19 research outputs found

    The Role of Girls as Mothers in Harry Potter Series

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    This study focuses on the role of the female characters in Harry Potter series. It aims to find out the ways the female characters, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, and Luna Lovegood take a mother role for Harry, whereas they are in their teenage years. Using Barthes’ theory on myths, this study identifies that there are two myths that are in operation, the myth that girls are supposed to be mothers and the myth that mothers are supposed to protect, nurture, and educate. As the agents of the myths,the three teenage girls willingly take their role as  mothers  role that are assigned to them. These three female characters take their roles as mothers to Harry in how they protect, nurture, and educate Harry. In response to this, Harry also succumbs to the position of being protected, nurtured and educated by these three girls. Despite Rowling’s claims on her being a feminist when she said that “I’ve always considered myself as a feminist” (Rowling, 2011), she cannot escape the myths on girls and women. Rowling sees that  being a mother is the most powerful role for girls and wome

    Challenges in Quality Assurance: A Ten-Year Journey

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    Academic quality is defined as the equivalent to academic standards related to student learning outcomes, which consist of specific levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities achieved by students participating in a program. The achievement of academic standards is accommodated by implementing both internal and external quality assurance practices. Internal quality assurance refers to policies and practices used by the higher education institutions to monitor and improve the quality of their education, while external quality assurance refers to policies and practices set up by external parties to assure the quality of higher education institutions and programs. Petra Christian University has built and implemented its internal quality assurance since 2009 based on its unique quality culture. After its ten-year journey and the achievements that Petra Christian University has reached in 2019, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 are challenges ahead that Petra Christian University has to face

    Pelestarian kearifan lokal melalui pelatihan mendongeng bagi bunda PAUD kelurahan Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya

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    The Community Service Project funded by the Higher Education IbM grant as reported here was conducted in order to meet the real need of the focus group in terms of training attendants of Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Kelurahan Dr Soetomo, Surabaya to have the competence to tell Nusantara folk tales These skills of storytelling that have been rare and marginalized by the advancement modern means of communication were badly needed by attendants or would-be attendants who are organized under Early Childhood Education (ECE). Through the training, ECE attendants will be enabled to tell Nusantara folktales which are rich in local wisdom as a media of character education for todlers in the local ECE. Such a community service project could also be beneficial if it is disseminated in other focus groups that badly need it in the inner city of Surabaya

    Kompetensi Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Pengembangan Karakter pada Kelompok Belajar Anak di Kelurahan Dr Sutomo, Surabaya.

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dengan dana hibah IbM DIKTI yang berjudul “Kompetensi Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Pengembangan Karakter pada Kelompok Belajar Anak di Kelurahan Dr Soetomo, Surabaya”, telah dilaksanakan pada bulan September dan Oktober 2013. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu mengangkat kawasan ini agar menjadi kawasan yang ikut mewujudkan Surabaya benar-benar sebagai kota layak dan ramah anak. Dalam pelaksanaannya, telah melibatkan tidak kurang dari 50 orang anak asuh Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) RW 3, 6 orang dosen, 16 orang mahasiswa, dan 8 orang bunda PAUD setempat. Kegiatan Abdimas ini telah menghasilkan luaran, antara lain: (1) Materi pengembangan kompetensi komunikasi Bahasa Inggris berbasis pengembangan karakter (2) Penguatan kelembagaan PAUD RW 3, Kelurahan Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya (3) Penguatan tenaga pendamping PAUD komunitas setempat (4) Kegiatan bermain dan belajar untuk pengembangan kompetensi komunikasi Bahasa Inggris berbasis pengembangan karakter di PAUD setempat (5) Unjuk kebolehan kompetensi komunikasi Bahasa Inggris berbasis pengembangan karakter. Pada akhirnya, kegiatan ini telah membawa manfaat memberi penguatan, pemberdayaan SDM, dan pencerahan kepada segenap pihak yang secara langsung dan tidak langsung terlibat dalam kegiatan ini

    The Pious and the Secular: the Faces of Indonesian Female Legislative Candidates in 2014 Indonesian Election

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    To increase the number of women represented in the House of Representative, the Indonesian government had issued Laws on elections and political parties consecutively for the 2004, 2009 and 2014 Elections. The affirmative policy required that a minimum of 30% quota be given to female candidates. For the 2014 Election, a political party that failed to meet the required 30% would be disqualified to compete in the related electoral constituency. True to expectation, the number of female candidates in the 2014 Election increased to 37% compared to the 30% in the 2009 Election. The increase in the numbers of the female candidates could be directly felt in the campaign weeks before the Election where photos of the candidates appeared in posters, banners, billboards all over the cities in Indonesia, not to mention the Internet. The swarm of tens of mostly foreign faces that would represent the people were really unsettling for the voters as they need to choose based on just the photos without having any information on the reputations and qualifications of these female candidates. This condition was made worse when some political parties decided to recruit female dangdut singers, female photo models for male magazines and female celebrities to fulfill the 30% quota, frivolous of their competence. As the voters would give their votes based on the photos of the female candidates, the candidates presented themselves in manners that they deemed would attract voters. In general, the images could be divided into two categories, the pious and the secular. Some of them emanated the image of piousness using religious symbols, some other posed in a sensual manners, others adopted motherly aura, successful professionals, assertive and firm leaders, or commanding individuals. Despite the images that they wanted to present, the question remained whether voters were able to decode these images. Based on a research funded by the Indonesian State Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, this paper described on how the images of the female candidates were decoded by voters in Surabaya who has a female mayor

    Political Campaign and Maternal Leaders: Putting Forward Mother Qualities in Indonesian Pilkada Election 2014

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    Abstract This paper aims to discuss the ways Indonesian political campaign in 2014 presents female candidates by reading and analyzing the semiotics in female representatives’ campaign poster. For the first time in Indonesian political history, Legislative Election 2014 obliged every political party has at least 30% of female candidates for each of its constituency. This affected the interaction between the voters and the female candidates, indicated by the raising number of posters and billboards on the street promoting the female candidates. These promotional media usually display the picture of the female candidates, their political parties, slogans, and visions-missions. Using Barthes’ Semiotics, this paper will analyze the elements of the posters and billboards, by focusing not only on the signs, but also on how those signs operate in social context (Myth). This paper will read on the way the female candidates put forward the maternal characteristics as the highlight of their quality. Maternal qualities, or denoting feelings associated with typical mother -including caring, nurturing, gentle, protective, and affectionate- are seen as the trait that give them the winning ticket. The identification of the ‘good’ female leaders with maternal qualities might reveal the operating gender ideology in Indonesian society

    The Representation of Women as Folk Devils in Indonesian Online Media: Mother Killers

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    This paper aims to discuss the ways the Indonesian online media present some groups of women as #65533folk devils#65533, people who are labeled as deviant to the social norms and convention. With the ongoing popularity of online media in Indonesia, it has a great role in identifying and creating women as #65533folk devils#65533, such as mother killers, women in relationships with younger or married men, girl gangs, and sexy dangdut singers. The conventional assumption that media is objective and apolitical in its journalism is challenged as in fact the media is bias and political in the ways it selects news that are presented to its readers. The criteria used to select news are in line with the operating ideologies that are designed to hegemonize, using the trivial and common sense to create truth. The increasing number of online media readership, makes online media a perfect means to create a particular #65533truth#65533 about women who are deemed to be #65533folk devils#65533. Using Stanley Cohen#65533s concept on #65533folk devils#65533, this paper analyzes online news reports on the phenomena of #65533mother killers#65533 in Indonesian to identify the media bias in creating the #65533truth#65533 about these women. In a way, the online media in Indonesia has elected itself as social guardian and controller over the #65533folk devils#65533 to maintain the existing structure of the Indonesian society

    The Construction of Masculinity in Layangan Putus

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    A phenomenal sinetron, Layangan Putus, has enraptured and polarized Indonesian audiences when it was aired. With its accessibility and popularity, sinetron is a powerful tool of the construction of identity and is a source of potent, though sometimes invisible, ideologies. The construction of masculinity is evident through four social forms of images, myths, discourses and practices proposed by Reeser (2010). The main character, Aris, is portrayed as the ideal man with his capability to provide and attract women. This notion is in full contrast with other male characters portrayed as ‘failed’ or mediocre, and whose weaknesses only showcase Aris’ dominance. The sinetron depicts the reality as Aris’ qualities are encouraged and even catapulted as the epitome of masculinity. On the other hand, his loss of masculinity in the end serves as a critique towards the idealized masuline man. This suggests the double nature of gender representations in mass media

    The Influence of e-Standard Operating Procedure to Auditors’ e-Satisfaction through IT Capabilities and e-Audit (A Case Study in Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia)

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    The government of Indonesia requires higher education institutions to implement quality management systems. The approach taken by Petra Christian University (PCU) for the supporting quality management unit is by performing the standardization of services to comply with the ISO 9000. This ISO 9000 is the management system known as Total Quality Management (TQM). To ensure the sustainability of this ISO 9000, the comprehensive audit is required to communicate the quality policy, targets and goals, and predetermined plans to all units within the organization. Questionnaires are distributed to 42 auditors for two years, and analyzed with SEM PLS. The results are obtained as follows: first, e-SOP affects on IT-capabilities; second, e-SOP has a positive impact on e-audit; third, IT-capabilities affects directly on e-audit; fourth, e-audit affects on e-customer satisfaction; and finally, IT capabilities brings a positive impact on e-satisfaction

    Influence of e-standard operating procedure to auditors e-satisfaction through it capabailities and e-audit (A case study in Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia)

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    he government of Indonesia requires higher education institutions to implement quality management systems. The approach taken by Petra Christian University (PCU) for the supporting quality management unit is by performing the standardization of services to comply with the ISO 9000. This ISO 9000 is the management system known as Total Quality Management (TQM). To ensure the sustainability of this ISO 9000, the comprehensive audit is required to communicate the quality policy, targets and goals, and predetermined plans to all units within the organization. Questionnaires are distributed to 42 auditors for two years, and analyzed with SEM PLS. The results are obtained as follows: first, e-SOP affects on IT-capabilities; second, e-SOP has a positive impact on e-audit; third, IT-capabilities affects directly on e-audit; fourth, e-audit affects on e-customer satisfaction; and finally, IT capabilities brings a positive impact on e-satisfaction. � 2017 Association for Computing Machinery