yang terkandung dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. b). Mencoba memberikan komtribusi konsep Piagam Madinah terhadap konsep demokrasi di Indonesia yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. c). Berusaha ingin menjadi jembatan antara sebagian kalangan masyarakat Indonesia yang memiliki kesalahan presepsi tentang konsep konstitusi Islam dengan menghadirkan konsep substansial Piagam Madinah sebagai upaya rekonsiliasi presepsi. d).Mencari sebabsebab pendikotomian antara konsep Piagam Madinah dengan konsep demokrasi di Indonesia yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Topik permasalahan yang akan dikaji metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian doktrinal dan nondoktrinal (yang bersifat studi kepustakaan), hasil penelitian akan bersifat deskriptif dan ekplanatif. Kekuatan-kekuatan golongan yang terdiri dari kekuatan sosial, etnis, keagamaan, dan budaya tidak bias dikesampingkan sebagai sebuah bagian integratif yang secara urgensi ikut ambil bagian dalam pembangunan demokratisasi di Indonesia. Piagam Madinah telah menjadi khasanah yang sangat baik untuk membangun sebuah Negara Bangsa, di satu sisi menjamin kebhinekaan di antara warga-negara, tetapi juga di sisi lain memberikan jaminan kebebasan beragama seperti tertuang dalam pasal 29 ayat (2)UUD 1945. Spiritualitas yang di bangun adalah spiritualitas inklusif, yang di antara tujuannya adalah membangun persaudaraan dan perdamaian

    Tinjauan Yuridis Permohonan Wali Adhal Dalam Perkawinan (Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Agama Sukoharjo)

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    This study aims to determine the reasons for the pleading of the guardian adhal/ reluctant to marry his daughter and the judge’s consideration in granting the petition guardian adhal/reluctant. The research method uses empirical juridical legal research that examines its normative and empirical concepts that examine the reality of the existence of the guardian plea adhal and this research is descriptive. Method of data analysis using normative model of qualitative, that is process of discussion which done by processing data obtained by legal norm, doctrine and theory of law exist. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the reason for the submission of the guardian’s petition is mostly not justified by the Islamic Shari’a. The judge’s consideration in the petition of the wali adhal as long as there is no barrier to marriage according to Islamic law and according to applicable law, then the judges panel there is no reason to refuse

    Strategi Bank Btn Syariah Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Kpr (Kredit Pemilikan Rumah) Bermasalah (Studi Kasus Bank BTN Syariah Surakarta)

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    Talking about the mortgage, in this case can not be separated from the role of the State Savings Bank (BTN). The Bank has long focused on services and products to the community in terms of providing mortgages, but it also opened the same service on the BTN Syariah with its superior product that Sharia mortgages. Loan Growth (KPR) Islamic State Savings Bank for the financing of citizens who want to get home fast enough lately. Of the five branches BTN has a division of sharia, for funds for homeownership managed sharia continues to expand, even beyond the development of conventional banks in granting credit facilities contained in a credit agreement by banks to borrowers is not without risk, because the risk of possible especially because the debtor is not required to pay its debts in full or in cash, but the debtor was given credence by the Act in the credit agreement to pay later gradually or in installments. Risk is generally the case is a failure or congestion in the settlement of loans (credit risk). Such risks are generally detrimental to the creditors need to be carefully considered by the bank as creditor, so that in the process of bank lending the necessary confidence on capability and capacity of the debtor to pay its debts as well as observing the principles of healthy bank lending

    Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi Syariah Melalui Badan Arbitrase Syariah Nasional(Studi Kasus Basyarnas Yogyakarta)

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    This study outlined legal standing of arbitration in the judicial system of Indonesia. It aimed whether any legal attempt is allowed by the law towards the court’s award in accordance with the law principle of award “final and binding”. legal-normative research method was used by the author with an analytical of qualitative description. As the result showed that arbitration is an extra judicial organization based on International Law which had been ratiied by the government to compliment the judicial system in Indonesia. And no legal attempt is allowed to the “inal and binding” One of the advantages of settlement through arbitration in comparison to court, the parties are free to determine which procedural law to be applied. In addition, in Indonesia there are national arbitration also a Sharia arbitration. The objective in this research is the first to examine the dispute settlement procedures of syariah economicthrough Basyarnas

    Peran Pengadilan dalam Pelaksanaan Putusan Sengketa Hak Asuh Anak Akibat Perceraian (Study Kasus di Pengadilan Agama Boyolali)

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    In building a family, of course there are many obstacles that will hinder a family trip. Not infrequently divorced because they cannot stand with each other. The thing that follows divorce is of course child custody (hadlanah), child custody is important to be resolved considering the blood flowing is the blood of both parents. the duty of law enforcers is vital if the matter of child custody becomes a dispute.This research is about the Case of Child Custody Disputes between the Plaintiff and the Defendant. The Plaintiff and Defendant who are divorced want to take care of their children. Initially the children stayed with the Defendant, on the grounds that the child was not economically cared for by the Plaintiff filing a Child Custody Right Claim with the Court. The Judge's decision overturned the child whom Mummayiz had taken care of by the Defendant and sentenced the defendant to hand over the second child who had not been Mummayiz to be cared for by the defendant. Normatively the role of the court in the implementation of the decision is passive, in the case of a Civil Code decision the Court is Passive in the sense that if the parties do not return again means the decision can be executed voluntarily. In the case of custody of the child the author argues that the judge before deciding the case should ask for the opinion of the child even though it cannot be used as a witness, the child can be consulted with whom they wish to stay

    Anak Sebagai Pelaku Pidana (Pertanggungjawaban Anak Ditinjau dari Hukum Pidana dan Jinayah)

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    Children as the younger generation is a potential and successor to the achieve the nations goals. Children are development capital will suffice, maintain and develop the existing development. Hence the need protection to ensure growth and development physical, mental, and social whole, harmounious and balanced. Children in the law is as the subject of law determined of shape and system against children as community groups and are incapable of or under age.In jinayah children not be subjected to a penalty had for crimes that he did, having no the legal liability of above a children until he any age of pubescent, will only entitled to scold guilt or designating some restrictions from which will help improve and it from making a mistake in the future. Studies of children as a criminal in terms of criminal accountability according to criminal law positive and jinayah is a great interest to the study, starting in the many phenomena a minor underage sitting in the suspects and detained like criminals big only for all trivia
