48 research outputs found


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    Background: uncontrolled diabetes mellitus will to complication of various Complications like stroke, hypertension, and heart disease. Complications due to increased production of free radical for high blood glucose levels. To keep blood glucose levels to normal, it necessary good consuming vitamins c. Vitamin c is necessary for diabetics mellitus to prevent oxidative and blood glucose levels in lowering triglycerides. objective: to know patterns of consumption vitamin c and glucose levels of triglyceride in the blood as in diabetes mellitus. Method: this study was observational with of cross sectional approach. Data consumption patterns of vitamin c, used food frequency (FFQ laboratories to examination and blood glucose levels and triglycerides. data analysis used spearman rank test. Results: of: intake of vitamin c from food and supplements of vitamin c was enough (98.6 %), frequency of intake vitamin c was enough ( 97,2 %), 79,2 % sampled with high blood glucose levels and 62.5 % sample with normal levels of triglycerides .result of Spearman rank test , there was no relationship patterns of consumption vitamin c to glucose blood level and triglyceride of diabetes mellitus patients in Moewardi hospital Advice: for patients diabetes mellitus, it is hoped obedient increase of knowledge and motivation of food containing vitamin c to lower blood glucose levels and triglycerides. For installation of nutrition, expected to improve service and counseling for patients diabetes mellitus with optima

    Pengaruh Tepung Komposit Jagung (Zea mays) Dan Kedelai (Glycine max) Terhadap Tingkat Kekerasan Dan Daya Terima Biskuit

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    The use of flour by the food processing industry in Indonesia include the materials for making bread, noodles, cakes, cookies and chips. One of the solution as the subtitute material for the flour which has a great potential to be developed is the use of corn and soybeans composite flour. Corn and soybeans can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in making biscuits. Protein level in the soybean flour is 34.9 g, meanwhile, protein level in the corn is 9.2 g per 100 g. It is expected to increase the level of nutrition in the biscuit by making it from soybeans and corn flour. This study was aimed to determine the level of hardness and receptivity of biscuits made of soybean and corn flour. The method of this study was an experimental research. The design of the study applied was a complete randomized design with three treatments on the soybean and corn flour, they were 50%: 50%, 60%: 40% and 70%: 30. The level of hardness was measured by using the instrument of Broxfield Texture Analyzer and the receptivity measurement was done by using using fondness test with 30 panelists. The data analysis of the study was done by using One Way Anova Test and then will be followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) if any significant result. Based on the results of Anova test, it is indicated that the hardness of soybean and corn flour biscuits of the three treatments, obtained p value 0.277. Based on ANOVA test, indicated that the p value on the receptivity of the soybean and corn flour biscuits on the colour is 0.930, aroma 0.223, flavor 0.165, texture 0.009, overall 0,105. There is no significant effect of the corn and soybean flour on the biscuit-making on the level of hardness and receptivity include color, aroma, taste and overall, however, there is a difference or influence on the texture of biscuit made of soybean and corn flour. Keywords : hardness, receptivity, corn flour, soybean flour, biscuits. Bibliography : 63 (1978-2015

    Hubungan Faktor Demografi, Frekuensi Konsumsi Zat Goitrogenik Dan Status Yodium Urin Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Puskesmas Musuk I Kabupaten Boyolali

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    Pendahuluan: Puskesmas Musuk I Kabupaten Boyolali memiliki prevalensi ekskresi yodium urin ibu hamil defisit mencapai 63,33%. Defisiensi yodium dan konsumsi zat goitrogenik yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan GAKY (Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium). Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan faktor demografi, frekuensi konsumsi zat goitrogenik dan status yodium urin ibu hamil di wilayah Puskesmas Musuk I Kabupaten Boyolali. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling, dengan jumlah sampel adalah 38 ibu hamil. Data demografi berupa umur, tingkat pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan dan tingkat pendapatan serta data frekuensi konsumsi zat goitrogenik diperoleh melalui wawancara menggunakan bantuan kuesioner dan Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Data status yodium urin diperoleh dari data Eksresi yodium urin Kabupaten Boyolali. Analisis data menggunakan Fisher’s Exact Test dan Chi-Square. Hasil: Persentase ibu hamil dengan umur berisiko adalah 23,7%, ibu hamil yang memiliki pendidikan dasar 52,6%, ibu hamil tidak bekerja 76,3%, ibu hamil dengan tingkat pendapatan keluarga rendah 44,7%, ibu hamil dengan frekuensi konsumsi zat goitrogenik tinggi 52,6% dan ibu hamil dengan status yodium urin kurang 60,5%. Meningkatnya jumlah pendapatan keluarga ibu hamil menurunkan frekuensi konsumsi zat goitrogenik. Kesimpulan: Hubungan signifikan hanya ditemukan antara tingkat pendapatan dengan frekuensi konsumsi zat goitrogenik. Saran: Perlu adanya penilaian lebih lanjut mengenai variabel lain yang berhubungan dengan status yodium urin yang belum terungkap dalam penelitian ini

    Perbedaan Penurunan Berat Badan Ibu Postpartum Antara Ibu yang Memberi Asi, Asi dan Susu Formula, Serta Susu Formula di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kartasura Sukoharjo

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    Latar Belakang : Persentase bayi yang mendapat ASI eksklusif di Indonesia masih rendah yaitu 15,3%. Hal demikian juga terjadi di Kabupaten Sukoharjo sebesar 33,4%. Pemberian ASI eksklusif berpengaruh terhadap penurunan berat badan ibu postpartum karena menyusui membutuhkan banyak energi sehingga membantu ibu menyusui kembali ke berat badan normal. Tujuan : Mengetahui perbedaan penurunan berat badan ibu postpartum yang memberikan ASI, ASI dan susu formula, serta susu formula di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kartasura Sukoharjo. Metode Penelitian : Jenis penelitian bersifat observasional dengan pendekatan crossectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 40 ibu postpartum. Data berat badan ibu postpartum diperoleh melalui observasi dengan cara mengukur berat badan ibu terakhir sebelum melahirkan dikurangi 5 kg kemudian dikurangi berat badan ibu saat ini (usia bayi 6 bulan). Data status pemberian ASI atau susu formula diperoleh melalui kuesioner dan wawancara. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji beda non parametrik K-Independent Sample (Uji Kruskal-Wallis). Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berat badan ibu postpartum secara keseluruhan, yang mengalami penurunan berat badan adalah 69,0% dan yang tidak mengalami penurunan berat badan adalah 31,0%. Status pemberian ASI Pre-Laktal adalah 35,7%, ASI dan susu formula adalah 35,7% serta susu formula adalah 28,6%. Hasil uji beda pemberian ASI, ASI dan susu formula serta susu formula menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan penurunan berat badan dengan p=0,12. Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat perbedaan penurunan berat badan ibu postpartum yang memberikan ASI, ASI dan susu formula, serta susu formula

    Hubungan Status Pekerjaan Ibu Dan Pengetahuan Ibu Mengenai Mpasi Terhadap Status Gizi Batita Di Posyandu Sukowidodo 1, 2, Dan 3 Desa Ngargorejo, Boyolali

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    Introduction : Nutrient status of child under 3 years influenced by direct factors for example intake of foods and infections and indirect factors like mother’s work status and mother’s knowledge of breastmilk feeding, income, cultural, health service acces, a number of member family,a number of foods, education rate, hygiene and sanitation. Objective : The aim of study was to know the correlation between mother’s work status and mother’s knowledge of breastmilk feeding with nutrient status of child under 3 years in Posyandu Sukowidodo 1, 2, and 3 Village of Ngargorejo Subdistrict of Ngemplak and District of Boyolali. Research Method : The study use observational method with cross sectional approach and use proportional random sampling to decide minimal sample that will be taken. Total sample in this research amounted 52 subject. Mother’s knowledge of breastmilk feeding measured by closed questioner method and nutrient status of child under 3 years measured by antropometric method with index body weight according to age. This index follow WHO standard. Work status of mother measured by seen who are working or not still working. Result : The data figures that more than 80% mothers have a good knowledge of breasmilk feeding, more than 70% mothers are not still working and more than 80% nutrient status of child under 3 years are in normal category. Based on the results of analysis show that there is no relation between moter’s work status with nutriens statusof child under3 yeears (the value ρ = 0.338) and there is no relation between mother’s knowledge of breastmilk feeding with nutrient status of child under 3 years (the value ρ = 1) Conclusion : There is no relation between mother’s work status with nutrient status of child under 3 years and and there is no relation mother’s knowledge of breastmilk feeding with nutrient status of child under 3 years.. Keyword : mother’s work status, mother’s knowledge of associated breastmilk feeding, nutrient status child under 3 year

    Sifat Fisik Dan Kesukaan Sensoris Kulit Bakpia Yang Disubsitusi Dengan Tepung Singkong

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    Pendahuluan: Sifat fisik dan kesukaan sensoris kulit bakpia dipengaruhi oleh komposisi bahan yang digunakan termasuk bahan pensubstitusi. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sifat fisik dan kesukaan sensoris kulit bakpia yang disubstitusi menggunakan tepung singkong. Sifat fisik dan kesukaan sensoris kulit bakpia dipengaruhi oleh komposisi bahan yang digunakan termasuk bahan penyubstitusi. Metode Penelitian: Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan variasi tepung singkong 0%, 20%, 40%, dan 60%. Analisis pengolahan data menggunakan uji statistik one way Anova dengan taraf signifikan 95% dan dilanjutkan uji Duncan. Hasil: Ada pengaruh substitusi tepung singkong terhadap kekerasan kulit bakpia. Kulit bakpia dengan kekerasan tertinggi diberikan oleh substitusi 60 % (2113,5 gf) yang terendah adalah substitusi 0% (1224,8 gf). Tidak ada pengaruh substitusi tepung singkong terhadap tingkat kecerahan (nilai L) dan nilai b kulit bakpia namun ada pengaruh terhadap nilai a kulit bakpia. Nilai a tertinggi diberikan oleh substitusi 40% (1,3) yang terendah diberikan oleh substitusi 0% (-1,9). Sebagian besar panelis lebih menyukai kulit bakpia yang substitusi tepung singkong sebesar 40%. Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh substitusi tepung singkong terhadap sifat fisik (kekerasan dan warna) dan kesukaan sensoris


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    Introduction : The prevalency of stunting incident in Indonesia is still high, so does the prevalency of ISPA diseases and diarrhea vincrease. Malnutrition children will easy to suffer ISPA and diarrhea than normal children. And the contrary, the more frequency children got ISPA and diarrhea the worse nutrient status. Objective : The aim of the study was investigate the relationship of stunting incident with ISPA and diarrhea frequency in children age 12-48 months old in public health service Gilingan Surakarta Research Methods : Quantitative research with cross-sectional approach used number of respondent 47 persons that was got by simple random sampling technique. The frequency data of ISPA and diarrhea was gotten by interview, while the high of body was gotten from antropometry measurement. The data analysis used the data figure that person product moment and rank spearman. Results : The incident of ISPA and diarrhea were more often than in stunting children than normal children. Mean while, correlation value of the relationship between stunting incident and ISPA and diarrhea were more than 0,05 The stunting children 85,2% and 14,8% the normal children. The children who have diarrhea incident with often frequency, it occurs to the stunting children 68,7% and 31,3% the normal children. Based on the result above was known that there is not relationship of stunting incident with ISPA to the children, with the correlation value 0,411>α=0,05. There is not relationship of stunting incident with diarrhea frequency to the children, with the correlation value 0,548>α=0,05. Conclusions : To sum up there was no correlation between stunting incident with frequency of ISPA and diarrhea in children with age 12-48 month in Public Health Service Gilingan Surakarta

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Tulang Ikan Lele (Clarias batrachus) Terhadap Kadar Kalsium, Kekerasan dan Daya Terima Biskuit

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    Background: The Osteoporosis cases in Indonesia is quite high. This is caused by inadequate intake of calcium through food. Catfish bone flour can be used as a substituent of wheat flour in making biscuits. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of substitution catfish bone flour on calcium content, hardness and acceptability of biscuits. Method: The completely randomized design was used in the research with 4 treatments substitution of catfish bone flour were 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%. Data were analyzed using the one way anova, followed by Duncan at significance level of 95%. Result: The results showed that the catfish bone flour indicated the moisture content 11.34%, ash content 59.49%, protein content 23.86%, fat content 0.96%, carbohydrate 4.35% and calcium level 17.47%. There was effect of bone flour substitution on calcium levels of biscuits. The more the substitution of catfish bone flour, the more the calcium contents of biscuits. The highest calcium level of biscuit was given by substitution 30% (10,15% calcium). The hardness of biscuit was affected by the substitution of catfish bone flour. The substitution 10% gave the biggest hardness of biscuits. Biscuit with substitution 0% and 20% were the most preferred by panelists. Suggestion : Based on acceptability of biscuits, to substitute 20% catfish bone flour in biscui

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Sari Bawang Putih (Allium Sativum Linn.) Kating Dan Sin Chung Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Perusak Ikan Air Tawar

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    Garlic is one of the natural ingredients that has the ability as an antibacterial. Chemical ingredients that has antibacterial properties is allicin. This study was to determine the effect of kating and sin chung garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) concentrate on the inhibition of the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The type of research is an experimental. The samplings are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, kating and sin chung garlic concentrate with concentrations 0 %, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %. Each treatment is repeated three times. It’s statistical test that is used, it is One Way Anova test with p ≤ 0,05 and it is Independent T-test with p ≤ 0,05. Inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in kating garlic with a concentration of 0%, 20%, 40%, 60% is 0 mm, 1.50 mm, 2.77 mm, 3.94 and sin chung garlic is 0 mm, 1.44 mm, 2.16 mm, 3.27 mm

    Hubungan Pola Konsumsi Fastfood Dengan Kejadian Overweight Pada Remaja Putri Di SMA Batik 1 Surakarta

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    Introduction : Overweightis often the case in big cities in Indonesia. Their teens are most often overweight. Teens more influencedby the environment, try new things one of which consume fastfood. Based on the initial survey that has been conducted, from 20 girls known 30% overweight student.The one that plays a role in the incidence of overweight is fast food consumption patterns. Excessive fast food consumption patterns will affect the prevalence of overweight. Destination :This study aims to determine the relationship of fast food consumption patterns with Genesis over weight in adolescent girls in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta. Research methods : The study was observational with cross sectional approach. The data was collected anthropometric measurements of weight and heightto determine the nutritional status of girls then performed fast food consumption pattern of the application form with in the last 1 month. The subjects used in this study were 40 female students who meet the criteria of Class XI, selected by proportional random sampling method. Chi-square analysisis used to determine the relationship of fast food consumption patterns with a high incidence of over weight in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta. Result :Young women in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta over weight of 47.5% and amounted to52.5% of normal. The frequency of fast food consumptionin the category of the most rare and very seldom with the same prevalence of 42.5%. The number of his many fast food consumption by 52.5% and amounted to47.5% slightly and results of Chi-square analysis p<0.05. Conclusions : There is a relationship between fast food consumption patterns (based on the frequency and amount of consumption) with the incidence of overweight in adolescent girls in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta