3,516 research outputs found


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    Family is part of a social and cultural group. It is from the family a new member of a society has learned his/her first word. Family’s decision to choose local or national language at home to be socialized to the children is one significant contribution for the maintenance of local or national language. Once a family shifts its perspective or values on the choice, there will be further consequence for local or national language preservation. Therefore, this paper is aimed at exploring family language policy to get the idea of how this small group of a society can contribute to positive or negative effect for local and national language maintenance. Several interviews and observation were conducted to investigate the language policy applied in family language practices and interactions in urban city of Surabaya. The result of the investigation shows how changes in government policy, parents’ social, cultural, as well as professional and linguistic background and the global world have influenced family’s, in particularly parents, values in the use of local or national language for socialization

    Building Performance and Work Motivation

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    Every company has a purpose,  the establishment of a company has a clear purpose. There are several things that suggest about the purpose of establishing a company. The company's first goal is to achieve maximum profit or profit as much as possible. The second goal of the company is to prosper the company owner or shareholders. The purpose of this research are: 1). to test and analyze the effect of training on employee performance at Sales Department PT. X. 2). to test and analyze the effect of incentives on employee performance at Sales Department PT. X. 3). to test and analyze the effect of supervision on employee performance at Sales Department PT. X. 4). to test and analyze the effect of training on motivation at Sales Department PT. X. 5). to test and analyze the influence of incentives on motivation at the Sales Department of PT. X. 6). to test and analyze the influence of supervision on motivation at the Sales Department of PT. X. 7). to test and analyze the effect of employee performance on motivation at Sales Department PT. X. The results of this study are: 1). there is influence of training  on employee performance , with path coefficient 0,167 and tcount 2,015 with probability equal to 0,046 (0,046 <0.05). 2). there is influence of incentive  on employee performance , with path  coefficient 0,187 and tcount 2,293 with probability equal to 024 (0.024 <0.05). 3). there is an influence of supervision  on employee performance , with path coefficient of 0403 and tcount of 5.004 with probability of 0.000 (0.000 <0.05). 4). there is influence of training  on motivation , with path coefficient of 0.156 and tcount of 2,185 with probability of 0.031 (0.031 <0.05). 5). There is influence of incentive  to motivation , with path coefficient 0,161 and tcount 2,260 with probability equal to 0.026 (0.026 <0.05). 6). there is influence of supervision  to motivation , with path coefficient 0,350 and tcount 4,636 with probability equal to 0.000 (0.000 <0.05). 7). there is influence of employee performance  to motivation , with path coefficient 0,314 and tcount 3,978 with probability 0,000 (0.000 <0.05

    Banking accounts volatility induced by IAS 39: A simulation model applied to the French case.

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    La décision de l’Union européenne d’adopter les normes IAS pour l’ensemble de ses membres, avait été fortement contestée par les banques européennes. En effet, le secteur bancaire européen était catégoriquement opposé à l’IAS 39 qui concerne les instruments financiers. Nous avons essayé dans le cadre de ce travail de tester la volatilité des résultats et des capitaux propres d’un modèle de banque appliquant l’IAS 39. En partant d’un modèle de banque hypothétique, nous avons effectué des simulations en nous basant sur des données historiques relatives aux swaps de taux d’intérêt en France. Notre modèle a été testé selon les deux stratégies de couverture : couverture totale et partielle. Nous avons pu démontré que les résultats d’une banque totalement couverte sont plus volatils que ceux d’une banque partiellement couverte.The European Union's decision of adopting the International Accounting Standards for the whole of its countries members was deeply contested by the European banks. In fact, the banking industry was completely opposed to IAS 39 which treats the financial instruments. In order to demonstrate the impact of different accounting models for financial instruments on the financial statements of banks, we developed a simulation model capturing the most important characteristics of a modern universal bank. It demonstrates that under the current IAS 39, the results of a fully hedged bank may have to show volatility in income statements due to changes in market interest rates. However, results of a partially hedged bank in the same scenario may be less affected.instruments financiers; Couverture; Secteur bancaire; hedging strategy; IAS 39; Banking Industry; Financial industry;

    Asthma and coagulation

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    Inhibiting factors affecting teachers’ implementation of the KBSM (revised) English language curriculum

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    This paper aims to discuss teachers’ degree of implementation of the KBSM (Revised) English Language Curriculum, introduced in 2003. It also sets to highlight the inhibiting factors that had impeded teachers’ implementation of the Skills Specifications or activities suggested in the Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran (HSP) Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan Empat of the new curriculum. Firstly, the author finds that about 60 percent of the teachers obtained only a medium degree of implementation for 18 out of the 22 Skills Specifications. Secondly, the author concludes that among the prominent factors that had inhibited teachers’ implementation of the KBSM (Revised) English language curriculum in Malaysian classrooms were too many components of the new curriculum, hence leading to lack of understanding of the curriculum, lack of in-service training, time constraints and finally inadequate and irrelevant teaching materials

    Hurst's exponent behaviour, weak-form stock market efficiency and financial liberalization: the Tunisian case

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    In this paper, we test the weak-form stock market efficiency for the Tunisian stock market (TSE). Our empirical approach is founded on the analysis of the behaviour over time of the Hurst's exponent. Thus, we computed the Hurst's exponent using a “rolling sample†with a time window of 4 years. The sample data covers in daily frequency the period (January, 1997- October 2007). Since the classical R/S analysis is strongly affected by short-range dependencies both in the mean and the conditional variance of TSE daily volatility, daily stock returns were filtered using the traditional AR-GARCH(1,1) model. Our results for Hurst's and filtered Hurst's exponents behaviour analysis show a strong evidence of long-range dependence with persistent behaviour of the TSE. However, during the last two years, the filtered Hurst's exponent seems to exhibit a switching regime behaviour with alternating persistent and antipersistent behaviour but where it was somewhat close to 0.5.The nonparametric statistic approach results reveal that some TSE reforms including the launching of the Electronic quotation system on April, 1998, the fiscal regime for holdings, the security reinforcement laws, the legal protection of minority shareholder may play a role in understanding the Hurst's exponent behaviour over timefinancial reforms, long-range dependence; weak-form efficiency; Hurst's exponent; rolling sample approach.


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    Abstrak Media sosial Instagram merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk membagikan foto dan video oleh pengguna juga dapat digunakan untuk mengambil foto atau video dan membagikannya ke berbagai layanan jejaring sosial, termasuk jejaring sosial Instagram itu sendiri. Penelitian ini merujuk pada caption unggahan akun media sosial Instagram @awreceh.id. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam akun @awreceh.id pun menunjukkan bahwa bahasa tersebut hanya digunakan dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Dalam sosiolinguistik, fenomena kebahasaan pada media sosial Instagram dapat dikatakan sebagai variasi bahasa slang. Bahasa slang merupakan suatu bahasa yang diciptakan oleh suatu kelompok masyarakat tertentu yang digunakan dalam proses berkomunikasi sehari-hari yang maknanya hanya diketahui oleh kelompok tersebut. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada empat rumusan masalah, yaitu bentuk slang, makna slang, jenis slang, dan fungsi slang pada caption akun Instagram @awreceh.id. penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simak bebas libat cakap. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu caption pada akun Instagram @awreceh.id yang mengandung slang berbentuk kata. Data ini diklasifikasi berdasarkan bentuk, makna, jenis, dan fungsinya sesuai dengan rumusan masalah. Penelitian ini menemukan slang berupa bentuk kata dasar, kata turunan, kata ulang, akronim, dan singkatan. Makna yang terdapat pada sumber data yaitu makna denotatif dan makna konotatif. Jenis kata slang yang terdapat pada caption akun Instagram @awreceh.id ditemukan jenis nomina, verba, adjektiva, advebia, pronomina, partikel, dan numeralia. Selain itu, slang tersebut memiliki fungsi representasional, fungsi regulasi, fungsi interaksional, fungsi personal, dan fungsi imajinatif
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