33 research outputs found

    Design And Implementation Of SSO (Single Sign On) Using Ldap Authentication For Information System And Hotspot Access At Pesma KH Mas Mansur UMS

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    PESMA K.H Mas Mansur ums every year, there are a lot of students from many cities and countries who want to stay in the boarding house. Because of the increasing number of students, PESMA should increase the facilities. Internet is very important for staff and students. Staff accesses the internet to manage the data. Student accesses the internet to find and access the information and journal. Single Sign On (SSO) is a system which facilitates a user account for accessing the data in servers. This method is implementation at PESMA KH Mas Mansur UMS which integrate between information system and hotspot. Install and configuration SSO server, configuration router hotspot. Student doesn’t need to memorize many usernames and passwords, eases data processing. If each server has user data, then the user data processing (add, delete, edit) should be done in every server. By using SSO, only need one time process. The SSO implementation helps student for using information system and hotspot access with one account login that has been registered and helps administrator to organize data about user who access system. It is caused by the use of LDAP as single user data. Furthermore data is stored centrally in one server. After implementing SSO students need only to memorize one username and password to login to any information system and hotspot acces

    Sistem Pakar untuk Diagnosa Penyakit Jantung dengan Metode Forward Chaining Berbasis Desktop

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    Kesehatan merupakan hal yang paling berharga bagi manusia, karena siapa saja dapat mengalami gangguan kesehatan khusunya penyakit jantung. Kebanyakan masyarakat awam sangat kurang memperhatikan kesehatan, mereka enggan memeriksakan kesehatan jantungnya karena kurangnya pelayanan terhadap pasien, kurangnya tenaga medis khususnya dokter spesialis jantung serta jam kerja dokter yang terbatas. Sehingga perlunya suatu teknologi yang mampu mengadopsi cara berfikir manusia yaitu teknologi kecerdasan buatan. Sistem pakar merupakan salah satu dari teknologi kecerdasan buatan. Sistem pakar ini dibuat sebagai sarana untuk membantu dokter dalam mendiagnosa dan penatalaksanaan terhadap pasien. Aplikasi sistem pakar ini dirancang dan dibuat menggunakan metode inferensi Forward Chaining dengan bahasa pemrograman Java dan MySQL sebagai basis datanya. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan aplikasi sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa penyakit jantung yang mempunyai keluaran berupa kemungkinan penyakit disertai persentasenya. Diharapkan dengan dibuatnya sistem pakar ini akan membantu dan mempercepat kerja dokter jantung dalam mendiagnosa awal penyakit jantung

    Pengembangan Sistem Instrumentasi Kendaraan Listrik Skala Prototype Berpenggerak Motor BLDC

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    The prototype type electric car is a car that is designed for an energy-efficient car competition that highlights efficiency in both transmission, design and drive systems. In the test of energy efficiency in the consumption by the motor on the electric car is done using a manual measuring instrument in the form of multimeter and tachometer with the installation of complex tools and value readings that can not be reached by the steering, need of tools that can measure in realtime with the view integrated. In the development of instrumentation tool is used to measure the voltage, current and speed. Measurements are done using a voltage sensor in the form of a resistor divider and ACS712 as a current sensor placed on the source of energy and load. Speed measurements using A3144 magnetic sensor which is placed adjacent to the wheel spokes mounted neodymium magnet. Measurement of sensors in though via arduino nano. In the initial state the tool will measure the voltage, current and rpm. When the electric car runs in get parameter value measurement of travel time, energy consumption, percentage of battery, torque, current, voltage and speed. The final measurement results will be obtained in the time taken, the distance running, the estimated distance running can still be reached, the total power consumption, average speed and percentage of battery. The measurement results are compared with precise measuring instruments to find out how much the measurement error value . The measurement parameters are displayed via 20x4 LCD. In this research resulted in the precision of the instrument with the highest difference 0.6 volts on the voltage sensor, 1.83 amps on the current sensor and 94 rpm at the speed sensor

    Development Of Mobile Based Application For Medical Service Reservation At PKU Muhammadiyah Kutoarjo

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    The main problem faced by the patient to get immediate medical services nowadays is that there are a lot of people queuing to get medical services at the same time, it means many time is wasted and their rest time is loss. Moreover, parking lots problem is dealt by the hospital management because of many patients stuck in the queue to get their medical service. These problems are about to be solved by the hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Kutoarjo with android based application. The main course from this research is to develop android-based application of medical service reservation with expectation that patients may come in the reserved time to get medical service immediately without being stuck in the queue and they could take their time to rest. On the other hand, patient’s vehicles would not be crowding the parking lots of the hospital. The development is conducted using a software engine for developing mobile based application and is supported by a database that capable to maintenance realtime data processing. Methode that is used to develope the software in this reaserch is waterfall model. This reseach has developed a mobile based application that gives ease for people to get medical service, the application also can be a way for the hospital to promote medical information to people to live a healthier life

    Web Based Application for Events Management on PT Pertamina (Persero) RU IV Cilacap

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    PT Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit IV Cilacap is a company that has various department, one of them is IT department. One of the work programs undertaken by the IT department is to record all existing events then manage and display them in the form of a event calendar dashboard to be associated to the needs of the tools to organize the event. In fact, the event data collection in PT Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit IV Cilacap still done manually, then in this thesis the author try create a web based application used to record the event data. The creation of this application can be expected to help the admin to record and manage the events easily in one application without having some paper to record the events and convert the conventional method to the modern method with the role of todays information technology. The method used in making this application is observation method by seeing the event held and interview to The IT Workstation employee. In addition, the program is created using MySQL database system and PHP programming language combined with other programming languages. The result of this application is event data collection with computerized system with the management of the allocation of tools and needs used in the event and the display of event calendar and event list for the next can be controlled

    Development of Electronic Parking System using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology in UMS Area

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    Currently, there are many identification using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, the application of this technology has helped many people to work. One application of RFID is an automatic parking system. It can be used for parking access in and out automatically which can help users to access in and out of parking at UMS. In UMS which is currently still using the parking system where each user manually out of the parking area, then the user will show as a vehicle registration validation, with such a way that would make any long queue again at rush hour. With this system, it is necessary to allow the solution to solve problems, such as the use of RFID technology. The author use Passive RFID, the maximum range with the RFID tag is about 5cm-10cm, communication speed 106Kbit/s, frequency 125 KHz, plug and play system, and support operating system windows 95/98/200/XP/windows 7/Linux and windows 8. The purpose of this research is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and security in UMS, because each user will be given a card and the card contains a user's data access in and out of parking to the parking area UMS. These studies used several methods such as direct interviews with park guards, reading literature and get a needs analysis helps researchers to make program management applications. The result of this study is a desktop application for a microcontroller and a web-based information system to access data and reports parking that can help users to see the data and can see the parking lot parking reports each month and can create a policy to build more parking space again and also allows users to access and out of the parking lot which is no longer automatically using registration for access in and out of parking, but parking UMS user is given a card containing a parking user data, and is no longer using the vehicle registration for access in and out

    Development Of Web Base Application For Medical Service Reservation At PKU Muhammadiyah Kutoarjo

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    Health institutions such as hospitals always try to make improvements for the patient so that they feel more comfortable. One of the ways is developing an online reservation for medical service. This modern era, when everything is already computerized, is one reason why the application is built the revolution from analog to digital service system is something that cannot be avoided. With this change, the patient will be gradually facilitated for accessing health services. Besides, the efficiency of time is also included in the objective of this application. As well patients, physicians, and hospital staff are also facilitated through this progress. Patients can easily and efficiently perform the reservation without having to wait for the long queue at the hospital. The method used in this research to design the system is Waterfall method. Begins by analyzing the requirements of the system and ends with the application testing. Initially to acquire the necessary information for the research by interview with the hospital staff. After the data has been collected began the process of developing the application. Once the system is completed, patients can use the reservation page to get the queue for reservation and consul page to get answers directly from doctors or medical experts. The results of this application development itself also can simplify the processing of information and data obtained to improve existing services and because the web-based application can be accessed anywhere through variety of devices by only accessing the internet

    Pengukuran Dan Analisis Distorsi Harmonik Pada Instalasi Pelanggan Berdasarkan Variasi Area Dengan Level Distorsi Harmonik Berbeda

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    The ideal electric power system normally provides power to consumers with a pure sinusoidal wave. Electrical power consumers are often located in areas with a network connected to the loads that produce harmonic distortion. Areas with non-linear loads may distort voltage and current such that the waveforms are distorted due to the presence of high frequency components. It is necessary to measure and analyze the level of harmonic distortion for a number of areas in order to obtain a relationship between the type and number of non-linear loads in that area to the level of harmonic distortion. The measurements were done using Power Quality Analyzer device in 10 areas with different distortion characteristics. The measurement results show the harmonic content of the voltage, current and individual harmonics (%) for every harmonic order. Based on the data obtained, data visualisation and analysis were carried out using Matlab R2012a to show the distorted waveforms. The results of measurement show that area of the normal house with area of the house near industry has different harmonic distortions, the highest THDv from PLN sources is 5,7% and the lowest 0,04%, while THDi at PLN sources in all areas shows 0%. At daytime loading the highest THDv and THDi are 0,105% and 12,6%, the lowest for THDv and THDi 0,005% and 2,3%. At the night loading the highest THDv and THDi are 0,109% and 7,5%, while THDv and THDi lowest is 0,007% and 1,3%

    Pengujian Unjuk Kerja dan Pengukuran Parameter Motor Induksi Satu Fasa

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    Utilization of an induction motor as the main driver requires an adjustment to the load so that the appropriate application and no interference. Therefore it was examined by means of testing without a load, with load testing and testing by means of rotor withheld (blocked) until the rotational speed of 0. In this test the input voltage is adjusted gradually from 75 V, 125 V, 175 V and 220 V. in the first test with the testing without a load voltage of 75 V to 220 V there is an increase of motor current, motor power and motor speed (rpm). At a voltage of 220 V without a load test, the obtained data is a maximum of 0.85 Ampere current, power 162 Watt, while the rotational speed 2940 rpm. While the influence of the rotational speed of the motor torque in the second test with the same input voltage starting voltage of 75 V, and 10 Watt light load motor speed 1591 rpm while the torque is 0,130 Nm. However, in determining motor torque, motor power can affect a large torque of the motor. For the maximum torque of the motor is approximately 0,529 Nm. Later testing by means of a rotor on hold until rpm 0 for 3 to 4 seconds to determine the maximum current and maximum power corresponding input voltage starting from 75 V up to a maximum voltage of 220 V

    Perancangan Sistem Aplikasi Mobile Sebagai Pusat Informasi Bagi Mahasantri K.H Mas Mansyur Berbasis Android

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    The very rapid development of science and technology makes information an important element in the development of the life today and certainly in foreseeable future. In an agency, the presentation of the quick and accurate information is urgently needed, as in the case in Islamic Boarding School K.H. Mas Mansur UMS. From the obtained information can be seen that there is a problem about the delivery of administrative and academic information from the boarding school to the students. Therefore, it requires an application that could provide solutions to this problem. The application that will be created in this is android-based application, because android is a complete platform started from the operating system, developer tools, applications market, mobile industry vendor support and the support of open system community. The design of android application using web service method begins with the stage of requirements analysis, data collection, and proceed with designing the application. The application that has been finished then tested to the students of Islamic Boarding School K.H. Mas Mansur UMS and obtained result that the application is very useful and facilitate the students in getting the relevant information related to the activity in the boarding school. Keywords: Android, Islamic Boarding School K.H. Mas Mansur, Information Syste