73 research outputs found

    Variasi Perekat Tar Sengon, Tar Mahoni Dan Tar Sekam Padi Terhadap Karakteristik Pembakaran Briket Kokas Lokal Terkarbonasi

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    This study aimed to compare the effective ignition and combustion characteristics resulting from the type of adhesive Grajen sengon tar , tar and tar Grajen mahon rice husk. The initial process by including coke briquettes in an electric furnace whose temperature can be controlled up to a temperature of 9000 C , where the sample is placed in a container briquettes that are in the middle of the electric furnace , and heated to temperatures of up to burn out. Data is collected every 1 minutes until constant mass , the recorded data is the temperature coke briquettes and coke briquettes mass reduction . The results showed variations in the type of adhesive greatly affect the temperature of combustion , flame effectively produced . A briquette using tar Grajen Falcata combustion temperatures are a high of 8600 in the 86th minute , effective flame for 90 minutes . Briquettes USING mahogany Grajen tar contained the highest combustion temperature of 8260C in the 83rd minute , effective flame for 84 minutes . USING tar rice husk briquettes are the highest combustion temperature of 8510C in the 77th minute , effective flame for 79 minutes

    Studi Eksperimen Performansi Heat Exchanger Tipe Shell And Tube, Cross-Flow And Multipass Mixed, Finned Tube Dengan Variasi 4, 6, 8 Passes Untuk Mengeringkan Singkong

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    Heat exchanger is an equipment used to move heat between two fluids from high temperature fluid to low temperature fluid. This research goal is to knowing how heat exchanger process using differences pass, that will be 4,6,8 passes and four type volume flow rate, there are 0,023 m³/s; 0,028 m³/s; 0,030 m³/s; 0,032 m³/s using parameter from changing temperature of cold fluid, the heat that being accept by cold fluid, total heat transfer coeficient, heat exchanger efficiency and change of curing load mass in the form of cassavas using shell and tube type of heat exchanger, cross flow multipass mixed, finned tube. Cold fluid that use in heat exchanger is an air that given by blower and flow to the tubes. Inside the exchanger cold fluid experience increase temperature as a result of heat tranfer from the high tempered fluid from burner that use 3 Kg LPG gas fuel that flow from the other side of shell. Cold fluid that have receive the heat then flow to the rotary dryer to dry up the casava. From performancy experiment study of heat exchanger we have result that if we increase the number of passes up to certain amount must be followed with the increase of volume flow rate of 2 cold fluid to achieve changing high cold fluid temperature, bigger volume flow rate and more passes cause change of heat rate cold fluid that will be bigger. Total heat transfer coeficient decrease cause of more amount of passed but will be increase by the increase of volume flow rate number of cold fluid. Highest result from drying of cassava achieve by heat exchanger configuration with amount of six passes with 0,023 m³/s volume flow rate number. Heat exchanger efficiency will be increase by the increase of volume flow rate number and also more of passes that used

    Studi Eksperimental Thermoelectric Generator Dengan Variasi Fluida Pendingin Air Dan Udara Pada Supra X 125 cc

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    Burning fuel on a motorcycle will produce 40% exhaust gas wasted into the atmosphere. In motor vehicles, the heat from the exhaust manifold has a temperature range of 25 oC - 590 oC Thermoelectric technology can convert heat from exhaust gas into electricity with the principle of seebeck effect. This research is to investigate the use of water and air-cooled to the electricity generated on thermoelectric. Water coolers use waterblock while air conditioning uses fin and fin installed fan. Thermoelectric using TEC1-12706 type of 12 modules arranged series that placed in prototype heat exchanger on exhaust pipe motorcycle Supra X 125 cc. Tests were performed with variations of water and air cooler and variations of engine speeds idle, 2000 rpm, and 3000 rpm. The loading using a 2.5 volt 3 ampere lamp. The results showed that as increase the voltage, current, and power increased when the engine is turned on and decreased when the engine is turned off. The best engine speed experiments at 3000 rpm resulted in a voltage of 15.05 volts and after being loaded it produced a voltage of 2.92 volts, a current of 0.24 amperes, and a power of 0.7008 watts. In the cooling performance test, the best cooling variation is water with the highest temperature difference of 48.3 oC, no load obtained voltage 23.29 volts and with load 3.68 volts, 0.31 ampere, 1.1408 watt. While the air conditioner temperature difference of 21.9 oC (fin + fan) and 19.8 oC (fin), no load voltage obtained fin + fan (19.56 volts), fin (16.52 volts) and with fin + fan load (2.17 volts, 0.18 amperes, 0.3906 watts), fin (1.48 volt, 0.12 ampere, 0.1776 watt)

    Analisa Mekanisme Winch Device Pada Truck Crane Zoomlion QY25D

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    Winch device on the truck crane is a useful component for pulling the load vertically by using a wire rope as the medium. winch device is divided into several components, among others: Winch motor, winch brake, and winch reducer. This analysis aims to determine the working mechanism of each component on the winch device and the magnitude of the forces that work. Winch motor is a component that converts pressure from main pump to mechanical movement. Winch brake functions to engage and disengage clucth and disk that serves to release cylinder block and lock cylinder block on winch motor, winch reducer serves to reduce the spin of winch motor but increase torque so the winch device can play the drum on the winch device from the truck cran

    Pengembangan Desain Alat Produksi Gas Metana Dari Pembakaran Sampah Organik Dengan Pemurnian Gas Menggunakan Filter Tipe Ganda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan desain dan konstruksi alat produksi gas metana dari sampah organik sekam padi dengan cara dibakar, mengetahui pengaruh pemurnian gas metana dengan menggunakan filter tipe ganda, terhadap temperatur pembakaran, waktu nyala efektif dan jumlah kalor melalui metode pendidihan air. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan filter tipe ganda dengan variasi satu filter, dua filter dan tiga filter. Mengambil data setiap 5 kg sekam padi meliputi volume air yang dapat didihkan, lama waktu nyala efektif, temperatur pembakaran serta perubahan temperatur 1 liter air setiap dua menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukan variasi satu filter didapatkan temperatur pembakaran tertinggi sebesar 617 0C, waktu nyala efektif selama 48 menit dan jumlah kalor pendidihan air 611,7 kJ. Variasi dua filter didapatkan temperatur pembakaran tertinggi sebesar 558 0C , waktu nyala efektif selama 62 menit dan jumlah kalor pendidihan air 917,6 kJ. Variasi tiga filter didapatkan temperatur pembakaran tertinggi sebesar 531 0C, waktu nyala efektif selama 70 menit dan jumlah kalor pendidihan air 917,6 kJ

    Variasi Jumlah Koil Dengan 2 Busi Terhadap Peforma Yamaha Jupiter Z 110 CC

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    Both spark plugs and coils are important component in the ignition ssystem that will affect performance of the motorcycle combustion engine. This study will reveal the effect of the coils number with two spark plugs on the performance of the internal combustion engine with single cylinder four stroke through experimental testing. Performance parameters measured by the combustion engine torque, power, and specific fuel consumption. This research begins with modifying the internal combustion cylinder head into two holes of spark plug. A dynotets set was used in the experimental in order of test both torque and power. Specific fuel consumption data were obtained with several measuring tools such as burrettes, stopwatch, and tachometer. Both calculated variations data of single coil and two coils are compared to standard design. The result show that the standard ignition produces that the highest torque of 7,21 Nm with the fuel consumption up to 0,105 kg/Hp.h

    Pengembangan Desain Alat Produksi Gas Metana Dari Pembakaran Sekam Padi Menggunakan Filter Tunggal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan desain dan pengoperasian alat produksi gas metana dari pembakaran sekam padi dengan cara dibakar didalam reaktor pembakar dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi debit udara terhadap temperature pembakaran, waktu pendidihan air, dan waktu nyala efektif. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan filter tunggal sebagai pemurnian gas metana, dan debit udara yang digunakan 0.020 m3/s, 0.022 m3/s, dan 0.024 m3/s, dimana filter tunggal tersebut berdiameter 11inch dan panjang filter 600 mm,dengan pembakaran 5 kg sekam padi setiap dua menit mengambil data. Data yang diambil meliputi volume air yang dapat didihkan, waktu nyala efektif, temperature pembakaran, perubahan temperature 1 liter air. Hasil uji alat produksi gas metana dari pembakaran 5 kg sekam padi menghasilkan nyala efektif selama 72 menit dengan debit udara 0.020 m3/sdidapat kalor pendidihan air sebesar 1096.77kJ, debit udara 0.022 m3/smenghasilkan nyala efektif selama 64 menit didapat kalor pendidihan air sebesar 1033.97 kJ, debit udara 0.024 m3/smenghasilkan nyala efektif selama 52 menit didapat kalor pendidihan air sebesar 929.52kJ. Hasil pengujian alat produksi gas metanadebit udara memberikan pengaruh terhadap nyala efektif dan nilai kalor. Atau dapat disimpulkan semakin rendah debit udara yang digunakan semakin lama nyala efektif yang dihasilkan,sehingga kalor yang didapatkan juga lebih besar

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Camshaft Standard dan Camshaft Racing Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Motor Bensin Empat Langkah

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    Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan efisiensi volumetris yang maksimal sehingga dapat menghasilkan tenaga seoptimal mungkin adalah dengan melakukan modifikasi pada camshaft. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan pengaruh penggunaan camshaft standard dengan camshaft racing terhadap unjuk kerja motor bensin empat langkah. Dalam pengujian ini menggunakan objek sepeda motor Honda Tiger. Pengujian unjuk kerja sepeda motor dilakukan dengan menggunakan dynotest seri V3.3 Rextor Pro Dyno jenis Inertia dynamometer. Pengujian dilakukan secara bergantian untuk masingmasing variasi camshaft guna memperoleh perbandingan torsi, daya, dan konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik pada tingkat putaran mesin 5500 rpm – 8000 rpm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan camshaft racing menghasilkan unjuk kerja yang lebih baik, yaitu daya dan torsi yang lebih besar serta lebih irit dalam mengkonsumsi bahan bakar, daripada camshaft standard. Pada camshaft racing menghasilkan daya maksimal sebesar 14,77 kW dan torsi maksimal sebesar 19,05 Nm pada putaran 7500 rpm dengan konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik 0,0830534 kg/kWh, sedangkan pada camshaft standard hanya mampu menghasilkan daya maksimal sebesar 14,11 kW pada putaran 8000 rpm dengan konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik 0,126552 kg/kWh dan torsi maksimal sebesar 18,72 Nm pada putaran 6500 rpm dengan konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik 0,090752 kg/kWh

    Studi Eksperimental Termoelektrik Generator (TEG) Dengan Variasi Fin Dan Non Fin Pada Fluida Panas Supra X 125 cc

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    The increasing population of motorcycle causes the amount of fuel that is burned. Based on the flowing energy of internal combustion engine, 100% fuel and air combustion produce 25% for driving operation, while 40% exit as exhaust gas, 25% as cooling and 5% friction. The amount of exhaust gas has the potential for heat utilization. This research aims to utilize heat of exhaust gas into electrical energy by using thermoelectric module. This research uses fin and non-fin variations that are installed on heat exchanger as heat absorbing media, and use water block as cooling media. In this research using 12 thermoelectric with SP1848 27145 SA type which is installed on heat exchanger and in pairs on exhaust gas pipe Supra X 125 cc. The test is done by variation of fin and non-fin at idle engine rotation, 2000 rpm, and 3000 rpm. The results showed that non fin variation obtained higher result than fin variation. The heat side temperature, difference temperature, output voltage, output current and output power increase when the engine starts up for 120 seconds and decreases when the engine is shut down for 180 seconds. In the load less test the heat side temperature, the temperature difference and the highest output voltage at 3000 rpm rotation are 78° C, 34.8° C and 14.44V. On the load test the heat side temperature, temperature difference, voltage, current , and the highest output power at 3000 rpm rotation are 90 ° C, 37.8 ° C, 2.95 V, 0.26 A, and 0.76 W. The amount of output power generated by thermoelectric module is directly proportional to the charge in temperature difference. Keywords: Exhaust gas, Fin, Thermoelectric, and Power

    Variasi Temperatur Dan Rasio Putaran Pada Hammer Mill Dan Screw Conveyor Flash Drayer Terhadap Hasil Pengeringan

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    The process of making flour made of settled extract, in order to make it durable needs drying process. The drying process is a process removing water which contained in an ingridient. The flour drying process needs a tool calls flashdryer. In this research, the flashdryer machine uses 1:2,67 , 1:3,33 ,1:4 comparison of hammer mill and conveyor with 90°C,100°C,110°C temperature. Inside the flash dryer the wet flourdough is put into the screw conveyor and hammer mill for the next step to be soften and to be warmed by hot air in continue until the flour well dried. The research result has shown that rotation of hammer mill and screw conveyor, and the influence of temperature which given by water heater which influence the drying result so much. A higher comparison of hammer mill and screw conveyor and a higher air temperature there will be a lower water content produced in the dryer process. The most optimal result get from the comparison is rotation 1:4 with temperature 110°C