20 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Upaya meningkatkan produktivitas usaha tani terus menerus dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Majalengka agar mencapai hasil produksi pertanian yang maksimal, misalnya upaya efektivitas penggunaan lahan pertanian, dan upaya pembentukan kelompok tani yang diharapkan agar bargaining position para petani bisa lebih kuat dalam menghadapi persaingan usahanya. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana karakteristik usaha tani sayur di Kabupaten Majalengka. (2) Bagaimana pengaruh luas lahan, jumlah tenaga kerja, modal kerja, dan infrastruktur irigasi terhadap hasil usaha tani sayur di Kabupaten Majalengka.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik usaha tani sayur di Kabupaten Majalengka serta mengetahui sejauhmana pengaruh luas lahan, jumlah tenaga kerja, modal kerja, dan infrastruktur irigasi terhadap hasil usaha tani sayur di Kabupaten Majalengka. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan di Kabupaten Majalengka. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2021. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 125 petani sayur, dengan teknik Proporional Sampling Method. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Kata Kunci: Modal Kerja; Tenaga Kerja; Irigasi Terhadap Hasil Usaha Tan

    Analisis Eksternalitas dan Multiplier Effect Keberadaan Pondok Pesantren Darul ‘Ulum Rejoso Peterongan Jombang

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bentuk –bentuk eksternalitas dan multiplier effect yang timbul akibat keberadaan Pondok Pesantren Darul ‘Ulum Rejoso Peterongan Jombang dan untuk menganalisis model Interaksi antar aktor ( institusi pondok, pemerintah, masyarakat) yang mendorong terbentuknya eksternalitas dan multiplier effects dari keberadaan Pondok Pesantren Darul ’Ulum Rejoso Peterongan Jombang. Paradigma penelitian yang digunakan adalah Non Positif, dengan pisau analisis studi kasus. Untuk proses pengolahan data kualitatif, digunakan sofware Nvivo 11. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat eksternalitas negatif keberadaan pondok pesantren dalam bentuk timbulnya limbah padat maupun cair dan timbulnya kemacetan. Eskternalitas positif berupa aglomerasi, timbulnya rasa bahagia, terciptanya rasa aman, peningkatan status sosial dan adanya transformasi ilmu. Sementara multiplier effect yang tercipta adalah peningkatan pendapatan, penyerapan tenaga kerja dan terciptanya peluang usaha. Interaksi antara pondok dan masyarakat berbentuk hubungan langsung, interaksi antara pondok dengan pemerintah juga bersifat langsung. Tidak ditemukan interaksi antara masyarakat dengan pemerintah kaitannya dengan kehidupan pondok pesantren dan aktivitas keseharian masyarakat. Ditemukan pula adanya budaya permisif di tengah masyarakat terhadap pondok pesantren, dan hal ini menjadi dasar tidak terjadinya konflik antara masyarakat dengan pesantren sebagai sebuah institusi. Model solusi terintegrasi suatu eksternalitas ( integrated solution for externality) untuk mengurangi eksternalitas negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh keberadaan pondok pesantren mampu menciptakan harmonisasi antara pondok pesantren dengan masyarakatat yang terdampak. Dalam model ini, pihak yang terdampak adalah penyelesai dampak tersebut

    Learning environment, attitudes and anxiety across the transition from primary to secondary school mathematics

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    Past research has revealed that, relative to primary-school students, high-school students have less-positive attitudes to mathematics and perceive their classroom environments and teacher–student relationships less favourably. This study involved the transition experience of 541 students in 47 classes in 15 primary (year 7) and secondary (year 8) government and Catholic schools in metropolitan and regional South Australia. Scales were adapted from three established instruments, namely, the What Is Happening In this Class?, Test of Mathematics Related Attitudes and Revised Mathematics Anxiety Ratings Scale, to identify changes across the transition from primary to secondary school in terms of the classroom learning environment and students’ attitude/anxiety towards mathematics. Relative to year 7 students, year 8 students reported less Involvement, less positive Attitude to Mathematical Inquiry, less Enjoyment of Mathematics and greater Mathematics Anxiety. Differences between students in Years 7 and 8 were very similar for male and female students, although the magnitude of sex differences in attitudes was slightly different in Years 7 and 8


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    Subsurface modeling of Merapi Volcano based on gravity data after the 2010 big eruption has been done. The aim is to analyze the changes in the internal structure of Merapi Volcanoe, by comparing the complete Bouguer anomaly in 1998 with 2011 and describes the structure of Merapi Volcano in three-dimensional moddelling (3D). Complete Bouguer anomaly was projected into a regular plane of 2000 m above sea level. The Regional and Local anomalies were separated using upward continuation. In order to determine regional anomaly, total Bouguer anomaly was projected to 4000 m above sea level. The quantitative interpretation of gravity anomalies indicate that there was magma chamber on northeast of Merapi at depth 800 m up to 5900 m and there was indication of a new rock layer formed on the surface with a thickness of 500 m due to magma intrusion in Gendol River�s stream on southeastern of Merapi

    Pemetaan Percepatan Getaran Tanah Maksimum, Indeks Kerentanan Seismik Tanah, Ground Shear Strain, dan Ketebalan Lapisan Sedimen Untuk Mitigasi Bencana Gempabumi Di Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara

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    Microtremor research has been conducted in North Bengkulu on May 25 until May 28, 2012. This study was conducted to map the distribution of the Peak Ground Acceleration values (PGA), Seismic vulnerability index (Kg), ground shear strain (γ), and the thickness of the sediment layer (h), which indicate the level of vulnerability of a region to the earthquake hazard. Data this research using three-component seismometer type DS-4A at 29 measurement points data. The method to analyze data using Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR), to calculation PGA in ground surface layer value using Kanai empirical equations for earthquake event September 12, 2007 with a moment magnitude of 8.5. The results of this research shows us that, in North Bengkulu district the distribution of PGA in ground surface layer values ranged from 152 to 674 gal, distribution of seismic vulnerability index value (Kg) ranged from 0.3 to 15.5, distribution of ground shear strain values (γ) ranged from 4,4x10-5 to 2,5x10-3, and sediment layer thickness (h) ranged from 6 to 127 meters. PGA in ground surface layer values, Kg, γ are low and h is thin in commonly the District Napal Putih, Argamakmur, Batik Nau, and Kerkap, whichs suffered the minor damage levels. While the high value of PGA in ground surface layer, Kg, γ and the thick of sediment layer (h) is commonly contained in District of Lais, Air Napal, Ketahun, and Putri Hijau, which suffered the heavy damage level


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    Temperature measurements have been done in the prospect area of geothermal Pasema Air Keruh, District Empat Lawang, South Sumatra, to determine the temperature distribution on subsurface. Temperature measurement in monitoring and mapping is done on an area of 800 m x 800 m with two different locations, Penantian and Air Keliansar. Retrieval data of temperature measurement using a temperature sticks and electronic thermometer incorporating a thermistor as a sensor such as IC LM35. The working principle of this instrument is that the physical phenomena detected temperature sensor is converted into electrical signals in the potential difference, then converted in degrees Celsius. The results of measurements of temperature monitoring at the Penantian obtained average surface temperatures between 26,5 oC � 29,1 oC while for Air Keliansar obtained average surface temperature average between 27,3 oC � 30,5 oC. Distribution of heat on subsurfaces is calculated by solving the heat conduction equation (Laplace) with a finite difference method that has been constructed (known as the Liebmann method). The modeling assumes that twodimensional objects shaped the plate. The results of modeling heat source on subsurface with finite difference methods estimate the temperature reservoir in Penantian is 400 oC at a depth of 1100 m, while for Air Keliansar the temperature reservoir is 400 oC at a depth of 1300 m


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    Background: Efforts in nutrition improvement have specified eight indicators of output such as 80% of infants of 0-6 months get exclusive breastfeeding. Coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia fluctuates nationally and shows trend to decline during the past three years. Malang Municipality, based on operational report of integrated service post (posyandu) 2009, had only 7.38% of 46,001 children under five years breastfed. Young mothers tend not to breeastfeed than the older ones. Unwanted pregnancy in Indonesia is relatively high and the percentage is increasing in line with the increase of age of mothers, ie. < 1% in mothers of <20 years and 38% in those of 40-49 years. Wanted pregnancy in women giving live births is about 46.6% to 68.4% in 2000. In 2001-2002 57% of women had wanted pregnancy and 44% had unwanted pregnancy. This means there were many live births of unwanted pregnancy in 2002. Objective: To find out association between exclusive breastfeeding supplementation and unwanted pregnancy. Result: The result of bivariate analysis showed score of association between status of pregnancy and exclusive breastfeeding supplementation was OR 2.83. This indicated that mothers with wanted pregnancy had 2.83 times greater possibility for exclusive breastfeeding than those with unwanted pregnancy and this was statistically significant with score of p 0.02 (CI 95% 1.06-8.77). Conclusion: Mothers with wanted pregnancy had 2.83 timer greater possibility for exclusive breastfeeding than those with unwanted pregnancy. Method: The study was observational and used case control design with both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In this study exclusive breastfeeding was identified then risk factors of unwanted pregnancy were studied restrospectively