26 research outputs found

    Composite Flowable Fabricated (CFF) Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Pasak Gigi Paska Endodontik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali, menganalisis dan membandingkan pasak CCF (plastis) dengan pasak NiTi logam (rigid) sebagai alternatif pasak gigi paska perawatan endodontik yang biokompatibel. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel elemen gigi insisif rahang atas yang telah disesuaikan dengan kriteria penelitian. Semua sampel gigi diberi perlakuan sesuai dengan kelompoknya. Prosedur kelompok pasak CCF yaitu dengan mengaplikasikan komposit flowable pada saluran akar gigi yang telah dilakukan pengambilan gutta-percha sedalam 2/3 panjang saluran akar dan menyisakan 1/3 gutta-percha di daerah apikal, sampai seluruh saluran akar dan ruang pulpa terisi penuh. Komposit flowable dilakukan penyinaran (curing LED) selama 20 detik. Perlakuan pada kelompok pasak NiTi sama seperti pada kelompok pasak CCF, bedanya pasak NiTi diinsersi menggunakan bahan luting semen ionomer kaca tipe 1. Selanjutnya semua sampel gigi baik yang prefabricated maupun fabricated dilakukan uji three bending point dengan pengaturan sesuai dengan standart ISO10477. Secara deskriptif nilai rerata kelompok pasak NiTi (stiffness = 115,30 N/mm; modulus elastisitas = 9,31 Gpa; flexural = 812 Gpa) lebih besar dari nilai rerata kelompok pasak CFF (stiffness = 35 N/mm; modulus elastisitas = 3,45 Gpa; flexural = 475,8 GPa) dan secara statistik hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pasak prefabricated (NiTi) dengan fabricated (CFF). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa walaupun secara deskriptif dan statistik ada perbedaan, namun bahan komposit flowable dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pasak alternatif dan perlu penelitian lebih lanjut yang sesuai standar keberadaannya sebagai bahan pasak alternatif. Composite Flowable Fabricated (CFF) as Enddodontic Dental Post alternative. Composite Flowable Fabrcated (CFF). CFF is composite resin that viscous and plastic which used as material to enhance the retention and stability of post endodontic treatment and restoration materials. NiTi post is prefabricated post endodontic that the insertion needs luting material. This study was to explore, analyze, and compare CCF (plastic) and NiTi (rigid) post endodontic as alternative of post endodontic that is compatible. This study used element sample of maxillary incisive tooth. All of teeth sample was taken treatment that was appropriate with the groups. the procedure of CFF post group was to make application of flowable composite in root canal up to full that had been done taking of gutta percha as deep as 2/3 of root canal length and left 1/3 gutta percha in apical area. Flowable composite was cured by LEDfor 20 seconds. Treatment of NiTi post group was same with CCF post group, the different NiTi post was inserted using glass ionomer luting type 1. Furthermore all of tooth sample, prefabricated and fabricated, was tested by threebending point with ISO10477. The result showed that mean of NiTi post (stiffness= 115,30 N/mm; modulus elastisitas = 9,31 Gpa; flexural= 812 Gpa) was higher than CFF post (stiffness = 35 N/mm; modulus elastisitas = 3,45 Gpa; flexural= 475,8 GPa); and there was significant different between prefabricated (NiTi) dengan fabricated(CFF) post statistically. Although composite flowable can be used as alternative of post endodontic and needs further research that is suitable with standard of post materials


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    Bacteria in oral cavity are associated with oral health, as well as with dental caries. Cariogenic streptococci depend on a biofilm lifestyle for survival and persistence in the oral cavity. Primary factors allowed tooth caries is Streptococcus mutans colonization on tooth biofilms. Biofilm formation depend on carbohidrat diet n some enzyme that produced by Streptococcus mutans. It will enhance oral environment to be acid and causes tooth demineralization


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    Restorative materials is one of materials that always be used in dentistry. Restorative materials can improve and restore damaging tooth structure. Restorative materials can be devided in two groups. Those were plastic and rigid restorative. All of restorative materials have special properties, so they have different advantage anddisadvantage. Aim of this study is to inform about rigid restorative post endodontic treatment. Rigid restorative can be made in out oral cavity and cemented

    Prevalensi Indikasi Perawatan Tumpatan pada Pasien yang Berkunjung ke RSGM Universitas Jember Tahun 2015 (The Indication Prevalence of Restoration Treatments in Patients Who Attended Dental Hospital University of Jember in 2015)

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    Introduction:Teeth are hard tissue that serve as the process of mastication in humans. In the event of tooth damages, they can not perform their functions optimally. Dental hard tissue damages include caries, attrition, abrasion, erosion and fracture.The damage of tooth hard tissues can change the anatomical shape of the tooth which make them fail to function properly. Restoring the damaged anatomical shape can be achieved by restoration or fillings.Objective: To know the indication of restoration treatments in patients who attended RSGM University of Jember in 2015.Methods:This research was a descriptive study with Cross Sectional Study approach. The study was conducted at RSGM University of Jember. The number of respondents were 100 which was obtained by using the Slovin formula.Result and Conclusion: The prevalence of restoration treatments indication in patient who attended RSGM University of Jember in 2015 was 89% . It was distributed based on sex was 52,8% for women and 47,2% for men, based on age groups, 21-26 year-old-group had the highest prevalence, while 33-44 year-old-group had the lowest prevalence.  Keywords: restoration treatments, prevalenc

    Uji Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak Pektin Limbah Kulit Buah Kopi Robusta (Coffea canephora) pada Kultur Sel Fibroblas Pulpa Gigi Manusia (Cytotoxicity Effect of Pectin Extract from Coffea Robusta (Coffea canephora) Fruit Peels on Human Dental Pulp Fibroblasts Cel

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    Background: Coffee has a by-product (waste product) that generated from coffee processing. Coffee fruit's peels contains active compound, that is pectin. Pectin has several benefits in health, as a regeneration of hard and soft tissue that can be applied in dentistry and pectin has the potential as an anti-cancer substance. Pectin as a biomaterial must have biocompability. Biocompatibility of the material can be tested by cytotoxicity test by MTT method on human dental pulp fibroblasts cell culture. Objective: To know the toxicity of extract pectin from coffee robusta fruit peels on human dental pulp fibroblasts cell culture. Method: This research is a experimental laboratory with post-test only control group design. Culture of fibroblast cells at the well was exposed by pectin extract for 24 hours, then each well was given MTT and incubated for 4 hours. The effects of cytotoxicity were measured by calculating cell viability (%). Data were analyzed using Probit test, One-way ANOVA followed by LSD. Result: Each group has a cell viability value above 50%. Conclusion: Extract pectin from Robusta coffee fruit peel's had no cytotoxic effect on human dental pulp fibroblsts cell culture   Keywords: coffe robusta fruit peels, cytotoxicity, human pulp fibroblst cell culture, pectin &nbsp


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    Bonding agent is a resin matrix that containing BIS-A-GMA without or with little filler. They bounded each other in enamel micromechanically in one side and chemically in the other side. Champhoroquinone is a photo-initiator of visible light composite resin (VLCR). It is light yellow fine powder form. Both of them help polymerization process of VLCR. The aim of the study was to know the ability of bonding agent and champhoroquinone to increase visible light composite resin hardness in flow readily. This study was laboratory experimental. The subjects were divided into 3 groups, they were champhoroquinone group (CPG), bonding group (BG), and control group (CG). Every group consisted of 24 specimens. VLCR paste was exposed under light of dental unit lamp for 2 minutes. After that, VLCR paste was added with bonding and champhoroquinone, and was mixed until homogen. Then, the mixed was taken into mould space (5 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness), was compressed and flatened, and was cured for 40 seconds. All samples were tested the hardness by Vikers Hardness Number (VHN). All data were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis Test and continued by Mann -Witney-U Test. The result showed that the mean of BG (56.96 VHN) was higher than CG (55.11 VHN) and CPG (51.19 VHN). The statistic test showed there was significant different between the group. In conclusion, the bonding agent can increase hardness of VLCR in flow readily and better than control and champhoroquinone group

    Review: Penggunaan Matriks Composite Absorbable di Bidang Kedokteran Gigi

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    Biomaterial is played role in development of medical equipments, prosthesis, reparation technique, tissueengineering, drug delivery and diagnostic tools. Biomaterial in mixed forms or called composite is usually used forthose applications. Based on matrix characteristic, composite is divided into two groups, absorbable and nonabsorbable.This classification is based on their ability to absorb. This study was aimed to review the use ofabsorbable composite matrix in dentistry. The absorbable composite matrix was able to improve and replaced bonetissue or craniofacial. Absorbable composite was able to prevent infection and tissue shrinkage, so it can replace theesthetic. Absorbable composite can be used in operative dentistry and prosthodontia as filling materials anddenture. It was concluded that absorbable composite matrix could be used widely in dentistr


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    Luting type glass ionomer cement (GIC) can be used as root canal filler. Because GIC has biocompatiblity and contained fluor, clinicians used zinc oxide ChKM (ZnOChKM) as root canal filler that contained parachorophenol, camper, and menthol. ChKM has a ability as wide spectrum antibacterial and low irritation. The Aim of study was to know antibacterial of luting type glass ionomer and zinc oxide ChKM as root canal filler toward Streptococcus viridans. This study was a laboratory experimental, contained of 7 samples of luting type GIC and 7 samples ZnOChKM cement. The characteristics were 2 mm of the thickness and 5 mm of diameter, non porous, homogen, and smooth. Each sample was taken in TSA medium that had been inoculated Streptococcus viridans. TSA medium was perforated by straw like the samples size. After samples were incubated for 1, 7, and 14 days, we measured inhibition zone around samples by caliper. All data was analyzed by T – test (α=0.05). The result showed that mean of ZnOChKM cement inhibition zone cement on the first day was 2.12 cm; seventh days was 2.46 cm; and 14th days was 2.86 cm. Mean of GIC inhibition zone on the first day was 0.46 cm; seventh days was 1.18 cm; and 14th days was 1.26 cm. ZnOChKM cement zone inhibition was large than GIC inhibition zone. T – test analysis showed there was significant different between ZnOChKM cement and luting type GIC in all observation time. In conclusion, ZnOChKM cement as a root canal filler was more effective than GIC to inhibit growth of Streptococcus viridans

    Microleakage of Nanofiller Resin Composite, Glass Ionomer Cement and Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement in Class V Cavities

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    Class V cavity is cavity happened in a third of anterior or posterior teeth cervix that can be restored with resin composite, glass ionomer cement, and resin modified glass ionomer cement. Discoloration is often seen in the marginal of the filling that caused by microleakage. The purpose of the study is to find out aesthetic restoration microleakage in class V cavity. This study type is laboratory experimental research. There are 12 samples of maxillary premolar which were prepared for class V cavity. Group I restored with resin composite (n=4), group II restored with glass ionomer cement (n=4) and group III restored with resin modified glass ionomer cement (n=4). Furthermore, premolar teeth that have been filled soaked into methylene blue solution for 24 hours at 37°C. The microleakage value is measured based on the penetration depth of methylene blue solution at the marginal of the cavity. The average calculation of microleakage in sequence is resin modified glass ionomer cement, glass ionomer cement, and resin composite. The conclusions of this study prove that there is significant difference in microleakage value of each group samples.   Keyword: Class V cavity, Microleakage, Resin composite, Glass ionomer cement, Resin modified glass ionome

    Koloni Bakteri pada Hasil Pencetakan Hidrokoloid Ireversibel setelah Direndam Rebusan Rimpang Lengkuas (Alpinia galanga) (Bacterial Colonies on Irreversible Hydrocolloid Impressing Produce after Immersion in Alpinia galanga Solution)

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    Background: Alpinia galanga is an herbal plant that contains antibacterial substances. The content of the antibacterial substance is useful as a disinfectant on irreversible hydrocolloid impressing produce to avoid the risk of cross infection. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the number of bacterial colonies on irreversible hydrocolloid impressing produce after immersion in Alpinia galanga solution. Methods: The study is experimental laboratory by post-test only control group design. The sample size was 24, which was divided into 4 groups (1 control group and 3 treatment groups). Each group consisted of 6 samples. Disinfection method was by immersion for 15 seconds. Results and Conclusions: The decline levels in the number of bacterial colonies on irreversible hydrocolloid impressing produce after immersion in Alpinia galanga solution were 37.19% and 49.23%. The conclusion is that there are differences in the number of bacterial colonies on irreversible hydrocolloid impressing produce after immersion in various treatments. Alpinia galanga solution can effectively decrease the number of bacterial colonies on irreversible hydrocolloid impressing produce although descriptively the mean of it is lower than alcohol 70%.   Keywords: Alpinia galanga, irreversible hydrocolloid, bacterial colonies