50 research outputs found

    Peran Orangtua Dalam Mendampingi Penggunaan Gawai Pada Anak Usia Prasekolah

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    Abstract This research aimed to understand the roles of the parents in assisting the use of Gawai in preschool children. The method in this research is qualitative descriptive phenomenology. Methods of data collection in this study is using interviews and observation. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents in assisting the use of gadget in preschool children has the difference between the role of the father and the role of the mother. All fathers are more outside the home to earn a living, so the role of father is more to monitor the activities of children. All mothers in this study work as housewives, so the role of mothers is greater in assisting the use of gadget in children. The majority of mothers who have higher education tend to find interesting ways to accompany the use of gadget in preschool children by participating in playing games with children by directing children to open content that is useful for children's learning and apply the limits of duration and rules for children in playing a gadget so as to stimulate literacy skills and increase the knowledge of preschool children. While mothers with low education tend to experience obstacles in finding interesting ways to accompany the use of the device in preschoolers, thus making children start accessing negative content that is less useful for learning. Factors supporting the role of parents is the knowledge of father and mother about the impact of use of the device for preschool children. Parental role inhibiting factors that comes from the constraints of the father and mother constraints. Dad's constraint is more on the limited time to be involved with the child, while the mother's constraints are more on the temperant tantrum behavior in the child and the low maternal education

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) Terhadap Bakteri Salmonella typhi Dan Streptococcus pyogenes Secara In Vitro

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    Background : One of the gram-negative bacteria that is endemic in Southeast Asia is Salmonella typhi. In addition to Salmonella typhi, there are bacteria that have a high incidence in the world that is Streptococcus pyogenes. Salmonella typhi has been resistance of antibiotic. Known to increase the morbidity and mortality of typhoid fever. Streptococcus pyogenes has been resistance of antibiotic because of the increased ability of bacterial adaptation to the human immune system. Essential oils of Boesenbergia pandurata can be utilized as an alternative source of antibacterials. Objective : To investigate the antibacterial activity of essential oils of Boesenbergia pandurata through in vitro technique and the most effective concentrations of Boesenbergia pandurata’s essential oil as antibacterials. Method : The type of research was experimental with posttest only with control group design method. The subjects of this study is Boesenbergia pandurata’s essential oil. Salmonella typhi and Streptococcus pyogenes are used as bacterial test. The bacteria test were standardized with 0.5 Mc Farland, then planted on agar medium. The media is made well and filled with concentrations of 30%, 50%, 75%, 90%, positive control, and negative control by diffusion method. Aquades as negative control, amoxicillin and chloramphenicol as positive controls. Then incubated at 37 ° C for 24 hours and calculated the inhibit zone. Result : Boesenbergia pandurata’s essential oil has antibacterial activity toward Salmonella typhi and Streptococcus pyogenes in concentrations of 30%, 50%, 75%, and 90%. Conclusion : Boesenbergia pandurata’s essential oil with concentrations of 30%, 50%, 75%, and 90% had antibacterial activity. The most effective concentration as an antibacterial is 90%. Keywords: antibacterial, essential oil, Boesenergia pandurata, Salmonella typhi, Streptococcus pyogenes

    Pelatihan Berpikir Optimis Untuk Meningkatkan Orientasi Masa Depan Remaja Tuna Daksa

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    The purpose of this research was toempiricallyexamine the effect of optimism thinking training to increase future orientation of adolescence with disability. Respondents of this research was 16 teenagers who follow the pravocational program in YPAC Surakarta. Respondents divided into two groups: the experimental group consist of 8 person within treatment and the control group consist of 8 person without treatment. The method in this research was experimental pretest - posttest control group design with random assignment. The material which presented in the optimism thinking training was optimism, internal dialogue, the ABC model, explanatory style, disputation, and energizer. The results of data analysis showed that the optimism thinking training was significantly increase the future orientation of adolescence with disability. Except reconstructing cognitive skill, the respondents of this research also able to made the future design more detailed and realistic which appropriate with their self-capacity. Keywords : Optimism Thinking, Future Orientation, Disabilit

    Hubungan Antara Minat Membaca Dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMA Pada Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi

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    Education is able to provide new lessons for humans in learning new science and skills, so learning achievement is obtained. The factors that affect learning achievement is reading interest because it has an important role in learning achievement. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between reading interest with learning achievement in high school students. The samples were 89 students of IPS class with using Purposive Sampling. Methods of data collection is quantitative research methods using scale of reading interest and achievement tests scores. Data analysis technique used Nonparametric correlation technique. Based on Nonparametric analysis obtained correlation coefficient value of 0.225 with a significance level of 0.017. These results indicate a positive relationship between reading interest and learning achievement. Keywords : reading interest, learning achievement, highschool student

    Aktivitas Literasi Ibu Bekerja Dan Anak Prasekolah Di Rumah

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    This research aims to understand how the literacy activities undertaken by working Mothers and preschoolers at home. Criteria of information in this study (a) Mothers of children ± 3-5 years old who have ever been training in stimulation techniques early literacy skills of preschoolers (b) Mothers who have jobs outside and inside the home and live in Surakarta. The method in this research is qualitative method of case study. Techniques of data collection in this study are interviews, observations, and diaries. The results of this study indicate that the literacy activities performed by Mom and preschool children at home include reading story books, writing, recognizing letters and numbers, drawing and coloring, playing puzzles, lego, and games on cell phone. In common, the mother who became a participant in this research finished these activities regularly in the middle of daily activities. There are several factors influences the literacy activities of working mom and preschooler at home. Factors affecting the literacy activities of mother and child include the age of the child, the job of mother, media literacy and internal factors such as the availability of mothers and the interesting of the child to do so. Early literacy skills in children develop well through the literacy activities that Mother and children do at home. Mother who more facilitative in providing literary media and routinely do literary activities with their child, it make literary skills in children will be more easily developed and led to interest in reading and writing activities earlier. Literacy activities are performed in many ways and media as the age of the child too. Keyword: literary Activity, Preschool Children, and Working Mothers

    Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri Dengan Minat Berwirausaha Pada Penyandang Tuna Daksa

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    People with disabilities have the right to obtain a decent work. Based on the data that finds in BBRSBD Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta, the students with disabilities still confused to determine their choice to start the entrepreneurship because of their physical condition. Based on the interviews conducted on advocacy staffBBRSBD, at least 10 students each years choose to resign because they are unable to undergo a skills training for their future. So, it shows that the lack of interest in entrepreneurship. The objective of this research is to find out : 1) the relation between self concept and interest in entrepreneurship, 2) the level of interest in entrepreneurship for people with disabilities , 3) the level of self concept, 4) the role of self concept to interest in entrepreneurship. The hypothesis of this research shows that there is a relation between self concept and and interest in entrepreneurship. The subject of this research is the students with disbilities in BBRSBD Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta. The technique to take the sample of this research is purposive sampling technique. The criteria of the subject is first year students 2017, 17-35 years old, and able to read and write. Based on that criteria, the number of subjects of this research is 71 people. The results of data analysis shows that the value of correlation coefficient is (r) = 0,389 with p = 0,000 (p < 0,01). In conclusion, there is a relation between self concept and interest in entrepreneurship for people with disabilities.The role of self concept to interest in entrepreneurship is 15,1%, this result is shown from the value of correlation coefficient (r)2=(0,398)2, which means thatthere are many variables beyond self concept that can affect in interest in entrepreneurship. The empirical average interest in entrepreneurship is 85,41 and hypothetical average is 67,5, which means that the interest in entrepreneurship is high. Meanwhile, the empirical average self concept is 66.38 and hypothetical average is 52,5, which means that the self concept is high

    Penggunaan Gadget Untuk Menstimulasi Kemampuan Literasi Anak Prasekolah

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    The purpose of this research is to aware how to preschool children using gadget, and knows how to parents stimulated preschool children literation ability to use gadget, also for knowing obstuction factor and supported gadget utilizing in addition to stimulated literation ability for preschool children. The methode in this research is Phenomenology Qualitative that the data is collected through interview, observation, and documentation to 5 subjects who is moms that have preschool children about 3-6 years old, and let they children have gadget in criteria. The result showing that preschool children using gadget for playing games about 1-2 hours with parental guidance. Moms stimulated childrens literation ability by giving an education applications like Marbel Belajar Huruf, Marbel Belajar Huruh Hijaiyah, and Marbel Belajar Warna also short Qur’ans pharagraph. Supporting factor of stimulated literation ability is childrens can memorize alphabets and numbers more easily, also make them excited because of interesting pictures like a cartoon animation and music, and make them not feeling boring easily. While the obstruct factor, is the light from LCD can causing eyes damage, and forming children more like individulistic personality, also make them unwilling to do other activities. Keyword : stimulate literation, gadget, preschool childre

    Upaya Membangun Resiliensi Pada Penderita Covid-19 (Studi Fenomenologi Pengalaman Hidup Penderita Covid-19)

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    Patients or survivors of COVID-19 have a tendency to experience psychological disorders due to the many confusing of information about the disease COVID-19. Stress, restlessness, anxiety, excessive worry to endless depression can make health conditions deteriorate and affect the healing process. Despite this, many patients are able to adapt well and is optimistic that it will be cured after exposure to COVID-19. This study aims to obtain an overview about the dynamics of resilience in patients with COVID-19 and to know the protective factors that support as well as risk factors that impede resilience in patients with COVID-19. The research method used is qualitative phenomenology with data analysis Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Tools of data collection are interviews, observation and document study. The results of this study find the five themes of the parent, i.e. (1) COVID-19, (2) psychological Conditions, (3) the Efforts of cured COVID-19, (4) Social Support, (5) the Meaning of being exposed to COVID-19. The dynamics of resilience in patients with COVID-19 in this study appears as the interaction between protective factors and risk factors. Though initially the subject of the worse due to not accept the fact that they are exposed to covid-19 but they quickly able to rise and adaptive to the existing conditions. The ability of the subject to develop the aspect of resilience is supported with the protective factors that they have to make the subject able to cope with the risk factors so that they managed to rise from deterioration due to exposure to COVID-19

    Hubungan Antara Kecanduan Internet Dengan Kemampuan Sosialisasi Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    ABSTRACT Internet addiction is the excessive internet usage which impacts toward loss of user’s ability to control his internet usage behavior. While the user becomes internet addicted, the user will enjoy himself so that ignores the relationship and communication with other people. The aim of this study is to know the relationship between internet addiction and socialization ability. The subject is 91 persons. Subject’s criteria are active student in faculty of Psychology in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, and active in internet usage above 5 hours each day. Technique of sampling in this paper is Accidental Sampling. Data analized by Product Moment Carl Pearson. According to the result of calculation is obtained that the result of corelation(rxy) = -0,415 with significance = 0,000 (p > 0,05). The finding shows that there are significant negative relationships between internet addict with the ability of socialization. Internet addiction contributes 17,2% effectively and the rest is determined by other factors. Keywords : internet addiction, social abilit

    Hubungan Antara Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Metode Mengajar Guru Ipa Dengan Minat Belajar Ipa Pada Siswa SMP

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    ABSTRACT Learning activity is a principal in education where the teacher have the important role in the learning proces which is very affecting student learning interest progres. This research aims to find out the relation between students perception towardteaching method of science teachers and junior high school students interest. Sample takenamounted 100 students with study population method. The method of collection data is quantitative method with measuring scale of students perceptiontoward teaching method of science teachers and the scale of student learning interest in science. Technique of analyzing data using correlation of product moment of Carl Pearson. The result of this research shows that the student perception to ward teaching method of science teachers has the correlation with student interest in learning science for about 0.597 with signification of 0.000, it means there is asignificant positive relation between students perception toward teaching method of science teacherand junior high school interest.Students perception abilitylevel toward teaching method of science teacher andstudents interest in learning science is a high level.The student perception toward teaching method of science teacher and student interest amounted 35,6%. Keywords: perception, teaching method, learning interest, science, junior high school student