777 research outputs found

    Mining For Menthol

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    Review of Feminist Histories and Digital Media

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    The edited volume, Feminist Histories and Digital Media, sets out to explore the ways in which the field has grown and changed since the advent of the first reminist archival research projects 20 years ago. Intended as a signpost by the editors for future research in the field, the volume succeeds in informing, inspiring, and inciting researchers to move forward with using digital archives in feminist scholarship

    Dor de origem endodôntica: eventos agudos na atenção básica

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    Este objeto começa destacando que a abordagem da dor endodôntica é de grande relevância na prática da Atenção Básica e lembra que a situação é preocupante uma vez que, caso o usuário não receba o devido tratamento, a doença poderá evoluir a ponto de gerar lesões mais complexas, que produzam inflamações pulpares. Enfoca a prevenção, indicando que as dores pulpares podem ser causadas por agentes biológicos, agentes físicos e agentes químicos, explicando cada um deles. Conceitua a dor endodôntica como aquela que se origina na polpa dentária, em decorrência de cárie ou de trauma dental, que pode acometer os tecidos periodontais apicais. Especifica como são classificadas as situações de dor endodôntica e define cada caso, abordando detalhes sobre as alterações pulpares (pulpagia hiper-reativa, pulpite sintomática, pulpite assintomática) e as alterações periapicais (pericementite apical, abscesso periapical agudo, abscesso periapical crônico agudizado – abscesso Fênix). Em seguida, orienta sobre a importância da avaliação diagnóstica correta do estado pulpar e periapical, salientando que a interpretação de testes deve estar aliada às informações obtidas na anamnese, pois são fatores que indicam ao profissional o estado de saúde pulpar e periapical do usuário, e apontam, assim, as possibilidades de tratamento a serem executadas, detalhando cada classificação. Ressalta a importância do método sistemático de eliminação, conhecido como diagnóstico diferencial, que conduz o dentista a um diagnóstico definitivo, apresentando um quadro sobre diagnóstico diferencial das alterações pulpares e outro sobre alterações periapicais. Indica que, na abordagem inicial, o principal objetivo é a eliminação do agente agressor e a medicação inicial para posterior atendimento sequencial, e orienta sobre as medidas a serem tomadas para cada um dos casos. Em relação ao atendimento sequencial, aborda que nem sempre será possível resolver a situação com somente um atendimento ao usuário, e repassa orientações sobre o tema tanto para alterações pulpares quanto para alterações periapicais. Finaliza observando que o encaminhamento do usuário para o Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas (CEO) será necessário sempre que o tratamento definitivo for a endodontia e que, em todos os casos de encaminhamentos, há necessidade de que o cirurgião-dentista da Atenção Básica faça o acompanhamento do usuário enquanto este aguarda atendimento no CEO.1.0Ministério da Saúde/OPAS/OM

    Ferromagnetic Ligand Holes in Cobalt Perovskite Electrocatalysts as Essential Factor for High Activity Towards Oxygen Evolution

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    The definition of the interplay between chemical composition, electro-magnetic configuration and catalytic activity requires a rational study of the orbital physics behind active materials. Apart from Coulomb forces, quantum spin exchange interactions (QSEI) are part of the potentials that differentiate the activity of magnetic oxides, strongly correlated electrocatalysts, in electron transfer reactions. Ferromagnetic (FM) cobalt oxides can show low overpotentials for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and the La1XSrXCoO3d (0 r X r 1) family of perovskites is good ground to gain understanding of the electronic interactions in strongly correlated catalysts. In this case, Sr-doping raises the OER activity and the conductivity and increases FM spin moments. The efficiency of electrocatalysts based on Earth-abundant 3d-transition metals correlates with the interrelated factors: mild-bonding energies, the reduction of the electronic repulsions because of the QSEI in the open-shells, and enhanced spin delocalization in FM ordering. The reason for the outstanding OER activity of SrCoO3d is the accumulation of FM holes in the 3d–2p bonds, including the ligand orbitals, thus facilitating spinselected charge transport and production of triplet O2 moieties from the oxidation of diamagnetic precursors. Spin-polarized oxygen atoms in the lattice can participate in O–O coupling and release of O2 in a Mars–Van Krevelen mechanistic fashion. We show that the stabilizing FM QSEI decrease the adsorption and activation energies during oxygen evolution and spin-dependent potentials are one of the factors that govern the catalytic activity of magnetic compositions: spintro-catalysis

    Avaliação do teste imunológico da gravides em pacientes do sexo masculino e do sexo feminino fora do ciclo grávido-puerperal.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Tocoginecologia, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 197


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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Araranguá. Fisioterapia.Estudo com objetivo de analisar os fatores de risco (faixa etária, gênero, comorbidades/hábitos de vida, potencial de deambulação, presença de declínio cognitivo e ocorrência de acidente vascular encefálico) para a incontinência urinária nos idosos institucionalizados. Pesquisa descritiva e transversal, incluídos 76 idosos institucionalizados. Ocorrência da incontinência urinária determinada através do Incontinence Questionnaire e do acidente vascular encefálico pela avaliação clínica/parecer médico. Análise do perfil por meio dos prontuários, cognição e funcionalidade pelo Mini-Exame do Estado Mental e Índice de Barthel, estado funcional após acidente vascular encefálico pela escala de Rankin modificada. Presença de incontinência urinária foi de 37,10%, sendo mais prevalente nos idosos com acidente vascular encefálico (p=0,002). Deambulação (p=0,000), cognição (p=0,003) e ocorrência do acidente vascular encefálico (p=0,002) foram associados com a presença de incontinência urinária. Conclui-se que o potencial de deambulação reduzido associa-se fortemente com o desenvolvimento da incontinência urinária em idosos institucionalizados com acidente vascular encefálico

    Review on Magnetism in Catalysis: From Theory to PEMFC Applications of 3d Metal Pt-Based Alloys

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    The relationship between magnetism and catalysis has been an important topic since the mid-20th century. At present time, the scientific community is well aware that a full comprehension of this relationship is required to face modern challenges, such as the need for clean energy technology. The successful use of (para-)magnetic materials has already been corroborated in catalytic processes, such as hydrogenation, Fenton reaction and ammonia synthesis. These catalysts typically contain transition metals from the first to the third row and are affected by the presence of an external magnetic field. Nowadays, it appears that the most promising approach to reach the goal of a more sustainable future is via ferromagnetic conducting catalysts containing open-shell metals (i.e., Fe, Co and Ni) with extra stabilization coming from the presence of an external magnetic field. However, understanding how intrinsic and extrinsic magnetic features are related to catalysis is still a complex task, especially when catalytic performances are improved by these magnetic phenomena. In the present review, we introduce the relationship between magnetism and catalysis and outline its importance in the production of clean energy, by describing the representative case of 3d metal Pt-based alloys, which are extensively investigated and exploited in PEM fuel cells

    Long-term radiographic and clinical-functional outcomes of isolated, displaced, closed talar neck and body fractures treated by ORIF: the timing of surgical management

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    Background: The main purpose of this retrospective case series study was to evaluate long-term radiographic and clinical outcomes of a consecutive series of patients diagnosed with isolated, displaced, closed talar neck or body fractures treated by open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Secondly, the aim was to verify the influence of the location of talar fractures on the outcomes, the prognostic value of the Hawkins sign, whether operative delays promote avascular necrosis (AVN) and if the fractures require emergent surgical management. Methods: From January 2007 to December 2012, at our institution, 31 patients underwent ORIF through the use of screws. On the basis of Inokuchi criteria, the injuries were divided between neck and body fractures, which were classified according to Hawkins and Sneppen, respectively. The patients included were divided into two groups in relation to fracture location and complexity. Radiographic assessment focused on reduction quality, bone healing, the Hawkins sign and post-traumatic arthritis (PTA) development. For the clinical evaluation, clinical-functional scores (AOFAS Ankle-Hindfoot Score; MFS; FFI-17; SF-36) and VAS were determined, and statistical analysis was performed. Results: 27 patients, 19 males and 8 females, mean age 38.3 years, were included with an average follow-up period of 83.2 months (range 49\u2013119). There were 9 neck and 19 body fractures; their reduction was anatomical or nearly anatomical in 22 cases, and all reached radiographic consolidation after a mean period of 3.4 months (range 1.7\u20137). The Hawkins sign was observed in 9 cases, in which necrosis did not develop. With a 0\u201311 day surgical timing interval, more than 60% of the patients obtained good or fair results with different scores, while 18 (66.7%) were completely satisfied (VAS: 9\u201310). The early complications included malunions (21.4%) and wound problems (25%); the late complications involved AVN (25%) and PTA (78.6%). Conclusions: Despite a high rate of long-term complications, satisfactory clinical results were achieved. Talar fracture location did not influence the outcomes, the Hawkins sign was confirmed as a positive prognostic factor, and operation timing did not influence AVN development. Hence, these injuries do not require emergent surgical management by ORIF

    Medium-Long-Term Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes after Surgical Treatment of Intra-Articular Tibial Pilon Fractures by Three Different Techniques

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    The goal of this retrospective, observational, case series study was to evaluate the medium-long-term clinical and radiographic results of the three most common surgical osteosynthesis techniques used for the treatment of articular tibial pilon fractures: ORIF, MIPO, and EF. Materials and Methods. A consecutive series of patients with articular pilon fractures who underwent surgery at our institution were enrolled in this study. Fractures were classified according to the M\ufcller AO classification system. Overall outcomes took the following into account: radiographic quality of reduction, evaluated using Ovadia and Beals\u2019 criteria; clinical assessment, evaluated using the AOFAS questionnaire; and general health, evaluated with the SF36-v2 Health Survey. Results. A total of 94 articular pilon fractures (34 type 43-B and 60 43-C) were evaluated with a mean follow-up of 56.34 months (range 33\u2013101). The techniques used were ORIF, MIPO, and EF in 63 (67%), 17 (18.9%), and 14 cases (14.1%), respectively. According to Ovadia and Beals\u2019 criteria, good, fair, and poor results were reported in 61 (64.89%), 26 (27.66%), and 7 (7.45%) cases, respectively. The mean AOFAS score was 82.41 for MIPO, 79.83 for ORIF, and 50.57 for EF, respectively. Thirty-nine patients (41.49%) presented early and/or late complications. Conclusion. Satisfactory outcomes using the three different techniques were reported. In particular, the radiographic outcomes were inversely proportional to the fracture comminutions and statistically different between internal and external osteosynthesis, but comparable between ORIF and MIPO techniques. On the other hand, the clinical outcomes were closely related to the soft tissue conditions and the anatomical reconstruction of the joint

    Medium-Long-Term Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Minimally Invasive Distal Metatarsal Metaphyseal Osteotomy (DMMO) for Central Primary Metatarsalgia: Do Maestro Criteria Have a Predictive Value in the Preoperative Planning for This Percutaneous Technique?

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    The purpose of this prospective study was first to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Minimally Invasive Distal Metatarsal Metaphyseal Osteotomy (DMMO) in treating central metatarsalgia, identifying possible contraindications. The second objective was to verify the potential of DMMO to restore a harmonious forefoot morphotype according to Maestro criteria. Methods. A consecutive series of patients with metatarsalgia was consecutively enrolled and treated by DMMO. According to Maestro criteria, preoperative planning was carried out by both clinical and radiological assessment. Patient demographic data, AOFAS scores, 17-FFI, MOXFQ, SF-36, VAS, and complications were recorded. Maestro parameters, relative morphotypes, and bone callus formation were assessed. Statistical analysis was carried out (p<0.05). Results. Ninety-three patients (93 feet) with a mean age of 62.4 (31-87) years were evaluated. At mean follow-up of 58.7 (36-96) months, all of the clinical scores improved significantly (p<0.0001). Most of the osteotomies (76.3%) had healed by 3-month follow-up, while ideal harmonious morphotype was restored only in a few feet (3.2%). Clinical and radiological outcomes were not different based on principal demographic parameters. Long-term complications were recorded in 12 cases (12.9%). Conclusion. DMMO is a safe and effective method for the treatment of metatarsalgia. Although Maestro criteria were useful to calculate the metatarsal bones to be shortened and a significant clinical improvement of all scores was achieved, the ideal harmonious morphotype was restored only in a few feet. Hence, our data show that Maestro criteria did not have a predictive value in clinical outcomes of DMM