
Tinjauan Yuridis Pembatalan Perkawinan Dengan Alasan Poligami Tanpa Izin (STUDI PUTUSAN NOMOR 0132/Pdt.G/2011/PA.Yk)


This study aims to to know consideration the judge in charge of cutting off and check the matter an annulment of a marriage by reason of polygamy without permission based on the award number 0132/Pdt.G/2011/PA.Yk, due to law after marriage be revoked and also to the government and the community in improving observance of laws in order to maintain the unity of household. The methodology that was used methods of descriptive. normative with the approach. The type and of the source of data consisting of primary data in the form of interviews and secondary in the form of the literature study. Based on the results of research that in consideration of the existence of, judge based polygamy without permission the religious court In which there is no approval from the first wife of the identity of, and counterfeits, so that the violation of the provisions of Article 24 of the law of marriage and Article 71 letter a compilation of mohammedan law. Due to law after marriage annulled based on the decision of number 0132/Pdt.G/2011/PA.Yk is marriage void and law and marriage is considered there had never been any, but not retroactive of children was born, husband or for wife by good faith, except for the benefit of your other with if the cancellation of the third person as long as they have the rights of with good faith before the decision about the cancellation have a law fixed. While the efforts by the government and the community in improving the unity of households through the agency of the government and the preservation of counselor marriage (BP4) as the only the advisory board of marriage and prevention divorce

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