40 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Pembelajaran Fikome (Finger Painting, Kolase Dan Menganyam) Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak

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    Motoric development is the development of body movement control that coordinated and is one of very important factor in a child's development as a whole. The aim of this research is to know the effectiveness of the learning method of FIKOME in improving child’s fine motor skills. The population of this research is B1 and B2 Grade of TK Pengayoman, amount of 57 pupils, with the samples number of 30 pupils. The technique used is random sampling, where the researcher limits the subject based on predetermined characteristics, and share them at random into two groups, namely the Group of experimental and control group. The data collection instrument uses of fine motor ability scale. B#ased on the research results, that occur of score differences of the research subject in experimental group. The difference can be seen from the difference of the mean score of follow up and posttest, pretest, measurement results. This means that the majority of the trainees are given preferential treatment in the form of FIKOME learning experiences increased of his/her fine motoric capability. Score sig p = 0.05 with a score of 0.024 < with mean scored on the control group is 13.67 and on experimental groups namely 25.40. The hypothesis testing is done by a non parametric tests, and can be drawn the conclusion that of the effectively FIKOME’s learning to improve fine motor ability of children who viewed from the post-test value

    Hubungan Antara Kecerdasan Emosi Dengan Pembelian Impulsif Pada Ibu Rumah Tangga

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    Abstract The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between emotional intelligence with impulsive buying. Subjects in this study were housewife at Kebonan Surakarta City with criteria women aged 18-40 years, marital status married, and work status as housewife. The sampling technique in this study uses purposive sampling. This study uses a quantitative approach. The data collection tool used in this study is the scale of emotional intelligence and impulsive buying. Data analysis using Pearson product moment correlation technique. The results showed that the correlation coefficient (rxy) = -0.288 with (sig.) = 0,021 (p <0.05) which means that there is a significant negative relationship between emotional intelligence and impulsive buying. Negative relationships in this study indicate that the higher emotional intelligence received, the lower impulsive buying. On the contrary, the more emotional intelligence is received, the higher impulsive buying. Effective contribution to emotional intelligence for impulsive buying of 8,3%. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Impulsive Buyin

    Hubungan Antara Kematangan Emosi Dengan Perundungan Media Sosial Instagram Pada Remaja

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of emotional maturity with cyberbullying among adolescents instagram users. The hypothesis is there is a negative relationship between emotional maturity with cyberbullying among adolescents instagram users. Subjects in this study were 89 students drawn from3 class XI SMA N Colomadu of 9 classes contained in a class XI so this research using random cluster sampling technique. Data collection tool in this study using a scale of emotional maturity and cyberbullying. Data were analyzed using product moment correlation using SPSS 16.0. Based on the analysis results obtained from this study is the correlation (r) = -0.288 with sig (p) = 0.003, which means that there is a relationship / significant negative correlation between emotional maturity with cyberbullying.Variable emotional maturity has the empirical mean (RE) of 78.74 and the mean hypothetical (RH) of 55 which means that the level of emotional maturity class XI student of SMAN Colomadu classified as very tinggi.Variabel cyberbullying has the empirical mean (RE) of 32.52 and the mean hypothetical (RH) of 37.5, which means that the level of cyberbullying behavior class XI SMA N Colomadu low. Effective contribution towards cyberbullying emotional maturity of 8.3%, which means 91.7% are other factors that influence the behavior of adolescent cyberbullying

    Manajemen Waktu Pada Mahasiswa Yang Menikah

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    This study aims to understand the time management of married college students. This study uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The data collection method in this study used the interview method. Respondents in this study consisted of 3 active married students at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The results showed that the problem of respondents being married students, one of which was the problem of time management. How to manage these problems by planning work, controlling emotions, making schedules and alarms, and setting priorities. One respondent is able to manage time, one respondent is less able to manage time and one is quite able to manage time. The time management aspect consists of setting goals and priorities, time management techniques or mechanics, and time control. There are many things that students have to consider when they get married, such as financial problems (economy), place of residence, division of time, division of responsibilitie

    Hubungan Efikasi Diri Dengan Kesiapan Kerja Siswa Kelas XII SMK Negeri 1 Kedawung

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of self-efficacy with work readiness in students. The hypothesis proposed is: there is a positive relationship between self-efficacy and work readiness for students. The population in this study was 520 students of class XII SMK NEGERI 1 Kedawung with a sample of 194 people. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling technique. The method used is quantitative with a measuring instrument in the form of self-efficacy scale, and work readiness scale. Data analysis was performed by product moment correlation analysis. Based on data analysis between self-efficacy variables and work readiness obtained correlation coefficient (r) of 0.410 and (p) of 0.000 (p <0.05). This means that there is a very significant positive relationship between self-efficacy and work readiness for students. The self-efficacy variable affects work readiness by 16.8% then there are 83.2% other variables that affect work readiness beyond the self-efficacy variable

    Motivasi Belajar Membaca Alquran Pada Mahasiswa Yang Buta Baca Alquran Di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta is a University that has an Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) Mentoring program to eradicate a blind student who read the Alquran, including students of the Faculty of Psychology. According to one of the mentors, students of the Faculty of Psychology have indications of a lack of motivation to learn to read the Alquran, because they are less active and lack the strong desire to learn. In fact, according to some research, motivation influence learning outcomes This research aims to know the extent of the learning motivation of students who are blind in reading the Alquran at the Faculty of Psychology, UMS.This research is qualitative research phenomenological. The subject consists of 6 students force 2017 blind read the Quran at the Faculty of psychology. The results showed the learning motivation of students who are blind in reading the Alquran at the Faculty of Psychology UMS, based on continuum line motivation of Ryan and Deci (2000) considered the Identified Regulation. However, it has yet to give a strong impetus to the informant in order to achieve the targets and goals of the study. The learning motivation of the informant more extrinsic, because it tends to be based on awareness of the usefulness of learning to read the Alquran through Mentoring, but less based on interest in learning from the inside. The informants are interested by the activities and learning materials when Mentoring, but less interested in learning to read the Alquran outside Mentoring intensively. It is shown from the informant more prioritizing other activities rather than learning to read the Alquran outside of Mentoring. .The research also shows that students who have a range of extrinsic motivations tend to number of pages read Iqra ' 8-88 page

    Problem Solving Mahasiswa Broken Home

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    Abstract Many problems of students, especially students from broken home backgrounds. But despite many problems they were successful in their studies, they became more active in learning, more independent, because they were accustomed to taking care of them selves, responsible, tough in facing problems, having high maturity because they of tenfaced problems and always learned to find solutions, wiser in addressing the problem. The research informants numbered 5, the study was conducted in Surakarta. The purpose of the study was to describe the ability of students to solve problem home broken by using a qualitative approach. Student research subjects withparents' backgrounds broken home. Participant search us esthes nowboll technique, data collectionuses semi-structured interviews, data collection 3 times. Data analysis using the mean alysis techniques. The results of the research show that the problem solving of broken home students has social and academic problems. male and female sex differences, female students are moresensitivewhentheyget stimulus such as father / mother's day, and are more closed. The age difference of divorce parents is the longer the age of divorce, the more able to control him. The longer in studying, the experience of over coming problems is increasing. The difference between students participating in organizations is better prepared to face problems and always prepare a strategy for solving compared to students who do not follow the organization. Keywords: Students, Broken Home, Problem Solving

    Hubungan Antara Intensitas Menggunakan Social Media Instagram Dengan Kematangan Emosi Pada Remaja

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between intensity using instagram with emotional maturity, so the authors propose a hypothesis "There is a negative relationship between the intensity of using instagram with emotional maturity". Subjects in this study were 80 students of psychology UMS force 2017. Sampling technique used quota random sampling, the technique of sampling by setting a certain number as a target that must be met in the sampling of the population (especially the infinite or unclear), then with the benchmark the number of researchers taking samples arbitrarily as long as meet the requirements as a sample of the population. Measuring tool used to reveal the research variables there are 2 kinds of measuring instruments, namely: (1) intensity scale using instagram, and (2) emotional maturity scale, data analysis in this study using product moment correlation. Based on the results of the analysis then obtained a correlation between the intensity of using instagram with emotional maturity (r) of -0.484 with p = 0.000 where p <0.01, this means there is a significant negative relationship between the intensity of using instagram with emotional maturity. The empirical average of the intensity variable using instagram is lower than the hypothetical average, which illustrates that in general the juvenile psychology of UMS force of 2017 has intensity using moderate instagram. Furthermore, the empirical average of emotional maturity is greater than the mean hypothetical mean in general the subject has high emotional maturity. The role of intensity using instagram on emotional maturity (SE) is 23,4%, meaning there are still 76,6% other factor. Keywords: Intense use instagram, Emotional maturity, Adolescent

    Hubungan Konformitas Teman Sebaya Dengan Kepercayaan Diri Di Desa Pucanganom Wonogiri

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    Purpose of research; a) To determine the relationship between peer conformity and self-confidence; b) To determine the level of peer conformity; c) To find out the level of self-confidence. The data used in this research is quantitative data, so the data analysis method uses statistical methods. The total number of respondents in this research was 84 adolescents. Based on the characteristics that have been determined the characters of the sample include: a) Adolescents aged 15-25 years; b) Youth who live in Pucanganom village. Based on the nonparametric statistical test of Spearman correlation, it is known that the significance or sig value. (2-tailed) is 0.951, because the sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.951> is greater than 0.05, it means that there is no significant relationship between peer conformity and self-confidence