37 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Media Gambar Seri dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Cerita Siswa Kelas III SD N 2 Kembang Tahun Ajaran 2017/ 2018

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    This study aims to improve the skills of writing stories on Indonesian subjects through the media drawing series on students of class III SD N 2 Kembang. The type of this research is PTK, the research subjects are teachers and students. Technique of collecting data by using method of interview, observation and documentation. The results showed an improvement in the students' writing skills after class action was taken using series drawing media. This can be seen from the improvement of writing skill indicator aspect (a) The skill in developing the content of the initial condition story is 20.00%, the first cycle increases to 30.00%, the second cycle increases to 72.50%, (b) %, first cycle increased to 50.00%, second cycle increased to 75.00%, (c) Preferred structure style and vocabulary of initial condition of 25.00%, first cycle increased to 35.00%, second cycle increased to 57.50%, (d) Use grammar, spelling and punctuation in the initial conditions of 40.00%, the first cycle increased to 40.00%, the second cycle increased to 50.00%. Thus it can be seen that the Indonesian language lesson using the drawing media series can improve the writing skills of grade 3 students of SD N 2 Kembang academic year 2017/2018

    Penguatan Karakter Semangat Kebangsaan Dan Cinta Tanah Air Melalui Lagu Indonesia Raya 3 Stanza DI MIM Gonilan Kartasura

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    The purposes of this research are 1) to describe character Strengthening of homeland love and national spirit by teacher to student through 2 stanzas of Indonesia Raya song in MIM Gonilan Kartasura, 2) to describe teacher’s obstacles in Strengthening the characters of homeland love and national spirit to student through 3 stanza’s of Indonesia Raya Song in MIM gonilan Kartasura 3) to describe teacher’s problem solving in Strengthening the characters of homeland love and national spirit through 3 stanzas of Indonesia Raya song in MIM Gonilan Kartasura. This research is qualitative research. The interviewees in this research are principal, teacher and student. Techniwues of collecting data are observation, interview and documentation and to ensure the validity of data the researcher uses triangulation of source and tima. The data is analysed through some processes namely reduction, presentation and verivication. The conclusions of this research are 1) the character of national spirit is already applied through hanging hero’s picture, 2) the obstacle in character Strengthening of national spirit and homeland love through 3 stanzas of Indoneisa Raya song in many students still do not memorize this song, 3) this obstacle can be solved by the principal and teacher so that the character education of national spirit and homeland love can be achived as it should be

    Pelaksanaan Pengajaran Remedial Anak Lamban Belajar (Slow Learner) Di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri Purworejo Kecamatan Nogosari Kabupaten Boyolali Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

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    Persons with disabilities or children with special needs should receive an education service tailored to their respective conditions, talents, interests and abilities. Abnormalities that have children slow learning is the inability to follow teaching and learning activities, experiencing lag far compared with his classmates. Through the provision of remedial teaching is expected to slow children learn to achieve control of the competencies that have been determined. The objectives of the study were to: 1) Describe the implementation of slow child learning remedial (Slow learner); 2) to describe any constraints faced in the implementation of slow child learning remedial (Slow learner); and 3) To describe what efforts are being made to overcome the obstacles that exist in the implementation of Slow learner teaching remedial done by grade V teacher of SD Negeri Purworejo, Nogosari, Boyolali. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation and documentation. The resource persons in this research are guardian or teacher of class V and children of special learning slow, and principal. Data analysis using interactive model. The results of the research are 1) Implementation of Slow learner's remedial teaching which includes initial activity, core activity and evaluation; 2) The constraints faced in the implementation of the Slow learner's slow teaching (Slow learner) teaching that is the absence of a special RPP for slow learner learning and lack of conducive class; and 3) Efforts are made to overcome the obstacles that exist in implementing the management of the implementation of Slow learner teaching that is the teacher approach, dialogue, curative technique and visit teacher

    Pelaksanaan Pengajaran Remedial Anak Lamban Belajar (Slow Learner) Di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri Purworejo Kecamatan Nogosari Kabupaten Boyolali Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

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    Persons with disabilities or children with special needs should receive an education service tailored to their respective conditions, talents, interests and abilities. Abnormalities that have children slow learning is the inability to follow teaching and learning activities, experiencing lag far compared with his classmates. Through the provision of remedial teaching is expected to slow children learn to achieve control of the competencies that have been determined. The objectives of the study were to: 1) Describe the implementation of slow child learning remedial (Slow learner); 2) to describe any constraints faced in the implementation of slow child learning remedial (Slow learner); and 3) To describe what efforts are being made to overcome the obstacles that exist in the implementation of Slow learner teaching remedial done by grade V teacher of SD Negeri Purworejo, Nogosari, Boyolali. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation and documentation. The resource persons in this research are guardian or teacher of class V and children of special learning slow, and principal. Data analysis using interactive model. The results of the research are 1) Implementation of Slow learner's remedial teaching which includes initial activity, core activity and evaluation; 2) The constraints faced in the implementation of the Slow learner's slow teaching (Slow learner) teaching that is the absence of a special RPP for slow learner learning and lack of conducive class; and 3) Efforts are made to overcome the obstacles that exist in implementing the management of the implementation of Slow learner teaching that is the teacher approach, dialogue, curative technique and visit teacher

    Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Jurnalistik untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis di SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta Tahun 2018

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    This study aims to (1) describe journalistic extracurricular used to increase writing skill at SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta, (2) describe obstacles effecting students in journalistic extracurricular, (3)describe solution for solving the obtacles in journalictic extracurricular. This in qualitative study with phenomenology approach. Data collection used are observation, interview, and documentation. Triangulation is also used to correlated data validity. The result of analyzing data consistsof data reduction, conclusion and clarification. The result of analysis conclude that (1)journalistic extracurricularaims to develop potential, talent, interest, and also skill writing activities, (2)low in paying attention, concentration and also following many school activities are kind of obtacles in journalistic excracurricular, (3)the solutions of all the obtaclesare instructors should give more motivation and support toward students of extracurricular to get more achievement and also SDIT Nur Hidayah needs instructor who has journalistic needs instuctor who has journalistic specialization to prepare students in joining Festival dan Lomba Literasi Nasional (FL2N)

    Efektivitas Media Dermaga Perkalian Terhadap Minat Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Operasi Hitung Di SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sine

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    Mathematic is one of the most important components in basic numeracy skills in everyday life. The low interest of students in learning mathematics appears as scary so that many students are not interested in learning it. The aim of this research is; 1) Knowing how the effectiveness of dock media on student interest, 2) Knowing how effective dock media is on student learning outcomes, 3) Knowing what are the difference in learning outcomes of students who use media with students who do not use dock media. This research is a quantitative research with 30 second grade students at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sine for the academic year 2021/2022. This study used a single group pre-test and post-test design (One Group Pre-test Post-test). The sample selection was simple random (simple random sampling). Sampling by using lottery numbers. Data collection techniques in this study were questionnaires, observations, and tests. The results of the research indicate that there is an effectiveness of the use of dock media on the interests and learning outcomes of students as evidenced by the results of students' scores on test questions and questionnaires. The researcher used a Likert scale calculation to calculate the results of the student questionnaire and obtained the results that 70% were enthusiastic and happy to learn using media. The media has a positive influence in improving student learning outcomes by 28.7% of the test results

    Manfaat Penggunaan Buku Penghubungsebagai Media Komunikasi Guru Dengan Orang Tuasiswa Kelas IIA SD Muhammadiyah 3 Nusukan Surakarta

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    This research is aimed to describe 1)using connecting books and 2) the benefit ofusing connecting books as communication media between teacher and parents of IIA elementary students of 3 MuhammadiyahNusukan, Surakarta. This research is a qualitative research with analytic descriptive approach. The collecting data techniques used are interview, observation, and documentation. Data validity was checked using triangulation method and source triangulation. The data analysis technique used is interactive analysis technique which consist of data reduction, data explanation, and conclusion & verification. Based on the research result, can be concluded that 1) using connecting books are a) tools or means of teachers’ communication mediator to parents, b) to deliver messages such as assignments, announcement, information, and students’ condition, c) The format of connecting books consists, d) using by teacher, students, and their parents. 2) The benefits of the connecting books are a) as a communication media, b) deliver message, c) easy and fast communication, d) know the students’ condition, e) train discipline attitude and writing ability, and f) bring more spirit to communicate

    Strategi Promosi Penerimaan Siswa Baru di SD Muhammadiyah Alam Surya Mentari Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018

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    This study aims to determine (1) To describe promotion strategy new student recruitment in SD Muh. Alam Surya Mentari course year 2017/2018, (2) To describe the obstacle promotion strategy new student recruitment in SD Muh. Alam Surya Mentari course year 2017/2018 (3) To describe the solution promotion strategy new student recruitment in SD Muh. Alam Surya Mentari course year 2017/2018. This research is qualitative research with study phenomenology type. Collecting data used observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis used data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Test the validity of the data used triangulation resours and techniques. The result show promotion stategy new student recruitment did by website, school manual book, brochur, voice mail, school interior décor, school stantionary, uniform, program presentation to Kindergarten, invite kindergarten, sosialization, banner. Promotion by banner can’t reach all of the city, but it covered by presentation program to the kindergartens, invite kindergarten, pose banner and hand over brochure. The next obstacle when there were student who set of the quota cancel out without notification to school, but it covered by giving time limit enrold, add socialization aim to the kindergarten, invite kindergarten

    Pembentukan Karakter Disiplin Dan Percaya Diri Melalui Ekstrakuliruler Tapak Suci Di SD Muhammadiyah Plus Malangjiwan Colomadu

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    This study aims to describe: 1) the formation of discipline and self-confidence through the Tapak Suci extracurricular at Muhammadiyah Plus Malangjiwan Colomadu Elementary School; 2) the constraints on the formation of the character of discipline and confidence through Tapak Suci extracurricular at SD Muhammadiyah Plus Malangjiwan Colomadu; and 3) the solution to the constraints of forming the character of discipline and confidence through Tapak Suci extracurricular at SD Muhammadiyah Plus Malangjiwan Colomadu. This type of research in this study uses descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques carried out through interviews, and supported by observation and documentation. Data validity uses source and method triangulation. Data analysis techniques were carried out starting with an interactive model with the stages of reduction, data display, and verification / conclusion. The results showed that: 1) The formation of disciplinary characters through the Tapak Suci extracurricular activities was carried out through mental and character training in the formation of an obedient attitude to the discipline and conducted teaching, guidance and encouragement so that life as a social creature was always implanted with empathy in every training activity. The formation of self-confidence character through Tapak Suci extracurricular is done through instilling optimism, confidence and confidence in students; 2) Constraints in the formation of disciplined and confident character through Tapak Suci extracurricular activities are not yet serious in training and limited training time; 3) The solution to the constraints of forming the character of discipline and self-confidence through Tapak Suci is the support of parents and trainers as well as additional training time

    Keterampilan Membaca Dan Menulis Permulaan Di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to determine the initial reading and writing skills of elementary school students who have difficulty learning to read and write. This study describes how students' reading and writing skills are. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature review type. The types of data used in the preparation of this research are qualitative data and primary data sources. This research was conducted by searching, collecting, processing and analyzing the data from the research. Data collection techniques using literature study. The data obtained were then tested for validity using the observation persistence method. Data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the conclusion that the reading and writing skills of low grade students still have some level of student ability that is still low, the motivation of students is the obstacle. There are two factors experienced by students in low grade students' learning difficulties in reading and writing activities, namely internal factors and external factors