17 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Gerakan Buruh Filipina dan Indonesia Terhadap Kebijakan Negara dalam Penempatan dan Perlindungan Buruh Migran

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    Philippines and Indonesia are part of the Southeast Asia region with similarities in economic condition. Both countries also known as sending countries of migrant workers and intervene the process of workers� migration since 1970s. Philippines tends to more focus on protection while Indonesia tends to more focus on placement business. As the result, overseas Filipino workers are more protected while Indonesian migrant workers are prone to be exploited. One of the determined factor which allow this differrence is the militancy and scope of the workers movement in each country as they struggling as a social class


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    Operating the company in the protected forest and national park, in fact it is not be the interest which prior by community and the local government always correlated with the environmental problems. It can be shown in research case of PT Sorikmas Mining in Mandailing Natal regency. Operational region of the company which located at national park region has been obtained massive the exploitation not only by media but also by environmental observer. Nevertheless this exploration news is actually different with the community�s aspiration to the company. The most interest delivered by the community refers to economic problems. These economic problems actually are the most struggled by the local community such as job vacancy availability, land properties value, and custom land properties value. But, in some village which located near by the operational region of the company, the interest of environmental problem has already existed of main interest delivered by the local community. On other hand the interest delivered by the local government has not been correlated with the environmental problem, the dominant interest delivered by the local government is given the authority to the local government. The aims of the research are to analyze what kind of interests which delivered by the local government, community and PT Sorikmas Mining and how the using of power and resources belong to the actors in reaching to their goals. Correlate to the aim of the research, so the question of this research are �what kind of the interests delivered by the local government, community and PT Sorikmas Mining, and how the role of these actors using their power and resources own to reach their interests, and describe how the dispute among these actors recently occurred. The theory and the concept used to answer these questions are, approach basis on empowerment in political economy, environmental ethic and sustainable development, whereas to answer this research, the researcher using qualitative method with collecting data technique through interview, observation and then analyze the conclusion of these data. The result of these research are the most interest delivered by the community are not correlate with the environmental problem. Various action has been under taken by the community to reach their interest, but recently that interest (economic interest and environmental interest) has not been clearly further action from the compan

    KKR Dalam Upaya Kontrol Pemerintah Pusat Terhadap Aceh (Studi Tentang Pembentukan Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi di Aceh)

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    Basically, this study focuses to cognize the form of control conducted by the Central Government in the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in Aceh. The purpose of this study consisted of two things, firs


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    Clashes involving Ahmadis often becomes public debate. One of these clashes is a violent conflict involving Ahmadis in Cikeusik occurred at February 2011. Mass media is very influential in this case. Unproper news of that violent conflict would be counterproductive to peace building efforts. Therefore, the principles of peace journalism should be applied in writing news about this conflict. This thesis analyzes Jawa Pos�s news about violent conflict involving Ahmadiyya happened in Cikeusik. This newspaper was chosen it is one of the influential newspaper in Indonesia. When the number of newspaper readers decline, the same thing does not happen to Jawa Pos. Peace journalism emphasizes the attitude of editors and reporters on deciding about what is reported and how to report it. The goal is to present news that give public an opportunities to consider the use of nonviolent action when efforts are in conflict situation. There are seven principles of peace journalism that includes finding the cause of the conflict from historical aspect, considering the humanization side of all parties involved in the conflict, focusing on the intangible impact of violent conflict, emphasizing the role of peace activists at grassroots level, and underlining post-conflict reconstruction. The method used in this study is framing analysis that takes into account quote sources, the use of certain words or phrases, and the position of news in a newspaper layout. After analyzing Jawa Pos�s news, it can be concluded that this newspaper does not apply peace journalism on reporting violent conflict involving Ahmadis in Cikeusik. Difficulties to apply peace journalism is caused by the imbalance of power between the warring parties


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    Thesis entitled �Corporate Social Responsibility and an effort to complience human security of the society ( case study the failure on the CSR implementation of PT. Semen Tonasa)� aims to shed light on the causes of the failure of the company improve the condition of human security Biring Ere Villagers through CSR programs. This thesis raises the issue of the implementation of CSR related causes of failure of PT. Semen Tonasa. To answer the research questions posed to use the concept of CSR, Community participation, and human security. Qualitative methods chosen so that the problem can be analyzed in more depth. The data used are secondary data and primary data, where the primary data is obtained by conducting interviews with several informants involved in the implementation of CSR. This study does not cover the implementation of CSR as a whole but done periodicity, that is the implementation of CSR in 2011 and 2012. Based on information obtained in the field it appears that PT. Semen Tonasa has implemented CSR regularly every year with great financial support, even PT. Semen Tonasa has had a special department that handles the company's CSR program. The evidence suggests CSR program PT. Semen Tonasa implemented under the Ministry of CSR and Public have not been able to bring an improvement in the conditions of human security that focuses in this study is the economic, health, and environment Biring Ere Villagers. Condition is happening is an increase in the number of poor families that do not show the environmental conditions that affect the rate of improvement of health of citizens. The failure PT. Semen Tonasa in implementing CSR programs resulting from the implementation of CSR motives are still based on legal considerations to avoid the company of legal sanctions. In addition to related motives, failures also is the impact of the lack of community involvement in every stage of CSR implementation


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    Fierce competition happened to obtain the divestiture shares in Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT). Central government and regional government who are supported by House of Representatives, are fighting each other to control 31% shares of NNT, the multinational corporation that operates in gold and copper mines. When central government agreed to purchase the remaining 7% of the shares from NNT, surprisingly, House of Representatives decide to report government action to Supreme Audit Agency and Constitutional Court. Both institutions ruled that government cannot continue the purchase without House approval as long as it financed by state budget. Government defeat in these terms became crucial point to analyze the relations between state and multinational corporation in the �reformasi� era. Regional government effort to regulate their regions turns out became open confrontation with central government authority. Uniquely, House of Representatives is eager to help regional government to achieve their means. This situation proves that Newmont share ownership is having strategic value for all of the actors who fight for it. House of Representatives involvement in this matter strengthened that this case is not only about economics issue, but also political conflict. Moreover, regional government company partner who possessed 24% shares, owned by Aburizal Bakrie, chairman of Golkar political party. Golkar lawmakers in the House of Representatives, consistently question government decision regarding the purchase of Newmont shares. This paper intends to describe the conflict in chronological way, as well as to analyze the interest of all the actors who compete for the shares. Using theoretical approach from capitalist state concept, we get two main findings from this case. First, government policy to purchase NNT shares has exceeded the limit of relative autonomy in capitalist state. Second, Bakrie is enforcing subjective relations logic between state and capitalist, through Golkar constant intervention to invalidate government policy to purchase of NNT shares. Based on this case, we can analyze number of things, such a


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    The following thesis titled �Conflict Analysis in Forest Conservation Area with a Case Study on Gunung Halimun Salak National Park� is aimed at investigating further the management of state forest which is marked by unresolved problems, in particular conflict around the forest areas. The appointment of TNGHS as conservation area through the decree of Forestry Minister number 175/2003, in conventional conflict studies terms, has caused conflict escalation, vertically between the government (which is represented by the Ministry of Forestry) and local society. This research explores the root of conflict in TNGHS in general and the case of �villa liar� in the area of Gunung Salak Endah, Kecamatan Pamijahan, Kabupaten Bogor, which is widely known as LokaPurna (Lokasi Purnawirawan). The research focuses on two types of society, namely the local society (those who live in local villages) and public figures. The goal is to comprehend the differences in conflict patterns and resolution efforts, applied by the Ministry of Forestry on the two different societies. It is argued that treatments toward �perambahan� (those who occupy forest areas) vary according to the types of occupiers. Based on Simon Fisher�s theory the author finds a clear differences in the way the Ministry approaches and treats the so-called �perambahan hutan�. Even though the existing law on forestry strictly mentions a non-discriminative principle in law enforcement against offences on state forest areas, the case of �villa liar� demonstrates how the presence of public figures in this kind of conflict significantly affects conflict pattern and its type of resolution. By using qualitative method, the author concludes that the complexity of forest management in Indonesia is largely due to the lack of concern by the related state apparatus who also seems not to be well-prepared in dealing with problems such as different perception on the meaning of conservation, the scope of authority and authority between state institutions, and ownership claim as well as access to forest resources. This is added further by problems such as disparity in authority caused by new law on regional autonomy which has in practical terms cultivated sector egoism and disharmony both between central and regional governments and between various related state agencies. This thesis finds that the basic shortcoming is in the ability of government to communicate and socialize the virtue of conservation, which should be better taken as shared responsibility and be supported by each and every one in the society around the area. Dissemination of knowledge and ethics on environment should be put into public discourse and reformulated into a shared understanding by multi-stakeholders


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    This research aims to analyze the gender aspects in the Johan Galtung thought about Violence. Johan Galtung conception of violence, namely, direct violence, structural violence and cultural violence was comprehensive enough to observe violence at all levels, including gender-based violence. The issue of violence appeal to feminists because of violence against women is a mechanism of subordination of women. Violence against women have an impact not only for women victims, but also women in general, which ultimately in the lives of women always feel threatened by numerous acts of violence in public and private sphere. This research using the sociology of knowledge to analize the connection of thought Johan Galtung with his life background. Johan Galtung is a peace activist which often confronted with facts that put the violence of men as perpetrators and women as victims, although it did not rule out women who are also perpetrators of violence. Therefore Johan Galtung found it necessary to include gender aspects in his study of violence. The research method used is a qualitative method, with literature study used secondary data from books, journals, documents, articles and internet data. As the result on this research found that there are similarities as to whether Johan Galtung thought with numerous streams of feminism that never existed. Telling about direct violence, Johan Galtung puts women at enmity with men. On the other hand, the structure and culture of patriarchy that exist in society also become violent themselves, where the structure of the harsh, legitimized by cultural violence makes violent surroundings. In its efforts to realize peace, Johan Galtung want the equality between the sexes, where there is cooperation and a balance of roles between men and women who all of them lead to the peace process


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    Within the London Bomb incident in 2005, Government of Australia increased its attention toward domestic terorrism issues. Based on this concern, John Howard administration wanted a preventive law which capable to tackle that problem by issuing Anti-Terorrism Bill 2005. But it must be noticed that few of its provisions of the law was considered by the society to have to the potential to break already existing law and also breach to the principles of civil freedoms. In order to get the law through the legislative process, the government used contending strategy. They gave persuasive arguments to alter the stance of the oppositions and delivering deadline on the reading process. When the oppositions, dominated by the Labour Party was expected by the society to be able to amend the substances of the provisions to minimalize the aftermath ot the law, Labours in fact gave its support to the governments stance. Alas, the law passed through along with its aberrant provisions. This paper shows the implementation of contending strategy used by John Howard administratio