20 research outputs found

    Dasar - Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (Dp3a) Difable Sport Centre Di Surakarta (Pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologis)

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    Olahraga adalah kegiatan untuk mengolah diri, kebutuhan oleh semua mahluk hidup untuk mengolah jasmani dan rohaninya. Terlebih lagi untuk kaum difable, mereka juga membutuhkan aktifitas gerak dalam bidang olahraga. Perkembangan dan pembangunan fasilitas,sarana dan prasarana di indonesia masih minimal untuk mewadahi aktifitas gerak yang mendukung kenyamanan,keamanan dan kemudahan untuk kaum difable. Sudah banyak undang-undang yang menggatur tentang fasilitas publik untuk kaum difable, tapi dalam realisasinya pun masih minimal kadang di tempat umum tidak ada satupun fasilitas untuk kamun difable seperti jalan,tempat parkir,pedestrian,kamarmandi umum,telefon umum,dll Difable sendiri adalah akronim dari Different Abality atau Different Ability People atau manusia dengan kemampuan yang berbeda.tetapi mereka juga mimiliki aktifitas gerak,perlu adanya fasilitas yang mendukung aktifitas gerak mereka. Perluadanya desain untuk Kemudahan aksesibilitas bagi mereka di tempat umum.seperti di plaza.pedestrian,trotoar,gedung,tempat rekreasi dll Solo yang pernah menyelenggarakan Asean ParaGames 2011 inipun terkadang masihterdapat ruang publik yang belum memiliki fasilitas untuk kemudahan kaum difable. Maka dari itu perlunya kita untuk mendesain dan mengembangkan bangunan dan fasilitas-fasilitas umum yang dapat mewadai dan memudahkan aktifitas gerak kaum difable agar tidak merasa terpinggirkan Perancangan Difable Sport Center ini diharapkan dapat memudahkan dan mewadai aktifitas gerak kaum difable. Dan diharapkan kita dapat bersosialisasi tidak menjauhi dan mengucilkan mereka karena mereka juga membutuhkan apa yang kita butuhkan. Mereka bukannya tidak mampu dan tidak bisa tetapi mereka hanya memiliki keterbatasan gerak dan kemampuan yang berbeda

    Pengembangan Fasilitas Wisata Pada Kawasan Industri Seni Ukir Di Desa Mulyoharjo, Kecamatan Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara (Pendekatan Islami)

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    Desa Mulyoharjo terletak di Kabupaten Jepara yang merupakan salah satu Kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki lanskap budaya (cultural landscape) dan sejarah (historical landscape) dengan nilai serta keragaman yang tinggi, baik yang terkait dengan perjalanan kehidupan sosial, ekonomi, budaya masyarakatnya. Disektor industri kerajinan meubel dan ukir Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara sangat berpotensi untuk dijadikan salah satu tujuan daerah wisata industri bagi para wisatawan domestik dan mancanegara serta diharapkan akan menjadi “icon”nya Jepara sebagai Kota Ukir.Dalam islam seni patung di haramkan karena patung sering di artikan berhala (barang yang di sembah). Oleh sebab itu seni patung Mulyoharjo di arahkan menuju seni dekoratif islami secara bertahab karena di desa tersebut mayoritas memeluk agama islam. Seni patung yang di maksud adalah seni patung makhluk hidup selain tumbuh tumbuhan. Dari berbagai lokasi desa Mulyoharjo yg paling berpontesi untuk di kembangkan sebagai kawasan wisata industri. Karena Desa Mulyoharjo merupakan salah satu wujud dan bentuk nyata industri kreatif yang mengedepankan talenta, toleransi dan teknologi. Selain itu desa mulyoharjo merupakan asal mula adanya ukiran di jepara. Kurang maksimalnya pewadahan dan fasilitasnya dan kurang berkembang dalam bidang hasil indrustri, karena kemampuan untuk mengintegrasikan daya kreatifitas masyarakat mulyoharjo sangat minim. Maka di perlukan suatu wadah dan strategi untuk pengembangan kawasan wisata industri ukir dan patung mulyoharjo agar dapat berkembang dan maju. Di harapkan adanya perancangan dan perencanaan ini dapat membuat kawasan wisata industri seni ukir Desa Mulyoharjo yang mempunyai fasilitas penunjang dan juga perencanaan dan perancangan ini dapat meningkatkan daya kreatifitas serta karya – karya yang di hasilkan tidak melangar kaidah kaidah islam

    Museum Gempa di Yogyakarta dengan Pendekatan pada Arsitektur Monumental

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    Indonesia is know as one of the disaster prone areas, located near Pacific ring of fire earthquake will most likely taken place in this country. One of the most major earthquake occured in Yogyakarta on May 26th, 2006. The disaster had coused casualities and infrastructure damage especially in Bantul region. The lack of society awareness of the earthquake and its mitigation plan had coused damage widened. Therefore society needs a museum as an platform of education of the earthquake., its mitigation plane, and damages could be caused by it. The museum could also be a Monumental place to commemorate the victim of 26th May Yogyakarta’s earthquake. This museum is an recreational place that also provides aducative knowledge so the wider range of visitor could enjoy the experience. The existence of this very museum could likely provides the need of Monumental object of tourism, attracts many tourist, and will be designated as the newest icon of Yogyakarta, especially Bantul region

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Bee Center Sebagai Area Wisata Lebah Madu Di Subah Batang

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    Lebah merupakan salah satu hewan yang istimewa, yang manasesuai dengan kandungan Surat An Nahl ayat 68-69, tertulis bahwasanya ‘Kemudian dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia’ hal tersebut jelas bahwasanya madu yang dihasilkan oleh lebah sangat mempunyai keistimewaan, yaitu selain rasanya yang manis, juga merupakan obat dari segala macam penyakit. Dalam pelestarian lebah diperlukan adanya wadah atau peternakan yang tertata rapi sehingga dalam pelaksanaanya para peternak dapat membuat peternakan yang baik dan benar. Bee Center merupakan salah satu wadah bagi para calon aupun para peternak yang hendak lebih memperdalam pendidikan tentang lebah dan peternakan lebah. Selain hal itu, Bee Center juga merupakan salah satu kawasan yang menarik dan dapat menjadi wisata masyarakat umum yang notabene ingin mengetahui bagaimana peternakan lebah dan pengetahuan-pengetahuan lebah lainnya yang dikemas secara menarik. Beberapa tempat peternakan lebah juga disediakan terbuka bagi peternak lokal yang tidak atau belum mempunyai lahan ternak dilingkungannya

    Solo Technopark

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    Teknologi merupakan tulang punggung pembangunan. Kemajuan teknologi akan sangat mendukung program pembangunan. Teknologi yang berpengaruh dan sangat dibutuhkan masyarakat sebagai sarana kemajuan dunia adalah teknologi dalam bidang komunikasi dan transportasi. Karena dua teknologi tersebut merupakan faktor utama yang dapat mempercepat mobilisasi manusia. Sebuah tempat dengan fungsi sebagai arena eksibisi produk teknologi tranportasi dan komunikasi belum ditemukan di kota Solo. Selain itu kebutuhan masyarakat akan produk teknologi transportasi dan komunikasi sangatlah tinggi. Oleh karena itu perlu direncanakan sebuah arena eksibisi yang mampu menampung kegiatan tersebut. Konsep bangunan yang selaras dengan teknologi yang semakin lama semakin berkembang, maka langgam arsitektur yang diterapkan adalah langgam Kontemporer yang berarti kekinian. Kekinian yang dimaksud adalah kekinian bentuk, material dan segala aspek dalam bangunan tersebut. Berdasarkan beberapa latarbelakang kemajuan dan kebutuhan teknologi khususnya transportasi dan komunikasi maka sebuah bangunan dengan fungsi sebagai arena eksibis dan jual beli sangatlah dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat Solo dan sekitarny

    Perancangan Rumah Susun di Boyolali dengan pendekatan Bangunan Murah, Hemat Energi dan Guyub Rukun

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    Indonesia, which is still classified as a developing country, certainly experiences social challenges due to the rate of population growth. Based on data reported by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The population growth rate of the province of Central Java has increased, from 2000-2010 to 0.37, and in 2010-2016 it reached 0.79. The higher the rate of population growth, the government needs to increase the needs of urban or district life. so that from the increasing demographic, it can be optimized to support the economy of the city or district or country. The concept of Flats in Klego is a building that is a new idea in Flats that functions not only as a residence but also as a place for the formation of harmonious characters for its inhabitants. especially in Boyolali Regency

    Pengembangan Kawasan Situs Manusia Purba Sangiran Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Neo Vernakular

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    The Sangiran Archaeological Site area in Sangiran is included in the category of cultural heritage sites that have been recognized by UNESCO. This site is included in the 3rd criterion, namely something that contains uniqueness or evidence that in this area there was once a civilization in the past and in the current conditions there are still remains in the form of fossils and ancient human artifacts. The Sangiran area began to develop in 2005, this area only had one joglo-shaped building so it did not have a big impact on the area, but since 2012 the government has carried out planning and development on a large scale so that now this heritage area has 5 international standard museums. It was from this activity that very significant changes began to emerge in tourism areas, settlements, trade and services so that they affected the shape and pattern of the area. But in fact, in one of the museum clusters in Krikilan Sangiran Village, there are many people who are less prosperous. This is due to the lack of continuity between museum attractions and the surrounding community. Communities and governments are less able to explore and maximize the existing potential. So what happens with the existence of this ancient human museum has less impact on the economy of the surrounding community. As well as the lack of supporting facilities for visitors or scientists who come from various cities and even foreign countries. Supporting facilities or public spaces are needed to accommodate various facilities so that this museum object continues to grow. By inviting the surrounding community to participate in building and developing the area of ancient human sites in order to improve their economy

    Revitalisasi Pasar Tradisional Jongke Solo

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    The Crisis of Facilities and Infrastructure in the Trade and Services Area is a core problem (the core of a serious problem) from the aspect of buying and selling in a place such as shops, markets, and other large trading places. Apart from being a means and infrastructure facility, a trade and service area is a place for the community in the economic aspect, besides that the socio-cultural aspects also grow in the trade area. Lately, the government of Surakarta City has 'galvanized' hard to revitalize various markets and shops in all trade and service areas in Surakarta City, such as Jongke Market, Gede Solo Market, Legi Market, Klewer Market, Kliwon Market and so on which are scattered throughout the trading area. and services of the City of Surakarta (Solo). Most of the well-known markets in the city of Solo have been revitalized in terms of facilities and infrastructure, rebuilding the market to adding space to accommodate all traders and buyers, which increases every year. One of them that has not been touched by the Surakarta City Government is Jongke Solo Market, where Jongke Market is almost 20 years old since the market was founded in 1992. According to the Surakarta City Government, Jongke Solo Market is already in the category of markets that must be revitalized in terms of facilities and infrastructure. The inside of the building is not suitable for habitation because the concept and model of the structure & utility of the building uses the old concept alias 'ancient', a modern design is needed so that it can accommodate all economic - social - cultural activities in a market that is still categorized as one of the largest traditional markets in Solo. Therefore, manpower is needed for planning and designing in the Revitalization of the Jongke Solo Traditional Market to realize the feasibility of housing a market building to accommodate all traders and buyers as well as visitors to traditional markets. As well as Problem Solved all the problems that exist in Pasar Jongke Solo

    Revitalisasi Pasar Cenderamata pada Kawasan Kampung Batik Kauman Sebagai Pasar Seni Berbasis Wisata Kreatif

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    The market is a place where sellers and buyers gather. The Souvenir Market which is located in Kauman, which is included in the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace area, which is a cultural heritage area, has great potential in the tourism sector. The Souvenir Market, which was supposed to be a place for sellers of art goods that supports tourism interactions in the surrounding area, is not functioning because it is not well maintained due to the lack of visitor intensity. Therefore, new ideas are needed to restore market conditions with a revitalization approach. The revitalization of the Souvenir Market in the Kauman Batik Tourism Village area displays the challenges of preserving and preserving a rich cultural heritage while adapting to modern needs. In the midst of these problems, the Underground Architecture approach emerged as an innovative solution to maintain the integrity of cultural heritage while providing an interesting and memorable tourist experience for visitors. By making new buildings underground, underground architectural designs not only reduce the visual impact on cultural heritage areas, but also maintain the values contained in cultural heritage buildings. The underground architectural approach offers the potential to create interesting and unique spaces below existing ground level, revitalizing and expanding the use of previously limited spaces. By utilizing its potential and the right design, underground spaces can be transformed into art galleries, craft centers, or cultural performance venues, increasing the appeal of the Souvenir Market and providing a platform for local artists and craftsmen to showcase their works. Through an underground architectural approach, the revitalization of the Souvenir Market in the Kauman Batik Tourism Village area is more than just physical development, but is also an effort to strengthen cultural identity and promote environmental life. By combining local wisdom with modern developments, a creative tourism-based arts market can become a driving force for local economic development and the preservation of valuable cultural heritage

    Gedung Istana Pemerintahan Negara Republik Indonesia Di Paser, Kalimantan Timur

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    Tanjung Setia Beach is located in Tanjnug Setia Village, Pesisir Selatan District, Lampung Pesisir Barat Regency. It is a tourist attraction that has beautiful natural potential and also has the advantage of high waves so that it makes surfers from abroad like this tourist spot. The number of domestic and foreign tourists who visit requires adequate accommodation, therefore planning and designing a beach resort on the tanjung setia beach is very appropriate to support infrastructure so that the tanjung setia beach is visited more and more so that the local environment and culture are increasingly known. Planning and designing a beach resort with a community empowerment approach in Tanjung Setia Beach, Pesisir Barat Regency, Lampung puts forward the community empowerment function, which is a beach resort that provides a place for the tanjung setia villagers to join the beach resort, where the community can show the processed products of the village's agricultural products tanjung setia and crafts of filter cloth typical of Lampung which aims to improve the welfare of the local community and provide education for tourists to see, know and learn the local culture. This design implements humanism architecture which makes the beach resort building more populist by having the same building design as the previous buildings in the tanjung setia village environment so that there is no inequality and making the local community comfortable with the presence of thisbeach resort. Keywords: Beach Resort, Tanjung Setia Beach, Community Empowerment, Humanism Architectur